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What are your children doing right now...

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Ds23 just walked in the door after spending the entire afternoon/evening mowing the church's lawn with another young man from church. He poked his head in the front door and said, "May I gain admittance here?" and then walked in.


Ds24 and dil are housesitting for an older couple from church who went on a cruise. Dd18 is spending the evening with them, and they're all probably watching a movie and playing with my new granddaughter.


Ds15 is with his dad cleaning doctors' offices. He will most likely be treated to a McFlurry or some such treat for helping out.


Dd12 is watching Pride of the Yankees.

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My youngest 2 just finished cleaning up the room where they spent the afternoon using every available variety of block to build castles. The oldest son is just kind of roaming around, room to room...seemingly bored. My oldest dd and I just finished poking around the Pottermore site (we got in early, and finally got our emails, Yay!). Now the younger three have all joined together and are sitting and watching America's Got Talent...quality progamming, LOL!

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My oldest is sitting in the theatre taking notes from the director. My other two just got home from baseball and, according to my dh, they are eating and watching baseball- probably the Yankees.


**I have no idea why there is a sad thumb, but I'm not unhappy!!

Edited by Jan in SC
Sad thumb
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DS13 is watching an episode of ghost hunters, dd12 is cleaning her room, ds8 is playing with the new blocks and building a city for his little cars, dd4 is playing with her Dora play house. In about 5 minutes I will be calling for the other 3 to start evening clean up and getting them off to bed (it's 7:40pm here)

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Teen boys are in their rooms, two youngest are watching Dragonheart 2 (just ended). The puppy is chewing on something I hope is his. Older dog is sleeping until the puppy bugs her again (They're kind of like kids right?). Dh is sleeping. (He's also kind of like a kid. ;))

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I just thought it would be neat to get a snapshot of what is going on in your house right now.


Mine turned all the outside lights on and are running around outside in the dark. This is a good thing - they'll be good and tired in an hour when we go to bed.:D


The girls are all sleeping (8:30 pm bedtime).


Husband is playing a video game on his i-phone. :tongue_smilie:


I am here.


The house is clean, the kitchen is settled, the laundry is done, tomorrow's school work is lined up on the table, the lights are mostly off....


I can hear the clock in the kitchen ticking. I can hear the living room clock ticking. They are not synchronous, but the rhythm is nice.


All is calm. Now all we need is snowflakes and music. :lol:

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Ds is watching a cartoon version of 'Hans and the Silver Skates' because today was "I is for Ice Skating." Not that he'd know that, because he's 2, but dd and I were watching youtube clips of ice skating this morning so she should be impressed once she emerges from her room. She's in there playing with cuisinaire rods at the moment. I just sat down here to write up a blog post for today's "school" day and remembered I had nothing terribly important to do, so I'm here while I wait for inspiration. I'm feeling inspired to lie on a blanket in the backyard and read my book.




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I wanted to work on decimals, she burst into the Peanut Butter Jelly Song. They actually taught this for some reason at the PS today.


I remember when my oldest learnt this one. If you've never heard it, don't click. It's viciously "sticky n catchy".


You remember it? Anyone sympathize with me?


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One twin and DSD are building a duplo tower to the ceiling and knocking it down to entertain the daycare baby.


The other twin is using the inflatable globe from MFW-ECC as a basketball. He taped a piece of paper to the playroom wall and is "shooting" the globe at it.


DSS is in bed, he is the odd one out, since it is barely past 9 and he is 16. He likes to go to bed early. I will be fighting the littles for the next hour or so to calm down and get ready for bed.

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Teenagers in here discussing the injustices of the world.


"What are they going to do about it?" she asks unsnarkily.


Just wondering because every time my brother and I get together, we come up with a new idea for curing one of the country's problems. :lol: And dh says has decided to start donating to charity, so I was poking around this morning looking for charities that might tickle his fancy.



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At 7:24pm last night, my 13yo was playing guitar in her room, my 15yo was on the computer, and my 18yo was in computer science class.


Right now (8:09am), my 13yo is still asleep (that's probably a bad thing, indicating that last night was a bad one for sleep), my 15yo is on the computer, and my 18yo is in Topics in Arts&Technology class.


Actually my 15yo is the one who is on the computer the least in this house. She can't stand to be in front of a computer or videogame screen for more than about 1.5 hours at a time. She can watch tv for as long as it takes to watch a movie, but then she needs to MOVE. She needs at least 2 hours off after doing anything with a screen before going back to a screen. It actually made things difficult last year because two of the things she did for school were on the computer and she felt like she couldn't get on the computer for fun because she'd already spent too much time in front of a screen.

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its 8:24 am here.


dd #4 is doing a webex ancient history lesson with historyatourhouse,

dd #3 is doing latin translation from the cambridge latin course.

dd # 2 (age 25) is likely still asleep in san jose, and

dd #1 (age 27) is at a wedding in japan


dh is at work, and i'm visiting with my virtual friends on well trained mind....


great question!


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We get going late. It's 9:30am here and haven't had breakfast yet.


DD6 is playing Pocket Frogs. Before that she was writing a book.


DH is in Chile and they just had an earthquake. I told him about the 7.9 one I experienced in Puerto Vallarta in 1995.


Next I will make breakfast and then decide whether to work out for an hour or start school.

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It's 8:25 here.

My two littles are playing Camp Out in the living room. Playing with a candle (I'm in the room), their fire. They have a blanket tent set up so they can spend the night there.

DD 14 went with her grandma today to the "big town" (pop. 20,000) so she can do her Tae Kwon Do and surf the web. Right now she is probably either recording herself playing guitar for YouTube or playing Movie Star Planet. Later, she and grandma and great-grandma will likely watch In Living Colour and then those funny old British guys on the PBS channel.

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