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S/O Caillou poll

Caillou in your home  

  1. 1. Caillou in your home

    • I have never watched Caillou and will not allow it on in my house
    • I have watched it once or twice and refuse to allow it back into my house
    • I tolerate it because dh likes it
    • I tolerate it because the kids like it
    • I enjoy watching as much as the kids
    • Iâ??ve seen every single episode since it came on the air
    • Cornbread! Oh, I mean "other."

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For those of you who cannot stand Caillou, please keep me in your prayers (of whatever type they might be!) Caillou is considered a role model in my area of the world. Every single child of that age sounds and behaves like Caillou, and parents are being praised if they raise their kids just like that.


I'm surrounded by real-life Caillous. Thankfully my kids are growing up and I am no longer dealing with Caillou-wannabes on a regular basis.:001_huh:

Oh, you poor dear. I had a fear that it was like that.


When I was little, the characters on French-Canadian children's shows all seemed to have crazy outfits and be very... well... strange and excitable by anglophone standards. ;) Caillou is much calmer, but more insidious. I guess this is what happens when you get children's books and TV shows written by "child-centered" psychologists, instead of by whoever came up with the old ones.


It makes me nostalgic for this. :D

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The option I needed was "We have seen more episodes than I care to admit, but not because we like it--we all mock and point out how ill behaved Calliou is and wonder if he'd be less whiny if his parents did something to curb his annoying behavior."


:iagree: Good grief, they need some parenting classes!! That kid is an obnoxious, out of control, whining, spoiled brat!! My kids refused to watch it even when it was age appropriate. Thank goodness!!

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Not sure how to vote because I do not exactly tolerate it nor do I exactly enjoy watching it. I would fall between that I suppose.;)


:iagree:I voted that I tolerate it, but it did not really bother me. DS loved it, DD never got into it. It was a short lived phase in our house. Although i do prefer it to Dora any day!

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I'm going with "cornbread!" here :lol: I feel no animosity whatsoever toward Caillou and enjoyed the show just fine when the kids cared to watch it. I didn't find his voice horribly whiny or his parents particularly permissive, and they never whined after watching it either. DD9 did try the voice out a few times after watching, but that's because she likes to mimic voices and accents (she's eerily good at it!).


I've never understood the hatred of Caillou, just like I've never understood the hatred of SpongeBob! Now, if you get me going on the Suite Life of Zack and Cody, though, you'll wish you had earplugs :tongue_smilie: And that stinkin' Diego broke my kid's collarbone!

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My kids like it. It doesn't bother me. Way better than a lot of other shows they like. I can't stand Yo Gabba Gabba, teletubbies, or barney. or spongebob for that matter.


A couple of hours ago my neighbor brought over a bunch of stuff she's selling (my boys are two years younger than her boys, so she always lets me have first dibs on her garage sale stuff) and I ended up buying a Caillou computer game from her. Must be Caillou day.

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I hate Caillou. Hate. Hate! "Roooosiiiiie!" ugh.


Ds has only seen it once or twice, that is all it took for the, "but I don't like that," or "but I don't want to do this," to start. That was quite enough.


I don't allow Spongebob either. I'll take the violent cartoons like He-Man, Spiderman and Looney Tunes any day other Caillou or Spongebob. Yay for netflix!


:iagree: with both of you.


Btw. xmen is on Netflix too!


And we own ThunderCats

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It's not even the content so much - sure he pleads and bit and gets upset like any toddler - it's the tone of his voice. It's just horrid.


Also the lack of hair. Why does everyone else have a huge bushy style?


Caillou stands for all children. He doesn't have curly blond hair, a carrot-top, brown hair, glasses, or ethnic features, because he represents all children. We wanted to make Caillou universal so every child could identify with him. And they do! Caillou's baldness may make him different, but we hope it's helping children understand that being different isn't just okay, it's normal.


Right. But he is lily white!


Anyway, virtually all boy cartoon characters are voiced by women, in my observation, and it looks like Caillou's no exception, and that there have been several. What does Caillou sound like en francais? Better?


I do like that the show is about regular kids doing real things.

Edited by stripe
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Just curious about the results. Pick which you think best fits you.



Ds loved Caillou. I liked it, too. I should note, though, that we watched it in French, as it's meant to be seen. ;) Caillou is much more agreeable in French.

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I haven't watched it in years, since my kids have outgrown it :), but my ds watched it daily when it first came on (I'm thinking about 12 years ago?) and I thought it was a cute, beneficial and appropriate show for preschoolers. I remember him being so excited when he had a birthday and was "4" just like Caillou!


I am expecting it will be on again in our house in another year or so, assuming the content hasn't changed over the years. I am actually surprised to see some don't like it (although I can see his high-pitched voice becoming annoying, I suppose).

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I can't stand the music or the slowness of speech, but this is a show for preschoolers. I do allow my son to watch it. It is very gentle, and has been good for him. there are few things he's allowed to watch, and many he is not.


(I banned curious george when we noticed a) george was always causing trouble, but NEVER getting in trouble and b) my son started mimicking him and causing lots of trouble.)

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I've only seen it a few times, and not recently. I'm surprised at how many here think he's a spoiled brat.


I guess you won't want to meet my family then. :(


From what I remembered of the show, it was nice and gentle. We all liked it. It also (for the few viewings my son has had) had the tv benedryl effect mentioned earlier. It honestly left my kid calmer and less likely to whine, ime..

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My choice wasn't there.. so I had to pick "we watched it a few times and I won't allow it back in my house" but that is not totally true. We have watched it a few times, I tolerated it...the kids didn't love or hate it...and we moved on. I could care less if someone watched it in my house again. That wasn't an option though.

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Caillou is one of only 2 preschool shows I've banned. The other was Doodlebops, which I think is gone. I remember my OB/GYN frequently had Caillou on in the waiting room when I was pregnant with my first and I was horrified. I thought, is this what my life will become?? Will I end up having to endure watching this all the time, or worse, living with a child who sounds like this? It was nightmare inducing. Maybe it was just the pregnancy hormones but I still hate to hear the theme song or Caillous or his mother's voices!

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I voted CORNBREAD!!! I have an AWESOME cornbread recipe. I grind my own organic popcorn for my cornmeal, grind my wheat, then I'm good to go. It's best with buttermilk. During my kitchen remodel, I don't DARE try to find the recipe. And even if I did, how will I cook it with a gutted kitchen?


Oh, and Caillou? I became a mom 20 years ago and I weant to be DONE with those young kid's show.s Just the beginning of the show where they say, "CAILLOU" sends me over the top. NO MORE.


Guess what I voted?:biggrinjester:

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