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Wanna laugh your HEAD off? Seriously

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That was hilarious.


I really want a big metal chicken. Why oh, why do I live in such a forsaken place as to not have any place to buy big metal chickens?


My metal chicken is only 2 ft tall. Dh just rolled his eyes when I brought him home. I have seen really big ones at certain antique shops - you know, down in the basement next to the suits of armour and the wagon wheels. No one would ever let me bring one home, though.

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I would so put that chicken in my front garden! Right next to my bobbling head on a spring-neck metal peacock that friends got me for my birthday last year!


(The husband actually apoligized to me for the gift as he handed it to me saying his wife picked it out! LOL! He was shocked when he found I liked it so much!! LOL!)

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Okay, so I just read it out loud to Patrick, and it is so much better aloud!! We are both laughing hysterically!!


Although he doesn't curse at or threaten me, we have totally had those type of "exchanges". :lol:

Edited by Nakia
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That is pretty funny. But, my dh and I agree, that his threat to 'strangle' his wife if she bought towels is inappropriate. That and the punching things in his office makes me think Victor is not a nice guy and does not deserve the awesomeness that is Beyonce the Giant Chicken.

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What are you all crowing about here...!!!???















:smilielol5: (That was hilarious. Thanks for posting that. I'm never going to look at Beyonce the same way again.... And, tomorrow, I think the chicken needs to vist the local pool using one of the new beach towels.)

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