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Tell me this is normal... 8 yo pees in his trashcan

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Yes, my 8yo ds just peed in his trashcan (think pee dripping down nearby wall, on outside of trashcan, coating contents of very full trashcan, etc). Ds10 discovered it when he went to empty it (and was NOT pleased). When ds8 finally admitted it was him, he had no real explanation except that he had really had to go.


I was hoping dh would say "I did that when I was a kid once" but he is more like "what in the WORLD was he thinking?" :confused: None of our other kids would do this -- they just would know the action would yield negative results (a mess, getting in trouble, etc.). What is UP with a kid who just decides to urinate in a trashcan?!?

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Ew!! My son peed on the floor of our unfinished basement a couple times when he was 8. :glare: We caught him and made it clear that it wasn't ok, he hasn't done it since. I'm not sure there is any such thing as "normal" for young boys, I wouldn't worry unless he continues doing it after you have told him strongly to *never* do it again. :001_smile:

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Our eldest did it once when sleepwalking. Our boys have peed outside several times (we have one bathroom). Nathan asked if he could in a trashcan when the bathroom was occupied once.


Boys are weird. Just tell him not to do it again. :tongue_smilie:

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Don't sweat it. Normal. Just tell him it's unacceptable.


Oh, we did. Dh and he had a long heart-to-heart about it, after which he apologized to me and to his brother (for defacing the trashcan/room and for lying to us about it at first). I don't think it'll happen again. It just baffles me that it happened in the first place!

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My ds is 7 and does some ODD things. It is like his brain just 'checks out' and he goes and does something dumb. And he can never come up with an explanation of WHY he did it either. He reached for a scorpion after being told 100 times NOT to get near one. (dh stopped him just in time.) ANd about peeing...my ds loves to pee in the dirt outside so he can try and spell his name.


You know all those shows where you see stunts gone bad, people doing dumb things and getting hurt, people on couches with wheels barrelling down a hill...they all have one thing in common that I noticed recently...they are all males.


Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it. We will look forward (or not) to seeing our sons doing dumb stuff on future episodes of Stunts Gone Wrong. :lol:

Edited by Alyeska
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When my dd was 3 she has a fascination with peeing anywhere and everywhere. I walked in the kitchen to find her on top of the counter squatting over a mixing bowl peeing, she peed in the garage in a gallon size zip lock baggie, she peed in my clothes dryer, and inside of a step stool that had a removable lid!!! The crazy thing was, she never missed. Her aim was always perfect. I can laugh about it now, but back then it just made me furious. I am sure glad she has outgrown that stage and I'm hoping my twins wont be quite so creative once potty trained!

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I'm not sure, to be honest. But, I admit to peeing under my bed once as a child on accident. I was a sleep walker and did odd things in my sleep. I don't remember doing it but woke up to it!


Boys are just different and perhaps it was just the thrill of peeing into something unusual.

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When ds8 finally admitted it was him, he had no real explanation except that he had really had to go.


Ok, I know it's not funny, but...maybe a little. My 8 yo might do that. Sometimes their brains don't quite catch up with them in time. No lid on the trash=quicker access. He'd have to lift the lid if he used the toilet!!! :lol:


I vote normal. Now he knows not to do that.



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:lol::lol: I guess I needed this. A couple days ago, I started potty-training ds3, my fourth boy. I do the cold turkey/naked method. This one was gleefully marking his territory on the family room rug. Thank goodness, miraculously, he did get it into the potty finally, this afternoon. There is hope, after all.... (btw, I have two ds8s, and if they ever tried a trashcan, I can't even imagine what I'd say... :001_huh:)

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A facebook friend caught her 7 yo doing that last week. . . and posted the details on facebook!


LOL, so it can't be too rare. I think in my friend's case the boy was very sleepy and/or sleep walking. I bet that's common.


My husband has some story about a nephew peeing in the CLOSET when he was around that age. Must be an age thing.


So, try not to freak out. . . and definitely hope it's a one time thing!

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Mine did that once. While visiting my grandmother. :glare: Neither she nor my mom were happy. Why did he do it? He liked the sound of pee hitting the plastic trash can. He actually said it made 'better music'. :001_huh: My grandmother has a large trash can in her bathroom and we didn't discover what he was doing until it was about half full. :ack2:

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My middle son did this! There is no bathroom down there so he thought he would just make his own! :glare::confused:


We had a very harsh talk with him and told him he would NOT be allowed down there if he can't pee upstairs!


He is 11 now and still pees outside in our yard. :tongue_smilie: Thankfully we have 2.5 acres and lots of trees.




Ew!! My son peed on the floor of our unfinished basement a couple times when he was 8. :glare: We caught him and made it clear that it wasn't ok, he hasn't done it since. I'm not sure there is any such thing as "normal" for young boys, I wouldn't worry unless he continues doing it after you have told him strongly to *never* do it again. :001_smile:
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my friend's 8 yos peed in the cup which she kept on the bathroom counter and then poured the cup of pee into the toilet.:001_huh: He put the cup back on the counter top. :scared: I don't remember how she knew he did it but I thought her solution was BRILLIANT. I know SOME will not agree that it was right and that's ok. This child of hers can be particularly challenging so I agree with what she did. She RINSED the cup and served him milk out of it for dinner. After he was done she asked him how his milk was and he said that it was fine. She then told him what she did and asked him to NEVER pee in that cup, or any other, again. He was mortified.


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My SIL has a vent in the hallway upstairs in her home that leads directly down to the kitchen. One of my nephews peed into the vent, giggling, as she stood downstairs watching it drip through. When she asked him why he did it he replied "um, because I can?"

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My ds8 peed in the corner of our living room when he was 5. I didn't find out until he had done it a few times and it started to smell. :ack2: We had a talk and it stopped.


I also found the toilet, wall and toilet paper wet one day. I had a talk with him about "not getting it all over the place". He replied, "But I was trying to get everything wet." :glare: He has gotten better since I started making him clean the bathroom.



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My son has gone/is going through that phase. Last year when he was 6, he peed in the trashcan in the bathroom. We had a talk about it, but later found out he was peeing in an old soda bottle his dad had left in the bathroom trashcan (M's reasoning was that technically he wasn't peeing in the trashcan, but something that was in the trashcan). Just recently we discovered that he was peeing into the toilet through an empty toilet paper tube.


You are definitely not alone.

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Boys are just different and perhaps it was just the thrill of peeing into something unusual.


My hunch is that boys, so into bodily functions and noises, get a kick out of peeing sometimes. I think it's one of those things they have complete control over. It's like aiming a weapon, I think. :lol:

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Out the window. Onto the roof. Onto the patio below. Umm. yeah. :glare:


Into a bottle that he kept in his room. :glare: The bathroom CONNECTS to his room.:glare::glare: He didn't want to have to get out of bed??? (Okay, so Grandpa was bed bound from an accident and went on about his lovely little hospital provided bottle...It still isn't a good idea.


Into the bathtub that is directly across from the toilet? And he didn't even have the sense to rinse it down after?


Boys do these things.

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What is UP with a kid who just decides to urinate in a trashcan?!?


I'd say a brain fart. My ds is 8 and has never done this. I wouldn't worry about it unless he begins to make a habit of it. I don't think it's "normal," but I don't think he's a maladjusted psychopath either. ;)



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it's not normal but my son did this and he did it a long time and it took awhile to get his trust to get him to break the habit.


he peed behind his door for months. The smell was awful and I asked all the time what the smell was. I looked everywhere for dirty underwear b/c he had been having accidents awhile. We always said to just change and put clothes in washer but he was afraid about getting in trouble. So he hid the clothes. THEN he went to just peeing in the corner. Even though the bathroom was literally on the other side of the wall he was holding it too long to get to the bathroom so used his room. Thus no dirty clothes to hide anymore. :001_huh:


I don't know why he was afraid about the accidents. It's possible he heard dh and I talking about the problem and felt this was his own answer to the problem, but it led to a lot of mistrust.....even now if I smell something funny in his room I have to search it out. it's hard to forget and I assume his own problem solving may once again lead to some weird answer like peeing in the corner.


For us it was about making it clear he wouldn't be in trouble for accidents. But he didn't believe us....took awhile. I think he did this for several months. It took awhile to stop it. Habit really.


good luck in solving the issue and I hope he stops soon for you. :grouphug:

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This thread is making me feel so much better. :tongue_smilie:

My son also did this when he was eight and I was too embarrassed to tell anyone :lol: Now, I'm adding it to my "Disgusting but Normal Things Boys Do" list.


Thanks hive!

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