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Are Pajamas acceptable outdoor wear?

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DS 14 has always changed into clothes before PS kids get home around 3:30 (I know that's lax....lol). Anyway, today he decided to meet the kids outside at 4:00 in his PJs! He has always been so self-conscience, so I am wondering if this is just a teen thing and let it go, or should I be concerned this is the first step of sheer laziness? :)

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at the school where I work part time we have a female student who has come twice in the last month in pajama pants and tank tops (she looks like she got out of bed and on the bus). This is a private alternative school. Most of the students have been expelled from public school. The student has to come to school due to court involvement. I haven't noticed other kids doing this though.

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Probably OT, but DD and I were in Target a couple of weeks ago, and a girl about 12 was shopping in plaid PJ pants and a tank top. Her mom held up a knit dress and asked her if she liked it. She said, "Yeah, I guess I could wear that around the house." DD and I:lol::lol::lol:

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Personally, I think PJs are too "personal" to wear out and about, but quite apart from that opinion, I don't like the laundry issues it raises. We all wear PJs multiple times before washing them, and we can do that because we wear them only for bed. If I let the kids wear PJs too far into the day, I suspect their PJ wardrobe would have to double or triple in size in order for them to have PJs clean often enough to sleep in.

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I've seen girls wear them in public, but it always makes me cringe. If I really think about it, it is silly. What's the difference between those and sweats? For some reason, it seems too personal or just tacky to me, though. I can't say I've ever seen a boy wearing pajama pants out and about, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.



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I have seen people walking around in stores like this. I'm floored. Definitely something I would never do.

I actually used to have nightmares about this as a kid. In my dreams, I had forgotten to get dressed for school and realized after I was there that I was in my pajamas (usually with my "blankie" as well lol).

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Pajamas outside are only acceptable if it is before 8 a.m., one is dashing to the end of the driveway to get the newspaper, and one does not expect to see anyone else outside.;)




I don't think pajamas or any type of underclothes (including those "wife beater" tank tops) are appropriate to wear outside of your own property...

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I have a friend that works at a major university in the HR dept and she says most of the students wear PJs all day.


Here we get home and get into something comfy. I walk the dog like that. :D And my gardening clogs. My neighbors do, too. We're all tacky together. :D

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Um. Are we talking 'bout pajama jeans? :001_huh:




oooohhhhh! I want some pajama jeans! :D Seriously, I am not fond of regular jeans.



Anyway...I know it is common in our area for young adults to be seen out at the grocery dressed in sleep pants. We live really close to a university, and you can tell these are college students. I see teens do it to.


The funny thing is that my mom would never leave her property in pajamas, but she gardens in her pjs with a bathrobe on. :001_huh: That is also her chosen attire for putting up Christmas lights and weed eating :lol:.


Since we live next door to each other, one of us will call the other for something like toilet paper or eggs, etc. We will meet between our driveways and we will both be in our pjs, slippers and a robe. Anyone driving by can tell we are definitely mother and daughter. My dd as followed me out numerous times and there will be 3 generations in pjs at 1 in the afternoon. Who knows what the neighbors must think.

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Unfortunately, they are where we live. Of course so are holey sweatpants, no br@, tank tops with your br@ showing, sleep shorts, etc...A trip to the grocery store can feel like a pajama party. I understand wanting to be comfortable, but really how hard is it to put jeans and a t shirt on.

Ok, I'm done.

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Unfortunately, they are where we live. Of course so are holey sweatpants, no br@, tank tops with your br@ showing, sleep shorts, etc...A trip to the grocery store can feel like a pajama party. I understand wanting to be comfortable, but really how hard is it to put jeans and a t shirt on.

Ok, I'm done.


OK, there's my line. I do not leave this house without the girls being strapped up.

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DS 14 has always changed into clothes before PS kids get home around 3:30 (I know that's lax....lol). Anyway, today he decided to meet the kids outside at 4:00 in his PJs! He has always been so self-conscience, so I am wondering if this is just a teen thing and let it go, or should I be concerned this is the first step of sheer laziness? :)



You know...at least he was 'covered.' I would rather see people in pj pants than shorts that look like underwear and a skimpy cami top. If he had gone out in boxers and shirtless, I would be upset (as the mom).


I do think it is lax, maybe tacky, to be out and about in pj pants but I am not really bothered by it. My dh has run to the 24 hr grocery store in the middle of night for meds or emergency gingerale/jello type stuff while in pj pants (the fleece plaid type) with a hoody.

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OK, there's my line. I do not leave this house without the girls being strapped up.



:lol: totally agreed. I am way too self conscience for that. I hate that floppy exposed feeling. I usually put a bra on first thing in the morning. I won't even walk around my own house without one.

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For moms, not unless in urgent situations (sick child in middle of the night requiring run to pharmacy for example). Otherwise, we deserve to give ourselves time enough to get dressed for the day.


For kids, who cares as long the pj's adequately cover everything regular clothes do, are clean, and will go into the laundry bin that night.

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I have fleece pj bottoms that I used to wear sledding, before I finally gave in and bought actual snow pants after I realized it's just going to snow more often from now on and won't be a once every other year for a day sort of clothing need. And they really clearly were pj bottoms too!


I guess it doesn't rub me the wrong way like apparently it does so many people here. I like to be slightly dressy, but if others don't, I don't really care. Pj bottoms are at least usually pretty modest. In the case of the OP, her ds was hanging out on the front steps with his friends. I've totally done *that* in pj bottoms. I'll get dressed to go out, even to pop to the store, but around the house, even if people stop by, I may be in pj bottoms. Deal with it, unexpected guests.

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Hmmm. . .perhaps I shouldn't admit that I was THRILLED to find some cute pajama pants that DD was willing to wear out and about this last winter. She has sensory issues and won't wear most fabrics - they must be soft but not slick and must have "give". Her usual uniform is a cotton knit dress from Lands End. This works great during warm weather but she needs something on her legs in the winter, so pajama pants it is!



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My little kids wear pj's outside to play, but the ones who do this are all 10 and under.


I wear my pj's to walk to the mailbox at the end of the very long driveway. (To be fair, they look like capri pants and a tank...)


Once, I drove the van down to the end of the driveway in my pj's because I was too embarrassed to walk down there. Had the kids in the car, too, because they think it is a great fun to drive to the mailbox. Then I happened upon a neighbor driving by (who also homeschools) and had to explain to her why I was in my pj's at noon, driving to get the mail with my kids in the van.:001_huh: She invited me over later that day, and we had a nice chat. I did change out of my pj's before going.;)

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OK, there's my line. I do not leave this house without the girls being strapped up.



I do sometimes sleep braless, but never walk around the house like that, much less go anywhere!!! I have to confess that I did go somewhere once in my pj pants. My husband had just had surgery a few days earlier and I called in an order to a little diner. Usually, I get there, pay get our food and am back home in about two minutes. (It is really close to my house) That day however, I had to stand outside (near the highway) for a full five minutes before anyone came to the pickup/order window to see what I was there for. Never again will I venture out in anything I might be embarrassed to be seen wearing.

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When I lived on the east coast, our my teenage babysitter was always in PJs. Also, team pickup time at gymnastics was a moms in PJs party. Pickup time was late, 9:30 PM, and these were mostly professional women who changed into their PJs as lounge clothes when they got home from work and thought nothing of wearing them for pickups and quick trips to the grocery store. At our current gym, most of the moms are SAH, pickup is earlier, and no adults wear PJs. Some of the girls wear PJ bottoms over their leotards going to and from the gym and for warm up.

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I coached little league for several years and once had a 12 yo show up for practice at 8:00 AM on Saturday morning in his Spongebob lounge/pajama pants. This was after repeatedly telling them to come to practice in appropriate baseball attire. He was one who usually showed up with an oversized Monster type energy drink as well. He was a good kid and very entertaining. We all just laughed.

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What you described doesn't sound so bad. Grey sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Sounds acceptable for just hanging out. My ds prefers track pants for pjs and regular wear.


Actual sweatpants and a hoodie sound fine for hanging around the house and yard. I doubt his friends even thought he slept in them.


I frequently have college students who attend class in pajama pants, T-shirt and flip flops. They probably DID sleep in it, the class is at 8am.

I find it tacky.


Sadly, this was me my freshman year in college. I foolishly signed up for an 8am class. I lived on campus, so I'd roll out of bed at the crack of 7:40 in sweatpants and a t-shirt, pull a hoodie on over my tee, and slip on birkenstocks. I'd brush my teeth and put my hair in a scrunchie and dash off to class. I had several classes in a row, so I usually didn't make it back to my room for a shower and fresh clothes until noon. :001_huh: At least now, if I remain in my lounging clothes, unwashed until noon, it is the privacy of my own home! :lol:

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My oldest wears pj pants over her leotard and tights going to and from dance. They are also very common to see at dance competitions - a lot of the studios and competitions sell ones that say DANCE or the studio/competition name on them. Usually they are the thick fuzzy fleece or flannel plaid ones but lately dd has been wearing a pair of men's pj pants with Elmo on them.


My dd has very long legs and she says (and I do have this problem too) that most sweatpants, especially womens sweatpants, are too short. For some reason, pj pants are cut longer in the legs.


I'm sitting at my table wearing One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish men's pj pants. I did wear them to take dd to school this morning but there would be no reason for me to have to get out of the car (short of an accident and I figure at that point my pants are the least of my worries). I will not wear them if I am actually out of the car or house.

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I remember a discussion about this about 11 or 12 years ago.


Personally I think it's a bit depressing to see people (like, middle aged men) at a restaurant in plaid flannel pajama pants. However, I don't really care.


My kids don't wear pajamas outside. Then again, sometimes they sleep in their clothes. Which, according to a portion of "The Nanny" that I once watched, is a sign of bad parenting.

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Well, teens have been going out in those plaid sleep pants for several years. I've seen two mothers, in their 20s I'm sure, outside in their bathrobe & pj's. One was getting in the car to drive her dc to school and the other one had walked down the street to get her mail. As for me, I feel brave if I go out on the back deck in my bath robe, but I could easily have dd's the ages of those mothers I saw in their bathrobes. My dc don't do this, but when they were little they wore pj's to the doctor's office if they were sick.


ETA the bathrobes were thick, plush, brightly coloured, covered well and there was nothing showing you woudn't.

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I have seen people walking around in stores like this. I'm floored. Definitely something I would never do.

I actually used to have nightmares about this as a kid. In my dreams, I had forgotten to get dressed for school and realized after I was there that I was in my pajamas (usually with my "blankie" as well lol).

At least you were wearing pyjamas (correct spelling where I come from :)) in your dreams :)


I should add, though, that although my dc won't go out in pj's, I have a couple who, if I'm busy, will wear their clothes to bed (ds will even sleep in jeans if I don't check; can't see them under the blanket) & get up in the morning and wear them again to wear them the next day because "it's a waste of time to change" or "I was too tired to change". I try to pay attention to this, of course, but sometimes when I'm really busy I've had to be told by one of my dc that someone has done this (or my nose, now that they are all at the deoderant needing age.) The teen years are helping with this, since they are getting better about hygiene :).

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What you described doesn't sound so bad. Grey sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Sounds acceptable for just hanging out. My ds prefers track pants for pjs and regular wear.


This is my feeling too....My son is 8 and has worn the fleecey type pj pants out and about when the weather is chilly-not anywhere IMPORTANT like church or whatever but like if we're running errands.....And he sometimes wears pjs outside to play in the backyard-but noone else sees unless our neighbors peek over the fence or something LOL....not a big deal I'd say--maybe not the most fashion forward thing lol :D

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I've seen it around here and think:tongue_smilie:...Unless you're little enough to be carried around, get dressed before leaving the house.


DS 14 has always changed into clothes before PS kids get home around 3:30 (I know that's lax....lol). Anyway, today he decided to meet the kids outside at 4:00 in his PJs! He has always been so self-conscience, so I am wondering if this is just a teen thing and let it go, or should I be concerned this is the first step of sheer laziness? :)
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