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Do you and your dh share your passwords with each other?

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Passwords to everything financial are shared, even if we don't share the actual accounts. (He's not on my credit card account, for example, but he knows the password.)


I don't know all of his logins to Internet boards, email accounts, etc., nor does he know mine, but we have a group of passwords that we tend to use for things like that, so we could probably figure out how to log in if we needed to. Except for work, of course. He'd have to mail my laptop back to my company and let them deal with it.

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We share some but not all. I don't have clearance to know his work stuff. He could tell me, but then he'd have to kill me, and we don't have that much insurance on me.


:D Same here. And since he can check his work email on his iPhone, I'm not allowed to know his passcode for the phone. That's the only one I get annoyed about sometimes. He probably doesn't know all my passwords, but I'd share them if he asked.

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I know DH's computer password, but not his email/Facebook passwords. It's not a matter of "ooh I'm keeping this from you" though, it's more a "you don't really need to access this day to day and I haven't gotten around to telling you" thing.


Someday I want to make a list of all the places I have accounts and the passwords so that if anything happens to me DH can access them.

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Hmmm.... I feel like there have been one or two times when one of us needed the other to log into email and shared a password over the phone to do so, but that would have been years ago. I have no clue what any of his passwords are and vice versa. He probably knows a couple that I use for low security stuff, but he certainly doesn't know the ones I use for email or banking. I really can't imagine why he would ever need them unless something serious happened to me.

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We know the password each other tends to use generically for most things.

However, we also both respect each other's privacy and do not presume to read each other's emails etc.


We do respect each other's privacy. Such as if I see he has a text message, I might glance to see who it is from....and then go tell him....I don't open and read the whole thing though...

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Yes, I always have in the back of my mind - what if one of us dies and we need to access info from / about / on the other's computer.


I don't think I have all of his, but his primary ones, and the ones for our online credit card and other accounts like that. 95% of my things have the same password, or a variation on that password, so he could guess pretty easily if he had to.


When my mother goes out of town, she emails us with where her passwords are written down, etc. I guess she thinks the same thing I do - if something were to happen, she would want us to be able to access what we would need to be able to access.

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I don't live with my husband, but he knows my passwords. So, too, do my brothers (whom I do live with) as do my parents. I wouldn't be surprised if the kids know, too.


I forget half of my passwords, so I keep a lot of them written down and taped to the wall above the desktop. If I'm on my laptop or out of town, I have to call and ask someone at the house to help me out LOL. It's useful for me that other people know my passwords (and have extra copies of my house and car keys :blush:!)

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We share. I just have all our passwords saved on each of the computers, so any of us can log in to whichever account we need.


Sometimes I need a photo or contact information from his inbox when he's not here. Other times he is looking for a logo that was sent to me and it's easier for him to go find it than for me to stop everything I'm doing and sit at the computer.

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Not really. My husband is the computer guru in our house. So, he has the administrator and basic account passwords for "my" computer in case he needs to fix something.


My husband also has the admin password, but we share an email account and password. For any accounts we have, I keep a address book full of passwords in case he might need them but I'm usually the one to pay the bills.

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We share in that there are not secrets and I would be given any password I asked. I have a horrible time remembering passwords and some accounts require changes a lot. I'm the spouse that asks him to remind me of passwords I don't use much. He knows all mine and I could know all his essentially.

We share and even you don't have a spouse, you need to have them somewhere just in case.


My brother died at 24...leaving no passwords, login info behind. Still haven't figured out his computer....such a waste.


This gives me pause. I better ask my husband to write the "big ones" down for me.

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Not really. My husband is the computer guru in our house. So, he has the administrator and basic account passwords for "my" computer in case he needs to fix something.


He does not know my e-mail password or the passwords for any of my online accounts. Nor do I know his. It's not like it's some big secret, although my husband does work in IT security and is a little bit paranoid about sharing passwords. It's more that we just have no reason to know them.


:iagree: Both my husband and I are techies and we really do not share passwords unless we need to. I do not have any concerns about that at all for us! In the tech world, passwords are private and we haven't really thought about sharing them unless we need to. Like for the wireless network. Both of us have our own admin user account on all the home computers except his work based one, so we have unlimited access to each others data anyway.

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We share when necessity arises, not automatically like, "Oh honey, I just joined a new website, here's my latest password! I'll put it in our special couple's password journal, too! Smoochies!!!" LOL Yes, I know some couples like this.


For example, my dh knows my personal checking account password because he's needed to use my ATM card or because I've wanted him to check my balance while I'm out and don't have internet access. Stuff like that. But when I created my account I didn't offer it and I wouldn't have based on any no secrets principle. Just clarifying how we share.

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Just wondering if you share your computer & email passwords with your spouse or if you each keep them private?


We don't share a computer, however, we know each other's passwords. We hop on each other's computer depending on if we are in the office (bedroom) or living room. It would be too hard to try to keep secrets with the four of us home all day long together. ;)

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I have all my passwords stored in OnePassword. It is a password storing program. I just need to keep track of the one password and it will tell me the password to the particular site I need.


In OnePassword is the password he uses on his computer. I don't know it, but if I ever needed it I could get to it. This way if something happens to him, I can get to the bills that are sent to his email and I never see.


He does know my OnePassword password and could get to anything of mine that he needed.

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I know most of dh's but not all because some are for professional publications I have no interest in. His bank online I have the password for, another bank where we have a joined account I have the password for but not dh. Why? He couldn't remember his password, and when he used mine he messed up so many times the account was frozen. Finally said bank begged me not to share my password with ds ever again. :lol:

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