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Do you wake your child up in the morning?

Do you wake up your children on school days?  

  1. 1. Do you wake up your children on school days?

    • Yes, I wake them at a specific time.
    • Yes, I wake them up if they don't get up on their own by a certain time.
    • No, they sleep until they wake up on their own.
    • No, they set their alarm to wake themselves up.
    • Other

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I'm making this a poll, because everyone loves polls. LOL


But I expect that my poll options will not meet everyone's needs.


Please answer based on what you do on 'school days'.


ETA: The difference between #1 & #2 would be:

#1 - Schedule dictates the child MUST be up by 7am.

#2 - You wake up the child quite a bit later when they REALLY should have been up already. (Oh, it's 11am - I need to wake that kid up!)

Edited by djbartch
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My oldest gets up to an alarm for PS. I do get up when he does, just because I hate the idea of him being alone in the morning while everyone else sleeps. Maybe once every two weeks he sleeps through his alarm so I wake him up then.


I let the 11 year old sleep as late as she wants unless we have somewhere to go and need to get school done by a certain time.


I encourage the 4 year old sleep as long as she can.:001_smile:

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Best advice I ever got as a new mom:


Don't wake a sleeping child.


My 4-y-o is awake by 7 :30, or I know something's wrong. DD, OTOH, would (and does) sleep until 10 AM. I don't wake her unless we HAVE to be somewhere earlier than noon.


ETA: My early riser also voluntarily goes to bed at 8:00. Every. Single. Night. He has a set internal clock. I think DD is wired more like Mama. A night owl.

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You know, I voted other but I guess I could have fit into the "wake them up by a certain time if they aren't already up" type category. We don't start the day at 6:30am sharp every day because trouble sleeping isn't very rare in our house. So, if they sleep in by themselves until about 8:30, I let them. By then I wake them up.

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Ds (14yo) is an early bird. He's up around 4:00 every morning. I am a morning person, but consider 6:00 morning. Ds has our breakfast cooked and ready by 6:00. He started doing this when I was sick a few months back. If we aren't up by then he wakes us (though dh and I did call for a cease and desist on Sundays.)


And, yes, he is the most awesome teen boy ever!

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I wake them up at one specific time, although I'll confess it's not a do-or-die situation. I sit and talk with them while they wake up. If they cannot even open their eyes to acknowledge my presence, I try again 30 minutes later. I have all teens and their nights vary. I like to have everyone out of bed by 1:00pm. Yes, we are NOT morning people. :)

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My daughter is on her own schedule, but usually sets her alarm for 9:00.


My son is supposed to be up at 7:30. He has an alarm, which he sleeps through pretty much every morning. Sometimes, he "forgets" to set it.


I have a hard time forcing myself to wake him up, since I enjoy the alone time in the morning. But I wake him at 9:00 if he doesn't stir before then.

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I voted Other because *I* don't wake them up. If they wake up before me, they come downstairs and I eventually hear them. If they are still asleep when dh leaves for work (usually between 9-9:30), he wakes them so that they can hug him in the garage (that's their routine, if it deviates there are tears). Sometimes they want to go back to bed and I let them, sometimes I have to tell them they need to get dressed because we have a lot of stuff to do. They are up pretty late so that they can have Daddy time; he's the one who puts them to bed, reading to them for an hour or so. On tae kwon do nights (2-3x/week) it's after 9:00 before he even gets home, so they are usually just falling asleep between 10:30-11:00.


If we didn't homeschool, they would never get to see their Dad! One of the boys doesn't get home until 8:15 from tae kwon do, 3x/week, so that would make for very tired children on a school morning!


One of the teens is at college, the other is responsible for her own schedule.

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All my kids are 5 and under - wake them at your peril :D My DS goes to the afternoon session of Pre-K for a reason :001_smile:


All of them are usually awake by 8.30 am - we don't start school till 10am - so it works.


If any of them sleep later then 8.30 I assume they might be sick and let them sleep (if they are still sleeping at 10am I make a doctors appointment).

Edited by sewingmama
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I've always awakened them at a specific time. If they sleep too late we won't get our work done at a reasonable hour and they also get headaches if they sleep too late. I really don't have to worry too much about them getting up after I tell them. One of our cats goes in and starts nipping them and pulling on their hair. That cat is my furry enforcer. :D

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I am up by 5:00 and I wake the kids up between 6:30 and 7:00. I tried letting them sleep in and wake up on their own, but we never finished school each day. So, now they get up, eat breakfast and become alert, then we begin with independent work while I get more stuff done. I work with DD, then DS while they do more independent work. Then, we get our group stuff done.

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Last year we started waking the older 4 at 7:30 for Bible Study before dh goes to work (the youngest sleeps until he gets up). Until then I often let them sleep until they woke up, or I woke them up by 9ish. Even if we didn't do Bible Study in the morning, we're now at a stage where at least the older 3 need to be up at 7:30 so we can start school by 8 or 8:30.

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Younger one gets up at 6:30. The 3-year-old gets up anywhere from 6:30-7:30am. If I can get out of bed, I read to my little guy on the couch before the other gets up. Lately, they both get up before me, get apples (and a cheese block :glare:) out of the fridge, and start breakfast before I can even find my glasses.


I'm not a morning person. I worked 2nd/3rd shift before kids. Getting up before 7:00 every day is killing me.

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The poll should have been multiple choice. The 3 boys share a room and are usually up between 630-7. They have all been trained to come out only to go potty and then to return to their room for "quiet time". That's code for, don't wake Mom. Some days I am lucky and I don't wake up to some screaming kid because this one took that ones stuff, some days I am not so lucky. DD on the other hand has an alarm clock set for 7am. Recently she has gotten up before her alarm with the intent of reading before having to get up. More power to her, just don't wake me up and get your school work started on time.

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