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Everything posted by dlcricket

  1. Both my sons worked as adjuncts and it was tough. We are thankful that they both now have full time faculty jobs with benefits. The oldest teaches Spanish at Lane College in Jackson, Tennessee, and the younger teaches English at Penn State.
  2. Just a heads up- craving hard, crunchy food like uncooked pasta or ice is a sign of iron deficiency. If your child seems to really want it a lot, it may be a good idea to have his iron levels checked. I went through a time when I loved to munch on raw spaghetti and even bought it just to eat raw. Then, I learned that my iron levels were dangerously low. When that corrected, I stopped eating raw spaghetti.
  3. Our sons both received full scholarships (room, board, tuition, books) and also Pell grants. The grants went in the bank for other expenses. So, yes, file FAFSA. We're missionaries, so our income qualified them for full grants. A blessing.
  4. Our sons both received full scholarships (room, board, tuition, books) and also Pell grants. The grants went in the bank for other expenses. So, yes, file FAFSA. We're missionaries, so our income qualified them for full grants. A blessing.
  5. I made a little case with essential supplies and included a small wrapped gift (earrings) to be opened when she needed the supplies. We didn't make a big deal and she knew what to do. We had examined the products carefully, including seeing how much water a pad held and opening a tampon and watching it expand in water. The actual day was low-stress.
  6. I have both. I use the Instant Pot several times a week. Before I got the Instant Pot, I used my stove top pressure cooker maybe twice a month. The IP is great. I put the ingredients in just like I did with my stovetop model, but after closing the lid, I push a button and am free for other tasks. The IP brings itself to pressure, times itself, and then releases the pressure. After the pressure is released, it keeps the food warm. The convenience has led me to use it for many more dishes than I ever used the stovetop one. And, in a year, I have never burned anything on the IP or scorched anything.
  7. Do your in-laws speak Spanish? The Spanish word for high school is "colegio". They may be asking when they will go to regular school.
  8. Do your in-laws speak Spanish? The Spanish word for high school is "colegio". They may be asking when they will go to regular school.
  9. He was 11. We would have done it sooner if had been diagnosed earlier. We live overseas and he was diagnosed during a 6 month stay in the US. The surgery was done by a pediatric ENT at Oschner in New Orleans.
  10. Our son has a submucosal cleft palate that was diagnosed when he was ten. His voice was hypernasal and he couldn't pronounce hard sounds like "k" and "g". We tried speech therapy, including exercises with a CPAP machine, but there wasn't enough improvement. So, he had the pharyngeal flap. His speech was immediately improved. We made the decision for surgery because of something the speech therapist said. "No child should ever be limited in his career choices because of his speech." He is now teaching English Literature and Composition at a state University.
  11. I recently acquired a Nutribullet. Anyone have one? I'm looking for ideas and recipes. We live in the tropics, so we have access to lots of fresh fruit
  12. Yes, meds are very important. A regular routine of eating, sleeping, etc is also essential. No caffeine, alcohol or illegal drugs. Most people with bipolar struggle with substance abuse. I definitely second the counseling. Our godson, 23 years old, lives with us and has bipolar 2. It is manageable. People with bipolar are usually very creative. Look for ways to engage the creative part of the mind.
  13. I have a new Instant Pot and I'm excited. Could you share your favorite recipes to use in it? I am in Ecuador and can't get many processed/canned foods, so recipes from scratch using fresh or basic ingredients are best. The climate here is hot year round, and we don't have air conditioning, so I'm hoping that this pot helps me cook without heating up the kitchen too much.
  14. Anyone else have kids that cut other kids' hair?? Our son cut a chunk of hair off the girl sitting in front of him in first grade, before we homeschooled. We got an envelope with a lock of hair and a note from his teacher. Our daughter, when she was five, cut a little boy's hair so close his parents shaved his head to "fix" it. Her explanation? "I asked if I could cut his hair and he said yes"
  15. I prefer the first one. I like the baby in the manger as opposed to Woodstock sitting there. I also like the scripture.
  16. Yes, and my daughter is planning to wear it when she gets married one day. She has already planned to alter the neckline and sleeves, and replace the back zipper with lacing. She tried it on and it fits.
  17. In August, Dillard's puts their swimsuits on sale at sometimes 75% off. I've found some comfortable modest ones there, with skirts and, one that was shorts with a tank top. Although the normal prices are $100+, 75% off brings it down to a reasonable price.
  18. I gave her Nancy Rue's The Body Book and told her to let me know when she got to the chapter on periods. I had prepared a little cloth zipper case with pads, tampons, and a small wrapped gift (earrings). We took a pad and ran water over it in the sink to see how much it absorbed. Then, we opened a tampon and soaked it and watched it expand. This took the mystery out of it. I told her to keep supplies in the case. The gift was to be opened when she had her first period. When it happened, she told me very calmly, and found the gift and opened it.
  19. K9 Web Protection allows you to restrict time online. You can enable users for a specific time, like an hour. When time is up, a message appears in the browser and internet is disabled. http://www1.k9webprotection.com/
  20. Ipods seem more expensive, but I bought my iPod Nano 6 years ago and it works just like new. I expect to use it for a few more years. I use it a lot and carry it in my purse or backpack. It's been dropped numerous times. It just works and is less expensive than replacing an mp3 player every year or so. As someone mentioned, refurbished iPods are a great deal. The Nano is a simple mp3 player with no apps or internet access. The Touch is like a smartphone without the phone. Sounds like a Nano would meet your needs.
  21. Our son has a assistantship in English at a state university. So, they are available. Our daughter is looking at a grad degree in Psychology and Counseling, and she has a good chance of an assistantship, also.
  22. Actually, I don't compare Facebook to a "party", but more of a virtual neighborhood.
  23. Fasting is something very personal between you and God. There is no right or wrong way to fast, If you choose to fast completely for a set number of hours or number of meals, that is fine. If you drink only water, or water and juice for a pre-determined time, that is also acceptable. Fasting is a private time between you and God. There are no rules.
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