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What time do YOU wake up in the morning?

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8:30 on a good day. Usually 9am. I don't sleep well during the night at this stage in my pregnancy (7mos) and so I just can't function before then. I always tell my older dc to have their chores done before I get up (they get up by 7:30 usually) and they can start their schoolwork even if I'm not up. Does that ever happen? NO WAY! But, I've actually been trying to get up and going so we can start by 8:30 now. Glad to see I'm not the only late sleeper!

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For the past few weeks, I have been getting up at 5:30 so I can have some alone time before the troops wake up. I love having all of this quiet time before my day gets going at full speed. The problem, though, is that by 1 p.m. I start to get the foggy feeling cause I am sleepy. I was able to forge my way through it today by going on the computer and exercising. But some days I give in and take a bit of a nap. That's not good. :rolleyes:



mom of 3 (8,7,5)

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I like to get up at least an hour ahead of my daughter to have prayer and quiet time, a work-out, and a start on chores. If I don't do this, my day doesn't feel as peaceful and I tend to get frazzled. :eek: Getting up an hour and a half earlier that everyone else is even better - though that doesn't happen more than a couple times a week.


For me, I wake at 6:30 and dd gets up at 7:30. We start school at 8:15 or so.

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I get up between 4:30 and 6:30. If I sleep later than 6:30, I feel like I wasted half my morning and I have a hard time getting my day back on track. If I sleep in till 8:00, I feel like a total slug and then I'm mad at myself and grumpy. If I oversleep, I'm also more tired throughout the day. I'm a morning person though. I can't last much past 10:00 p.m.

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get away with. I am NOT a morning person and 2 of my 3 children aren't either. So with that said I'm usually up by 8am.....albeit reluctantly........I would rather sleep until 9-10am. I work swing shift and don't get off until midnight so it is hard for me to get up at 8am since I don't get to bed until 1-2am usually. I find I get more done at night then I do getting up early


Work with your body clock, not against it!

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get away with. I am NOT a morning person and 2 of my 3 children aren't either. So with that said I'm usually up by 8am.....albeit reluctantly........I would rather sleep until 9-10am. I work swing shift and don't get off until midnight so it is hard for me to get up at 8am since I don't get to bed until 1-2am usually. I find I get more done at night then I do getting up early


Work with your body clock, not against it!

This is me too.

I was never a morning person. I work a swing shift on weekends. I try really hard to sleep until at least 9. 10 would be ideal, but that will have to wait a couple more years.

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I am SO not a morning person. I wake up at about 6:30, but the kids entertain themselves until about 8:30. Every now and then my husband lets me sleep in and I roll out of bed about 9:15ish...we homeschool in the afternoon, the bulk of it anyway.

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I wake up at 5:30am during the week. Dh leaves the house at 6:15am so I make him breakfast and pack his lunch while he showers and dresses for work. I am pretty much used to it now.


The kids get up pretty early too - usually by 7am and if they eat - we are often starting school by 8am. Funny tho - I still can't get everything done! lol

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I take any opportunity I get to sleep in on weekends, holidays, etc. Dh has to leave for work at 6:00 am. I get up when his alarm goes off so that I can see him, get his clothes ready for him, set out his medicine, etc. Then, he calls me on his cell phone and we talk during his commute. I really wish that I could get more sleep, but it just isn't feasible right now. Sometimes I do get a lot done in the mornings before the kids get up, but sometimes I am so tired that I just sit and veg at the computer. :o

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6:30 is when the kids are allowed to come out of their rooms. Occasionally they'll both sleep in a little, but most days it's exactly 6:30 that one or both is coming to get me. We don't always get up right away, though.


Since dh leaves for work earlier, I'm awake from about 5:50 when his alarm goes off. I probably should use that time for something, but am just not that motivated....

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During the weekdays, dh and I get up between 6am and 6:30am. It's a little later on the weekends, but not much. I make my kids stay in their rooms til 8am, just so I can have 1/2 hour to 45 min of peace by myself before I have to start my "official" day :)

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My ideal is 8 a.m., but dh sets the alarm for 6:30 or 7. Ugh. We are night owls here, everyone staying up til 11 or 11:30. Seems to be getting later!!! I've got to reverse this trend, as I really function best with 8 hours of sleep.

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We get up anywhere between 6 am and 8 am to start school at 8:30 a.m.

If we get up earlier, we get more chores done before school and maybe instead of cereal we actually cook breakfast. When the weather is nice, we can take a walk before school. But, we are dressed and ready to begin at 8:30 no matter what (unless something else comes up).:D

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I get up at 5:50 am so I can meet my exercise partner between 6:15 and 6:30. Dh leaves for work at 6:30. Kids wake up between 7:30 and 8. I am home by 7:30, shower, start a load of laundry and send constant reminders to my kids to finish their morning routine so we can start school between 8:30 and 9.


On days that I don't meet my friend to exercise and I am too lazy to do it on my own, I sleep in til abou t 6:30 or 7. If sleep later, the day is a waste. Nothing gets done. :(

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