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Steve Jobs has died

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I am so sad about this. It's not like it was unexpected, obviously, but still.


My 6yo will be crushed when I tell him in the morning. He is a huge Jobs fan -- he and his 3yo brother went through a phase last spring when their very favorite game was to pretend to be "Jobs" and "Woz" building Apple computers out of blocks.


What a loss.

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I thought some of you might like to read this:



It's Steve Job's commencement address to the class of 2005.. some wise words to remember him by.


That's powerful stuff there; thank you for sharing.


What a sad day. I wonder if he knew some of the personal stories of just how profoundly he changed things for the better, like:


Thanks to him and the Ipad my son with selective mutism has ways to communicate. He truly changed the world.


R.I.P., Mr. Jobs. And thank you so much, for so much.

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This is very sad news indeed.


I first used an Apple Macintosh at work over 20 years ago. That was an "insanely great" product! Steve Jobs was an incredible genius of product marketing. Very few have ever come even close.

I believe he had pancreatic cancer for some time. The company had recently moved the next in line to his position. ( I wish I could remember anyones name any more.)
Tim Clark is his name. (I looked it up.)
Those are big shoes to fill.
History tells us that Apple Computer without Steve Jobs is not the same company as it is with him.


My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and loved ones as well as to all of his many admirers.


RIP Steve Jobs.


P.S. I know there are many avid readers here, so in case anyone is interested in learning a little more about what went on behind the scenes in the early days of the personal computer industry, including stories of Steve Jobs, here are a couple of book recommendations:


Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition, and Still Can't Get a Date: Includes some insight into how Steve Jobs ran Apple in the early days. Highly recommended to anyone interested in the history of modern technology.


Outliers: The Story of Success: Steve Jobs was clearly an outlier. I don't think he got as much press in this book as Bill Gates did, but there were some very interesting details about him in this book.


Does anyone know of a good biography of Steve Jobs? DS13 loved Accidental Empires and he LOVES his new iPad, so he may be interested in learning more about the man.

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That's powerful stuff there; thank you for sharing.


What a sad day. I wonder if he knew some of the personal stories of just how profoundly he changed things for the better, like:




R.I.P., Mr. Jobs. And thank you so much, for so much.


I believe that he did know. According to a blog I follow he was very happy and excited about the ways that the Ipad had helped autistic kids communicate. (The blogger's son has very limited verbal skills and they won an Ipad in a raffle and it really opened up a whole new world for her son)


I just wish I could personally thank him.

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