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Perfect house for homeschooling

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That is an AMAZING house! Are you considering buying it? The views are spectacular! The library makes me drool!


Thanks for sharing!


Elise in NC


We are in the process of looking for a house with just a bit more property. Anything from 1 to 30 acres right now. I really, really, really want that library. Dh said that we aren't buying a house based on one room. I think he's just being silly!

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We are in the process of looking for a house with just a bit more property. Anything from 1 to 30 acres right now. I really, really, really want that library. Dh said that we aren't buying a house based on one room. I think he's just being silly!


I agree he is being silly. That one room would keep me happy no matter the rest of the house! :D

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Did I miss the big overstuffed chairs with good lighting so one could sit in the library and read?


Yes, it was nice, but I'm not sure I'd leave it devoid of seating.



But wouldn't the overstuffed chairs be part of the furnishings that come with you when you move in???

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I suppose they would. I just thought it odd that there is the library and no place to sit and read. Or did I miss a chair somewhere?

I didn't see chairs, either, but that wouldn't prevent me from buying the house. I'd just bring my own. :001_smile:

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Beautiful! Its crazy to me how different home values are from state to state! That house would be $200-300k here.


Here, in Los Angeles, it would be $1.5 million or more, and that is on waaaaay less land.


I love that library, and the views... WOW!

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