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Hang in there, Brandi!


1. I am short-tempered today because I have to go to the dr this morning and don't want to.


2. I have no patience today either (see #1)


3. My laundry room is a disaster thanks to two very busy puppies. At least the disaster is confined to one room because we are still in the house-breaking stage.


4. I was supposed to pack healthy snacks for DS15 going on a 3-day school trip. All I had was a bag of licorice and one of jelly beans. That's what he got along with 2 bananas.


5. We are eating hot dogs today for dinner unless I find time to visit the store after the dr. appt that I don't want to go to....

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Sure, I'm game.


1. I scrapbooked all day on Sunday instead of doing what I should have done. Then, on Monday, when I had to rush around doing things I should have done on Sunday, I took out my frustration with myself on everyone around me.


2. I hate Cub Scouts. There. I said it. I really wish I hadn't signed up to be a den leader. Some of the kids are absolute brats and their parents don't do anything about it. I had a talk with the parents after our last meeting when the kids were calling each other pen!s head and telling each other to shut up. These are the first graders. It's not worth all the work involved.


3. I spend way too much time on the computer. I don't seem to care enough about more important things when I'm online.


4. I'm so sick of the whole bath/shower routine that I hardly ever make the boys take them anymore. They get pretty gross and smelly before I force them to take showers. Once it's summer and they're in the pool all the time, they smell chlorine-y instead of stinky.


5. I'm pretty strict about TV and video games, but for some reason, I have a sick fascination with The Bachelor show. And this last time, I let my kids watch some of it with me. I really wish I hadn't done this. It has come back to bite me in the butt several times.


Okay- really need to get back to the schooling and laundry, so that's all I'll confess for now.

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I have the same issue with eating noises!!!! I love eating together as a family, but I seriously have a hard time relaxing - and no one else gets it.... Try playing music, it helps.


As for all of my shortcomings- it would take about 100 pages, so I'll just pick a few:


1) I only get up with DS14 at 6am about 1/3rd of the time. He gets up, eats, and catches the bus to PS all on his own....


2) I will go an entire week (or so) without grading DS13's math, and then realize that he wasn't getting it like he thought he was, and then we'll have to go over it all in review....


3) I am an introvert, and need to "hide" starting at 8pm as well.... I don't go to sleep, but I have to get away. My sons are wonderful kids and I love them dearly, but I get completely fried by the end of the day.


4) We haven't done Latin in 2 weeks


5) Due to remodeling 1/2 of our house, we are about 3 weeks behind in science....


6) Copy, almost verbatim, number 7 of the first post.... except I kinda gave up even trying.

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I have a moth infestation in my pantry that is so bad all I can do at this point is shut the door and ignore it.


Someone dropped an egg in my garage fridge about a month ago, and I still haven't cleaned it up.


I'm supposed to go to a Sacramento Kings bball game with dh and some friends tonight, and I'm dreading trying to socialize, even though the wife is very nice. I wish I were staying home, but instead I'm pretending to dh that I'm looking forward to going. I'm not looking at this as lying, but as a "fake it till you make it" situation.


If I could, right now I'd go to Wienerschnitzel and wolf down about 5 double-cheese chili dogs. Thankfully, the nearest Wienerschnitzel is about 100 miles away. :001_huh:

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Despite having a great time at the local home school support group meeting, talking curriculum and feeling like I might have helped someone I am exhausted today - emotionally and physically not feeling well.


I really need to get off my duff and do some house cleaning and work on planning for the fall so I don't freak out at the last minute.


I really need to make my middle STOP playing Tiger Woods golf on the Wii but he's -20 and his worker is due in the next five minutes and I don't feel like a battle.


Basically I feel lazy, unmotivated and guilty about it.:D

Edited by pdalley
because sometimes the y makes all the difference
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Forgive me, hive, it has been months since my last confession. (no offense to those who go to actual confession)


I. My dh has been out of town. I will go through the fridge tonight and toss out the leftover he wanted us to eat while he was gone, things we won't ever eat.


II. We haven't done algebra for the last few days of school. I don't want to deal with the drama.


III. This is the period of the school year when I like planning next year more than finishing up this year.


IV. I have a bottle of wine in the fridge, and I'm wondering how soon is too soon to start drinking it.


V. I write in books. I hate using the library for that reason. I spend 90% of my disposable income (which isn't much) on books.


VI. I hate my grey hair. I won't color it anymore, but I'm still not embracing the grey. I don't feel old, I don't want to look old.


VII. One reason I wanted to keep homeschooling years ago was so I wouldn't have to go get a job. My dh brought a job earlier this year and I panicked. I talked him out of it. I used to be a great employee, now I'd just be a bitter and grey headed employee.

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1) My house is a mess. My dishwasher is broken and I abhor doing dishes by hand. There is pet fur everywhere. I'm about to send all four-legged creatures outside to fend for themselves (not really. But I feel like it!)


2) I really dislike 13 year old girls today. And the one I'm especially disliking is just like her mother, whom I also dislike. This may not end well.


3) I'm completely overwhelmed.

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:lol: We had a horrible moth infestation and it took a LOT of work to get rid of it! I feel your pain.


I now keep rice, flour, and several other items in our deep freeze so they never hit the cupboards until we are closer to needing to use them.




I have a moth infestation in my pantry that is so bad all I can do at this point is shut the door and ignore it.


Someone dropped an egg in my garage fridge about a month ago, and I still haven't cleaned it up.


I'm supposed to go to a Sacramento Kings bball game with dh and some friends tonight, and I'm dreading trying to socialize, even though the wife is very nice. I wish I were staying home, but instead I'm pretending to dh that I'm looking forward to going. I'm not looking at this as lying, but as a "fake it till you make it" situation.


If I could, right now I'd go to Wienerschnitzel and wolf down about 5 double-cheese chili dogs. Thankfully, the nearest Wienerschnitzel is about 100 miles away. :001_huh:

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1. My house is dirty - not just messy but, dirty. I don't plan on cleaning it until June. Well, the bathrooms and kitchen get cleaned but barely.


2. I'm sick of scouts! It has taken over our lives and I'm tired of every spare minute of the day and night being taken up by scouts. I want my oldest to finish his eagle and be done. I want my younger ds to quit cubs.


3. I've been sick since last Friday - fever, sore throat, earache, etc. I should not be using the little energy I have to be on this board. I should be schooling my kids. Oldest is working on his own - the littles watched cartoons all morning.


4. I'm overweight and I don't exercise. Long story for another thread.


5. I get very grouchy when I'm tired.


You sound exhausted. With everything you're doing, it's no wonder you have all of these "confessions." Maybe that's what it is with all of us. We're tired! :D


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1. My newly-13-year-old son watches Glee (and Chuck and several other shows I'm sure folks here consider inappropriate).


2. My house is a disaster zone. Some of this can be explained by the fact that we're in the midst of packing for a move at the beginning of next month. However, the truth is that it's rarely what one might call "clean."


3. I'm supposed to be working on our taxes and / or packing, but instead I've spent far too much time on the computer.


4. We don't eat dinner together more than about twice a week, and I have no intention of changing our lives or restricting my kids' activities so that we can do so more often.


5. Most days, I'd rather read a book than interact with my family.


6. I'm not paying nearly as much attention to my son's academics as I should this year. He's doing several classes online, and I just can't work up the energy or interest to stay on top of making sure he's keeping up or doing good work most weeks.


7. Despite being vegans, we don't eat as healthfully as we should. In addition, both of my kids are picky eaters, and I don't really care that much.


Edit: Oh, dear. I thought of more.


8. I'm sick to death of teching Sunday school and wish more than anything that I could get out of it for the rest of this year.


9. On a similar note, I'm supposed to be organizing our church's Easter party, and I don't want to do that, either. I've designed and put up flyers and roped some of the kids into helping me sort and hand out eggs to stuff for the hunt, but I haven't even thought about crafts or goody bags or food, and I wish I didn't have to do it at all.


10. I spent almost two years losing a LOT of weight (about 75 pounds), and lately I've been over-eating and not walking much and I've gained back almost 15 pounds. I know I should get back on track, but I resent having to worry about it all the time.


I'm sure there's more, too.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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You sound exhausted. With everything you're doing, it's no wonder you have all of these "confessions." Maybe that's what it is with all of us. We're tired! :D



You are right, I am. I debated ending each of those confessions with "and I am fat" because from my point of view it just makes each one that much worse lol And because I broke a toe at the start of march I wasn't going to the gym and that started my self sabotage, which means since then I have only been to the gym once and was eating like I was working out 5 hours a day and gained back almost everything I had lost since xmas. That is however, a topic for another day lol

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It is currently 1:17 and I am still in my pajamas.


I really hope it rains tomorrow so I don't have to bring my kids to soccer and deal with a certain snobby someone.


I haven't done science in weeks. We are supposed to be covering biology now. My kids are playing outside. I'm counting it.


Last Thursday, after being out of the house most of the day shuffling kids around to various activities, dd3 threw a huge tantrum (it was the 3rd or 4th one that day) as we were in the grocery store (getting summer sausage, cheese, and crackers for dinner), complete with screaming, throwing herself down on the floor, and utter defiance. I bought a bottle of wine and drank the whole darn thing.


My kids had boxed Mac-n-Cheese for lunch. I justify it because it is Annie's.


I think speed limits are recommended minimums.


I am still thinking bad thoughts about those men in kilts.


I am not the smartest woman in the world. I am not the best housekeeper. Sometimes I'm a really lousy parent. I'm sure I drive my dh absolutely insane 98% of the time. I am so far from perfect it's sad. Oh well.

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1. I haven't been able to workout b/c of my back (cancer spot removed), and 1. I've barely felt like cooking well. I ate chocolate with my husband the other night.


2. My cycle has me blah. And tired.


3. I don't want to plan meals for inlaws and SIL this weekend. I have to clean.


4. I've snapped at my boys too much this week.


5. Be played Legos and Nathan watched Harry Potter today while I cleaned the house and purged a bunch of papers.


6. Our eldest turned 21 today, and I'm still annoyed that I feel like I don't know him anymore.

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also spend too much time on computer to the neglect of other important things

also enjoy planning next year more than finishing this year right now

also prone to using ugly tones with the kids (to help with that though last week we started 'push ups for attitudes', if busted with a nasty attitude or tone toward another, drop and gimme 10...yes, kids can bust parents..thus far either I *really* detest any form of exercise, or I may be getting a handle on this attitude thing LOL as I have yet to do any)


I'm sure there are more, but I need to get off here, make an attempt at a quick tidy before leaving the house. You know, so I don't quite look like the slob I really am when hubby gets home. ;)

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1. My ds watches the Simpsons, Naked Gun movies, and loves Dumb and Dumber.

2. I swear in front of ds and have "taught" him to flip the bird (tho he is only allowed to do it with me ... still, don't think I'll be getting any Mother of the Year awards with that one).

3. I hide in my bedroom several hours a week to read and nap.

4. Many times at around 6 when dh asks about dinner I look up from my tv or book or computer and say "you're on your own" then go back to what I'm doing.

5. I sometimes buy a coffee from Starbucks, park my car a few streets away from home, and talk for an hour on my cell with my mom.

6. I'm addicted to Judge Judy.

7. I have plenty more but won't share them on the Internet.

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Big breath....


I dislike doing anything crafty such as art projects or lap books.


I don't like doing science experiments simply because it's messy.


I wish my kids were workbook kids.


I do not baking with my kids.


I do not use my imagination and I'm not creative at all.


I do not like teaching my kids to read.

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Well, I am guilty of about 90% of what everyone else has posted.....bad attitude at times, don't like crafts, often don't want to do school, spend more time on here than I should, love to plan for school more than I like doing it.




I often go back to sleep after dh leaves for work and then sleep until 9ish.


We often have to dig in the clean laundry pile for our clothes. I HATE to fold laundry and it gets put off for weeks.


I have gotten to were I HATE to cook. I used to love it, but with the hassle of everything else in the day, this has slipped. My kids are required to get their own breakfast and lunch. I have healthy options that they can just grab or prepare themselves, but they are responsible for it. I handle dinner.


I don't teach Latin or any other foreign language right now and have no intentions on changing that in the near future. Our load is plenty if not too much and I will not add that. I will move them into Latin Road after Phonics Road, but that is a few years away.


I organize Bible study for women at our church. I don't want to anymore, but after much praying the Lord has not given me permission to quit. Plus, I am two weeks behind in my study.


And, Scouts, well we just started a couple of months ago and I am having the hardest time getting any of the work done. It just doesn't fit into our day, but I am so happy that my boys are finally getting to do guy stuff that we will keep at it.

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We moved in November, and there's still unpacked boxes in the garage. There is a white powdery mold growing all over the garage floor...

My other one is so heinous, I don't think I can say it... but it does involve the cages of two dead hamsters (buried) and the cages they used to live in, and a stand off between my husband and I.

I'm hoping the mold will rise up and devour all of this shameful mess...:001_huh:

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I have a moth infestation in my pantry that is so bad all I can do at this point is shut the door and ignore it.


Someone dropped an egg in my garage fridge about a month ago, and I still haven't cleaned it up.


I'm supposed to go to a Sacramento Kings bball game with dh and some friends tonight, and I'm dreading trying to socialize, even though the wife is very nice. I wish I were staying home, but instead I'm pretending to dh that I'm looking forward to going. I'm not looking at this as lying, but as a "fake it till you make it" situation.


If I could, right now I'd go to Wienerschnitzel and wolf down about 5 double-cheese chili dogs. Thankfully, the nearest Wienerschnitzel is about 100 miles away. :001_huh:


This is my kind of confession!

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  1. My 6yr. old hasn't taken a bath for 5 days (maybe more, I lost count) :001_huh:
  2. My kids ate sweet cereal for dinner
  3. We've had too many light school days the past couple of weeks.
  4. I've been tired lately.
  5. My kids haven't done any or almost any science all year (next yr. Bob Jones DVDs for sure)
  6. I don't know what Glee is. Never heard of it before.


Edited by Homeschooling6
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Do we confess because we feel secretly guilty? Otherwise, why confess?


I confess I dont feel guilty- not in the sense that I feel the need to confess. I know I am pretty much doing my best, even if it doesn't look like it to anyone else.

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1. I let my 7 yo. watch Bones, Criminal Minds, and Taboo.


2. We usually eat in front of the TV and computer screens, not together. DD usually eats a bit later than everyone else because she doesn't come in from playing until 7.


3. I have been feeling very touched out since the baby came...he does nurse a lot! As a consequence I'm often short with DD and she gets shortchanged in the cuddles department.


4. I will be shamelessly using DD's enrichment program as childcare next year, sending her 2 days/wk.


5. DS will go to a friend for childcare at the same time, someone I trust but whose house is perpetually...well, as messy as or a bit messier than mine, which a really big mess.


6. I work 32+ hours per week out of the home plus 1.5-2 hours per day of commute. Which means I need a 36 hour day to fit everything in, the yard is full of weeds, and the house is a disaster.


7. I do not speak respectfully to my DD much of the time, and now have behavior problems because she is mirroring the disrespect back to me...so I try to go all Michelle Duggar on her and be calm and quiet when really I just want to scream.


8. When the mom of one of DD's neighbor friends asked her what we liked because she wanted to send us a meal after the baby came, DD told her "we must really like casserole, because we eat it a lot." Now that we have no car, fresh stuff is going to be increasingly problematic as the summer goes on.


9. I'm enjoying maternity leave even though my lack of paycheck means we can't pay our rent or utilities.


10. I dropped all the kid's extra currics this year because I couldn't afford or have the energy to get her to them. I have promised her swim lessons after she comes back from my mom's later this summer; it's in walking distance and there's an economic hardship discount. Yet we stuck with my SCA activities because I'd accepted a volunteer position.


11. Tomorrow I'm going to go buy steak and shrimp and maybe asparagus with food stamps because it's DH's birthday and I can't afford to get him a gift, but we can at least eat really well the one day.

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I'm going to confess because last Sunday, there was no confession/absolution during service (we had some special service). So, I've really felt like things are hanging in the air.


I've been swearing a LOT. :glare: I think it's because my husband's out of town on business. I tend the swear when I get really stressed out. He's never here anyway, so I don't know what the big deal is.


I'll do better today. Thanks for listening.

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Threads like this ROCK:


I let my DD8 watch Bones and CSI. She is in love with Bones and wants to be a forensic anthropologist. She just bought a mini skeleton set and a lab coat so she can play Bones.


I have said I hate my life about 30 times this week. Although parts of it suck, I do not hate my entire life, its easier to just say I hate it all.


I havent balanced my checkbook or given a patoot about bills and budgeting for 3 weeks now and I dont know how much money we have put on the CC. My Dh doesnt care about finances...well neither do I anymore!


I had next year all laid out and I am thinking of selling most of it and going with HOD because it looks like fun and I want a cohesive program that is step by step although I know I will probably get sick of the fact that it is planned out and I wont have any planning to do and I wont like it forever, but I WANT it now.


I hate soccer and all sports and would rather rip off my arm than go to games and practices.



ahhhhh...all better:)

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1) I'm fat and I don't exercise. I hate being fat. But I'm afraid I hate exercising more. I feel so ashamed of my body, I can't bring myself to do it.

I used to be thin, bu then my thyroid went out and I started some medication and gained 75 lbs in six months. That was 12 years ago. I haven't lost it yet.


2) I'm on the computer instead of brushing my dd's hair. I am often on the computer when I should be doing something else.


3) I work two mornings a week and leave my seven year old at home with the house guest who is currently living in our basement. She doesn't really see him the whole time I'm gone. She is essentially home alone. And presumably doing school work.


4) My house is messy. Not just cluttered, but really dirty. I clean before my mom comes and even then she is horrified.


5) My kids don't bathe nearly often enough. There have been times that they have gone a week without bathing. I hate dealing with the hair washing battle.


6) My husband does all the cooking. Or we eat with my inlaws. Or we eat out. I just don't cook. It makes me anxious.


7) A lot of things make me anxious.


8) My kids are not terribly well behaved. They aren't awful, but their obedience is FAR from immediate or cheerful. They can be disrespectful a lot. And I don't do much about it.


9) I am abyssmal about doing crafts and art. My kids love it and I don't do it.


10) I've pretty much given up doing school with my almost six year old, other than having her do Reading Eggs. I don't think Reading Eggs is a good curriculum, but she complains less about it than most other things. She whines and cries and makes EVERYTHING such a production that I don't ask her to do nearly enough. I just don't have the energy to battle. I tell myself I'll go back to working with her academically when she's six.


11) The sheets on the beds have been there for a month.


12) I sometimes wear the same bra for a week.

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My Dh doesnt care about finances...well neither do I anymore!



Yeah, why is it...as a gender...women feel guilty when things aren't perfect...but, men! They could care less! :tongue_smilie: You wouldn't see my husband starting a confessional thread! He's probably swearing right now with his hand in a big bag of Doritos, all while neglecting his finances. :lol:

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Yeah, why is it...as a gender...women feel guilty when things aren't perfect...but, men! They could care less! :tongue_smilie: You wouldn't see my husband starting a confessional thread! He's probably swearing right now with his hand in a big bag of Doritos, all while neglecting his finances. :lol:



I am sure my little experiment won't end well. We may lose our house and our van may get repo'd, but at least I will have REALLY proved a point, right? ;)

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I am sure my little experiment won't end well. We may lose our house and our van may get repo'd, but at least I will have REALLY proved a point, right? ;)


Oh no!! This actually happened to us when we first got married (the car repo). Some men think that the bills get paid by magic and that the ATM dispenses unlimited amounts of free money. :tongue_smilie: I handle all of our finances now.

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1. I let my 7 yo. watch Bones, Criminal Minds, and Taboo.




Doesn't Bones count as science?


1. I"m sitting on the computer while dh's parents are on their way to my house. I have about 6 hours worth of cleaning and abut 4 hours to do it in.


2. I'm already irritated with MIL and am dreading this weekend. However, I'm kinda itching for a fight and this will provide an opportunity I'm sure.


3. The kids are supposed to be buckling down on school because we have about a million things planned for the end of May/June and I let them skip yesterday so I could clean. Which I didn't do at all.


4. DH is having to go to work super early these days and I stay up late and read when he goes to bed early. He leaves before I wake up, so we haven't seen each other except for weekends in about 2 months. I feel guilty, but not enough to get up early.


There's so much more, but I'm going to go back to reading and pretending that I "have it all together".

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We generally don't even start school until 10am.


I'm not sure how we're going to finish up our science book this year (I'm so sick of learning about ocean life!). And, I've accepted that we are simply not going to get half way through our history like I had planned.


I started counting down the days to *summer* months ago!


I hate where we live. I am generally, tremendously discontent. I pray about it daily, but I'm not seeing any progress.


I am often irritated and feel a huge amount of pressure to get *everything* done each day. It's exhausting!

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1. We have done limited school over the past few weeks because the house is such a disaster, I can't muster up the energy to pull out the school books and contribute to the mess.


2. I work nights 28 hours a week and honestly, am just so tired most of the time that I am of no use to anyone. I can't even muster the energy to make TeA.


3. I have recently been struggling with the fact that due to work and homeschool, I have nothing in my life just fun for me. My dh and dd9 have been doing a lot of theatre together which is something that truly feeds my soul but I can't participate anymore because of work and homeschool.


4. I discourage my children from playing team sports because I hate them. Sitting at games, etc, is like the ultimate torture for me. I have to help them find other physical outlets because I don't want them to grow up as couch potatoes.


5. As others have mentioned, I spend too much time on the computer.


I'm sure I could confess more but that about covers it. Thanks to all those who have participated in this thread by letting me know that I am not the only imperfect Mama out there.

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Wow. :001_huh:


I would worry about writing some of this stuff down on the internet.


What if there is someone who tries to use it against you? :confused:



Really? Way to be supportive of those less perfect.:glare:

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Really? Way to be supportive of those less perfect.:glare:


Oh, I think it's entirely supportive.


Considering there are women on this board who have dealt with vindictive ex-husbands and irrational social workers, I'd rather point out the potential danger in doing this than keep my opinion to myself and find out later someone has come to deeply regret one of these posts.


P.S. Why were you sarcastic?

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1. I LOVE Coke Zero. I know, it is fake sweeteners, and probably causing all kinds of trouble for my innards, but I just LOVE IT.


2. I've been munching out of a bowl of chocolate chip cooke dough from the fridge all week.


3. I am about 3 months behind on grading my dd's English work.


4. We've done very little history this year in school, but we have done science

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1. I covet people with big, "done" houses. Badly.


2. I obsess about my weight and my less-than-toned abs constantly. (Living in FL @ the beach -- not helping.)


3. I love Raisin Bran cereal. And Chinese food. Seriously. I could survive on both.


4. I spend too much time online somedays just because I need to "space" out without kids in my face.


5. Sometimes I lock myself in my bathroom with a book/catalog and read...just for quiet, kid-free time. ((Books in bathrooms used to gross me out, presuming people were reading while doing their business. I *get* it now.))

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I can't believe no one has said this but I will...


I think my SIL is stupid and a bad parent. I'm tired of listening to her vent about having to work all the time and having no money because her DH doesn't have a job. He didn't have a job when you married him, why would he have one now just because you gave him a son?


I don't do school but 2-3 days a week. I am so frustrated at how far behind my son is. I didn't know how bad it was until after I pulled him out of PS.


I'm fat...it is effecting my health and my fertility. I just don't want to get off the couch.

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We rarely start school before 10am unless we have a field trip.


I almost never answer my phone because I hate small talk and I figure that people can leave a message to tell me something, and if they need an answer I can call them back.


I use sibling rivalry to get my kids to do things in school. Sometimes I tell the 7 year old that the 5 year old is going to be able to "xyz" before him. (very bad, but it works so is a hard thing to not do)


I haven't matched socks in years. They all go in a tub and it is every person for themselves if they want them matched. Even hubby.


I let my kids play violent video games.


I have an aversion to half painted toe nails, think it is the skeeviest thing ever and am quite judgemental about women who don't take care of their feet. But guess what, my toenails are half painted because I am too lazy to go to the store and buy remover.

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