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Do your younger kids get a lot of hand-me-downs?

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How do they feel about it? How do you help them deal with getting mostly hand-me-downs for things? Sylvia is getting so mad that Becca gets new shoes and she doesn't, Becca gets new clothes and she doesn't... there's only 2 years between them and they're only one shoe size apart. I buy good quality clothes and take great care of them, so everything is practically new and nice. I just don't know what to do. We can't buy two new wardrobes every season. Of course I don't want Sylvia to feel like a second-class citizen either.

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I hand down. Many of the older sisters clothes are bought second hand though and I do buy a few new things for little sister. My kids are too young to care. Will she feel better about it if you explain the situation to her and let her pick out a few new things now and then?

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In our house, almost all of the new clothes come as Christmas and birthday presents from grandparents. Except for those clothes, nearly everything else is passed down from friends, relatives, or bought at the thrift store by grandparents. Even the oldest doesn't get much new. We may buy one or two outfits if we need something we don't have, like black pants or plain long sleeve shirts.


We don't buy good quality clothes (target and old navy here) so it wouldn't a big deal to add one or two little things from the sale rack. It hasn't come up as a problem here yet though.

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Even my older kids wear other kids' hand-me-downs. So it's all good. If it seriously bothers your younger girl you might consider shopping at more inexpensive places. Your younger girl might never remember or appreciate they she had high quality name-brand clothes, just that they previously belonged to her sister.

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My girls are only two years apart as well so I hand down a bit. As my dds have grown they've developed very different styles though and I'm handing down less and less. Dd does better when she gets to go through the clothes and pick which ones she's comfortable with and then we purchase the rest new for her. Can you try selling the clothes/shoes she doesn't like at a consignment store to purchase a few new things for younger dd?

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Hand-me-downs, hand-me-ups, hand-me-overs.....


My older three are barely two years apart and when they were little, they wore pretty much the same clothes - except DD got dresses from Grandma. DS15 and DS20 wear the same sizes and swap clothes back and forth when DS20 is home from college.


We put away most of DD17's dresses from Grandma and now DD10 is wearing them.


Big fans of clothes recycling here!

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It's almost all hand me downs at our house, either from older to younger or outside friends and family. My kids don't complain about clothes, but when they complain about other things they wish we could have we just explain that we have limited finances, and that we need to be thankful that we are all safe and warm and well fed, since many people in the world are not. We really stress gratitude in our house, and showing thanks for what you do have instead of worrying about what you don't. I'm not saying my kids are perfect, but we really strive to make sure our kids are appreciative and not materialistic, it's one of my main goals as a parent.


I do let my kids pick out one or two new outfits a year, nothing expensive, we usually shop at The Children's Place with coupons at the end of season clearance, or Target. They also get new sweaters for Christmas, and they get to pick out a dressy outfit for Easter every spring. This might help your daughter, if she got to pick a few outfits herself througout the year. That way you aren't buying a whole wardrobe, but your daughter will have a few new things of her own.



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My younger kids don't seem to care. My dd was thrilled when a friend dropped off a bag of hand-me-down clothes. They were all new to her!


:iagree: No issues here at all. Although they do get an awful lot of new clothes as well from grandparents/aunts/cousins, etc but for some odd reason, the hand-me-downs seem to have some kind of magic? They love it!

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My girls are only two years apart as well so I hand down a bit. As my dds have grown they've developed very different styles though and I'm handing down less and less. Dd does better when she gets to go through the clothes and pick which ones she's comfortable with and then we purchase the rest new for her. Can you try selling the clothes/shoes she doesn't like at a consignment store to purchase a few new things for younger dd?


This is a great idea. It's probably not so much that the clothes aren't new, but that her sister always gets new and she always gets used. Another thing you could incorporate is buying some pre-owned items for the older daughter from thrifting, ebaying, or consignment shops. She probably feels like she is the only person who has to sacrifice.

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Yes, and they don't complain because it's always been that way. They even get excited to finally get the dress that older sister had. For birthdays and Christmas though, they would get something new, all their own. And of course things changed as my #3 daughter passed up #2 daughter quite early on, and #4 daughter was so tiny and slender she rarely fit into anything well. Now that they are older, they just trade around within the family when they get tired of something. :)

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I haven't read all the responses, but what about taking her out to the local thrift shop or consignment shop? Get her a few "new" things that are JUST hers. Or, even take her to Target and buy a few things. They're cheap (and the quality isn't good either!), but maybe it'd help her feel special. OR, what about having her help pick things out for her big sister knowing she'll get to wear it in a year?


My oldest really doesn't care much about styles. So, my second oldest goes shopping with us because he does care and he knows he'll be getting those clothes in a year! :lol: So, they both end up looking very nice.


Honestly, not much gets passed down to the third boy. Shirts maybe. Pants? NEVER.


Shoes are no longer good after one child, so we all get new now.

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I agree with buying younger dd a few new items and making up for it with a few thrift store/hand me down items for your older dd so she doesn't feel like she gets nothing new.


Our default for clothing is hand me downs from other people, then the thrift store and only VERY VERY rarely a "real" store.


I even just got 2 boxes and a bag of stuff from a friend of mine for me to look through. Even if I only pick out a few pieces, it still saves me money.


When the kids were younger we got tons of hand me downs and I would have rubbermaid totes in the loft after sorted by gender and size and my kids would love to go "shopping" in there to find new stuff.


It was likely easier here though as none of the kids got many new clothes so used was the default shopping mode here.

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My younger dd doesn't mind hand me downs. In fact, she is very excited about certain items of clothing. :D She used to get hand me downs from her big sisters friends, and she especially treasured those! She also loves to shop, so I do let her have some new clothes. A $5 t shirt from Target makes her day!

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It has never bothered my children. Usually everyone gets something new as needed - for holidays or just because it is needed or wanted. If the hand-me-down is nice, typically they are thrilled.


Back when I did more yard sales and such, I would find them like-new clothes and things. They always treated yard sale day as they would Christmas. To them finding something wonderful and new-looking at a yard sale or thrift store (a couple of the children are really into vintage-type clothing and accessories right now) that doesn't cost the same as new is similar to treasure-hunting.


My 24 year-old daughter use to find it funny that a couple of her friends (public school students at the time) were so hung-up on labels and only wearing new items. She would say it was such a waste and rather ridiculous. To each his own. While I give them new items throughout the year, they treat the nice used items just the same..hand-me-downs or other.

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I actively watch out for, and ask for, bags of hand me downs. My kids had thrift/hand me downs exclusively when they were young. Then I laughed to myself that they never asked "where did you buy this?". They would ask "where did this come from?". I would shop a bit more inexpensively for your first, so 2nd can have a few new things too. Also let 2nd see that you also take hand me downs (and if you don't, then you could start thrifting, or asking sister/mom/friend for stuff they are through with). My husband and I both wear thrift and hand me downs, so my kids see whole family doing it. We have a teenage only child across street who likes clothes and has a lot. His cast offs come here, and it outfits both my husband and son. THey thing it's great. Many of my thrift finds are expensive brands and look new.

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My two youngest kiddos are boys that are 18 months apart, and the younger does get jeans as hand me downs and some shirts, but I try to buy a few new shirts for the younger that are more to his taste. I buy cheaper shoes so they each get new shoes too. They have different types of feet, so I thnk sharing shoes might mess up their feet anyway. My little one would likely get blisters, because his feet are smaller and more narrow, so the shoes would rub him after his large footed brother was done lol.


Can you buy cheaper clothing so they each get some of their own clothes? We shop clearance at Gymboree and get shirts for less than five dollars a piece. Obviously that would be harder if you buy Hannah, MJ, or JJ, but even just a few of her own shirts and shoes might help her not be so angry.

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Even my older kids wear other kids' hand-me-downs. So it's all good. If it seriously bothers your younger girl you might consider shopping at more inexpensive places. Your younger girl might never remember or appreciate they she had high quality name-brand clothes, just that they previously belonged to her sister.




When my first was born, everyone and their uncle gifted us with their hand me downs. Enough to last the first 5 years. I occasionally by something new for all of them but generally if we need something we buy used. It's an reduce, reuse and recycle thing for us so the kids aren't bothered by it.

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We have almost everything here as hand me downs even for the older. She loves to get clothes from her best friend who is a year older.


We get better clothes as hand me downs than I can generally afford so it works out well.


I do try and buy a couple of pieces of clothes each season so that they both have something NWT, although both love to go looking with me through the thrift shop, too.

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My younger kids always had hand me downs until the last year or so. My oldest is a boy and he's 3 years older than dd and 7 years older than younger ds. My mom would buy dd dresses and girly stuff when she was 1-2, but dd wanted anything of her brother's at that time. As she got older she got hand me downs from her brother and girl cousins and girl neighbors. She was quite overloaded with clothing. She never complained about it being used. She always had fun digging through the bags people gave us. If something specific was needed new we purchased at a discount store.


Now, that she is in her teens dd is getting interested in fashion. She does have her own business (pet sitting) and saves money to buy shoes (she loves shoes) and accessories. She will also get clothing and accessories as birthday and Christmas gifts.


Recently, dh decided that younger ds needed to always wear new clothing. Younger ds has an obvious disability. Dh is adament younger not look "poor" too. He won't let younger ds leave the house in anything that is a little frayed or faded. Dh shops for younger ds's clothing. He goes to places like Kohl's and Target, but we have also gotten stuff from LLBean and Hannah Andersson. Younger ds is the best dressed member of this family.


Winter outer wear has always been handed down. At one time dd asked why she always wore ds's old coat, usually a black/dark green winter coat. Ds got to pick and if I bought pink or purple it couldn't go to younger ds. Winter coats have always been purchased new from LLBean. Oldest ds will not get another coat (he's due to go to college next year and is his full adult size). He has been told I have purchased the last coat I will buy for him. Dd will likely need a new coat in a year or two and it will be the first and last coat I plan to buy for her. Younger ds does wear hand me down coats. Other outer (snow pants, snow boots) was second hand or hand me down for everyone including oldest. We don't need these items consistently through the winter and some winters not at all.

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In our house, being the oldest comes with extra responsibilities but also some perks, like getting new clothes rather than hand-me-downs.


I think it's a sign of the prevalence of entitlement attitudes in our society that people buy new clothes for younger children rather than using hand-me-downs. The younger kid doesn't like wearing hand-me-downs? :nopity:Talk to somebody who is ACTUALLY deprived, like the poor kids in the developing world who are stuck wearing rags...

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In our house, being the oldest comes with extra responsibilities but also some perks, like getting new clothes rather than hand-me-downs.


I think it's a sign of the prevalence of entitlement attitudes in our society that people buy new clothes for younger children rather than using hand-me-downs. The younger kid doesn't like wearing hand-me-downs? :nopity:Talk to somebody who is ACTUALLY deprived, like the poor kids in the developing world who are stuck wearing rags...



Yeah, I tried pointing out that some kids don't even HAVE shoes... *sigh*

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I have two daughters and my younger daughter does get some hand-me-downs from her older sister, but not a lot. She picks out things that she really likes, and I save those things for her. Other than that, she gets new things. She is my little fashionista so that works for her. She really likes having a few things that were her sister's too, and she is always telling me that she can't wait until she can wear my clothes one day too. :001_rolleyes:


I would keep a lot more of her sister's clothing for her, but I give them to a friend who needs them a lot more than we do. She used to comment about how she liked my daughter's clothing several years ago, so I started giving it to her once the season was over. I feel blessed that we are able to do this financially and it makes my friend and her daughter so happy.

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We wear hand-me-downs here. All of my kids have gotten most of their clothes either given to them from friends/relatives or a thrift store or garage sale. Only a few things are purchased brand new. Most of MY clothing comes from consignment stores or thrift stores.


As others have suggested, I would try to spread out the new clothing purchases. We might roll our eyes and think "Who cares?!" but it obviously bothers your younger dd. Take them shopping at children's consignment stores instead of buying brand new. Let your younger dd pick out what she likes out of her sister's wardrobe and then donate what she won't wear. Or get credit at a consignment store with the clothes and then use that money to buy her "new" clothes.

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I have five dds. Of course the younger ones get hand-me-downs! :) I do buy a few new pieces as needed to replace things that are worn out or the wrong season. My mom tends to give clothes at birthdays, so they get at least se new things each year.


My oldest two are less than two years apart and have completely opposite tastes in clothing. My oldest is a tomboy who hates dresses and skirts while my second dd is super girly and loves them. My oldest is very hard on her clothes, so I end up having to get a lot of new items for dd2. She keeps her clothes in great shape and they get passed down the line. When I buy for her, I buy dresses and skirts.

Edited by Veritaserum
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I would certainly buy new things for her occasionally, unless it's financially impossible. But my girls are also 2 years apart, and the youngest most definitely gets hand-me-downs. It's getting less common now - they've always had different coloring, and now that they're older, they have different body types to contend with, too, so lots of stuff doesn't "work" anymore.


As others have said, my oldest also gets hand-me-downs. Honestly, some of their clothes have been worn by NUMEROUS kids, lol. If your oldest doesn't, and your youngest NEVER gets new clothes, then that's harder to take, I imagine. If your oldest does get exclusively new clothes, and your youngest exclusively used clothes, I would intentionally mix that up a bit.


If no one offers hand-me-downs for the oldest, make a point of always buying her a few things from the thrift store. Buy the youngest a few token new items. Keep your eye on the clearance racks - I used to get kid shirts for $2.24 all. the. time! at Target. Don't worry if it doesn't meet your usual standards; the clothes only have to last for one kid (altho' plenty of my Target items have gone through 2 or 3 kids).


If she already gets a few new items each year, I'd tell her to live with it, particularly at 6. Point out that saving on clothes means you have money for other fun things. Maybe give her small cash gifts for birthday/Christmas, and remind her she can always spend it on clothes!

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My kids don't care. I don't like to shop, so Gramma buys all the clothes. Either from thrift stores, second hand shops, garage sales... I don't even know where. Gramma loves shopping for bargains. She knows what size my kids wear, and what type of clothes they like.


I would not get hand me down shoes for my kids. They each have a very high quality of running shoes. They run alot, as in cross country running.


Everything else, I'm not sure where it comes from, and I don't think they know either.


Last winter we were at a free sale. My eldest needed new winter boots. The place had a pair in his size, but they were girl boots, meaning they had pink on them. He said he would rather wear them then have to go to a (gasp) store later and pick out another pair.

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Well, we have this dilemma.


Child 1 wears regular size

Child 2 wears husky

Child 3 wears regular in some and husky in some


However, this is our solution:


NONE of them gets new clothing! :lol: Thrift stores and yard sales here.

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If my kids didn't wear hand me downs they'd be naked... lol. Some of my girls have never had anything but hand me downs. I don't know if I've done a good job explaining things and laying down the law, or if they just happen to be ok with it. I will say, though, that clothes rarely last more than 2 kids. We only have a few items that survive into the third child without looking ragged. I just explain straight out that we can't buy each girl their own clothes and that they have to make do with what we have. I throw things away once they get irreparably ripped or badly stained.

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While I understand the reaction of some people that she should just deal with it, that some kids are really deprived and she isn't; I think it is very important to make her feel special. There have been some good solutions mentioned by other posters- but I'd really talk to her and find out exactly what the issue is. It might not be that the clothing is used, but that she didn't get to pick it out. I'd hit up some consignment stores, thrift stores and garage sales for BOTH girls to bring the cost down. Or sell the older dd's stuff to purchase younger dd's stuff. I doubt the issue is really that she doesn't want to wear used, I think there's something else to it.

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My kids wear lots of hand-me-downs, even the oldest. I wore my sister's hand-me-downs, too. I think hand-me-downs are fine but it isn't fair for the oldest to get all new and the younger all used. Necessary, maybe, but not fair. I would buy one or two items for the second each year or season if you can afford it. If it is understood that clothes will be passed down, I would also let the second child pick out some of *their clothes (assuming the older one is doing the choosing now).

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I don't think its about entitlement at all. My dds rarely ask for anything and are appreciative of anything they receive (which is usually just at birthdays and Christmas).


I don't like the idea that older dd gets to pick out and try on the clothes she wears for a season but younger dd must just suck it up. Older (and myself) will try several jeans/shirts on and decide they're not comfortable or don't fit right before we find the things we do like/want. I don't know why I would just expect younger dd to take what's given regardless of how it fits/feels. She wears a lot of big sis's things but she also gets to say that some things she doesn't like/want and purchase something else. Obviously if we couldn't afford it she would have to make do but I don't feel like I should force it just out of principle.

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While I understand the reaction of some people that she should just deal with it' date=' that some kids are really deprived and she isn't; I think it is very important to make her feel special. There have been some good solutions mentioned by other posters- but I'd really talk to her and find out exactly what the issue is. It might not be that the clothing is used, but that she didn't get to pick it out. I'd hit up some consignment stores, thrift stores and garage sales for BOTH girls to bring the cost down. Or sell the older dd's stuff to purchase younger dd's stuff. I doubt the issue is really that she doesn't want to wear used, I think there's something else to it.[/quote']


That's a very good point. What does clothes shopping look like for you guys? Do you take both girls but one girl gets to poke through all the goodies, make choices and take them home? Is this is an experience that 2nd dd has to watch but never gets to have for herself?


It totally might not be this way, I'm just brainstorming.

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That's a very good point. What does clothes shopping look like for you guys? Do you take both girls but one girl gets to poke through all the goodies, make choices and take them home? Is this is an experience that 2nd dd has to watch but never gets to have for herself?


It totally might not be this way, I'm just brainstorming.



Well, I usually look online. Both girls tell me what they like and I generally buy 90% for Rebecca. Sylvia gets a few new things here and there. The latest issue is that Becca got some really marked-down Twinkle Toes and Sylvia doesn't want her to wear them because SHE doesn't have fancy sparkly shoes. I guess I need to sit down with just Sylvia and talk to her about this. And both girls really are sweet and not spoiled or entitled.

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I used to buy kids clothes at consignment shops. If they were still good, they got handed down. If not, they were cheap and I bought more. I learned to buy jeans at sears kidvantage - I could get a replacement set of jean in the same style and size, so they were new. I never had a problem with my kids in that dept. (I'm grateful the child who destroyed clothes was the 2nd, not the first.)


I did not hand down shoes - too easy to damage growing feet.

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I don't like the idea that older dd gets to pick out and try on the clothes she wears for a season but younger dd must just suck it up. Older (and myself) will try several jeans/shirts on and decide they're not comfortable or don't fit right before we find the things we do like/want. I don't know why I would just expect younger dd to take what's given regardless of how it fits/feels. She wears a lot of big sis's things but she also gets to say that some things she doesn't like/want and purchase something else. Obviously if we couldn't afford it she would have to make do but I don't feel like I should force it just out of principle.




I like the convenience and cost savings of hand-me-downs. I don't like to store them, and I don't like that the youngers don't get a choice as to their style and comfort preferences. My solution is to buy about four mid-priced new outfits per season for each dc. Then I expect them to wear out their clothes so I get my money's worth out of them, and I don't have to store hand-me-downs.

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My girls are two years apart. I try to point out to the younger one when the older one is getting hand me downs from someone else. I also try to take the younger ones taste into account when buying things for the older as I know she will also wind up wearing them. I also try to point out how lucky she is that it is her turn to wear a favorite item that belonged to the oldest and then let her pass the outgrown things on to someone else when she is done with them.


Beyond that I buy things as I see them on sale for the older and store them in a large rubbermaid tub. I also store all of the hand me downs in a large rubbermaid tub. At the start of each season I pull out the tubs and let each of the kids "shop" in the tub that matches their size (the issue for the youngest seemed to be picking out new things rather than simply getting new things if that makes sense).


I also let them each pick out a few new things each season. And of course they each pick out their own underwear and socks.

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How do they feel about it? How do you help them deal with getting mostly hand-me-downs for things? Sylvia is getting so mad that Becca gets new shoes and she doesn't, Becca gets new clothes and she doesn't... there's only 2 years between them and they're only one shoe size apart. I buy good quality clothes and take great care of them, so everything is practically new and nice. I just don't know what to do. We can't buy two new wardrobes every season. Of course I don't want Sylvia to feel like a second-class citizen either.


Yep: they get 'em. Haven't noticed any hurt feelings yet. In fact, they like opening the box to see what's in there. (Things kept by size.)

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No issue here, at all - of course, even the older gets hand me downs, since we shop mainly at Savers! :D Perhaps that makes it less of an issue? They both get their "new" used clothes from there and enjoy shopping around for what they like in particular.


Come to think of it - my 7yo wears out his clothes so thoroughly that I suppose just a handful survive to trickle down to the 5yo. The younger actually seems genuinely excited when one of the older's clothes gets switched into HIS drawer ("awesome, this one is mine now??!!").


Perhaps its just me - clothes aren't my "thing" and I don't mind getting all my stuff at Savers as well, so it is just one of those things that doesn't make anyone feel singled out.

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All of my kids wear hand me downs. In fact I rarely buy them anything new. My oldest I do the most because he doesn't have any cousins larger than him. My girls love getting clothes from cousins and friends. Also my MIL works at Goodwill so she is always getting the kids things. We have never had any issue with it at all.

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Well, I usually look online. Both girls tell me what they like and I generally buy 90% for Rebecca. Sylvia gets a few new things here and there. The latest issue is that Becca got some really marked-down Twinkle Toes and Sylvia doesn't want her to wear them because SHE doesn't have fancy sparkly shoes. I guess I need to sit down with just Sylvia and talk to her about this. And both girls really are sweet and not spoiled or entitled.


Ah, well, Sparkly Shoe Envy, totally understandable! :D


This is the type of thing where I would either indulge both children, or neither of them (at their ages). When your sister's shoes are sparkling and glittery and wonderful, and yours are, shudder, plain, it's hard to be a happy six-year-old. Expecting a young child to cheerfully wait a year or longer when their sibling sparkles with every step is asking too much, imo.

I'd say, bring her to Payless and let her pick out some glittery, sparkly shoes.


Sisters two years apart don't need new shirts or blue jeans at the exact same time. But, in the interests of sisterly love, if one gets sparkly shoes or a super-fancy dress or a shirt with bunnies at Easter time, then the other should get similar. These things are indulgences, not necessities, and I would indulge both or neither.

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Is this an issue with other things as well with the younger one? My second girl is extremely jealous of EVERYTHING having to do with her older sister. Friends, clothes, when the older girl gets to do age appropriate things (makeup, bras, etc). The clothes can become her's and she no longer wants them. If she gets new clothes, she still wants her sister's (until they become hers). It's a no win situation, takes time to outgrow, and many talks.

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