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  1. Someone in my family took the picture of that owl while it was sitting on my arm! :)
  2. Thank you!!!! We missed substituting fp for t after using the FOIL method. Thank you very much for your help!
  3. Hi. I am using Anita Harnadek's Algebra I Word Problems book from Critical Thinking Co. with my dd. We came across this problem last night, and I nor my husband could figure it out. It is as follows: A camera store owner makes a set profit on each roll of film she sells. Yesterday she sold a certain number of film. If she had sold 5 fewer but made 1c more on each, her profit on them would have been $2.80 less. If she had sold 10 more but made 1c les on each, her profit on them would have been $6.65 more. How many did she sell? What was the profit on each one? What was the total profit on them? The answer key lists the formulas and the final answers, but not how to get from the formulas to the final answers. f = the number of rolls of film sold yesterday; p = the profit ($) made on each roll of film sold yesterday; t = the total profit ($) made on the rolls of film sold yesterday; pf = t; (f-5)(p+.01)=t-2.80; (f+10)(p-.01)=t+6.65; p=.80, f =125, t=100. This problem is in a section labeled "Mixtures" with the heading" "Use Your Common Sense". :~ If any of you could help me out, I would be very appreciative! Thanks!
  4. Yes. My 13 yo read it this past summer. My 11 yo will read it this fall with MCT 's trilogy.
  5. And for the OP, I love volunteers! I have a volunteer palm tree that I transplanted and has grown quite large! Some volunteers won't produce anything, so they can be a nuisance, but if they aren't in the way, I let them grow. I used to compost quite a bit, so I sometimes I would get some strange things. We also have wild bird food out, so an occasional corn or wheat plant would start growing in our grass. Those get mowed over.
  6. In pots, the soil can get hotter than the outside air temp. Don't use dark colored pots and keep the bases out of direct sunlight. The plant needs the light, but the base doesn't. Beware of radiant heat, too. Water evenly, use mulch, and make sure your soil drains well. Don't use too much nitrogen or you will have a lovely green plant with lots of foliage, but no tomatoes. Also, your fruit won't set above 90 degrees. You also might have too low temps, so you might have to use a greenhouse. If your night temps are really low, your soil may be staying too cold. Optimum temps for fruit setting are 55-85. In any climate you still have to be concerned about direct sunlight on the pot overheating your roots. You can use a meat thermometer to check the soil. I live in a desert, so my temps are high. We are over 100 now, but I have many tomatos still ripening. Because it is very dusty and dry here, I "wash" my leaves once a week. (Do this in the morning, so they are dry by night.) My plants are shaded with solar shades, but they get plenty of reflected sun. I use diatomaceous earth to control pests. (I have to reapply it after leaves dry after washing.) Also plant your tomato plants deeply. Make sure your plants don't get root bound. If you are in an area with few bees, flick the flowers to pollinate them. (I also used to live in Alaska and had to use a greenhouse.) My mil grows beautiful tomatoes in South Carolina in a whiskey barrel filled with fresh Miracle Grow dirt. Most of the time the rain waters her plants. I am jealous! I hope something here helps. :)
  7. For tomatoes in pots.... stake your plants and make sure your roots are not getting too hot.
  8. Thanks for the replies. I am glad to hear that others have skipped one of BJU's 7-9 grade sciences in order to start Biology in 9th. I am probably sticking my younger dd. Because I have combined my dc in sciences, my younger dd will have to take an AP biology her 11th grade year to get the normal bio, chem, phy requirements for college unless she applies to a school that accepts high school level courses done in 8th grade on a transcript. Her math aligns properly with my proposed science sequence, so I don't have to worry about that. Thanks again.
  9. My dc are completing Apologia General Science now. I plan on using Apologia Physical Science next year. I want to move into biology next, and I have tentatively decided on BJU Biology. According to BJU, this is a 10th grade subject. Have any of you completed BJU Biology in 9th grade without having used BJU sciences prior to the biology course? Thanks!
  10. Yep, minus baking the dishes. I make a couple of casseroles, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes with cheeses, and a crisp. I prepare them all ahead of time. I can't eat turkey, so I don't make a dressing. We eat ham. I prepped everything last night. I will set the dishes out on the counter to bring them close to room temp and then bake them before I serve them. That allows me to be more relaxed by the time company gets here!
  11. I would like to use Around the World in 180 Days next year. My dds have completed all 4 levels of SOTW and are currently studying American History. I would like to move on to Omnibus, but I think I need to wait another year. I don't think my older dd could handle Omnibus right now. I am planning on her completing three levels of Omnibus in high school and taking an AP class online her senior year. Therefore, I will be using Around the World in 180 days with an 8th and a 6th grader next year. If I use Streams of Civilization vol 1 and 2, Uncle Josh Outline Maps, a World Book Encyclopedia set, and a Britannica Encyclopedia set, will I have enough to consider this an adequate history/geography class? We would also read some of the books of interest and read about the other people mentioned in each section. Do any of you have any other suggestions? Thanks!
  12. Hobby lobby has some cool metal work.
  13. His canned food comes in 5.5 ounces. He has not eaten even half of one in a 24 hour period. He weighs 16 pounds, is a little overweight, but he is a Manx. I don't think he is eating much of the dry food, but he has taken a few bites. He gets treats after each time I check his glucose. I fed him salmon today, which was one of his favorites, but he isn't eating it. I am beginning to think something is wrong, but I can't get him to the vet until Monday. Unfortunately due to a battery issue, I am currently stranded. :( Also, when I say that he is 10, I am making an assumption. He was a rescue cat. His brother died suddenly two years ago. Our cat may be much older.
  14. Several years ago, a fellow that worked with my dad was struck by lightning through the phone he was using to call a report in to their company. He died. I agree - no phones (except cell and even with those maybe not), no showers/baths, no pools. I am even weary of washing my hands during a storm. I once received a mild shock by holding an umbrella in a storm.
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