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s/o If you have cats, how many do you have?

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Romeo is 16 years old and TJ is just about 4-5 months. Our female ( Juliet )passed away this spring at 16. Romeo has thyroid issues and has been on medication daily for a few years.


I was very reluctant to bring a young cat home because I was afraid that it would annoy Romeo too much. Then a dear friend found TJ abandoned at a park and after the girls took one look he came home with us. He needed surgery right away to amputate part of his tail that had been injured.


We are still working on leash training the new one but both of our older cats have been leashed trained and enjoyed walking around the yard or laying in the sun on the deck while the girls play outside.



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We have two. Our old lady Piper(10) is indoor only, though she will sometimes come out on the front porch and hang out with us when we're there. Our crazy kitty Luna (2) is indoor/out. She was the offspring of a barn cat that the kids fell in love with. We do have several barn cats, but they were here before we moved in so I don't really consider them "ours."

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One currently (have had 2 at a time before) and they're indoor cats. Sometimes, I'll let her out on the patio w/ me briefly or the kids will, but she loves to gobble down grass and then come back inside and puke it all up. If she didn't do that, I might be more inclined to take her out in the yard when I'm outside, but I'd never leave her out there alone. I'm not a fan of free roaming cats - I clean up way too much cat poo in my yard :glare:

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When we moved I tried to leash train the cat so I could walk him on the 8 hour trip. Everytime I put the leash on he dropped to the floor like he was dead.:tongue_smilie:


I tried this w/ a cat of mine when we moved. He made himself like a rock & refused to budge. :lol:


We did have 8, but we lost our oldest last week.




But I don't have the $ to get her fixed.


You might want to call a local vet & see if there are any programs that fund spaying/neutering for feral cats. Sometimes you can get it done very cheaply or for free that way.


Two are flame points, one's a Siamese, ...

One of the outside cats likes to stand on my Great Pyrs and knead them. :lol:


Be still my heart. My oldest kitty (who is *my* cat) is a flame point mix & our next oldest kitty (who belongs to ds & me) is a Siamese mix. I adore these feisty, loud, smart cats!!! Do your flame points like water/don't mind being wet?


That is too funny about kneading the (big) dogs. Do the dogs like their massages?


Our female ( Juliet )passed away this spring at 16.



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Two cats.


One carefully selected for temperament, personality, appearance, and easy of grooming.


One scruffy, long-haired, bad-tempered creature that somebody dumped and which decided to crawl onto my porch to die. $200 in vet bills later, I had an involuntary cat.


ETA: Both indoors. We live on a very busy street.

Edited by Sharon in Austin
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We have four cats, all fixed and indoor only. Two are older and two are younger. I used to have two other older cats. One left home with the 19 year old and the other passed away prematurely. They were replaced by the two youngsters. So apparently my limit is four cats. Just enough to be a little unusual but not quite enough to be the crazy cat lady.

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One orange cat, indoor/outdoor. He adopted us when we lived in the country. He just showed up and insisted he lived there. He was an older kitten, very friendly. Turns out he was the neighbor's cat--the neighbors that lived a mile away, not even on our road. They let us keep him. We've had him about 7 years now.

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We have 8. A male, female and 6 kittens. They are barn cats- outdoors all the way. We do feed them some- not a ton. We want them to hunt. We de-worm them and give them shots once a year (they bring home rats and other wild thangs). They ride on the kids shoulders and are totally tame and adorable.

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We have one, and that's one too many in my opinion. I'm not much of a cat lover. He's mostly outdoor, but he can come in if he wants to. When it's cold, we tend to see more of him. When the weather is nice, he'd rather be out.



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Ten. The oldest has been my companion since vet school, and is going on sixteen this September. I lost number eleven last winter, a cat that came with the house. She was twenty. The youngest is five, one of a pair of cats left to me in a client's will. Yes, I am the crazy cat lady. All of them are indoor/outdoor, with the geriatrics spending most of their time in their baskets soaking up the sun through the windows, and the younger set chasing lizards and grasshoppers outside. We have nineteen acres well off of a dead-end road.

We also have three dogs, the neighbor's dog (120 lb Wolf Hybrid who thinks he lives at my house), a small flock of chickens and guineas, and as of last week I think my neighbor's horses have moved in on me!

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1 indoor spazztastic but soft and beautiful Manx 2 y.o. fly and spider killing machine. We call her Hazel after Hazel Rah in Watership Down. She really does hop like a bunny when she's spooked.

What is it about manxes? We have what the cat shelter called a "manx," though she's clearly a manx the same way I'm Irish--as in, maybe three generations ago--and we just call her a "minx." But she goes crazy if she can't play a wild game of fetch-the-mouse daily, and she's a one-cat palmetto bug destruction device, with unending energy. I wish we'd named her Orkin. Oh boy is she affectionate, too. And, every once in a while, that bunny-hop shows itself (less now than it used to, now that she's getting on in years and weight).

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We have 4 indoor cats that our legally ours. :)


My next door neighbor and I trap and spay/neuter the cats that wander onto our farms. I think we did that to 5 this summer. We rehomed one clearly tame one with a sweet little girl two farms over who loved his crazy paws.


And one of those 5 cats was injured so he now lives inside my neighbor's home 99% of the time. My neighbor has a huge heart for animals.

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Sounds pretty Manxy to me! I think most of the time they are mixed breed. Often they have a rounder face than other cats and their back legs are longer so they are more boxy-shaped. Ours is a "stumpy" which means she has a wee tiny tail, maybe 2 in. long at most. It doesn't bother her when we touch it, but our last Manx had the same tail and it was very very sensitive. All the nerve endings conglomerate right there--which means sometimes they have pooping problems, although no Manx I've seen has had this. My grandma had a "rumpy" which means the cat had no tail whatsover...just a little tuft of fur there. She was completely white and beautiful.


I am glad your kitty kills the Palmetto bugs!!




There's a link to a video of Hazel as a kitten. She had just discovered this cabinet. It's hilarious. :)

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What is it about manxes? We have what the cat shelter called a "manx," though she's clearly a manx the same way I'm Irish--as in, maybe three generations ago--and we just call her a "minx." But she goes crazy if she can't play a wild game of fetch-the-mouse daily, and she's a one-cat palmetto bug destruction device, with unending energy. I wish we'd named her Orkin. Oh boy is she affectionate, too. And, every once in a while, that bunny-hop shows itself (less now than it used to, now that she's getting on in years and weight).


Wow, that IS funny-- my crazy Luna I mentioned above is a Manx, too! I didn't realize they had a reputation. :D

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We have 5 indoor cats. Elvis, about 10 years old and so big that the dogs are afraid of him (or maybe they're afraid of his claws), Miss Fluffy, about 6 years old, Kitty Kister, 2 years old, CJ, 1 year old, and Pickles wandered up last month. She appears to be about 12 weeks now. My precious Miss Kitty died a few months ago, she was our first cat and my favorite.


They are all spayed or neutered.


They all think that I am their slave....sometimes I feel like it!:D

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One 5 year old indoor Siamese. He wants to be an outdoor cat and spends sunny days on the screened in porch looking for a way out. But he's really a big wimp and any time he actually escapes, he ends up hiding in the bushes or under the porch.

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I've got you beat by 1. We have 7, all indoor only, spayed/neutered, and with claws. We did have 8, but we lost our oldest last week.


Awwww :( :grouphug:


We have 11, indoor/outdoor, some more outdoor than others. Only one of them was acquired "on purpose." The others just showed up. All are spayed/neutered. We had so many done at once, we got a discount. :)


We have a WINNAH!!! I bow to your crazy-cat-lady-ness. :lol:


I had a black Manx once... she was nuts. I swear that when her tail was genetically lopped off, half her brain went with it. She was constantly running into walls at full speed. She was bound and determined to escape outside, and one day she succeeded... and never found her way home. I sometimes wonder what happened to her. Her name was Phobia.

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Our female ( Juliet )passed away this spring at 16.


:grouphug: I worry about our 16 year old. He doesn't have any health problems other than just being old, but still.


I see there are quite a few people with older cats in this thread.


I was very reluctant to bring a young cat home because I was afraid that it would annoy Romeo too much.


We were worried about that too. Our older cat was 13 when we got her, and he very quickly let her know he wasn't interested in her foolishness. Luckily we have a dog who was happy to become her playmate. He was thrilled to have a cat who actually likes him. :D



Crookshanks-- I love it! What cuties they are.


Crookshanks looks just like my Oreo! So cute.


It's such a mouthful of a name for her. Ds is a huge Harry Potter fan (well, we all are really) and insisted that he wanted to name our next cat Crookshanks. It doesn't fit her personality though. So it's her official name and what we call her when we talk about her. But when we talk to her we tend to call her Miss Kitty.

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wow so many cat owners here. We have 8, 2 are from a farm, all the rest are rescue kitties. The only ones that have any interest in going outside are our 3 oldest and they just lay on our concret pad under our picnic table. We do have an upstairs sunroom, and a downstairs sunroom where the cats spend most of their time watchng birds.

They are

Blackie 11 years old

Ginger Pye 9

Sagwa 9

Angel 4

Quiksilver 4

Indiana Jones 4

Hannah Montana 4

Cali just turned 1

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