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Poll: how many here have lived overseas?

Poll (check the post if you have a question): Have you lived overseas?  

  1. 1. Poll (check the post if you have a question): Have you lived overseas?

    • Yes, for short time
    • Yes, for more than a couple of years
    • No
    • Other
    • I hate polls!

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Our stint in the UK was exactly two years, so I wasn't sure which reply to hit. Maybe I should have responded "other.? However, to me it did not FEEL like a short period of time.


:lol: I was leaving it open for interpretation.


We lived in Germany for 5 years, 2 different places.

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Most of my adult life. I spent two years in France during and just after my degree, five years total in mainland China, seven years in Hong Kong, five years in Taiwan and two years in California. Scotland isn't exactly my home country, but we use the same passport.... Husband is still 'overseas' - he's from the US originally, although he's a naturalised British subject.



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My family lived in Saudi Arabia from the time I was 13 until I graduated college at age 22. I attended two high school years in London, so I lived most of the year in the UK and went back to Saudi for the summers during that time. Ditto for university, which I attended in the States.

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We lived in Italy for 3 years. We're hoping to get back there in a couple of years, but it's not looking very promising right now. Unfortunately, that's the only overseas billet my husband is eligible for (not counting Hawaii and Guam, which I know are overseas, but not the same, lol).

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I lived in Mali for 6 months, Portugal for 2.5 years, and South Korea for about 15 months. During the time I lived in Portugal, I traveled extensively in Europe. While living in Africa, I traveled to Burkina Faso and Cote D'Ivoire. During the time I was in S. Korea, I spent time in Japan and Guam. All of these experiences have greatly enriched my life.


Next, year, we are moving to China. It will be my first time living overseas with a child, and i am a little nervous about that. But I know that the positive benefits of the time we will spend overseas as a family will far outweigh the negatives.

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Born in U.S.

Moved to Germany when I was 4 months old (my mom is German).

Moved back to U.S. when I was 2.5.

Moved back to Germany when I was 7.

Lived in Germany until age 18.

Moved back to U.S. at 18 and have lived here since...


Of all the places I've lived (we moved around a lot in Germany as well as in the U.S.) Colorado Springs feels most like "home" with Freiburg, Germany a close second.

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Our stint in the UK was exactly two years, so I wasn't sure which reply to hit. Maybe I should have responded "other.? However, to me it did not FEEL like a short period of time.


Ha - our stint in the UK was two years and two months. I checked more than a couple of years :) It didn't feel like a short period of time to me, either.

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DH and I (both from the USA) lived in Bolivia as newlyweds, for just under two years. DH was almost halfway through a 3 year term with Food for the Hungry when we married. At the end of the term, we brought our 5 month old son home with us. We always joked that we should have gotten "Hecho en Bolivia" tattoo'd on his butt! We've been in the states ever since. Said son will be 18 this fall.

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I voted no. I have no exciting or horrible story to share about time abroad. It was an option on the poll, and you know I've been conditioned to answer polls lately. My best friends in high school were the foreign exchange students, but that's not really relevant I guess. :tongue_smilie:

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I lived in Nice, France for a semester during college, and stayed for the summer to travel and visit friends.


Then I did a Master's Program at the University in Tours, France for a year. My aunt came to Europe at the end of my year, and we traveled around together.


My sister lived in Tours, France for 2 years, and Liège, Belgium for 1 year, and I visited her as often as I could. I would live in France or Belgium if I could. I especially felt at home in Tours.

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Have not lived overseas, but I've been overseas for up to a month at a time. Think I've travelled overseas about 8-10 times total to Europe and Asia.


I would *LOVE* to live overseas for a while. Trying to get DH to get a job assignment overseas. His company has offices/customers worldwide.

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I lived in Morocco for about 9 months. We were supposed to live there for 3 years (Kanitra) but something political happened and we had to leave in a hurry.


I was only 4 years old, but I remember it being a beautiful place - quite fragrant. We had a lemon tree, a tangerine tree and a lime tree in our yard and the man across the street had a lovely rose garden. Our maid baked the most awesome bread I've ever eaten (never found anything like it since) and we drank mint tea a lot. Shepherds came down our street from time to time with their flocks. I'd love to go back someday.

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I lived in Jerusalem for 9 months and have spent 18 months (so far) in Kyrgyzstan. That's nowhere near as much as I would have hoped for at this point in my life, but hopefully we can continue to live overseas. I'll never catch up to my husband who lived in Europe, the Middle East, and South America for a long time before we were married.

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