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Nice ways to convince someone to do something your way...

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We're having a boy. His name *has* to be Peter. Dh isn't...exactly...sold on that name. It's not bad enough he refuses to consider it (like when I suggested Byrthnot or Legalus), but he's decidedly NOT thrilled w/ it.


Both of the big kids desperately want the baby's name to be Peter, too, & unfortunately, 10yo is particularly obnoxious about it. I think I've convinced him not to mention it again w/out my ok, but you never can tell w/ 10yo boys. :lol:


So I'm pretty sure that mentioning the name much at all at this point will cause dh to dig his heels in. We've been talking about other names, avoiding that one as much as I can--because after all, baby will need a middle name no matter what the 1st name is.


I tend to think babies have names that already belong to them & our job is just to figure out what those names are. Dh agrees w/ this enough that we've only ever had problems naming one baby, & I think that's because we were green (he was our 1st, & we had middle name anxiety). ;) So I *think* that w/ time, if Peter is right, dh will come around.


But I'm also not against "helping" him come around. Suggestions?


Fwiw, we both love Jeremiah & Samuel. I expect the middle name will be something like that. We also like (but can't use for various reasons) Walker, Jonathan, Lesley, Walden, Wesley.


Dh has only suggested Matthew, Luke, & Andrew. Personally, I don't love any of those names, but more than that, I don't think they fit w/ what we've got. Not that we have any kind of theme going. :001_huh:


We like using family names, but the only one left for a boy that we'd really consider is William, which we both like but don't feel compelled to use. I would have LOVED it for #1 (John William, instead John Michael), but like I said, we had trouble w/ naming kids that first go around.


We've tended toward classic (COMMON) names, but not on purpose. We both love our own unusual names & had intended to give our kids something more like that. We've got John Michael, Elizabeth Grace, Abigail Gabriella, & Caedmon Paul. If this one had been a girl, it would have most likely been Aletha Anne.


So back to convincing dh (nicely) that this baby is Peter. Compromise won't work because we insist on agreeing on both names 100%.


4yo wants to name him All Way. Or Sam. She & 2yo are pretty settled on Sam. :lol:

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I guess if I were in your position, I'd see if -for now- DH would agree to Samuel Peter ... if so, and the baby turned out to be Peter you could later either flip the names (before or immediately after birth) OR you could simply begin to call him by his middle name Peter (if it wasn't revealed until later that he was, indeed, as you knew all along, "Peter").


Icing on the cake, the 2 and 4 year olds get to use their name "Sam" as well LOL.

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I guess if I were in your position, I'd see if -for now- DH would agree to Samuel Peter ... if so, and the baby turned out to be Peter you could later either flip the names (before or immediately after birth) OR you could simply begin to call him by his middle name Peter (if it wasn't revealed until later that he was, indeed, as you knew all along, "Peter").


Icing on the cake, the 2 and 4 year olds get to use their name "Sam" as well LOL.


Oh, middle name/first name position isn't a big deal. We call #2 by her middle name & almost did the same w/ #3. She's mostly Abby now, but sometimes Abby Gabby. :D

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My own son is Peter Anderson (Anderson is my paternal g'ma's maiden name). Even tho he's my "hard" one, he is so very dear to me--yes, he's hardheaded and our relationship is "rocky..." ;), but oh, what a man of God the Biblical Peter turned out to be. Even if mine never chooses that Way, what promise there is in the name Peter.


I hope you get to use it.

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My own son is Peter Anderson (Anderson is my paternal g'ma's maiden name). Even tho he's my "hard" one, he is so very dear to me--yes, he's hardheaded and our relationship is "rocky..." ;), but oh, what a man of God the Biblical Peter turned out to be. Even if mine never chooses that Way, what promise there is in the name Peter.


I hope you get to use it.


Ds had a really hard day yesterday--he's always been able to accurately predict the gender of our babies. He was SURE we were having b/g twins, & we were sent for a sono because mw suspected twins, too. When we found out it was only one, he said he felt like we'd lost a baby. :(


Anyway, we were talking last night--I was trying to give him an extra dose of love--& he told me why the name Peter was so important to him. "He seems like he was the closest to Jesus." Now...that's why we picked the name John for HIM, but instead of arguing, I asked why.


He said Peter went to so much effort to get close to Jesus--he was the only one who walked on water, etc. It's funny because we talked about "John Peter" for this one. I sense an affinity for Peter w/ him even before he was born. But dh was *adamantly* against Peter at that time.


Anyway, I did tell dh that story after ds was in bed. That's the kind of thing that I think will soften him up if anything does. :D

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I had to give DH 3 freebies to get baby girl's name what it is. So whenever he wants to do something and I say, "no" he plays the freebie card. She's only five months old and he's already used two of them. Now, I trust him completely to not ever use one of them for something I am absolutely opposed to. He uses them to buy things for his nerd hobby, but sells things from his nerd hobby to cover the cost of it, so it doesn't really have an impact on the family other than him being gone a few hours. I really needed him to agree to baby girl's name. She is most likely my last child and my only girl, I HAD to get what I wanted. Her name was that important to me.

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I am not much help. Our way of choosing names has always been, that I make a list of names I really like...and then he crosses off everything he hates. We then work with what is left.


Doing it this way actually works really well for me, because I can obviously "stack the deck" so to speak. Not sure why he never figured this out :confused:


This did back fire with our last one though. First name was firmly decided (Bailey), but DH was being a bit difficult with the middle name. To annoy him I threw out a different first name which I *knew he hated, with the middle name I wanted--Paige . Our four year old, picked up on it, and started telling everyone that we were going to name the baby ???????? Paige. After a few weeks of laughing it off, and thinking she would get over it...Dh sat her down to explain that we were *NOT going to use that name for the baby.


Well, lets just say that it did not go as planned...because my DH is a wimp! So now we have a Kennedy Paige...


That is an idea...can you prep your 4 year old?

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Wait until baby is born, then insist he looks like a Peter.


That's what happened w/ #3--he really wanted "Abby" but we'd already agreed on Aletha. After she was born, she was clearly an Abby, so I caved. That, & I dreamed while I was pg that she was Abby. :lol:

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I'm of the notion that you both need to like it. It's a big deal. I wouldn't let my dh talk me into a name I didn't like, then proceed to live life with a my child's name I really dislike. I just think you need to chuck it and start fresh.


So I wouldn't convince. I'd respect his opinion and move on.

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I'm of the notion that you both need to like it. It's a big deal. I wouldn't let my dh talk me into a name I didn't like, then proceed to live life with a my child's name I really dislike. I just think you need to chuck it and start fresh.


So I wouldn't convince. I'd respect his opinion and move on.


Well, that's what I mean by "nicely." No coercion. Like I said, he's willing to consider it. I'm just wondering if there's anything that might help his opinion along. ;)


He's a slow kind-of guy. He likes to warm up to things. Because of that, I know that if I push, I'll lose any chance I've got. But we've both changed our minds on things & seen them the others' way, so I think it can happen.


Although...he says it's not happening w/ Legalus. He says that falls into the category of things I shouldn't even mention in front of other people--it's that weird. :confused:


What I hear is: Peter's pretty normal. At least it's not Byrthnot. Yeah! Let's go for it! :lol:

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Has dh told you why he doesn't like Peter? When I was a kid, children with names like Peter or Dick were often teased. Is it possible that this has anything to do with it?





(for those outside of the USA, both are nicknames for male genitalia)

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Has dh told you why he doesn't like Peter? When I was a kid, children with names like Peter or Dick were often teased. Is it possible that this has anything to do with it?





(for those outside of the USA, both are nicknames for male genitalia)


W/ #1, that's exactly why he didn't like the name. I'd never heard such a reference, & since then, we've agreed that that doesn't seem to be an issue these days. That's why he's willing to consider it.


Honestly, until about a mo ago, I thought we'd agreed on Peter. Now he says I made that up. :glare: :lol:

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Aubrey, don't feel bad about Byrthnot--For ds3 dh and I tossed around both Caradoc and Willoughby, to the intense dismay of all who knew us. Peter is lovely. Ds3 is now Gideon Charles Peter. :)


I don't feel bad about it--I wasn't really serious when I suggested it, just frustrated that he'd only nix middle names for #1 w/out suggesting any, lol.


Otoh, I don't see anything wrong w/ the names you suggested! :D


Charles is also on our list. I can't tell how much dh is really willing to consider that name. He's a little cryptic sometimes.

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Well, I can tell you what my husband has been doing to me... He came up with a name early on in this pregnancy which didn't really fit my 'requirements', but was still nice. I didn't say no, but wasn't jumping up and down over it. Since then, every time I suggest a name he says "oh, I thought we agreed on X!" and pretty much ignores me. (In a nice way. ;)) The thing is, he knows that over time the name will grow on me and start to sound right, and then it will be hard to go with any other name! Which is sort of what's happening... though I do have another front-runner that *might* win him over. ;)

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That's what happened w/ #3--he really wanted "Abby" but we'd already agreed on Aletha. After she was born, she was clearly an Abby, so I caved. That, & I dreamed while I was pg that she was Abby. :lol:


Wow. You have some strong indications there! I was going with Mungo's suggestion. If you think the child already has a name but you need to find it, you definitely need to wait until you lay eyes on him. then it should be clear what his name is! Prep family members near and far to look at him and exclaim: "Oh my, he looks like a Peter!"



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Wow. You have some strong indications there! I was going with Mungo's suggestion. If you think the child already has a name but you need to find it, you definitely need to wait until you lay eyes on him. then it should be clear what his name is! Prep family members near and far to look at him and exclaim: "Oh my, he looks like a Peter!"




That's the only one we did that w/. We agreed on the names for #1 & #2 before we were married. Then we picked a different name for #2 when I was pg w/ her. But after thinking about it, we agreed that we already "knew" her, & her name *had* to be what we first picked.


#4's name was picked for #2 if she'd been a boy. We've just had an easier time w/ some names than others.


Frankly, I don't think I can wait until after he's born to settle on a name. Plus, I've heard too many stories of dh's taking advantage of mom's drug-induced stupor & naming baby what he wants. We have a standing agreement that if a name isn't agreed upon by a certain time, I get to pick by myself. Dh would never go for that, so it, um, inspires him to pay attention & talk names.


Otoh, I don't mind changing it together after we see the baby as long as there's no pressure from anybody. But that's only happened once.

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Sorry, but I think at #5 you should get your way. He's not the one pregnant is he. :D I like Peter Jeremiah, it has a strength about it.


Personally I wouldn't say much about it, just don't talk about names at all. He'll see your way, but in his own time.

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Sorry, but I think at #5 you should get your way. He's not the one pregnant is he. :D I like Peter Jeremiah, it has a strength about it.


Personally I wouldn't say much about it, just don't talk about names at all. He'll see your way, but in his own time.


Nah, I don't do that to him. We agreed early on that we were too scared of ea other to be sneaky or take advantage--we're both too evil-minded to start that kind of war. :lol: So his raggy old clothes & junk can stay in the closet until he's ready to get rid of them, & I know my art & scrapbooking supplies are safe.


Plus...w/ a few exceptions, I like the things we agree on better than the things I pick by myself. And I'd WAY rather be pg in TX summer than have to PUT UP WITH a pg woman in the TX summer. Kwim? I've got it EASY. ;)

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W/ #1, that's exactly why he didn't like the name. I'd never heard such a reference, & since then, we've agreed that that doesn't seem to be an issue these days. That's why he's willing to consider it.


Honestly, until about a mo ago, I thought we'd agreed on Peter. Now he says I made that up. :glare: :lol:


I've heard it recently. Among older children, upper elementary, with a boy named Peter, in our neighborhood.

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W/ #1, that's exactly why he didn't like the name. I'd never heard such a reference, & since then, we've agreed that that doesn't seem to be an issue these days. That's why he's willing to consider it.


Honestly, until about a mo ago, I thought we'd agreed on Peter. Now he says I made that up. :glare: :lol:


Hmmm, well I have a 16yo boy, and our house was the 'hang out house', so I have had a lot of boys in my house over the past decade....and well, the reference is still alive-and-well in our region.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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In Texas, the mom gets to complete the pretend hospital birth certificate. Just do it while Dad's out of the room.


Kidding of course!


I would just have a far off dreamy look on my face at every opportunity. When he asked why, I'd say, "Oh, I'm just thinking of chasing after a sweet little baby named Peter." DF would crack up each and every time and eventually decide to do my bidding.

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Yeah, the reference is still active here (that's why I'm trying not to laugh when people are suggesting your relatives see the baby and exclaim "He looks like a peter!"...). BUT--it's more prevalent with Dick.

My son got called Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater a little in school when he was young, but he was a pretty popular kid, so it never caught on. :D

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Well, we've had a big long talk. Turns out, Peter's still on the table ONLY because he knows I love the name & he doesn't want to tell me NO. But he's completely opposed to *calling* the baby that.


So it's an impasse. We've agreed to pray for a change of heart. Whoever gets their prayer answer concedes. No more name discussions until then, but name deadline is 9/15. After that, I get to pick. Mwhahaha. No, I wouldn't really manipulate that, lol. He's not pushing me for the same reason I'm not pushing him, & I think that's pretty cool.

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So it's an impasse. We've agreed to pray for a change of heart. Whoever gets their prayer answer concedes. No more name discussions until then, but name deadline is 9/15. After that, I get to pick. Mwhahaha. No, I wouldn't really manipulate that, lol. He's not pushing me for the same reason I'm not pushing him, & I think that's pretty cool.
I hope the two of you come to a mutual agreement! For me that would mean using Peter and letting dh deal with it, but that's just me. :D I like the arrangement dh and I have when it comes to naming kids...I name them, he keeps his mouth shut and no eye-rolling. ;) And he doesn't get to find out until baby is born when everyone else hears the name for the first time, either. It was either that or fight our way through the pregnancy and end up with kids that had no names, lol!
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Nah, I don't do that to him. We agreed early on that we were too scared of ea other to be sneaky or take advantage--we're both too evil-minded to start that kind of war. :lol: So his raggy old clothes & junk can stay in the closet until he's ready to get rid of them, & I know my art & scrapbooking supplies are safe.


Plus...w/ a few exceptions, I like the things we agree on better than the things I pick by myself. And I'd WAY rather be pg in TX summer than have to PUT UP WITH a pg woman in the TX summer. Kwim? I've got it EASY. ;)


:lol::lol: I always say when "we" were pregnant, but dh gets big huge bonus points for sticking with me for the entire 8 1/2 months. I was a horrid, horrid pregnant person.


I understand about the stuff too. my dh doesn't complain about the books if I don't say anything about all of his tools. He used to tell me at least he makes money with his tools. Then I started reminding him I was educating his precious child with all of these books, he shut up. :D


Well, we've had a big long talk. Turns out, Peter's still on the table ONLY because he knows I love the name & he doesn't want to tell me NO. But he's completely opposed to *calling* the baby that.


So it's an impasse. We've agreed to pray for a change of heart. Whoever gets their prayer answer concedes. No more name discussions until then, but name deadline is 9/15. After that, I get to pick. Mwhahaha. No, I wouldn't really manipulate that, lol. He's not pushing me for the same reason I'm not pushing him, & I think that's pretty cool.


Sounds like a great plan.

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Alright. How about Levi? Dh hasn't prayed yet, & I haven't completely given up yet, but when I was praying the other day, it came out, "Please help us give Joseph the right name."




So we're tentatively thinking Levi Joseph. Dh LOVES the name Joseph. I don't, but I figure IF God gives a baby a name, it's a gift. A body doesn't reject God-gifts. :D


Levi was a name we both liked anyway, but w/out knowing that, fil suggested it. Because it sounds rather Dr. Seuss w/our last name. Which apparently we like, because now we're considering it, lol.

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I like it better than Peter :D


I named the 4 older kids. 2 before I met Wolf, and then the Littles...well, I picked out Tazzie's first name, Wolf picked the 2nd, and I just kinda waited for Wolf to agree. Since he couldn't come up with a name he liked better, we went with it. Princess' name, I had picked out for Tazzie just in case I was wrong and he was a girl.


This time, I wanted Matthew. Wolf just wasn't sold. So, I let him pick, and loved the name.

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Did you see the Seinfeld episode where George is trying to a girl to like him. He kept sing -song his name Castanza like to the tune of a product. You could try that!


We had a baby named because my 4 year old told me we had to name the baby Charlotte because it came to him in a dream. So here's hoping for some lovely dreams.

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We had an Andrew Nathan during one pg, but I came to understand after a bout of false labor that his first name was Nathan. His middle name had always been Jeremiah (and it came with great meaning), but I hadn't seen that, either. I had been resistant because one of the worst-behaved little boys I worked with at the time was Jeremiah Nathan. Well, we have a Nathan Jeremiah, and it is who he always has been. I agree that babies come with names and it is our job to figure them out. My eldest will always, in a small corner of my mind, be Amanda to me and not Emily as her father insisted because he didn't like Mandy as a nickname. <sniff>

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I told hubby ALL my sister-in-laws got to pick the names, and I was going to, too. His choice was Dwayne. I was ready to go to the ropes for this, but luckily hubby decided since I had to give birth, I got to pick.


This always seemed such a fair criteria for decision making to me.:D Unfortunately, I only really chose one child's name...and had my first two middle name choices vetoed at that.


I cried when I didn't get to name my firstborn what I wanted.

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I love the name Levi. My oldest was *thisclose* to being a Levi. Levi Joseph rolls off the tongue, and I think it fits in with your other dc's names.



On a side note...my dh joked (I hope he was joking!:001_huh::lol:) that we would name our 1st Genesis Exodus, and our 2nd Leviticus Numbers and our 3rd Deuteronomy Joshua....and so on and so forth...


You and your dh sound like you have a sweet relationship, and will know the perfect name when the time comes.

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On a side note...my dh joked (I hope he was joking!:001_huh::lol:) that we would name our 1st Genesis Exodus, and our 2nd Leviticus Numbers and our 3rd Deuteronomy Joshua....and so on and so forth...


:lol: Love it!


Levi Joseph is lovely OP, so is Peter Jeremiah/Samuel. Look at it this way - you can't go wrong with any of those!

Samuel was on our list for DD had she been a boy, and Peter is one of my son's middle names (after DH's paternal g-father). We changed our mind between DD and DS1 though, Samuel was out and Ezekiel was in! :001_wub:

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We had a boy and girl name picked out years before we even considered having kids. Then we got pg with ds15. Both of us were convinced that boy name would not work and we needed a new one. Picked a new one that was nothing like the original one. Did not find out the gender, but knew as soon as he was born that the new name fit well and still does. 3yrs later, pg again, revisit girl name, decided to keep it but changed the spelling and picked a new boy name. Again, did not find out gender, but name fits her. pg #3 had boy name from #2 and waffled on girl name until ultrasound where we found he was a boy. Pg #4, 3 other opinions now being loudly voiced, all our favorite names were used by either us or close family. Even after ultrasound said boy, we went to about a week before delivery before settling on a name. All our kids names seem to fit.

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I have a Levi. So I love it!!!


The only thing is... apparently there is a pronunciation here of Levee ??? I had never even considered people would mispronounce his name, especially since we lived in the NW at the time he was born. Both our doctor's office and the pediatric dentist here in TX have told me they have patients who pronounce it Lev-ee but spell it the same.

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We have a Levi. I love the name Levi.


Dh did not care for the name Levi. After several hours of labor with no drugs, and a nearly ten-pound baby, dh said with a stunned look on his face: "Honey, you can name him whatever you want." :lol: (That child did not end up as our Levi, btw. The next baby was even bigger......)


Levi Jospeh sounds great. :)



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Well, you could do what my sister in law did......but it isn't nice.


She named him while her DH was out of the room so that she could get the name she wanted. Never mind that she went through 9 months of berating to convince him and he didn't agree.


Yeah, she has healthy marriages.



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Well, how my DH convinced (coerced) me into naming our second son Peter was he refused every other name I suggested. I basically was left with no choice, he wouldn't consider any of the names I preferred and I didn't mind Peter, it just wasn't my first choice. Eventually I felt a need to pick a name for the baby and so we picked Peter Isaiah. I told family it was just "probably" Peter and that as always I reserved the right to change it at any time but they went and gave us gifts (hand paintings, etc.) with the name Peter, ugh! He's 8 months and I'm still not thrilled with the name, I wish we'd named him Isaiah most of the time, Peter just is so common to me. ::sigh:: Oh well, he's cute regardless of his name. And I guess I can't complain because I named our first Tobias and refused to hear any other names, luckily DH was pretty on board with it anyway now he says he couldn't imagine him named anything else and loves it. Our family on the other hand threw a royal fit, lol!

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Well, how my DH convinced (coerced) me into naming our second son Peter was he refused every other name I suggested. I basically was left with no choice, he wouldn't consider any of the names I preferred and I didn't mind Peter, it just wasn't my first choice. Eventually I felt a need to pick a name for the baby and so we picked Peter Isaiah. I told family it was just "probably" Peter and that as always I reserved the right to change it at any time but they went and gave us gifts (hand paintings, etc.) with the name Peter, ugh! He's 8 months and I'm still not thrilled with the name, I wish we'd named him Isaiah most of the time, Peter just is so common to me. ::sigh:: Oh well, he's cute regardless of his name. And I guess I can't complain because I named our first Tobias and refused to hear any other names, luckily DH was pretty on board with it anyway now he says he couldn't imagine him named anything else and loves it. Our family on the other hand threw a royal fit, lol!


No, we have a rule: if we haven't agreed on a name by a certain date (w/ sincere efforts on my part), I get to pick the name. Dh is a great procrastinator, & I've heard too many horror stories of women being coerced into names during labor. Not. me. LOL!

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This always seemed such a fair criteria for decision making to me.:D Unfortunately, I only really chose one child's name...and had my first two middle name choices vetoed at that.


I cried when I didn't get to name my firstborn what I wanted.


Oh, I'm so sorry! See, I don't want that for either of us, so I really do want to pick a name we both like. And dh has had his mind changed by prayer on bigger things than this, so I'm willing to trust that if we pray, we'll end up w/ a name we're both happy w/.


Still not sure about Levi Joseph, but enough that if an emergency were to occur that required us to pick a name NOW (what kind of emergency would THAT be? LOL), we'd be able to go w/ it.

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