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How Fancy Is Your Thanksgiving Dinner?

How fancy is your Thanksgiving dinner?  

  1. 1. How fancy is your Thanksgiving dinner?

    • We eat off the floor.
    • We use paper plates.
    • We use regular plates.
    • We use company plates.
    • We use company plates and crystal.
    • Other?

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Depends on the year. Last year, china and crystal. This year, I pulled out the silver and china that needs polishing, looked at my full schedule, thought about my crazy relatives, and decided to get paper plates instead.


(I almost talked myself into watching lots of Doctor Who while spending an afternoon polishing the good stuff, but a full service for 30 people is a lot of work. I'll pull out the good stuff for my own immediate family at Christmas.)

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If its just us, we use regular plates. If we have company, we use the company plates, crystal, silver... And the dining room table instead of lying around in the living room in our jammies. ;)



This year it's two diningroom tables put together, all of the china and silverware, and we're breaking out the crystal.

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We have two or three Thanksgiving meals each year. (Each side of the family has their own traditions and we are just going with it for now.)


One is company plates, one is regular plates some years and other years plastic plates, and the third group is paper plates always.


Oddly though, I do not dress up more for one than another and the paper plate crowd is usually a more stressful event than the company plate one. Go fig.

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I voted "we use company plates," but that isn't quite right. Doh.


I don't have company plates versus family plates. :-) However, a few years ago I bought some inexpensive, fall/harvest-y-looking dishes at Garden Ridge (aka Garbage Ridge :lol: ), which I take out on the first day of Fall and use until Christmas. I also have Fall cloth napkins (I only use cloth napkins). I also use my silverplate instead of stainless steel forks/knives/whatnot.


On Thanksgiving, when I'm able to sucker in more people (otherwise it's just Mr. Ellie and me..boohoo) I use an orange tablecloth (actually, a cotton blanket) which drapes down to the floor ('cuz it's a blanket, you know, so it's huge), and my Fall dishes, and Fall napkins, and various and assorted Thanksgiving/Pilgrim/pumpkin thingies.


In the past I've served us all sitting down at the table. But one of the families who often shares Thanksgiving or Christmas with us just isn't into fancy-schmancy, so this year it will be a buffet, with all the food in the kitchen, filling plates in there, taking them into the dining room...which will still have the blanket disguised as a tablecloth, and it will still be the Fall dishes and cloth napkins (even though that family probably won't remember to use them :D).


Part of the celebration should be that we use our best china (or whatever) and table settings and everything. :)

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I was very tempted to say both paper plates & we eat off the floor, because you are likely to see people with paper plates sitting on the floor! :lol: On my side of the family, there are so many of us slammed into such a small space that you sit where (and if!) you can. I'm almost 40 and have yet to graduate to the "adult" table.


My in-laws are much more dignified -- everyone at least gets a chair! -- but we still eat off disposable plates. :001_smile:


:D Move your feet, loose your seat!


That other thread about inviting extra guests brought back fond memories. My mom is the oldest of 7, so holidays at grandmas were always very crowded. The adults didn't have a table. You sat where you could. The young kids sat on the floor around a shortened card table. You graduated from the kids table when there were littles shorter than you who needed your spot. Everyone brought something and there was always enough food no matter how many add ons we had. It felt very strange, as a newlywed, to sit with Dh's family around the table with real dishes.

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We use china, crystal, and cloth linens. We have our own little family Thanksgiving every year and it's one of the only times we do a "fancy" dinner with the little children. They love it and are always on their best behavior when the china is out.


*Except the baby. He will be eating from a regular plate with a sippy cup. I'm not completely crazy.

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I don't have china (yet) but I do have three sets of dishes (service for either 4 or 12 depending).


My fancy stoneware is white. When we first got married it was for special occasions. Then it became every day. Now it is back to being special occasion.


My current everyday is my Fiestaware. I have a rainbow of colors for 12. Considering the holiday and the colors of the season, I'm considering leaving the Pfaltzgraff in the box.

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I had to vote 'other.' It depends on who is coming over. If it's just my family of four or if my mom is visiting, we pull out the good stuff - the 100-year-old china and the crystal. If I'm hosting DH's family, though, it's paper plates and Dixie cups for all. There are too many to fit into my dining room and I don't have that many plates anyway!

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I don't have china (yet) but I do have three sets of dishes (service for either 4 or 12 depending).


My fancy stoneware is white. When we first got married it was for special occasions. Then it became every day. Now it is back to being special occasion.


My current everyday is my Fiestaware. I have a rainbow of colors for 12. Considering the holiday and the colors of the season, I'm considering leaving the Pfaltzgraff in the box.


I have Filigree! That was our wedding stonewear, too. And, then I got Heritage and someone gave me more pieces. I used to use all white and just mishmash the patterns together because no matter how much I had of one, it never seemed to be enough. :001_smile:

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I went with regular, but all my Mom's regular plates are company plates. When she bought her current house she decided that there was no need for 2 sets of china so she just bought sturdy, nice, good looking plates and glasses that can be used for every day use and for big guest events.

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I put down company plates and crystal. By that, I mean our china set and our crystal glasses. We usually only have at most one guest for Thanksgiving. That means we have between 4 and 6 people for the meal and our china set is for 8 so we have no issues with place settings.


We like our china and our crystal glasses so why not? It helps me since no one wants me to wash them anyway.:lol:(I have arthritis in my hands and also am on blood thinners so the combination definitely keeps me from handling easily breakable objects).

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I make the table look pretty with a centerpiece, cloth napkins and full settings and so forth, but we don't own fancy china or anything, so that's out. In fact, nothing we owns matches. Sort of on purpose. Really, a 0.30 spoon from the Value Village is much cheaper anyway and then if you can't find it later, then no big... just get another one. I think it looks kind of bohemian chic to have all the plates sort of go, but not really and all the silverware to be funkily mismatched.

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I don't own any china or crystal, so its every day dishes here.


I don't know where I'd put more dishes in our current place, anyways. :lol:


We don't have family that we have regular contact with, at least in the area, so we don't host anyone but ourselves, and occasionally, a neighbour, so it really not a big deal.


Part of me misses the whole family gathering shebang, part of me is glad I'm not expected to host 20 ppl...part of me would like to host a family gig.


I have a lot of parts, apparently :lol:

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We don't have company plates. We have Christmas dishes that we use in December.


Thanksgiving. We eat in the dining room, and that's something we only do for company or holidays. This year, we might use paper plates, because we'll have ten for dinner. But they'll be Chinet or something otherwise heavy duty.:lol: I'm sure dh will pull out the crystal wine and water goblets, because if we don't use them for holidays, then we would never use them at all . . .

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We do not host any guests for Thanksgiving dinner. It's just the four of us.


We don't have "company plates," but we use our "good china" (which has the Star Trek insignia on it: http://www.amazon.com/Pfaltzgraff-Star-Trek-Undiscovered-Country/dp/B000M23AU8 ) and a nice tablecloth and napkins. We use the cutesy utensils that go well with the the plates but have to be washed by hand (that we can't be bothered to use the rest of the year). We light candles and turn off most of the lights in the house.


We do more or less the same thing for dinner on Christmas day, except that the menu is different.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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We go out for Thanksgiving. I tried to do it one time at home, and it was an epic fail. Well, not completely. I just don't think my bird was completely thawed so it took waaaaay longer to cook, and everything else was finished, etc. Thank goodness for wine!


We never have more than five people, so it is easier to go out. Where we go is "fancy."

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We take turns hosting with my mom and dad. It's just the 4 of us, them, and my brother. Sometimes my BIL will join us. We use the everyday stuff, but sometimes bring out nicer glasses for wine. Mom and I both put out a nice table cloth and centerpiece. It ends there. We're all interested in the food!

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