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Do you drink alcoholic beverages?

Do you drink alcoholic beverages?  

  1. 1. Do you drink alcoholic beverages?

    • No.
    • Maybe one every six months or even less frequently.
    • Once a month.
    • Once a week.
    • Daily (a glass of wine is good for your heart!)
    • I only have one drink at a time
    • I will sometimes have 2-3 drinks
    • You are all alcoholics.
    • Other.
    • David Tennant

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No I do not drink alcohol. The only kind I've ever tasted was communion wine(at my grandads church), and I orded some kind of blended fruit smoothy thing at Olive Garden on my 21st birthday. I only ordered it because my brothers were there, and I barely drank any of it.:lol: My dh does not drink at all his dad used to be an alcoholic.

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It's nearly a requirement here to drink! :lol: I put I drink weekly, since that's about how often we have time to sit and really enjoy a leisurely meal. Even so one glass is about the max, and we use the rest of the bottle for cooking with the next day. Occasionally we'll have two, or spend the rest of the night sipping on it, but that's more the exception than the rule. Italians frown on drunkenness, believing moderation is important to enjoyment. Our DUI laws are extremely strict, more so than the states. I wouldn't want to chance being on the wrong side of them.

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I am not apposed to alcohol, my husband drinks the occasional stubby.

I just cannot stand the taste. When I was a child, my mother would give us sherry if we were sick. She said it settles the stomach. well to me every single alcoholic drink straight away brings back memories of being a child and very sick.

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I am recovering. I have been clean 21 years. I am very open about this as it helps me stay on track. My children know about this and I encourage them to think twice about alcohol and drugs as I do believe there is a genetic link. We do not keep alcohol in our house, but my dh will enjoy a drink if we go out or go to another's house. I am completely fine with this . . . others can enjoy one or two drinks but I would be unable to stop there so I cannot take one. I had many problems before I stopped and I would never want to take the risk; my life is so happy and full now without alcohol. Just as some have terrible food allergies I must avoid alcohol.:)

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SHould I know who David Tennant is?


Off to google.



Drinking.......My dad is an alcoholic. My dad would give us the bottom of his beers when we were kids and my Step mom would let me take sips of her martini. I was a big binge drinker in high school and college and 20's.


I had a HUGE problem with drinking right before and after my son died.


I have an addictive nature. 2 of my siblings are alcoholics.


I do drink wine when the mood strikes me. I do drink when I go out with my girlfriends. I just dont do it often anymore.

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I drank as a teenager with my parents, but rarely with friends.


I had a very short partying stage after I turned 21.


I didn't drink at all for YEARS after that.


I do drink alcohol now. I don't tend to BUY it, but will drink at a party/cook out. I have a friend who buys Mike's in the 24 pack at Sam's - he gives me all the Black Cherry Mike's because he doesn't like them. :D


It isn't a big deal to me, but I don't have alcoholism in my biological family. There *are* alcoholics by marriage and that is one of the reasons I didn't drink for years.

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Never. I stopped drinking at 19 (I started at 15, and I don't remember my last night of binge drinking). I'm not opposed to others drinking, and dh does occasionally. To be honest, I worry I would appreciate the relaxing effect after a bad day a little too much, so I'm scared to even take a sip. I never did like the taste, so there was only one reason to drink.

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VERY rarely. Maybe once every 6 months or so.


If I have company that drinks wine I will have a glass.


Our yearly girls' only beach weekend involves a lot of sitting around and drinking wine in the evenings.


But normally I don't drink, don't order it when we eat out, etc....



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I like to drink, but I like good booze.

Good booze is expensive.

I am poor.




:iagree: Not to mention the calories!



Alcohol was never forbidden in my house growing up, but my parents weren't heavy drinkers. When they had a glass of wine with dinner, I had a mini-glass. In high school I never drank at parties, and drove all the drunks from those parties home. My Dad would wait for me to get home, and then we'd share a drink talking at the table. So many great conversations with a man drinking a drink, vs. no intelligible conversation with my sloshed friends. Made it easy to appreciate moderate drinking. :)


In college and beyond, I did get drunk a few times, and I realized that I was drinking to make other people interesting, and that's a lousy idea. So, I stopped accepting invitations to situations where I'd be bored. Problem solved!


I'm pretty sure as an older adult, I drink more than compared to my parents, but part of that is my love of a beer after a long run. They didn't favor beer, and they didn't run. ;) Nowadays, I've found a good tasting non-alcoholic beer, so I often have that instead. Still too many calories...

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Red wine with dinner most nights, an occasional beer (in the summer - usually during a BBQ) and single malt scotch, a few times a year, when we can afford the $$. Other drinks (chic type) I've been known to have on a girl's night out, but that's a very rare thing these days.


I'm also a booze snob. So, I go for quality over quantity. :D

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I voted once a month but it's probably slightly less than that. I may have a single glass of wine when dh and I go out to dinner but he prefers red wine, which gives me a headache. I don't like any wine that much so I usually tell him to order what he wants and I have soda. I may have a cranberry, vodka and Midori once or twice a year. Mostly I drink beer - Molson Ice. DH will buy a 6 pack when he picks up his wine and I'll take two weeks or more to drink the 6 pack. I don't like it mainly because even one leaves me feeling kind of off and alcohol keeps me awake at night unless I drink way too much.


DH will have a couple glasses of wine at night a few times a week, bourbon and ginger ale instead once every two months or so. He doesn't even get tipsy and never has hangovers. His family is a big drinking one - his mother seems to drink every night and she gets a little nasty when she drinks.


My mother never drank when I was growing up unless we were out at a family party. Her stepfather was an alcoholic, along with many of her siblings. I think I grew up with a slightly skewed view of alcohol - hearing more about the dangers than the normal side of it. I drank a lot when I was away at college but not much since then.

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Red wine with dinner most nights, an occasional beer (in the summer - usually during a BBQ) and single malt scotch, a few times a year, when we can afford the $$. Other drinks (chic type) I've been known to have on a girl's night out, but that's a very rare thing these days.


I'm also a booze snob. So, I go for quality over quantity. :D


:iagree: (right down to the booze (wine) snob). I picked other because I drink more than once a week, but not every night. I occasionally have more than one drink per night.


I grew up in a family where drinking with dinner was the norm, especially at big family dinners (I'm half Italian), but no one ever was a belligerent drunk or caused problems. I saw my family drinking responsibly and grew up doing the same. My kids see my dh and I (along with the family) drinking responsibly. I've never been falling down drunk in my life.

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I said once a week, although it's probably more like 1-2 times a month.


I generally don't have more than one drink. Most of the time I'll have half a glass of wine or half a beer. On occasion I might have two drinks, but two drinks and I'm quite tipsy.


I've never had more than two drinks at a sitting. My husband thinks it bizarre that I've never been drunk. I have issues with feeling out of control, though, so being drunk just seems incredibly unappealing and a bit scary to me.

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I voted other. I can't report any particular frequency. Sometimes I get on a little streak and have a Mike's Hard or similar every couple of days. Usually just one bottle. Sometimes I'll go months and months without any alcohol, but it's not for any philosophical reason; it may be I just don't have any at home, find it too expensive if I'm out, don't want to have a drink if I'm going to be driving, etc.

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Oh, about once per month. Dh's mom will have us over for a nice dinner and I may have little serving of wine or sherry.


Actually, the thing I partake of the most is the occasional hot toddy. I used to suffer terribly from horrible laryngitis. I would get it twice per year and have not only a lot of throat pain and swelling to go with it, but no voice...just hardly even a squeak for three weeks. Docs could not come up with anything that would help. I finally got desperate and listened to an older lady at church that said that a hot toddy (made with STRONG alcohol) has a real cleansing affect in the esophogus. So, I bought a bottle of vodka (oh man do I hate that stuff, it's vile), brewed a green tea with some lemon, added a tsp of honey and a scant shot of vodka, and drank. I could not believe the relief. Whatever the virus or bacteria was that caused my problem, it did not like the hot toddy. I drank one every evening for a week and problem solved. So instead of 21 or so days of no voice, one week. After about four years of using this old time remedy, I stopped getting the laryngitis altogehter for five years. Two weeks ago, I started feeling kind of rotten on a Saturday night, woke up the next morning with no voice, stayed home from church and had two hot toddy's (bad little Christian me ;)), and that was it. The problem was cured.


So, I actually take more and of a much higher alcohol content then I ever have for enjoyment.


Now rum cake with rum frosting...that is just a whole 'nother issue all together. That stuff is sublime and as such, lethal to the hips!



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Yum. Seriously, I am totally hot for Matt Smith. Double yum.


Nope, due to religious reasons. I'm actually surprised at how high the percentage result is for "no" in the poll. I didn't realize so many people didn't drink!


I am an oddity in my circle of friends. I just don't like the taste and the effects; I'm not religious at all, so that has no weight on my choice. I also don't like chocolate. Weird, I know. :D


But I do like Matt Smith.

Edited by lisabees
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Other. A glass of wine with dinner sometimes. It depends on the food. Some food just *needs* wine. Sometimes it's a few times a week, sometimes I go for weeks without any wine.



I also tended bar for a looooooooong time. It makes alcohol, in general, a real turn-off.


I tended bar for several years. I can't stand being around anyone who is even mildly drunk. I think it stems from my bartender days.



Also, David Tennant.

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David Tennant!


Drinking is against my religion, but I don't think I would even if it weren't. I can't stand the smell or taste (at least, what I know is from accidental consumption of chocolate liqueurs and whatnot but it's awful) and my grandfather was an alcoholic--I don't want to mess with it.


My dad actually started looking into the LDS Church because of the no drinking/smoking/coffee thing. A church full of girls who would never do such stinky things? Excellent! :lol:

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I voted 'no' because I don't right now - neither does dh.


If you'd asked this question a couple of years ago.. we used to drink beer every night. The older kids (teens now) thought we really liked apple juice. ;)


Nobody really knew… heck I was even attending a church (with the kids - dh never went) at the time where alcohol was "forbidden" -- they thought I was just like them.


Anyway…neither of us drink now. :)

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I do love a cup of hot tea spiked with a bit of whiskey. When I manage to actually snag some whiskey....I can always find a better use for the money. So, usually I don't drink but when I can I do. DH has been known to buy me some whiskey now and then.

I'll have a beer or two when I'm out but it makes me sleepy so I don't have more than that. We aren't party people but we do go to BBQs and that kind of thing and DH is in two bands so I am pretty familiar with all of the dive bars in our area.

DH is an alcoholic, so he doesn't drink at all. He has been sober a long time. He doesn't mind if I do.

I have actually experimented with making my own wine. Some good, some not so good.

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