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What's you most reliable everyday news source?

What do you rely on as the most up-to-date, unbiased source of news?  

  1. 1. What do you rely on as the most up-to-date, unbiased source of news?

    • TV: CNN
    • TV: ABC
    • TV: CBS
    • TV: NBC
    • TV: FOX
    • TV: OTHER (Please share channel below)
    • INTERNET: (Please share website below)
    • NEWSPAPER: (Please share publication below)
    • Multiple sources (Again, please share below)
    • NONE OF THE ABOVE: I hate hearing about current events!

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When it comes to keeping up with current events, what do you find to be the most unbiased, reliable source(s)? Do you feel that there is a particular news source that is objective and bipartisan in nature? (NOTE: This is NOT an invitation to speak politics!)


Please feel free to leave comments in addition to selecting your choice(s) above. I've done my best to add an appropriate poll, but if needed please select the obvious "Other" and just add your specific comments to the thread.




P.S. Sorry, I realized to late that this is a multiple choice poll and that there is also a multiple choice option....but you get the jist, I'm sure!

Edited by HSMom2One
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I've been in a rut with watching CNN, occasionally Fox and going online to CNN, Yahoo and BBC websites. One of my reasons for posting this thread is to help expand my horizons a bit. I'm not convinced there is an unbiased source out there, but would love to read about what you think.



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Drudge Report and then we usually follow their links to an endless list of newspapers and news sites. I don't believe ANY of the sites I go to are unbiased. Not even the AP.


We also get World magazine.


I would go to Drudge Report more often, but honestly, I really HATE the text format on their portal. The Courier-like monospace font drives me insane.





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NPR and... I really like the magazine The Week - I highly recommend it to anyone who, like me, wants something simple that will summarize the whole week's news. Definitely unbiased too - they draw from lots of sources (those accused of being liberal and conservative) and cite them - no original reporting.


Back when I followed events much more closely, I read The Economist.

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NPR and... I really like the magazine The Week - I highly recommend it to anyone who, like me, wants something simple that will summarize the whole week's news. Definitely unbiased too - they draw from lots of sources (those accused of being liberal and conservative) and cite them - no original reporting.


Back when I followed events much more closely, I read The Economist.


Hmmmm...I've not seen this one. Guess I'm going to have to check it out. Thanks for the tip!



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CBC Radio One.


IMO, TV news is ridiculous tripe filled with non-news quips and sound bites. Also, I can't stand the plagiarism rampant in internet news. We have CBC Radio on all the time in the background. I maintain that a person could self-educate quite well on CBC Radio. We even play it in the barns for the cattle and hogs. I don't have a scientific study to prove it, but anecdotally, I swear they taste smarter than your average meat.

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I use twitter & my own news feed which I created in Google alerts.


I have a really sensitive heart and can't handle anything visually stronger than the weather channel.


Watching news on TV is rough on me.


::looks around::


I was like um, you know..."advised" strongly to "stop it."


It being: News junkie stuff.


I do not discuss politics or news out loud at home anymore. It's best this way. :) knowwhaddyamean? :)

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There's no such thing as an unbiased news source.


Daily online, articles of interest:


The Guardian

The Globe and Mail

Talking Points Memo


NYT (well, not daily post-paywall)

Ars Technica


Al Jazeera


Blogs and articles I generally don't miss:

Andrew Sullivan

David Frum

Gwynne Dyer


Other online:

Reason (often an exercise in teeth gritting)

The New Republic

The Atlantic

The National Review

The Weekly Standard

The New Yorker


At B&N:

The Economist


This list is much longer than that of my pre-smartphone self. I've been reading fewer books but much more news and opinion content while out and about.


-- no TV news, no "live" radio news (though I'll sometimes listen later online), local newspaper (The Oregonian) for comics for the kids and local news only

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I get news from a lot of sources, NPR is my favorite.


Me too. Love NPR.

Also like Huffington Post (rather entertaining ;)), BBC online, CNN - sometimes, but I don't always have the time. I love listening to NPR while making breakfast.

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CBC Radio One.


IMO, TV news is ridiculous tripe filled with non-news quips and sound bites. Also, I can't stand the plagiarism rampant in internet news. We have CBC Radio on all the time in the background. I maintain that a person could self-educate quite well on CBC Radio. We even play it in the barns for the cattle and hogs. I don't have a scientific study to prove it, but anecdotally, I swear they taste smarter than your average meat.




I pity the folks that don't have Radio One. :) I'll also listen to BBC Radio 4 on the internet for longer format shows and NPR radio.


We get the local newspaper as well. It's about the only larger independent newspaper left in Canada and has gotten a lot better since times have gotten tough for newspapers. It's great for local municipal news.


I mostly stay away from TV news but when I do watch it it's generally Al Jazeera. I find they have more in depth interviews and reports then even CBC TV and BBC.

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There's no such thing as an unbiased news source.


Daily online, articles of interest:


The Guardian

The Globe and Mail

Talking Points Memo


NYT (well, not daily post-paywall)

Ars Technica


Al Jazeera


Blogs and articles I generally don't miss:

Andrew Sullivan

David Frum

Gwynne Dyer


Other online:

Reason (often an exercise in teeth gritting)

The New Republic

The Atlantic

The National Review

The Weekly Standard

The New Yorker


At B&N:

The Economist


This list is much longer than that of my pre-smartphone self. I've been reading fewer books but much more news and opinion content while out and about.


-- no TV news, no "live" radio news (though I'll sometimes listen later online), local newspaper (The Oregonian) for comics for the kids and local news only


You like a lot of Canucks! I can't stand David Frum myself. I wish I could get my more conservative news through a guy like Chuck Strahl. Love him.

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There's no such thing as an unbiased news source.


Daily online, articles of interest:


The Guardian

The Globe and Mail

Talking Points Memo


NYT (well, not daily post-paywall)

Ars Technica


Al Jazeera


Blogs and articles I generally don't miss:

Andrew Sullivan

David Frum

Gwynne Dyer


Other online:

Reason (often an exercise in teeth gritting)

The New Republic

The Atlantic

The National Review

The Weekly Standard

The New Yorker


At B&N:

The Economist


This list is much longer than that of my pre-smartphone self. I've been reading fewer books but much more news and opinion content while out and about.


-- no TV news, no "live" radio news (though I'll sometimes listen later online), local newspaper (The Oregonian) for comics for the kids and local news only


I used to be such a devoted Salon reader, but I almost never read it any more -- I find there are just fewer and fewer articles that interest me.


I too love The Week -- great way to get a regular overview from a wide range of viewpoints -- and often follow the articles cited to check them out more. And it's not current events, exactly, but I have long read Arts and Letters Daily (artsandlettersdaily.com).


I read the print NYT daily, and I just got a subscription to the local newspaper here. I also like fivethirtyeight.com and slate.com.

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Unbiased? No such source exists. (cf. threads discussing history textbooks)


I regularly watch BBC World News (television), and spot-check the BBC/News website on the Internet.


Spot-reading of The Christian Science Monitor.


Rare chances to read The Economist.

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The Daily Show :hide: I would consider it unbiased only because everyone is a target. :rofl:

Yes, actually Colbert and John Stewart are our favorite alternative :tongue_smilie:news sources just because the horrors of the news are actually made humorous.

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Drudge Report and then we usually follow their links to an endless list of newspapers and news sites. I don't believe ANY of the sites I go to are unbiased. Not even the AP.



:iagree: I also listen to various stations on the radio (depending on topic)



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