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Things you should never say to a pregant woman....

Have you had people say weird things to you about pregnancy?  

  1. 1. Have you had people say weird things to you about pregnancy?

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I PMd you some of my favorites, but THIS was by far the rudest thing said to me:


I was 34 wks with dd who is now 12. I was a perfectly normal size for my third baby -- no smaller or larger than I would be expected to be.


DH and I were walking together in the complex where we both worked, and a former supervisor of mine (and there was no love loss there believe me - we did not care for each other at all) sees us and says: "How are you doing?" I responded: "I'm hanging in." "Ha-Ha," he laughs, "Looks like you're hanging out." :confused: He was such a jerk. I was wearing a gorgeous maternity jumper from Macy*s with gorgeous boots and this moron says something stupid.

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Every time I had a child or was pregnant, millie would say, "# whatever is enough," until finally at #5 it wasn't mentioned anymore, and I had two more.:lol::lol::lol:


I really hate the "you know what causes that, right?" I liked to say, "No, I don't. I missed that part in school."


"You're really small, is everything okay?" You are a stranger, am I going to tell you about my ob/gyn appointments?


"Don't they have to take your babies by c-section since you're so small?" No, this is why I have wide hips, so I can birth a baby. "Well I'm surprised you don't have problems."


"Why do you keep having so many kids??? Don't you ever use birth control?"


And all of the stories about delivering full-term and still-births, babies having complications and dying soon after, miscarriages late in pregnancy...Although miscarriages I have had, I just don't think it is a very encouraging thing to talk about to pregnant women that you either don't know or are just engaging with in small talk.

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I got the twins one all the time, never bothered me, I even got triplets questions a few times! :tongue_smilie: The one I got that bothered me was at a Sunday School picnic I was taking a reasonable amount of food and I was HUNGRY (nursing AND pregnant!) and a lady told me in a lecturing voice, "you know, you're not really supposed to eat for 2". :glare: Nice. If she'd said it in a funny teasing voice, it wouldn't have bothered me in the least.

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I got the twins one all the time, never bothered me, I even got triplets questions a few times! :tongue_smilie: The one I got that bothered me was at a Sunday School picnic I was taking a reasonable amount of food and I was HUNGRY (nursing AND pregnant!) and a lady told me in a lecturing voice, "you know, you're not really supposed to eat for 2". :glare: Nice. If she'd said it in a funny teasing voice, it wouldn't have bothered me in the least.


Rude -- so rude.


This instance is one of the nicest I remember with any of my babies: When I was pg with the twins, I was sitting in labcorp having the glucose tolerance test and I was reading a book titled "What to Eat When you are expecting twins, triplets and more."


And, yes, you could look at me and see that I was probably going to give birth to a small third world nation -- I had excess amniotic fluid with ds who was on top. Anyway, a really nice lady (she really was) was finished with whatever she was doing there and I had been sitting reading for about an hour, and as she was leaving she leans over me and says sweetly: "Before I leave, can you just tell me how many babies you are having?" I laughed - she was so nice. I told her and she said she would be praying for us.

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One stranger told me with my first dc that she knew I was having a girl. I laughed and told her I already had had an ultrasound and unless something was terribly wrong, it was definitely a boy. She kept insisting that she was right, she was NEVER wrong about 'these things', and I could 'bet' her if I wanted. :confused: Kinda scary. Finally I said that she probably was right, just so I could get away!!

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I was sent to the hospital by my midwife at 37 weeks to be induced, liver failing. The nurse registering me said, "are you sure she had the right patient, you do not look far enough along to be induced" Now, I will give her that I carry small.... that is because I have HUGE wide hips. However, seriously... maybe you should double check with my midwife, or take a look at the chart she brought in to you - that you have in your hand with MY name on it!

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A neighbor I only barely knew had her baby unexpectedly 6 weeks early. I didn't know it had happened and her sister was walking through the parking lot with her one evening. I asked her how much longer until she would be having her baby and, unfortunately, her sister was helping her into her apartment because she had just checked out of the hospital from having him. The baby had to stay at the hospital a little longer, so he wasn't with him. I felt like such a dummy!


In my defense this was several years before I had my first baby, she was a small person and her pregnancy was really popping out even then and it was a casual chat strolling through the parking lot so I wasn't really paying attention. I still felt terrible. :) Fortunately we actually became better friends right after that, so I think she forgave me.

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"You're still pregnant?!"


I actually have gotten that a lot, with two different meanings.


There were the people who asked me that when I'm like 9 months pregnant and huge. What do they think? "No, no. I had the baby. I just carry him in a big ball under my shirt"? Of course I'm still pregnant!


The second were the people who hadn't seen me in a while. My last two are 16 months apart. I had a bunch of students and colleagues who I had seen when I was at the end of my pregnancy with my DD, and then didn't see while I was off with her after she was born, and then saw me again when I was back at work and pregnant with DS. There was a lot of confusion (I'm assuming they just didn't keep track of how long it had been since they'd seen me, although they knew it had been a while), and knew it would be weird if I was still pregnant, but probably didn't assume I'd be pregnant again. So I got some really confused "Wait, you're still pregnant?"s. I would just usually say, "Not still. Again." :)

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was this a surprise/planned? (even by those prefacing it with "i know this is a personal questions, but . . . )

you already have two children, haven't you heard of overpopulation? (gas station attendent, clerk in grocery store were the two most memorable)

better you than me

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Generally, I got only the nicest most complimentary comments when I was pregnant. So it's funny that the one rude incident came to mind so quickly and clearly, just like it was yesterday!


I actually lost weight in my first trimester. And I was only 118 pounds when I got pregnant. So my midwife was always encouraging me to eat more, gain some weight, EAT MORE. Finally, during my sixth month, for the first time I got up to what was considered a normal weight for my stage in pregnancy, and my midwife was ecstatic.


A few days later, I was wearing real maternity clothes (rather than just baggy clothes) for the very first time, when a cashier in a store asked me how far along I was. When I told her, she exclaimed LOUD enough for everyone around to hear "Oh my God! You're HUGE! I didn't wear maternity clothes until I was in my eighth month! You're going to be gigantic!" And on, and on, and on. I mean, she would not stop. I paid for my things and was trying to walk away, and she was still ranting about how unbelievably colossal I was.


It was awkward, to say the least. And incredibly strange given how everyone else was telling me they couldn't believe how little I was. :confused:

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During my 3rd and 4th pregnancies people would often comment, "Still trying for that girl". Another comment I hear frequently even now is, "gave up on trying for that girl?" When we were in London years ago (the boys were 7, 9, 10, and 13) we were frequently asked if they were all from the same parents (IOW, not a blended family) to which we answered, "yes". I think most people there were just surprised to see such a "large" family out and about together.


As I parent 3 teen boys, I continually thank the Lord that I had boys. I don't do drama well. I'm much better with guns, snakes, dirt, and noise.

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Well, this wasn't rude but it still fell under the "not to say to a pregnant woman".


I was about 13 months pregnant with #2 and in that really really uncomfortable stage. Dh looked over at me one night and said "So, I was thinking about the timing for #3..." I kind of lost it and just screamed something like "Can you please just let me get this one out of my body first?!"


Then to make me laugh when we went in for the C-section, he started talking about #3 which made the nurse look at him like he was the most insensitive man in the world. But it made me smile.


With the first, he spent the whole time looking at the monitor and saying "Wow! That was a big one!" with each contraction until I not so kindly reminded him that I was actually FEELING the contractions and didn't need the commentary.

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With the first, he spent the whole time looking at the monitor and saying "Wow! That was a big one!" with each contraction until I not so kindly reminded him that I was actually FEELING the contractions and didn't need the commentary.

Yep, mine did that while watch TNT or something. Much prefer no monitor or TV for hubby...

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To kill time, on my real delivery date, I went into a boutique selling baby clothes. When checking out, the clerk and I were remarking about how cute the clothes were. I said something like I couldn't wait to see ds in them. She looked at me and said, " You're pregnant? I just thought you were fat.". Thanks alot!

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How about constantly being compared to a dairy cow...


Dh grew up on a dairy. Apparently cows and women are very similar, and all of the similarities must be discussed with the doctors and nurses at every visit, as if he is making intelligent conversation with fellow medical professionals. :glare:

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Why are you having a 3rd baby - you already have a girl and a boy.




You're so lucky - you have a girl and a boy so you don't have to have any more kids - you got it perfect in two tries.




Why are you ruining your perfect family by having a 3rd baby - now you will be uneven.


Um we are having more because we like kids regardless of the gender - I didn't have kids to subscribe to some "perfect family' group. :glare:


My dh's best friend has asked me with every pregnancy, every time he's talked to me, "How are you? Are you still growing in splendor?" LOL.


I actually think this is kind of cute

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Not really. I'm very tall and have a loooooong torso, so I hide a baby very well. It sort of annoys me when people say "Really? You don't LOOK pregnant!" I sure FEEL pregnant! But I know they're probably trying to be complimentary in some awkward way, so I just chuckle it off. I sure would like a round little basketball belly though!

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At the Asian market with dd and dh:


Asian owner: "Oh! you know what you having?"

Me: "Yes, another girl :D"

Asian owner, gesturing toward dh: "Maybe he don't like having another girl so much."


FWIW, sons are highly valued in Asian cultures.


I laughed and told her our son was at home.

To which she replied, "Oh! That is very good to have a son! One son and 2 daughters is like gold."

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How about constantly being compared to a dairy cow...


Dh grew up on a dairy. Apparently cows and women are very similar, and all of the similarities must be discussed with the doctors and nurses at every visit, as if he is making intelligent conversation with fellow medical professionals. :glare:


:eek:SERIOUSLY!?!! This was my DH too!!!

I got so embarrassed.

And of course it didn't help when I had trouble nursing:001_rolleyes: and he had to throw his 2 cents in there:tongue_smilie:


You have no idea how much relief I have knowing I'm not the only one!:lol:

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I was yelled at by a woman in my office when I was cleaning out and reorganizing a supply closet because I was lifting my hands over my head. Didn't I know that's how the cord got wrapped around the baby's neck? She was not happy when I told her I was pretty sure my arms were not connected to my uterus.


This happened to me too! Except it was a patient of mine that I was hanging IV fluids on. She totally freaked out! I mean I AM a nurse I should know better......right? :D

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I haven't had rude comments. A former coworker told the story of one of his wife's csections where he said, "Wow, it's just like gutting a deer!" :eek:


This one is just a funny since my 4 year old nephew said it. DD1 was 5 days old and he looked at my belly and asked when the other baby was coming out. :)

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I knew someone who did actually loose weight while pregnant. She was large to start with & with watching her eating actually lost pounds.


I had actually lost weight to the tune of about 30 pounds. However, at the time I was asked, my belly was largely sticking out of my belly. I don't think he meant it in a rude way. He was trying to tell me that he thought I looked really good. Luckily, he is a very old, dear friend so it wasn't taken too much to heart.

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