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For a homeschool mom, happiness is...

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For this homeschool mom, happiness is ...


... freedom to sleep in, every day!

... a big family meal at mid-day, when evenings are packed with extracurriculars.

... running errands mid-morning, mid-week instead of after school and on weekends.

... flexibility to do school (or not) at Starbucks when it's one of *those* days.

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Ah yes, the sound of the UPS, FedEx, even the mail lady pulling up to the house. I will admit, the sound of the UPS truck does make my heart beat fast. Even when I am not expecting something I look out the window, wondering who the lucky person is that is receiving a package. Or....perhaps I ordered something and forgot!!!! Unlikely, but it could happen LOL!


The best ever was when my ds, who has struggled a bit with learning to read and still lacks confidence and speed, was reading his Pathway reader to me. His brother wanted him to do something and I said to wait until he is finished. He said, "Don't worry, I am a fast reader.....well, I am NOW!" He still isn't fast, but that confidence that he showed with something he had struggled with was priceless and soooo rewarding. I am so glad that I got to be there with him instead of it happening in a classroom with a teacher.

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....walking by my son's mostly closed door, peeking in and seeing that he's at his desk working on worksheets or looking at flashcards. It makes me cry with happiness every single time.


Although, honestly, the sound of the UPS truck is sincerely up there, too! I was practically stalking him when I was waiting for my sons easy readers to come.

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My own cottage




in order to have free time ... impossible.


My own chef who would make super-healthy and yummy foods ...


someone to learn to clone me. I want:


  • one of me to be with the kids and dh
  • one of me to get things done
  • one of me to take care of beauty, fitness, and sleep
  • one of me to do housework and errands
  • one of me to sleep
  • one of me to hang out here and do other online stuff


get the idea? :lol:

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  • Getting yet another Amazon.com box! :)



  • Teaching my children to read and watching them make the connections, then take off . . .



  • Watching my kids learn that "everything ties together", which somehow became our unofficial school mantra. Often our family would discuss what we had learned at dinner, and we would marvel at how the seemingly random facts we studied in, say, history and science tied together beautifully. Either they were the same topic, or used the same new vocabulary word, or focused on the same famous person, or something.



  • And a HUGE homeschooling joy has been watching my daughter go off to a university and thrive. I do the Snoopy dance (in my head) when she calls me to say that she is thankful for something we specifically studied in our homeschool. This spring she took a non-Western art history class, and her professor met with her privately. The professor was shocked to find my daughter reasonably knowledgeable about the Maya, Inca, and Aztec cultures, because she frequently encounters university students who have virtually no familiarity with them. :001_huh: That prompted the professor to ask her what school my daughter had attended, and when my daughter told her that she was homeschooled and had studied a huge unit on the Maya, Inca, and Aztec, it led the professor to ask her many questions and become genuinely impressed with my daughter's home education. Yeah, huge homeschool mom happiness right there! :hurray:


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  • And a HUGE homeschooling joy has been watching my daughter go off to a university and thrive. I do the Snoopy dance (in my head) when she calls me to say that she is thankful for something we specifically studied in our homeschool. This spring she took a non-Western art history class, and her professor met with her privately. The professor was shocked to find my daughter reasonably knowledgeable about the Maya, Inca, and Aztec cultures, because she frequently encounters university students who have virtually no familiarity with them. :001_huh: That prompted the professor to ask her what school my daughter had attended, and when my daughter told her that she was homeschooled and had studied a huge unit on the Maya, Inca, and Aztec, it led the professor to ask her many questions and become genuinely impressed with my daughter's home education. Yeah, huge homeschool mom happiness right there! :hurray:



Okay, that is super duper awesome! I am doing the happy dance for and with your family! Great job!!



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Mine would be related to the delivery people - I love getting book orders! I got TWO Amazon books this week :D


My second favorite joy is the freedom we have. Unexpected death in the family? We can drop everything and go. Bad weather? We can do a long day of school. Great weather? We'll catch up on the work next week.

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Finding dd6's little blank notebook she got for Valentine's day and reading it to find that she had copied entire pages of a book about George Washington onto its pages in very neat handwriting.


Reading other pages in her sweet little 6 yr old handwriting filled with stories like: "I love my Mommy. I love my Daddy. I love my sistr. My Mommy is nis. My Daddy is nis. I love my Mommy..."


Hearing same 6 yr old reading the banners in church. "Mommy, that says 'Jesus is risen.'"


Watching dd8 read Shakespeare in the State Capitol at a podium that they had to put a chair behind in order for her to see over it. She read between state senators that day for Shakespeare's bday.


And knowing that we did this with God's help of course. But we did it. They are doing awesome! They will be fine.

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