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Do you have a real friend from this forum?

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I don't mean that you've met IRL necessarily. I am talking about a friend that you talk on the phone with, exchange emails with, etc. Someone who knows some of what is going on in your life and that you can call when things get rough or you just feel like talking. If you've met them IRL, that's a bonus!


I'm just curious. :D

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I don't mean that you've met IRL necessarily. I am talking about a friend that you talk on the phone with, exchange emails with, etc. Someone who knows some of what is going on in your life and that you can call when things get rough or you just feel like talking. If you've met them IRL, that's a bonus!


I'm just curious. :D


Yes. There are several here that I commune with regularly albeit virtually. I would call them friends any day of the week. If I ever win the lottery, I'm flying us all to the Bahamas for a hellagood vacation.

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From this forum, not yet.


Well, there is one person from here who reads my blog more or less regularly & comments, and I read/comment on hers. So, in time, maybe she & I would be friends. So far just blog buddies.


Other than that I've not been around here long enough (or active enough in that time here) to really forge any friendships, though I enjoy you guys quite a bit.

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I don't mean that you've met IRL necessarily. I am talking about a friend that you talk on the phone with, exchange emails with, etc. Someone who knows some of what is going on in your life and that you can call when things get rough or you just feel like talking. If you've met them IRL, that's a bonus!


I'm just curious. :D


Wanna a friend? :D


While I have exchanged some kind emails with people, etc -- no, I don't have any deep friendships with people on the board (unless I know they are local people I know in real life).

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No. I imagine it takes quite some time to build up a rapport with individual members. There are so many members here and it can be quite difficult to keep track of even those who post regularly. Then, of course, I guess you have to have something in common. It would be nice to have a friend from here one day, though.



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Me, neither. What was that old kids' song? Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess I'll go eat worms, big fat juicy worms or something like that.


This is what popped into my mind while I was reading this thread.


I only have 2 kinda mom friends that homeschool (and I have met them through homeschool activities) I am a lone wolf in my circle of friends and family.

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I am the most fortunate woman indeed. Having been on this forum since days of yore, I have made a number of friends. I have met some IRL; there are others with whom I have had regular phone conversations or frequent email or snail mail exchanges.


One of these days I would like to do a WTM road trip, an opportunity to visit boardie friends. I once joked that after my son left for college, I would become the on-the-road math tutor. Hasn't happened yet. ;) But one wonders...

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I don't mean that you've met IRL necessarily. I am talking about a friend that you talk on the phone with, exchange emails with, etc. Someone who knows some of what is going on in your life and that you can call when things get rough or you just feel like talking. If you've met them IRL, that's a bonus!


I'm just curious. :D



Um,...yeah....YOU! ;)


and Negin!

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The older I get the harder it seems to forge deep relationships. People are so busy with family, work, or homeschooling.


A lot of posters who replied yes have over 20,000 posts!

I got a long way to go to earn friendship:sad:


:grouphug: I don't have many posts on this forum and I have only been here a year. I don't know a lot of the personalities really well yet. I am getting there, but it takes time. And I expect no one really knows me very well, either. But on another forum, I have been there for 8+ years and have almost 20,000 posts. I know the women there and they know me and wow! The friendships I have made have been amazing! It takes time. It isn't actually earned. :grouphug:

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When I joined, I never thought I'd connect with anyone for several reasons. The big one is that I don't post half the things I would like to because I can't post anything personal or too identifying right now -- or at least I try not to. But without meaning to, I've emailed or private messaged with several wonderful people here. And I even met someone IRL that is on here (but I had never seen her post before). I'm pretty reserved but if anyone ever wants to PM me about something, feel free! :)

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I do. She's been my friend since before I really started hanging out here. She is amazing and special and I love her!


I also met someone a few weeks ago at one of my dd's activities. When I introduced myself, she said, "Are you on TWTM boards?" :lol: Funny meeting someone in person when you didn't do it on purpose. She's a delight!


Other than that, I don't think anyone here knows me at all except for my FIAR friends.:grouphug:

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I have a few friends I talk to by phone and email, but not as regularly as I wish it could. It's just so hard during the school year, ya know? But it doesn't mean I don't WANT to, it's just hard. :sad:


ETA: And I hope nobody takes it personally because it really ISN'T personal! I'm more available during the summer.;)

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Not this forum but the Sonlight one I did.


A lady posted about a tragic house fire her husband had been at (volunteer firefighter) and I then sent her a personal message saying that she must live very close as that fire was in the next township over and we knew one of the people involved in the fire.


After several messages back and forth we figured out that our dh's had fought fire together (neighboring townships), I had gone to school with her dh's sisters (very small 60 student K-8th grade school), she lived just down the road from where I grew up, etc. and on and on.


We then met and have been friends for years. We are more casual friends, not super close but we share a lot of the same beliefs, etc. and I know that if I needed anything I could call on them.

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I'm sorry that many of you are feeling sad because of this thread. I didn't mean for it to make people sad. I've been here almost 4 years, and just within the last year have I begun to develop friendships offline. Hang in there, and reach out to people. You will make friends!


I have two real life friends from here, MamaT and thatcyndigirl, and I would love to have more! I don't have a lot of IRL friends who homeschool.



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