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S/O Spongebob poll

Spongebob in your home  

  1. 1. Spongebob in your home

    • I have never watched Spongebob and will not allow it on in my house
    • I have watched it once or twice and refuse to allow it back into my house
    • I tolerate it because dh likes it
    • I tolerate it because the kids like it
    • I enjoy watching as much as the kids
    • Iâ??ve seen every single episode since 1999
    • Tarter Sauce! Oh, I mean "other."

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I voted I have seen it once or twice, and refuse to let it back in my house. In reality, it never entered my house. I saw it once on vacation with some relatives, and then again on another vacation when the hotel was showing movies on the beach, and they put Sponge Bob on before the main attraction. I think it's kind of dumb, so I don't enjoy it at all, and I really don't care for my DC to see it because I consider it a waste of time. But, we watch very little TV, anyhow, because we don't have pay TV, and there's not much worthwhile to choose from otherwise. So I guess I'm a TV snob in general.

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I haven't watched it - only snips here and there - enough to know that it would drive me bonkers. We really never allowed commercial TV aimed at children when they were younger because I hated the whine factor. That eliminated SpongeBob. My kids have seen it at other people's houses and they just scratch their heads. They were raised on good cartoons - classic Looney Tunes, Moose and Squirrel, Tom and Jerry. Once Warner Brothers shut down their animation studios, cartoons became the equivalent of twaddle (but we're not snobs or anything;).)

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I voted for never, as I have never allowed it in my house. I saw about 15 min of it at a friends house before I ever had children, and I hated it.


My son went to a private school k-2, so within the first week of his kindy year he was talking about sponge bob and pokemon. I caved on the pokemon and let him get really into that. Then he had a choice (once he already loved pokemon, mom manipulation 101) He could choose pokemon or sponge bob. He chose pokemon (surprise, surprise) If he ever watches or asks me for sponge bob things, he losses his pokemon stuff for a week.:lol:


We are blissfully sponge bob free.


Oh, it also works at Christmas time. Some friends had been talking to him about the big bearded guy. He was wavering, until santa left a sponge bob bookmark in his stocking. He KNOWS how much mom dislikes spongebob, and that she would never buy that for him.

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I voted other. I hate that show and have always hated that show, but Pigby did watch a lot of it when I was pregnant or when I was so tired it was hard to get up. It won't ever be allowed in the house again, since we got rid of the TV. Now I don't even have to put up with the "Can I watch TV?" whining and I love it!


ETA after reading a little of the other thread: the biggest reason I hate Spongebob is because of his laugh. ARRRRRHHHH!!! Like fingernails on a chalkboard. Also, in the interest of full disclosure, my kids watch one movie a day, so it's not like I'm completely opposed to screen time, I'm just opposed to the commercials being shown and some of the shows that drive me absolutely batty.

Edited by meggie
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I've never watched it and never cared to. My boys have never expressed an interest in watching it either. We don't watch much TV in general.


I've been saying for years that [certain] TV shows have shortened the human attention span. It's not just this one.


We do watch educational TV (documentaries, etc) and some fun shows (White Collar, Burn Notice - both fast paced), but SpongeBob just doesn't make either category for us.

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When the show first came on, my husband and I were enthusiastic about giving it a try. There were other cartoons on at the time that we really enjoyed. For example, we used to tape Animaniacs, because we loved it. We had the impression from the pre-release press that Spongebob would be the same kind of snarky-smart show.


It wasn't. We hated it and quit watching after the first couple of episodes.


In the intervening years, I've caught snippets here and there because some people we know love it. And I've yet to see any evidence that we're missing anything (except annoyance) by tuning it out in our home.

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We watch maybe once a week and that's a maybe.


The kids like it and so do DH and I. But we're all split into different factions - one boy loves Spongebob, one loves Squidward and one loves Plankton.


I love Plankton because his 'evil' schemes always result in him falling flat on his face.


And I like that Sandy is the smartest one in the whole bunch.

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I don't think my kids are old enough for Spongebob and so it has been a non-issue. I choose what they get to watch on TV from either DVDs or On Demand and I've just never offered it. I wouldn't say it is totally off-limits, but if they are happy without we'll keep it that way for the time being.

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I voted other.


I can remember when they first advertised the show, and I thought it looked stupid. I've since seen a few minutes of it here and there. I've never watched an entire show. My opinion hasn't changed. I think it's the dumbest show on the planet.


I wouldn't ban it since dd is old enough to make her own choices about something like that, but I probably would complain if she had it on when I was in the room. She doesn't like it either though, so it hasn't been an issue.

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I've watched it once or twice but don't allow it. And it is because of the lack of respect they show for each other. My girls always seem to be meaner to each other after watching Spongebob as well as Finneus and Ferb. Although, my girls are amazingly more respectful and nicer since not watching tv at all.

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raised on good cartoons - classic Looney Tunes, Moose and Squirrel, Tom and Jerry. Once Warner Brothers shut down their animation studios, cartoons became the equivalent of twaddle (but we're not snobs or anything;).)


:iagree: We love old Looney Tunes (NOT the new one :glare:) and such. My son would love for the Animaniacs to come back and agrees that cartoons are just loud, obnoxious, fast paced, basically plotless nonsense.


But of the nonsense, we do allow Sponge Bob. It is ever so slightly more clever than most of the junk on. We think it is funny sometimes. I voted watched it with my kids but I think I need a category between like watching it with my kids and don't like it. Don't hate it but also do not go out of my way to actually watch it.

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We love Spongebob :001_smile:. I sometimes think DS10 is Spongebob, he's a very similar personality. I do think Spongebob is an acquired taste. It's interesting that those who are really against it have only seen a few minutes or an episode at the most. The more I see it, the more I appreciate it. However, I probably wouldn't choose to put it on for myself - I enjoy watching it with the boys while I'm ironing.



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I watched snippets of Spongebob and thought it was annoying. But my kids started watching on a visit to my dad's with their cousins, and they were hooked. Then I got sick and ended up watching with them while I lay in misery on the couch. I'm still not a die-hard Spongebob fan, but I liked a lot about the Spongebob character: His enthusiasm, his loyalty, his ability to see the best in others. The stories are silly in a fun way.


I see Spongebob in the same light I see lollipops. We don't eat lollipops every day, but a lollipop once in a while is fun and isn't going to stunt their growth. And I wouldn't give them a lollipop for lunch then expect them to perform well on a test. Spongebob is brain candy.



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I used to really dislike it. A LOT.


Then my boys got a little bit older, and found it funny. And dh found it funny. So now we've seen probably most, if not all, of the episodes as we own a zillion or so on DVD.


And somehow or another, it grew on me. Some episodes still gross me out (friendship day and a giant ball of used bubble gum??? Ewwww!!!) but all in all, now that my kids are actually in the target age range, it's strangely less annoying than it used to be.

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:iagree: We love old Looney Tunes (NOT the new one :glare:) and such. My son would love for the Animaniacs to come back and agrees that cartoons are just loud, obnoxious, fast paced, basically plotless nonsense.


But of the nonsense, we do allow Sponge Bob. It is ever so slightly more clever than most of the junk on. We think it is funny sometimes. I voted watched it with my kids but I think I need a category between like watching it with my kids and don't like it. Don't hate it but also do not go out of my way to actually watch it.


should have read first before posting. This exactly categorizes my vote. From the old Looney Tunes to the Animaniacs to Sponge Bob. Word for word, this is how I feel about it.

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I have no interest in Sponge Bob, and either does my husband.


It's true I haven't watched it. But I am very selective about what I do watch. We haven't gotten any TV shows live in about 8 years. So if I do want to watch a show I first research it, read about it, perhaps wait a few years to see if the show continues or at least ends well.


In other words no cartoon has ever been on my list.


I do currently watch "Thundercats" but it's my husbands pick, and I have no problem with it.


I don't think I could do Sponge Bob since I don't watch any shows that don't have a continuing story line across episodes. (Perhaps Sponge Bob does, but from what I heard it doesn't)

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I certainly don't watch it as much as my kids have over the years, but I find it hilarious whenever I do watch it. If I were to watch any cartoon, this would be it. The humor is quite sophisticated, and we both get different things out of it.


It's certainly not as inane as the Brady Bunch kids cartoon I used to watch.


They had a "Best Day Ever" marathon several years ago. My kids did all of their school work ahead of time, we planned a special dinner (was that the night I made our version of Krabby Patties?), and ds spent several hours watching it. Dd gave up by the third episode. It's not my ideal day of hsing, but it was one of those hs days we'll remember.:D

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I went back and forth with this one. I allowed it then took it away then allowed it, etc.....Again, bad mom!


My middle son particularly liked it. He is a goof ball anyway. It didn't affect him negatively and he didn't call people names because of it.


Did you know they have Sponge Bob in rural China? My youngest watched it in Mandarin and called it "Sheba Sheba" when I first got him. He would whine to watch Sheba Sheba (emphasis on the first syllable.)



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We've watched it in hotel rooms and I don't get it. I get that it's silly junk and all but Bob is so darn annoying. That voice! Ack!

And Patrick is just an idiot. I never like deliberately stupid characters. Innocent, sure. Idtioic, no.


My kids do think it's funny and we did briefly have it on Netflix instant watch until that mean old company took them all away. ;)

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I voted I tolerate it because the kids like it but I did the poll as when they watched it ( I don't think any of them do now). But it was more than tolerate it since it wasn't a program that I had a problem with. I do have problems with some of the programs they now watch (or rather the olders did till they moved out a bit ago) but really couldn't complain too much since dh watched and let them watch and seems like my middle actually learned some things from watching various shows I wasn't a fan of. I am not into slapstick comedy at all but dh and kids do like it.

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