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A lot of kittens died...

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And maybe some puppies, too, after this e-mail was sent to the homeschool group in my county (partial extract):


Mom’s and Grandma’s even got to take flowers home if there were extra’s.

This is a great field trip and will be after all the school stuff is normally over. They are booked full at the public schools and nursing’s homes until then.


I'm embarrassed she's representing our county! :blushing:


(And what are nursing's homes?) :D


I hope I do not have any typos in this post! :lol:

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And maybe some puppies, too, after this e-mail was sent to the homeschool group in my county (partial extract):


Mom’s and Grandma’s even got to take flowers home if there were extra’s.

This is a great field trip and will be after all the school stuff is normally over. They are booked full at the public schools and nursing’s homes until then.


I'm embarrassed she's representing our county! :blushing:


(And what are nursing's homes?) :D


I hope I do not have any typos in this post! :lol:


Crazy. (I like school 'stuff' too) :tongue_smilie:

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I'd be tempted to print an extra copy, mark it up, and mail it to her with a gently written note that encouraged her to either study punctuation or have someone else proofread her submissions. It is not that hard to learn!



You know I read this a time or two before posting! :)

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And maybe some puppies, too, after this e-mail was sent to the homeschool group in my county (partial extract):


Mom’s and Grandma’s even got to take flowers home if there were extra’s.

This is a great field trip and will be after all the school stuff is normally over. They are booked full at the public schools and nursing’s homes until then.


I'm embarrassed she's representing our county! :blushing:


(And what are nursing's homes?) :D


I hope I do not have any typos in this post! :lol:


Oy! It's not just the punctuation that's killing me...

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Apostrophe's are meant to be sprinkled over paragraph's to make them more interesting's and lively. It's' like seasoning salt for grammar's.





I am afraid to post. I might make an error. I will keep sentences short. Then I will not have to worry about it. I think I did all these sentences right.



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And maybe some puppies, too, after this e-mail was sent to the homeschool group in my county (partial extract):


Mom’s and Grandma’s even got to take flowers home if there were extra’s.

This is a great field trip and will be after all the school stuff is normally over. They are booked full at the public schools and nursing’s homes until then.


I'm embarrassed she's representing our county! :blushing:


(And what are nursing's homes?) :D


I hope I do not have any typos in this post! :lol:





Apostrophe's are meant to be sprinkled over paragraph's to make them more interesting's and lively. It's' like seasoning salt for grammar's.
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Apostrophe's are meant to be sprinkled over paragraph's to make them more interesting's and lively. It's' like seasoning salt for grammar's.


I feel this way about comma's. It wa's my downfall in my Intro to Education clas's at college because the profess'or would stop gradin' the paper when we reach'd 5 errors.' Then she'd return it, we'd have to edit it and resubmit it (starting automatically one letter grade lower). I had C/S (comma splice) all over my first two paper's, because I had internalized the "put a comma where you take a breath" policy. She called me a Comma Sprinkler.

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I feel this way about comma's. It wa's my downfall in my Intro to Education clas's at college because the profess'or would stop gradin' the paper when we reach'd 5 errors.' Then she'd return it, we'd have to edit it and resubmit it (starting automatically one letter grade lower). I had C/S (comma splice) all over my first two paper's, because I had internalized the "put a comma where you take a breath" policy. She called me a Comma Sprinkler.



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Should I lend you my copy of "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" - it comes with an Emergency Punctuation Correction Kit (little stickers with apostrophes and "the panda says 'no!'")?


One of my hs friends always writes about being hungary. Grr. She and homonyms are not on speaking terms.

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I am afraid to post. I might make an error. I will keep sentences short. Then I will not have to worry about it. I think I did all these sentences right.



Oh, please don't keep it short. There's someone in a homeschool email loop here that does that in her homeschool classified ads. It drives me crazy!




Desk for sale. It is wooden. It is an antique. It has a lid that opens. It is [insert brand name] brand. I am asking $20 for it. It is great for homeschooling.



(this is not one of her actual ads, but very much like them)

Edited by gardening momma
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Oh, please don't keep it short. There's someone in a homeschool email loop here that does that in her homeschool classified ads. It drives me crazy!




Desk for sale. It is wooden. It is an antique. It has a lid that opens. It is [insert brand name] brand. I am asking $20 for it. It is great for homeschooling.



(this is not one of her actual ads, but very much like them)


Oh, what I wouldn't give for a subordinate clause!!

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I have been known to put Post-It note corrections on apostrophe errors.


I'm thankful my husband is tolerant of my grammatical intolerance. I have issues with grammar and spelling.


I always say, "What the heck does the tomato own? Why does the sign say 'tomato's $1.99'? Is the tomato's basket $1.99? Is the tomato's stem $1.99? I'm very confused."


I wish I could just let it go and be zen about it, but that's not my nature.

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Oh, please don't keep it short. There's someone in a homeschool email loop here that does that in her homeschool classified ads. It drives me crazy!




Desk for sale. It is wooden. It is an antique. It has a lid that opens. It is [insert brand name] brand. I am asking $20 for it. It is great for homeschooling.



(this is not one of her actual ads, but very much like them)


Oh my gosh! This is funny. I am trying not to laugh. My baby is asleep. I don't want to wake her. I wish I were on your email loop. I would laugh so hard at every ad. It would not matter if there were fifty ads. I would laugh at each one. Is that mean? I don't mean to be mean.


ETA: For all you know, she assigns her first grader to write up her ads. I could see myself doing something like that.

Edited by extendedforecast
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I have been known to put Post-It note corrections on apostrophe errors.


I'm thankful my husband is tolerant of my grammatical intolerance. I have issues with grammar and spelling.


I always say, "What the heck does the tomato own? Why does the sign say 'tomato's $1.99'? Is the tomato's basket $1.99? Is the tomato's stem $1.99? I'm very confused."


I wish I could just let it go and be zen about it, but that's not my nature.


:iagree: I've used a sharpie... ;) My children and husband dislike errors as much as I do (dh was an English major). Dd16 is considering becoming an editor :D

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There's a difference between a typo and a systematic abuse of the English language.


Using quotation marks for emphasis simultaneously drives me crazy and makes me laugh. It automatically makes whatever you are saying sound insincere or as if you are implying something else.


Homemade "pies" for sale!


Umm.... no thanks? :)

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There's a difference between a typo and a systematic abuse of the English language.


Using quotation marks for emphasis simultaneously drives me crazy and makes me laugh. It automatically makes whatever you are saying sound insincere or as if you are implying something else.


Homemade "pies" for sale!


Umm.... no thanks? :)


When ds8 discovered air quotes, he went through a major phase of using them with everything. Especially, for some reason, the word "awkward." We had to run an air quote intervention.

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I feel this way about comma's. It wa's my downfall in my Intro to Education clas's at college because the profess'or would stop gradin' the paper when we reach'd 5 errors.' Then she'd return it, we'd have to edit it and resubmit it (starting automatically one letter grade lower). I had C/S (comma splice) all over my first two paper's, because I had internalized the "put a comma where you take a breath" policy. She called me a Comma Sprinkler.


This is me! I was mistaught comma usage in school, and now I have such a hard time knowing when to use them.

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Should I lend you my copy of "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" - it comes with an Emergency Punctuation Correction Kit (little stickers with apostrophes and "the panda says 'no!'")?



I got irritated with the children's version of Eats, Shoots and Leaves because some of the sentences included comma splices, and there were commas inserted where semicolons should be.

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I have been known to put Post-It note corrections on apostrophe errors.


I'm thankful my husband is tolerant of my grammatical intolerance. I have issues with grammar and spelling.


I always say, "What the heck does the tomato own? Why does the sign say 'tomato's $1.99'? Is the tomato's basket $1.99? Is the tomato's stem $1.99? I'm very confused."


I wish I could just let it go and be zen about it, but that's not my nature.


Do you remember when I marked up the grammar/punctuation on college recruitment letters and sent them back to the admit depts?

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Poor kitten's. ;)


I am still on the email list for our elementary school, and there have been some crazy grammatical errors in the messages. A lot more carnage than just dead kittens. :( Of course grammar isn't really studied until middle school around here, so that makes sense...right?? :lol:

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