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URGENT prayer request

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If that the same as Cooks?


Also, he is 3 months old... Just a little older than our baby. :(


As someone else said, Cook's is in Fort Worth. Children's Medical is a better peds hospital, IMO. It's known as an innovative and researched-based institution, that only accepts patients on a referral basis. Your friend's baby will have access to excellent ped. neurologists there.


I'm thinking about when my ds was that age. Poor, poor baby. :(

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Okay, they are at Cooks. So, FW, not Dallas.


‎"He has an MRI at 8:45. Then some decisions will be made about what kind of procedure to do to drain the blood from his brain and release pressure. He is at risk for seizures now, and that risk will increase during the procedure. It may be long term. He has remained stable through the night and when his sedation begins to wear off he kicks and grimaces and is responsive which is a good sign. "


‎"They are going to do an EEG to monitor for any non visible seizure activity before they do and surgery. Waiting for rounds, and to talk to case workers."

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[The baby's] procedure with the puncture went well, blood was drained out and his soft spot is soft again. Now he is being monitored for seizures, and to see if spinal fluid builds back up on his brain, or if his brain starts to expand back into the space. We will most likely do this again tomorrow.

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[The baby's] procedure with the puncture went well, blood was drained out and his soft spot is soft again. Now he is being monitored for seizures, and to see if spinal fluid builds back up on his brain, or if his brain starts to expand back into the space. We will most likely do this again tomorrow.

Time for the next wave of prayers everyone. The ophthalmologist just looked at him. He has severe blood clots in the back of his eyes. When and if it clears up it may leave scaring. His vision may not be good and it will not be able to be corrected by anything. She says this baby was treated so badly.
Just spoke with the neurologist. It's really bad, y'all. The only positive thing I can take hold of that he said is that he is so young that some of his brain can choose to develop on different paths.
He also has a concussion and bruises on his arms from being held so tight while being shaken
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The shaken baby video our hospital makes new mothers watch had an interview with a couple after their baby survived this kind of thing...survived, but a lot of permanent damage, lifelong struggles. Your friend may need a lot of support further down the road with the guilt of having used day care and the "what ifs" of life turning out differently on account of someone else's temper.


(Hope that comes across right...I'm saying that as someone who did work for a season, who did public school, etc...there's always a nagging guilt if something happens not on your watch, even when it's not your fault you wonder...and to have it be THIS monumental...oh that poor family...I don't have any words of encouragement yet, just stunned.)

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The shaken baby video our hospital makes new mothers watch had an interview with a couple after their baby survived this kind of thing...survived, but a lot of permanent damage, lifelong struggles. Your friend may need a lot of support further down the road with the guilt of having used day care and the "what ifs" of life turning out differently on account of someone else's temper.


(Hope that comes across right...I'm saying that as someone who did work for a season, who did public school, etc...there's always a nagging guilt if something happens not on your watch, even when it's not your fault you wonder...and to have it be THIS monumental...oh that poor family...I don't have any words of encouragement yet, just stunned.)

The children I worked with that had SBS were usually confined to a wheelchair, tube fed, and lived with multiple health and physical problems. Many were given bleak prognosis and parents were told that if they lived initially they may not live to adulthood either as they were more suscpetable to illnesses now. I know of 2 children I worked with that have died before age 12.


Shaken Baby Syndrome is not always recognized when it happens as the child doesn't often show outward signs of abuse, unless the abuse went too far that time. So tragic, so needless. My heart breaks for that family.

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