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s/o If you have cats, how many do you have?

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Oscar is indoor/outdoor...more indoor these days


Felix is strictly outdoor


Inky is strictly outdoor...if my dogs are around. If they are in the kennel for the day, he will wander in and out as he pleases.


Oh yeah, and I am highly allergic to cats lol:lol:

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Well.... we "have" 3 cats, all outdoor cats with garage privileges. Technically 2 are "ours", although they also like to live at the neighbor's house, but we "adopted" another one a couple of months ago, though I'm not sure how many other families she belongs to.

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Three indoor cats, 15, 5/6 and 3 years old (the last two are best guesses as they are shelter cats) -- Zoe, Piper, and Cecelia respectively.

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Three indoor cats.


Puck is 6 and was part of a litter from a stray cat we took in. He is a light red tabby and is the sweetest cat ever, he gives me hugs and is so patient with the kids and the baby.


Blossom is one if his littermates. She is a torti and is high strung and attached to me but doesn't really care for most people.


Lucky is 2 and looks like a Maine Coon- he has a mane and is a huge cat like Maine Coons tend to be. Dh found him on the side of the road in the rain as a tiny kitten. He is extremely playful and kittenish but also has an attitude problem.

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I'll tie for the crazy cat lady award. We have six, all indoor. There are a couple of strays that patrol the shed outside, but I don't ever feed them. All cats are spayed/neutered but they have their claws.
I'd love that many, but we just don't have the space for another litter box. :sad:
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We have one cat. He was an indoor cat until we moved to OK from MO. Now he is mostly outdoors. He comes in when he wants a snuggled.


We have a ten month old, indoor, spayed female. Dd puts her on a leash and takes her for a walk outside.:lol:


When we moved I tried to leash train the cat so I could walk him on the 8 hour trip. Everytime I put the leash on he dropped to the floor like he was dead.:tongue_smilie:

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3 indoor cats, spayed and neutered, but with claws.


Velvet (we call her Velvie Schmelvie Schmoo) is 6, all gray and is quite the princess. She tattles on the other cats if they get out of line. Seriously. She'll come find me and meow at me with a very concerned look on her face if the boys are misbehaving.


Muridan (Murray) is 4, an orange tabby, and is very much the lover-kitty. It's almost disturbing how much he "loves" me. There's only so much kitty affection one can take at 4 am. :glare:


Nigel Obsidian (Nigie Wigie Woo), is almost 2, all black and is rather aloof unless he's hungry. He will come sleep at the foot of my bed, but he's not uber affectionate like Murray is. We sometimes call him Ninja Cat because he'll hide in the black tv armoire and we won't see him until he jumps out.

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I'll tie for the crazy cat lady award. We have six, all indoor. There are a couple of strays that patrol the shed outside, but I don't ever feed them. All cats are spayed/neutered but they have their claws.


I've got you beat by 1. We have 7, all indoor only, spayed/neutered, and with claws. We did have 8, but we lost our oldest last week.

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Oh brother. Ok, we started with 1 cat(ds6's cat). She is outdoor. We were told she could not have kittens due to a slight deformation :glare: Then a stray adopted us (Tiger, now ds 5's). Constantly stayed around, came up to us purring, you know how it goes. So she is number 2. Well Tiger got pregnant and dd9 kept 1 (Maisey) and we gave 3 away- so that's 3, then cat number 1(Paws) got pregnant- now we have 7 (4 babies- ds5 has Felix, ds6 has Tails, dd9 has PJ and dd13 has Kenzie). They are all outdoor cats, and they all have appointments to get fixed (even the 2 week old kittens :D, but their appointment is scheduled 3 months out) We live in the country so its not a huge deal I guess.

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I've got you beat by 1. We have 7, all indoor only, spayed/neutered, and with claws. We did have 8, but we lost our oldest last week.




I have you tied, but ours are outdoor :lol: We have 3 dogs though. 1 thinks he is a cat (a golden retriever), 1 lays across the top of the couch like a cat (a pug) and the other would like to eat the cats :001_huh: (the bull mastiff)

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This probably won't be a big surprise, but I have 4 cats. Currently, they are all indoor cats. They haven't always been though, just recently and they seem to be doing fine with the transition.


We started with one five years ago and then we went to donate our fish to one of my dd's pre-school teachers. Well, we came home with a kitten. Not in the plan but he fit in quite well. He always seemed to be gone when we lived in this one place near a field though so I thought that maybe getting another cat would interest him. I ended up finding two kittens who needed a home, so I volunteered to take them in over the summer. That way I could see if cat #2 liked having a younger cat around and each of the girls could nurture one of the kittens. Cat #1 is not very social. The plan was to adopt out the kittens. Now, they are 2 and they all get along so well that they ended up staying. Each girl still has "their" cat.


Since we just moved to a unit really close to a busy street I had to start keeping them indoors and so far I really like it. They stay cleaner and I don't worry about them and no fleas to deal with either. They do get a little crazy at night sometimes though. :tongue_smilie:


Their ages are 5, 3, 2, and 2

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We currently have 3, they are frequently changing. The most we've had is 4. They are all barn cats. We've never purchased a cat, they either just show up, or city people feel it's somehow ok to just drop off their unwanted felines since we live on a farm. :glare: I don't have the heart to bring them to the animal shelter, and I certainly don't have any $ to fix them all, not when they are prone to wander off after 6 months or a year, or get hit on the road. But we are nice to them, we feed them regularly and I used to let them inside on cold days until one of them sprayed in my house and I could not get rid of the smell for a loong time, that was the end of that nicety! So far we've been lucky that in the 3.5 yrs we've been in the country all the cats that have been with us (I think 8, but not all at the same time) have been males, so we haven't had any litters. I really cannot afford to feed any more than 3 at a time, even that is a stretch at times, even buying the cheapest food. But our most recent stray to show up is a female... Not sure what I should do. I intended to bring her to the shelter, but she has endeared herself to us! She's been here 4 or 5 months now and she's still not pregnant, I'm hoping maybe she's infertile! ;) Maybe she's just too young. But I don't have the $ to get her fixed. We have allergies, so no indoor cats for us.

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Technically, we have three inside cats, but I don't think the foster kitten is ever going to leave, so maybe we should call it four inside cats. (Two are flame points, one's a Siamese, and then there's the Maine Coon mix.) We also have two outside cats - one was literally thrust into my dd's arms when we visited a local holiday event; kitty was a tiny kitten at the time - what could we do but bring her home? After a few months inside, she got out and rarely tolerates coming inside now. The other outside cat was a drop-off a few years ago. He's sort of semi-feral - LOVES attention, and knows us well (spends the winter nights in my garage, and comes in often during the summer for dry cat food), but if you approach him, he'll run. He'll let us hold him for about 20 seconds; after that, he lets you know he's done. :) All of my feline (and canine) critters are spayed or neutered.


We also have 4 dogs, a parakeet, a corn snake, a leopard gecko, and 8 chickens. Except for the (foster) kitten, my cats and my dogs all get along very well. One of the outside cats likes to stand on my Great Pyrs and knead them. :lol:

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We have 1. A beautiful, gray Tonkinese, with the most gorgeous, aquamarine eyes I have ever seen. He is 12 years old.


I cannot stand this cat! He is the most annoying creature and I wish I could get rid of him. He talks too much and is on my lap whenever I am sitting down. He could be sleeping on the bed upstairs and I sit on the sofa downstairs, and he somehow knows that I have just sat down, he comes running and jumps up in my lap.


He also pounces on and bites our feet through the blankets some nights. Oh, the pain!


He is a big fraidy cat, too. If he is sitting in your lap and hears a noise, or my husband starting to sneeze, he freaks out, digs his claws into your leg, then jumps down, putting all his force into those little paws, and right into your leg. OOOWWW!


Oh, he is afraid to go outside.



Oh, and his fur is constantly flying around everywhere; I have allergies so it is not pleasant.


My husband won't let me get rid of him, and reminds me that I was the one that wanted this cat and picked out this breed. Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. I don't like him now! So, I secretly wish he would finally die, but he is super healthy. In fact, he is so healthy that the people at the vet's office thought he was only 2. (we had to kennel him for a week when we went on a trip because he needed meds.)


Ok, guess I'm done complaining! Thanks for listening!

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Four and they're all indoor/outdoor. We live on a farm, so ours are working cats as well as cuddlers. They have the perfect life for a cat (IMO). We don't live along a busy road, so there's no car traffic concerns. When we lived in cities, our cats were indoor cats as I worried about cars, but that was years ago (different cats too, though one of those died on our farm at 18.5 years - he LOVED his retirement on the farm and would sit on our porch lazily).

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When we moved I tried to leash train the cat so I could walk him on the 8 hour trip. Everytime I put the leash on he dropped to the floor like he was dead.:tongue_smilie:


LOL--so like a cat!


We have two--both indoor/outdoor cats. They sleep indoors all day and hang out outdoors most of the night. Occasionally they leave a squirrel or mouse on the back porch, but don't wander much farther than our yard.

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We have 3, all indoor.


#1 is 16 and my mother got her at a shelter. Her old owners were moving and stuck her between two walls when they left :crying: Fire fighters had to rescue her and she was on the news :001_smile:


#2 is 8 1/2 and he was a stray that followed us to our aunt's house after playing at a park. He was thin as a rail (wouldn't know it know, he's 19 lbs.) and filthy. We put up signs and no one called, so he became ours, to the reluctance of our mother. My father couldn't say no to his cute little face. We actually thought he was a girl at first :confused: In our defense, we were 9 & 11.


#3 is 6 and we got her from a zoo. My sister volunteered there and she helped the owner capture her. She was born outside and was about a month when they finally got her. She was really sick, that is why they didn't just let her stay with her mother. We brought her home for a "sleepover" and well, you can see how that ended. She is so skittish though and is finally warming up to us.

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When we moved I tried to leash train the cat so I could walk him on the 8 hour trip. Everytime I put the leash on he dropped to the floor like he was dead.:tongue_smilie:


We used to bring our male cat outside on a leash. Whenever an ambulance passed by (we live on a main road near three important hospitals) he would run under the bushes. He would also fall over and just rub his back against the rocks where our pathway now is. :glare:

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We have one indoor cat, Chloe. She's a 6 year old Siberian .... and one stray cat that we've been feeding faithfully. Don't know where he / she came from or how it ended up here (we live out in the middle of nowhere) but it's been living in our shed and my kids always make sure he / she has food and water. They've dubbed him / her "Sweet Cat". It's a gray striped tabby, but too skittish to allow the kids to come too close. ;)

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