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How long do you usually leave people on your IGNORE list?

Guest Dulcimeramy

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Guest Dulcimeramy
I've never used the ignore list and probably won't. It would be interesting to see a poll asking how many people use ignore and to what extent.


Ah, but who is qualified to post the poll? It would have to be someone of clean hands and a pure heart who never offends anyone, or else the poll will be skewed by the lack of input from those who can't see it.


:lol: I crack myself up.

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Ah, but who is qualified to post the poll? It would have to be someone of clean hands and a pure heart who never offends anyone, or else the poll will be skewed by the lack of input from those who can't see it.




Rosie? Aubrey? I can't imagine anyone having either of those ladies on ignore. :)

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Instead of showing their post it just says something like "blahblah is on your ignore list." You can click view post if you reeeeeally want to see it.


What if they start a new thread? Can you see it?


Oh, now I'm itching to ignore someone just to see how it works. :D

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I haven't used "ignore" but over on ravelry you can choose to set someone's avatar to just a green square that says "DISAGREE." That one I've used when I kept stumbling on someone who made me nutty. It's fine when the posting is about knitting and yarn, but when it's something else, that little green box signals "just move along - nothing to see here."


Obviously it just changes how I see her avatar, it doesn't change anything in her settings.

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You've never been on my ignore list. The people that are there have been on there for a couple of years.


Same here. It takes a lot for me to put someone on ignore, but once on there, I consider them a complete write-off.

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What if they start a new thread? Can you see it?


Oh, now I'm itching to ignore someone just to see how it works. :D


Bonniebeth, I'm going to ignore you - now you go ignore me and we'll see what happens! But then we both need to go post, too...maybe on the forum game thread? Nerds, unite!!! :D

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Yeah, that would drive me nuts!I would totally click to look at the posts if I were really ignoring them/asking to be infuriated! But Bonniebeth is still on my list...at least 'til I take her off in a minute. ;)


So, my answer to the origonal question is "About 5 minutes!"

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Bonniebeth, I'm going to ignore you - now you go ignore me and we'll see what happens! But then we both need to go post, too...maybe on the forum game thread? Nerds, unite!!! :D


I'm so offended that I will ignore you! Ha!





But not forever ;)

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I don't use it.


I can disagree to the extreme with someone on one thread, but turn around and offer them prayers and support in another, both with total sincerity.


Even if I think someone is a dipstick, I don't ignore them. I figure I can ignore their posts without using a list to do it for me, if I need to.


Besides, you never know where wisdom may come from. :001_smile:


Yeah this.:001_smile: Never ignored someone and trying to be someone who is not worthy of being on someone else's ignore list. ;)

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Guest Dulcimeramy


I've gotten wonderful ideas and amazing, caring support from people who seem to not just see the world differently than I do, but to be living in an alternate universe!


...but it is easy to *feel* ignored. I know sometimes I pour my heart into a post, and then the thread stops & I wonder if anyone even *saw* it! :)



But I know that often I read posts and don't respond to say how much I liked it, or how much I agreed because I don't feel I have anything new to add to the conversation...


You responded to one of my posts in the most recent WTM forums train-wreck and I really, really wanted to ask you to elaborate on some of your points and questions. But by the time I woke up in the morning, a dozen posts were deleted, a dozen people were banned, and the thread was locked.




So I was a little afraid of bringing it all up again, but I want you to know that I did see your post and wished we could have talked about the issue some more!

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I have never ignored anyone yet, but there is one member whose replies I've always found short and unhelpful. It's just a waste of time reading her posts, so I just scroll past them.


So please tell me,


1: How do we use the ignore feature (what do we click)?


2. Does the "ignored" member know they are on someone's ignore list? (I'd like to know if I am on anyone's :-P)

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I don't have anyone on ignore. :) In fact, I've never ignored anyone on any forum. If a thread gets too contentious I either stop reading it, or skim over posts that I don't particularly want to read.


Now I'm wondering if anyone's ignored me :lol: I don't think I'm controversial...but hey, if I get on anyone's nerves, I don't really mind if they ignore me :)

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I have never ignored anyone yet, but there is one member whose replies I've always found short and unhelpful. It's just a waste of time reading her posts, so I just scroll past them.


So please tell me,


1: How do we use the ignore feature (what do we click)?


2. Does the "ignored" member know they are on someone's ignore list? (I'd like to know if I am on anyone's :-P)


You can click on your User CP, and then scroll down to see the link on the left that says, "Edit Ignore List", then type in the user name you want to ignore. I don't know if there is a simpler way to do it, but that's how I did my 5 minute trial a few minutes ago.


I don't think you can tell if you are on someone else's ignore list. There are one or two people who I think must ignore me, and I'd love to know if they are ignoring me or if I'm just being paranoid.


Well, I'd want to know that I'm just being paranoid. I don't think I'd want to know if I'd really annoyed them to the point that they have to ignore me. :tongue_smilie:

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I didn't realize we could ignore someone. I can't imagine wanting to use it personally, unless maybe someone was intentionally going out of the way to bother me. Disagreeing with someone is not a reason for me to want to stop dialoging, so it would take a lot for me to use it, I guess. Hmmm. Hoping I don't jinx myself. LOL. ;)

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I can't do it for the whole nosy reason. I would just read it anyhow and have to make an extra effort to do it.


I tend to be pretty straightforward, which doesn't translate that well and this ipad I am typing on has also known to make a mess of what I am posting. Of course, now I am pondering whether I will either get no responses because I am being ignored or whether I get to be the thread killer here ...

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Just for clarity, the two people who post but are on my list are not on there for disagreeing with me. They are people I find randomly rude and judgmental to lots of different people in regular (not political) threads.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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I love what Imp said about not liking what someone says in one post and sending prayers to them in another. I've never even considered ignoring anyone- no one has ever annoyed me enough in any thread that I cant just skip over their posts- and even that rarely happens.

I think some people really enjoy getting into dramas more than others.



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I've never ignored anyone. I'm to darn nosey (nosy?). I'm sure I've been on a few ignore lists. I completely understand. Sometimes I wish I could ignore myself. And I feel the same way as Imp. I can seriously dislike what someone says one minute, yet turn around and pray for them the next. We all have bad days. Sometimes we all say dumb things. Now, there are a few posters that irk me, but they deserve to be heard.I just may learn something from them, if only patience.

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Oh, shoot. I forgot that I'm gonna look like a real loser if nobody responds to my thread about the use of the ignore list! LOL


"Poster learns the hard way that entire board has her on 'ignore.' Cries buckets."


LOL! I'm not ignoring you! You have alot of interesting things to say!


:lol::lol: join the club! :lol::lol:


I think we're all guilty at times of expecting a written reaction to everything we say...


I hate that. I feel so rejected and lonely! :001_huh: Think I remember it's an online forum... :tongue_smilie:


I don't have an ignore list. I'm too darn nosy.


That's me!


I haven't ever used the ignore feature. I don't plan to, but, hey, things could change! :)

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You can click on your User CP, and then scroll down to see the link on the left that says, "Edit Ignore List", then type in the user name you want to ignore. I don't know if there is a simpler way to do it, but that's how I did my 5 minute trial a few minutes ago.


I don't think you can tell if you are on someone else's ignore list. There are one or two people who I think must ignore me, and I'd love to know if they are ignoring me or if I'm just being paranoid.


Well, I'd want to know that I'm just being paranoid. I don't think I'd want to know if I'd really annoyed them to the point that they have to ignore me. :tongue_smilie:


Thanks for the info. :) I hope I never have to use it.

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I don't use it.


I can disagree to the extreme with someone on one thread, but turn around and offer them prayers and support in another, both with total sincerity.


Even if I think someone is a dipstick, I don't ignore them. I figure I can ignore their posts without using a list to do it for me, if I need to.


Besides, you never know where wisdom may come from. :001_smile:



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There have been times when I wish I would have been ignored.



:iagree: Especially this when I get a fact wrong or write something quickly with spelling errors and punctuation problems. I guess you could say I have killed a few kittens in my time. I still remember the times I posted something unhelpful about granola bars and pizza dough. :blush:



I have had one person on ignore but she is not around anymore. It was because she clearly did not like me.....(and I was not being sensitive).

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I've never ignored anyone. Maybe I'm not easily offended. If I see a thread I'm not interested in engaging in I just don't read. :001_smile:


:iagree: Well, in truth, sometimes I read them and want to yell at the screen, but I don't post that! LOL!

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Oh, shoot. I forgot that I'm gonna look like a real loser if nobody responds to my thread about the use of the ignore list! LOL


"Poster learns the hard way that entire board has her on 'ignore.' Cries buckets."

snort. that is too funny


I'm not here enough to put anyone on ignore, but I have at another forum. that person is gone now.

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I don't ignore anyone, but sure feel like I'm ignored a lot. I know my personality doesn't translate well online. :)


never used it, I always viewed it as being the adult version of the child who sticks their fingers in their ears to block out the world.


I've never put anyone on "ignore".


I've got that ability all by myself with out needing a board feature to help me.


Plus, it's tough to be part of a conversation if you won't listen to what someone (even someone you don't like or disagree with) is saying.


I don't think ignore lists are used as often as the concept of being "deliberately ignored."


It took me a bit to figure it out, to tell you the truth. I finally saw the pattern: A person will write out an answer and then, a few posts later, a couple/few of posters who had written different answers prior to the person being ignored will write/agree to essentially the exact same response. Then that "group" will do a "well isn't it great that the 3 of us found the answer!" kind of thing. Or the OP will thank them.



As someone I know has said "The internet: where you can be in Jr. High forever."




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I don't think ignore lists are used as often as the concept of being "deliberately ignored."


It took me a bit to figure it out, to tell you the truth. I finally saw the pattern: A person will write out an answer and then, a few posts later, a couple/few of posters who had written different answers prior to the person being ignored will write/agree to essentially the exact same response. Then that "group" will do a "well isn't it great that the 3 of us found the answer!" kind of thing. Or the OP will thank them.



As someone I know has said "The internet: where you can be in Jr. High forever."





I've noticed this too. But sometimes, at least for me, it's because I'm posting at the same time as someone else and I don't notice their post at first.

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