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Boy 9 down the street missing

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I can barely breathe. He was out playing just like my kids do all the time. Went missing since around 1 PM. They live on our quiet, safe street where my kids are out all the time incl. my toddler and preschooler. Police has been out all night; I didn't know what the commotion was about and now I am sick to my stomach.


I hope this boy comes home, poor thing.

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Oh no, Nadia. How horrible for you, for your neighborhood, and of course for the family. It sounds like he may have wandered off rather than having been taken, which could offer a bit of comfort for you and the neighbors, but it is still terrible. Hoping he is found soon.

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Oh no, Nadia. How horrible for you, for your neighborhood, and of course for the family. It sounds like he may have wandered off rather than having been taken, which could offer a bit of comfort for you and the neighbors, but it is still terrible. Hoping he is found soon.


:iagree: Hoping he is ok & his family gets good news soon.



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No news. The dogs had barked loudly so they closed off an area next to our house and searched it further. Actually it wasn't until a few hours ago that they began searching our own neighbourhood. Apparently during the night 100 people and police searched some forest nearby (we didn't know it then because we never asked why police was here, keeping to ourselves and in my case, being busy and sleepy). All night, helicopters and media vans giving sound which is when dh at 3 went out and asked what was going on. This morning we searched our own property just as a police man came by with a dog and sniffed. After then a reporter came to talk to me, but basically I had nothing much to say. The boy had come several times to our home just as we moved here, but then they stopped coming.


No news. I want the boy home.

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I hope the fact that he's home-schooled doesn't become an issue in the media.


I hope it isn't an issue but people watching the story are questioning why he wasn't in school. I don't know how home school is perceived in that area.


Hoping he is found and safe.


Cannot imagine what his family and friends are going through.

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This family are good friends of ours. They are homeschoolers. They are a wonderful family. Devin has wandered off before. He's adopted and has some developmental delays. He doesn't really understand the dangers of staying close to his house or of not talking to strangers. He probably wouldn't hesitate to knock on someone's door.


Pray for his safe return.



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