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How many times have you been pulled over...

How many times in the past year have you been pulled over for a traffic violation?  

  1. 1. How many times in the past year have you been pulled over for a traffic violation?

    • 1-2
    • 3-4
    • 5+
    • This is about average for me.
    • This is NOT typical for me.
    • I've never been pulled over.
    • I fell off the turnip truck just yesterday.
    • Other.

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How often have you been pulled over for a traffic violation in the past year and is this typical for you? (Multiples answers allowed)


OK, I see I left out the choice for "zero" times in the past year, but have been pulled over before that. Sorry 'bout that.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Last week I pulled out of a parking lot and had blue lights flashing behind me - I was totally dumb-founded as to why....I'd forgotten to put my seat belt on, so I was stopped for not wearing my seat belt ($10). It's been at least ten years since I was pulled over for anything, so it's not "typical" for me.

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I was pulled over for having a headlight out a couple times earlier in the year, back when we could barely pay our rent and definitely couldn't afford car repairs. That wasn't typical, though. Before that I'd never been pulled over in my life. The first time it happened, I nearly hyperventilated.


I've never been pulled over for actively doing something wrong, like speeding or driving recklessly or something.

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I did get pulled over once this year (for allegedly speeding), but this is not normal for me. I had gone years without any such trouble. Ever since I found out that it's cheaper to "drive 55," LOL.


Over my lifetime, at least half of my violations have occurred after I exited the freeway into an area with no traffic (for example, a retail area at 2am). After going so fast on the freeway, it feels like the "speed limit" is a crawling pace, especially with no other cars around. I had been really good about it for a long time, though.

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Last week I pulled out of a parking lot and had blue lights flashing behind me - I was totally dumb-founded as to why....I'd forgotten to put my seat belt on, so I was stopped for not wearing my seat belt ($10). It's been at least ten years since I was pulled over for anything, so it's not "typical" for me.

$10! Wow. It is over a hundred here.

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I think I have been pulled over 3 or so times in my life. I remember the first time clearly- It was 2 days after I got my license. I was always told to go with the speed of traffic because if I am going slower if could be a hazard. I did that and was the last vehicle in the line (because I was still getting passed) and got pulled over and ticketed for going 6 mph over.



The other time I remember dd was about to vomit and I had to get to a safe place to pull over. Got a ticket then- even with dd vomiting out the other side of the car :glare:


Gotta love Michigan cops.



ETA: I didn't vote because I have not been pulled over to ticketed in atleast 5 years. I don't know when the last time was but it was a while before we moved to WY and we have been here for 4 years now.

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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I am 43 and I have been pulled over three times in my life. Out of those 3 times, I have only gotten 1 ticket. I have friends that get tickets at least once or twice a month. =O I couldn't imagine having to pay the cost of those tickets!!

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I'm wondering because as of last night, it's been 3 times for me this year. No tickets given. #1 Was driving dh's car and he hadn't renewed his registration #2 claimed I made a rolling stop (which I didn't) #3 was for speeding, which was true - I was on a highway late at night and didn't see the sign that reduced the speed limit by 15mph.


I've had a fairly stellar driving record for the previous 26 years. Just wondering if I'm getting lax in my old age or what. :D


The first two had me in tears and feeling sick. Last night I was so exhausted I just didn't even care. The officer was awfully nice though - saw the sleeping kids in the van and started whispering that he'd just go run my license quietly and be done in a jiffy and please just slow it down a little.

Edited by Susan in TN
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I was pulled over twice.


One time was at 5 am, on my way to taking ds to church for a youth trip. The officer claimed I hadn't stopped at the line. I HAD, but if you stop there, you can't see the traffic, so I stopped at the line, then pulled forward a little. I live in a small town, so I'm sure he just wanted something to do that morning. Of course everyone who was dropping their kids off at church got to see me sitting there with the lights going on behind me. :glare:


I was also pulled over a couple of weeks ago, about 10:15 at night. I was followed for about 12 blocks, and finally pulled over in front of the police station. When the officer walked up, I asked what I was pulled over for, as I am a very careful driver. He told me that he had reason to believe I was intoxicated. He said I had been almost on the sidewalk all the way down the road. Not sure how, as there were cars parked all along the street that I would have had to be hitting. I told him that would be quite a feat, considering I hadn't had an alcoholic drink for almost 15 years. Dd was with me, and pipes up with, "My mom isn't intoxicated...she doesn't even drink. Besides, she has been at work sitting with an 86 year old lady all night."


He ended up looking at my ID and registration, asked why the car wasn't registered to me, (it's registered to dh), and let me go. Again...small town...nothing better to do apparently. The second one still has me irritated when I think about it.


Yeah, that would be irritating me, too!

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Other. I have been pulled over zero times in the past year. I think it's been about 6 or 7 years since I've been pulled over. I have been pulled over a total of...maybe 12 times in my life? Several of those were when I was 16-18 and the cops thought I looked too young to be driving. A couple were after crossing borders in Europe, there are a lot of random stops of American cars.


I've had 2 speeding tickets. One in Leavenworth, KS for going 52 in a 50. The other was in Nowhereville, SC in a 2 am speed-trap while driving cross country (that was the most recent).

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I have only been pulled over 3 times in the 24 years I've been driving. Twice in Colorado, while visiting my brother who lives there. :glare: The last time was in April. I couldn't figure out the headlights on my rental car. Thought they were on. They weren't. The other time in CO, I was speeding, but I blame that entirely on the insane speed limits on the southbound highway (is it Rt 75?) It had dropped down to a mere 60mph, but I was still going 70.


I have never been ticketed in person, but I've gotten two red-light citations in the mail. :glare: I swear they rig them in a certain part of this state so the light changes from yellow to red faster than anticipated. Dh has also gotten citations twice from that same light, and his employee did also.

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None in the past year, only once last March. We could not get DH's car to pass inspection because the check engine light wouldn't stay off. The shop had us take it home, drive it around, and bring it back if it didn't click off again. Well, on the way back to the shop to try again to see what was wrong, I got pulled over for expired plates. Expired because we'd spent two months trying to pass inspection! They did finally figure it out, and the ticket ended up only being $30, most of that going to a battered women's shelter, according to the receipt. :confused:

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I got pulled over a little over a year ago. It wasn't for anything I did. They said my tag was expired. Uummmm, really? When I said it wasn't, they asked if maybe I had just purchased the vehicle. No.


It wasn't expired, and we had owned it for over five years. My sticker was current. Once they ran the tag, they realized. It was very odd though. We thought maybe they were looking for someone or a vehicle similar to ours and pulled us over to check us out.


Other than that, the only tickets I've had were almost thirty years ago. One was for going 30mph in a 20mph zone. It just happened to be in front of the police station. :001_huh: And the other for failing to yield at a stop sign. It was midnight with no cars anywhere, and I didn't come to a complete stop. Dumb on my part, but I knew the street was deserted so didn't take the extra time I should have to look.

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None in the past year.


A few years ago I was pulled over for running a red light. It was a turn arrow, and I still think it was yellow. But the policeman was just doing his job, and I shouldn't have turned. But it had been one of those days, and I just wanted to get home, and it was a long light.


Before that, I was pulled over a handful of times for speeding when I was 20 and below. All except for one time I was able to get just a warning.

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I voted wrong. I said 3/4 but that's for my whole life (I'm 52). I never actually gotten a ticket though. Twice I was about 9 months pregnant and both times the officer took one look at my belly and said, "Nevermind." The last time was last year on my way to church (!!!!) - I had gained a bit of speed going down a hill. He just gave me a warning, though.

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I got pulled over once (many years ago) for not having my sticker on my license plate. I had the sticker, just had not had a chance to put it on as (a) they had lost it in the mail and I'd had to reorder it, and (b) once I finally got it, I went on a trip out of the country for 3 weeks, and then it was nasty winter when I got back (I didn't have covered parking). So by the time I got pulled over it was months overdue. Cop said I should tell my sob story to the judge.


Normally I would have just paid the fine, but this really ticked me off, so I took off work to go to traffic court. I brought the copy of the cancelled check, etc., etc., proving that I had actually paid for the sticker months early but received it over a month late. So he was gonna be real nice and "only" charge me court costs. The stenographer put in her two cents worth, and I got off "scot free." Except for the aggravation, of course.


Oh, I should note that the cop told me the only reason he pulled me over was because my car looked like another car that had been reported stolen. It was a very popular car at that time. I love the way cops assume people have all the time in the world to be pulled over because their car might look like another car.

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Only once... no ticket, just a verbal warning.


My youngest (who was just 13 months at the time) had just been released from our local children's hospital, after being dx with type-1 diabetes and spending two days in the ICU. She was with my husband in his car, and I was following in mine, balling my eyes out trying to come to grips with it all.


I was doing ~50 in a 35. :blink: The two officers saw how upset I was, and knew from my license that I only lived a short bit further down the road. They were really nice, letting me go with a "breath & she'll be fine. They didn't have to be so understanding, and I'll never forget it.

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I couldn't figure out how to vote.I haven't been pulled over in the last year, so I can't click "1-2," but I have been pulled over in my lifetime.In the last five years, I've had two accidents (one of which was my fault) and gotten one speeding ticket. Prior to that, I can't remember the last time I was pulled over or ticketed for anything.

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I've been pulled over 6 times total, and I've never received a ticket.:tongue_smilie: About 3 or 4 of those times, I did deserve one. I guess I just have one of those faces that police officers take pity on. One time, the officer saw my last name, which was also his last name, and it turned out we had a common ancestor 5 generations back! I guess he thought he'd take pity on a distant cousin.

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Twice in the last year. I was not given a ticket either time.


The first time was for driving 38 in a 30. I thought the speed limit was 40. Let go with just a verbal warning, it was the middle of the night and I really think they were just patrolling for drunk drivers.


A couple months ago I was pulled over because my license plate tags were expired by one day. The officer just wanted to make sure I was aware (I wasn't.) Again, I was totally sent on my way without anything other than a reminder to put the new sticker on my plate.

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Once and the police officer got in trouble for it too. He picked the wrong person to use to cover his tracks. I knew him. When I went past, he was just getting into his car (I was doing five under the speed limit) which was parked AT HIS BROTHER IN LAW'S HOUSE! He was there visiting while on duty. My guess is he needed to make a traffic stop because he'd been away from his car and needed to cover his tracks. His brother-in-law bragged about it at church the following day (he was showing off his new hunting rifle). I videotaped where the incident took place (a 45 mile per hour speed zone and I was doing 40...was written up for doing 40 in a 35), the speed sign, and the bil's driveway. I took it all to the magistrate along with a signed affadavit from another individual at church who spoken directly with the bil while he was laughing that I was pulled over to cover his relative's tracks.


Oops, oops, oops, Mr. officer showed up to defend the ticket and instead ended up with the magistrate calling his boss. He got a week's suspension without pay. The ticket was of course thrown out.


Now, dh got pulled over and ticketed once as well. But, he was being totally LEAD FOOTED and deserved it. We paid that without the slightest hint of protest.


That's it for both of us.


My brother, he's a case, usually racks up enough points in one year that he has to behave himself in the extreme for the next year while he waits for points to expire on his license. He pays a ridiculous insurance rate. I don't know why he refuses to control himself. :confused:



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I voted other because I've not been pulled over in a year. I was a passenger Friday night when our friend got pulled over.:tongue_smilie: He was fiddling with his phone (for music) and weaving....it was pretty scary....policeman had him get out and do a brief field test. Wow! I've NEVER had that happen. Policeman was so nice though....said have a nice day, and oh btw, 'buckle up!' That is when I realized dh and friend neither one were buckled! I was though. :D

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