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My six-year-old has recently asserted that since she is home schooled, she shouldn't have to change out of her pajamas unless we're actually leaving the house.


My gut reaction is that people should get dressed when they get up in the morning, but I don't really have a good reason, and wonder if this is one of those areas where I should just let her do her own thing. Wearing pajamas doesn't seem to negatively impact her ability to do schoolwork, and she does get dressed quickly when we actually need to leave the house.


It is easier for ME if everyone is dressed when we start the day, because I don't need to allow time for getting dressed and combing hair in my mental countdown for leaving the house. But maybe I should just get over it?


Opinions from all points of view welcome.

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We wear pajamas during most of the winter, as long as we have no plans to leave the house. There were even times during the winter they did school in their pj's with their snuggies over them! During the spring and fall when we are doing school they usually get dressed in the morning because they go outside to play as soon as we are finished with school work. Wearing clothes or pj's doesn't seem to affect my kids one way or the other. I figure it is less laundry for me to do and they are comfy so it's a good thing for all of us!!!

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Oh I have a good reason: day clothes and night clothes.


And day clothes have undies under them. And, that's proper for daytime.


Yes, that's a massive period to represent "period." :tongue_smilie:


That being said, in the winter, day clothes go on about 10 a.m. In the summer, about 9 a.m.

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pick your battles...


this is not one I'm willing to argue about...


but then again, I have naked children most of the day..:001_huh:







I finally started having mine get dressed because my youngest would wander the house all day in her underwear. She does not wear pajamas. And she wears the string bikinis from Justice that are BRIGHT colored (to match her personality!) I just felt that pajamas were one thing, but underwear, well, when you're approaching 7 yrs old....Not to mention that Daddy wants them dressed. It's just, 'Right'.

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If I plan on leaving the house I ask the kids to dress before we start school. Other wise they spend a lot of time in their pj's. I used to fight it but decided it was one fight I really didn't HAVE to fight so I just quit. I do ask that they get dressed before they go out on the tramp but on occasion......:tongue_smilie:

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To stay in one's pajamas all day is to seem to be slovenly and uncivilized.


Just sayin'.


In my house, we get dressed daily. We might not put on shoes, and we have jammie days ocassionally, but otherwise, we are dressed and ready for whatever happens.

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To stay in one's pajamas all day is to seem to be slovenly and uncivilized.


Just sayin'.


In my house, we get dressed daily. We might not put on shoes, and we have jammie days ocassionally, but otherwise, we are dressed and ready for whatever happens.


See, this is where I'm coming from, too. But I wonder if it's generational -- I've noticed that schools seem to have pajama days now, and that many younger people seem to wear pajamas until they actually need to leave the house. It would never occur to me not to get dressed first thing in the morning, right after brushing my teeth. I just think this might be one of those traditional ideas that doesn't have that much actual merit.


Obviously, I will continue to model getting dressed in the morning, since that's what I do anyway.


My husband and I are mulling it over...

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We're pajama people here. How can there be anything better than cuddling up on the couch for a day of reading in fleece jammies when the snow falls down???


Since DD has turned 7ish, she's abandoned total nudity for her panties at home. As soon as she hits the door of the house, those clothes are OFF. I even keep a hamper by the front door now! :D


DH is the exact same way. I just roll with it.

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Our rule is you must wear pants for school. No school in your underwear. But it can be pajama pants.


This really needs to be made into a plaque for your home. It cracks me up. You must wear pants to school! :D


Probably not an issue most public schoolers deal with every morning...

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A few weeks ago I posted that I had taken "jammie schooling" to a whole nother level. My four year old asked me if she could "wear real clothes since all she wears is her sleeping clothes." Oops LOL. *I* always dress in real clothes each day after I shower (could be 7 AM or 1 PM) but I don't require it of the kids.

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This really needs to be made into a plaque for your home. It cracks me up. You must wear pants to school! :D


Probably not an issue most public schoolers deal with every morning...


Hehe. I start most mornings by coming downstairs and saying, "Time for school. Go put some pants on."

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See, this is where I'm coming from, too. But I wonder if it's generational -- I've noticed that schools seem to have pajama days now, and that many younger people seem to wear pajamas until they actually need to leave the house. It would never occur to me not to get dressed first thing in the morning, right after brushing my teeth. I just think this might be one of those traditional ideas that doesn't have that much actual merit.


Obviously, I will continue to model getting dressed in the morning, since that's what I do anyway.


My husband and I are mulling it over...

Even if it's generational, it's a good idea to teach children to be dressed for the day. Our parents' generations didn't do everything wrong, lol.

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To stay in one's pajamas all day is to seem to be slovenly and uncivilized.


Just sayin'.


In my house, we get dressed daily. We might not put on shoes, and we have jammie days ocassionally, but otherwise, we are dressed and ready for whatever happens.


I grew up in a home like that - well, we never put on shoes (we're Asian, so we always leave those at the door LOL). We weren't to leave our bedrooms until our beds were made, and we were groomed and dressed.


I prefer the 'slovenly and uncivilized' approach in my own home :D I figure that's the point OF "home"! I wear a uniform to work, so nothing feels better than to come home and slip into something not polyester, not restrictive, and not remotely civilized - it's all about soft, breathable, ripped and holey, scare-away-solicitors, old-boyfriend comfy. Anytime I'm at home and not expecting someone, I slob it down. But when I do dress, I dress to the nines: full make-up, heels, acessories, hair did, and all -whether I'm going to the grocery store or to a party, it's all the same.


I'm all or nothing, sister! :lol:

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You have them do what my boys do... they take baths, put on clean clothes for tomorrow and go to bed. My oldest started that. He is so lazy, he doesn't want to bother with getting dressed in the morning, so he just wears his clean clothes for tomorrow to bed. And since I couldn't think of a legitimate reason to keep him from doing this, I let him. My second son does this as well. I don't know!:001_huh:

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Well, I guess that's why we homeschool our children, right? So we can teach them the difference between what matters and what doesn't. To each family their own :) Frankly, I would never consider a woman dedicated to teaching her own children "slovenly" based on the family's dress while at home behind closed doors.

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It is easier for ME if everyone is dressed when we start the day, because I don't need to allow time for getting dressed and combing hair in my mental countdown for leaving the house.


That's my logic. It's a practical arrangement, not a ... philosophical aspect of my child-rearing, I guess you could say! That said, dd10 doesn't always get dressed first thing in the morning, but she does get dressed when I tell her to, usually during one of her breaks, and well before we need to leave the house. I solve the issue with ds4 by simply dressing him in clothes at bedtime (cotton knit type clothes, I wouldn't do it with jeans and a dress shirt).


Edited to add: I am often in my pajamas long after the kids are dressed, as I know I am responsible for the timing of events, and can get ready to go out in under 5 minutes (10 if I need to shower). I often do housework in my pajamas.

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Even if it's generational, it's a good idea to teach children to be dressed for the day. Our parents' generations didn't do everything wrong, lol.


Judging by your signature, you're roughly my parents age (married 30+ years). Also, roughly their mindset :D.


I agree with you when it comes to leaving the house. I still won't leave the house even for a quick errand unless I'm presentable according to my parents' standards - which are ridiculously high. Clean undies, and all.


But at home I'm all about me and my comfort. I even shed the bra. I don't feel my parents' and grandparents' generation did anything wrong, they just weren't so enlightened!

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We are pajama schoolers here. There are a few days a week that we don't even leave the house. I refuse to make more dirty laundry than necessary. Think of it as being environmentally friendly because you are using less water, detergent, and electricity:tongue_smilie:.

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Nope. I make my kids all get dressed in the morning. And brush their hair and teeth too! :)


For us it's part of our routine. And that way it's special on the days we do get to wear our pjs.


Oh. And we wear underwear under our pjs. :)


Another vote for getting dressed and brushing teeth and hair.

We wash faces in the mornings too.

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We do "sleeping clothes" at home which is sweats and such here. We do wear underwear (I had no clue people don't wear underwear at night...). We also brush teeth and wash hands and faces when we get up. We dress properly to go outside or if someone is coming over. I was raised this way and I somehow managed to make myself presentable for school, social outings, and a professional job. I don't think jammies at home made a bit of difference in that area for me.


I like we don't have as much laundry and I like to feel comfortable in my home. Yoga pants and a t shirt feel much better to me than my outside clothing!

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We always stay in our pajamas until we're going out somewhere. But I don't buy real PJs; our PJs are cotton shorts/pants and t-shirts. So if someone like the mailman shows up at our door, we're pretty much presentable anyway.


I like it this way because their "daytime" clothes don't get stained and messed up nearly as easily. And when they want to drag out the paints or whatever, I don't have to worry about the mess. :)

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We wear school uniforms

They are plaid

They are flannel

They are sold in the pj section.



I don't care what they wear to the table. I do want teeth brushed (no smelly breath please) and I do want brushed hair or at least no bed-head. Other than that, they can come to the table dressed how ever they want (with or without underwear LOL I really don't care)



The only thing I don't like....is bringing blankets to the table. Sweats/sweat shirts even robes are find, but blankets lead to a bit tooo much coziness and that leads to drifting off, at least it does in my kids. LOL

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I had to ask my mother to stop posting pajamas over for dd. I guess she thought it was a grandmotherly thing to do or something, I don't know, but dd refuses to wear them. She won't even wear the purple ones with the silver sparkles and when a 4 year old girl turns her nose up at purple with sparkles, you know she is serious.



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We wear school uniforms



The only thing I don't like....is bringing blankets to the table. Sweats/sweat shirts even robes are find, but blankets lead to a bit tooo much coziness and that leads to drifting off, at least it does in my kids. LOL


Oh. my. stars. I detest blankets at the table! My son loves nothing better than to drape himself with something cozy and shuffle around the house seeing who's up. Drives.me.bonkers! And if I can't catch him, invariably his blankie will drag a glass of water off the table or scatter all the dust in the dustpan pile. :tongue_smilie:

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I think there are two threads in this thread--


1. PJ's ok all day?

2. Underwear under PJ's?


I'm with Ellie to a certain degree. One reason we get dressed (usually by 10 or so) is because we don't know who might be popping over, from the UPS man, to someone lost (our driveway is often mistaken for the way to Ft. Belvoir...), to a friend coming for an unannounced "popcorn" visit. So it's a matter of hospitality and not wanting to be seen in my jammies (which are usually old T's, not the VS specials...).


For the second question, I've always worn undies with PJs--I found it hilarious that my mom doesn't...She was taught to "let things breathe..." :lol:


And she'd kill me if she knew I shared that...

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I am in the 'get dressed in the morning' group. I insist on faces and hands washed, teeth brushed, hair combed and fresh clothing put on. I don't want to SMELL anything. Personally I shower every morning and the older kids do also. I think it puts us into an 'relaxation time is over, now it is time for school' mindframe. I know DH doesn't care for the 'pjs all day' idea and he doesn't think women who dress like that during the day are appealing, so that is also important to me.

You know, it is possible to wear clothing designed for daytime that is just as comfortable as pajamas.

We don't wear shoes in the house now, however. I grew up wearing shoes in the house, but where I live now the custom is to not wear shoes in the house and since my kids seem unable to sit without putting their feet on the furniture, no shoes works better for us.

So, if you are inclined to wander out my way, you can come over to my house and find us all freshly scrubbed and wearing actual daytime clothes by 7:30 am. And no, I am NOT a morning person, but DH likes a hot breakfast and since he does so much for us I really have no reason not to get up and cook for him.

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My six-year-old has recently asserted that since she is home schooled, she shouldn't have to change out of her pajamas unless we're actually leaving the house.




I agree with her. If we're not going anywhere, why can't we be comfy at home (me included)?

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I agree with your six year old.


My problem is usually not getting my kids out of pajamas. It's getting them INTO pajamas. They are much more inclined to sleep in their clothes. This bothers my dh GREATLY. It doesn't bother me, and I have recently (like right now) decided to stop nagging them about it. If dh doesn't like it, he can deal with them. ;)



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I see no problem with kids wearing pjs all day if they're at home and it's not interfering with their work getting done. Clean pjs are not slovenly or unseemly in the home.


I have one kid who dresses first thing in the morning during the summer because he sleeps in his underwear. The other wears pj pants and a tshirt, so he just changes when it's time to go somewhere. I typically put on work out clothes when I wake up and wear them until I can get out for a run and then shower and dress. Somedays that is 8am, occasionally it's 4pm.


There are so many other battles to fight with the kids, I would never make this one of them.

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It is easier for ME if everyone is dressed when we start the day, because I don't need to allow time for getting dressed and combing hair in my mental countdown for leaving the house. But maybe I should just get over it?




This is actually one of my reasons for NOT getting the kids dressed in the morning. Youngest dd will not stay dressed for more than 15 minutes at a time. So, if I get her dressed and ready to go, then go off to do dishes, shower and dress, I'll come back 5 minutes before we're leaving when I think we're ready to go and I'll find her in nothing but a pull-up and have to find new clothes for her (which then ups my laundry when there is more than enough already). She also drops her clothes wherever she happens to be so I'm picking clothes up all day and losing socks constantly. Just not worth it.


DD sleeps in warm fuzzy pj pants, with or without a shirt, or a pull-up. DS sleeps in regular clothes most of the time - shorts/t-shirt or sweats/t-shirt (he has sensory issues and will not wear jeans at any time) - sometimes what he wore during the day but if he's been outside or anywhere getting messy I will change them for clean clothes.


My pj's are either sweat pants and t-shirt or men's pj pants with a t-shirt. It can be interesting to answer the door in my Elmo or Dr. Seuss themed pants but we hardly ever get visitors (we're on a dead-end street in a dead-end neighborhood). I am decent even if they think I'm a little eccentric.


I want to be comfortable at home. I spent 20+ years having to get up and dressed way too early in the morning, including hair, make-up, heels, pantyhose. One of the big perks of sahm-dom and homeschooling to me is not having to do that anymore.

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Is it not common to wear underwear with pajamas? I have all my life. My MIL seems to think it's strange that I do. The only people in my home that don't wear underwear with pajamas are in a diaper or Good Nights/Underjams.


We get dressed every day unless we are sick. Often times, that "dressed" is simply sweats or yoga pants, because it's more comfortable at home. My oldest son often doesn't wear a shirt unless we are going out or having company.


I used to spend some of the early morning lounging in pajamas for a bit, but that ended when we lived on a boat. I had to wake up and throw on real clothing to visit the bathroom first thing in the mornings. Now I'm in the habit of putting on clothes immediately after getting out of bed.

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I am losing the pj battle with my boys. They like to stay in their pj pants all day. My girls like to get up and put their first outfit of the day on right away, promptly followed by their first princess costume of the day, followed by another change of clothes.....I would almost prefer they stay in their jammies. I usually stay in my jammies until mid morning unless we are doing something.


About the underwear under jammies - I have never heard of people wearing undies under jammies, but I also grew up in a house wear my mom would frequently joke that jammie time was to "air things out".


Honestly, though, my girls are frequently naked, my boys half naked or in underpants, and this is just not a battle I am willing to fight right now. I think in the Fall I will start making them get dressed right away because it does differentiate to them between rest time and school time.

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We are serious PJ people. We stay in PJs until we are forced to leave the house or unless we are expecting company.


About visitors, I can't remember the last time someone had the nerve to "pop-in" on me, we only have planned visitors. I don't open the door for strangers or solicitors. I also usually don't answer the phone. I guess I'm anti-social that way. ;)


I do wear underpants under my PJs, but the bOOks hang free. They're tired and need a break. :lol:


Oh, we do wash our faces, brush our teeth etc . . . but we just wear pajamas. We have LOTS of pajamas, because they are so comfortable and we have lots of variety because they are cute and fun. We're professional pajama wear-ers, but I don't think we're uncivilized - - just casual and fun.

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