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We make our beds every week, as soon as the sheets come out of the dryer. :)


We're just not a made-bed family. We're upstairs during the day occasionally, and it inevitably involves someone flopping on, or crawling under a comforter. Defeats the whole purpose of a neatly made bed.

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we all make our beds in the morning. My kids ages 6, 9 and 10 have been making their beds starting with their 5th birthday....is it the way I want it made...not always...but we have to start somewhere. My kids don't like a top sheet...so they just have to pull up their comforter. But the bed gets made.

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I don't make my bed in the morning. I make it before going to bed.


One reason for this is that my bed can get destroyed during the day, and then I would just have to remake it before bed.


Once last week our bed (Two beds pushed together) was stripped down, then stood upright and pushed into the hallway. The kids did put it back in our room in the right location - but they can't get the sheets back on.

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I make my bed everyday. I like my bed made during the day because I throw loads of laundry on it to fold, so basically it gives me a clean neat space for folding.


I do not require my kids to make their beds. They have the same logic as PP, "why make the bed, when in a few hours you are going to mess it up again?".

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Yes, I make my bed. My bedroom is the first thing one sees if one goes upstairs. I actually keep the floor under my bed dusted too for this reason.


I've tried to make the bed making part of my morning ritual. I go in the bedroom, open the blinds so my plants can have some sun, make the bed, shower/dress, take the laundry downstairs for the load of the day.


Dd does not make her bed. I have no idea if dh makes his. I don't go into dh's room much.

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Do you insist all beds are made in the morning?


At what age do you expect a dc to make their own bed?


Do you make your bed every morning regardless of your expectations of bed-making from your dc?


I make my bed every morning - I hate having it unmade and do it first thing after showering.


I used to insist that my dc made their beds, too, until we bought them loft beds with a desk underneath. Making their beds is much more difficult now, and since the mess of blankets and sheets is up high, I can't see it as much. I try to get them to make them when we wash sheets, but even then, I don't think it gets done very well.

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Yes, I make my bed. My bedroom is the first thing one sees if one goes upstairs. I actually keep the floor under my bed dusted too for this reason.


I've tried to make the bed making part of my morning ritual. I go in the bedroom, open the blinds so my plants can have some sun, make the bed, shower/dress, take the laundry downstairs for the load of the day.


Dd does not make her bed. I have no idea if dh makes his. I don't go into dh's room much.


If DH had his own room, I would make my bed every morning.

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Hmmm. I thought there would be more bed-makers.


I ask that my dc make their beds...which really just consists of pulling up their comforter and putting their stuffed animals back on, but I don't always get around to making my bed. Dd13 doesn't see the sense in it but her bed is completely visible to anyone who goes up to the top of the stairs and I just think it helps to maintain a sense of keeping the house neat and orderly.


I've noticed that when I insist that the dc make their beds they also take a few minutes and tidy up their room too.


Anyway, no great nuggets of deep thought or wisdom...just curious how others did things.:D

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Beds are made every morning here. I make mine. Ds10 makes his. I still help ds8 with his.

Linens are washed weekly. Each boy strips his own on Friday and I make them up.

I think I got into the bed making habit when I had a waterbed. You have to make it to keep it warm. It just stuck and I had a water bed from childhood until 10 years ago so it is an ingrained habit. :)

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I leave them unmade and airing for a hour. Then I shakes the sheets, straighten them out, and make the bed up. To me, if the bed is unmade, my whole life feels unmade. I'm not a perfect housekeeper either - I just like a made bed. Getting into bed at night is so pleasant when the bed had been made nicely!


I do make my kids make their beds. I don't always check on it, and sometimes it goes undone. But typically in the morning at some point during a break from school I send them up to make them.

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I teach the children to make their beds. I don't insist. Teens with their own rooms can leave the bed unmade if they wish.


I taught each kid to make the bed around age 4. I call the bed "made" if the covers are pulled up and it's clear the maker has made an effort to make them straight.


I pull up and straighten our duvet in the morning.



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If you have light-weight comforters on your bed, they're pretty simple to pull up and into place. It only takes, literally, a second. We do tend to make our beds most of the time (unless we're late and running out the door first thing in the morning, perhaps)....


I would guess that making my bed and putting all the pillows in place on it (a total of 10) probably takes about 45 seconds. So why not make it?

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Finally, an area where I can say, "Yes! We do this!" I like having made beds every morning. Even if there are toys all over the floor I feel some semblance of order if the bed is made. We miss some days, though. I start them around 3 helping to tuck in sheets and pulling up the comforter. By 5 or 6 they are pretty decent at it. My 8 year old makes a beautiful bed.

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I expect some form of bed making every day, but the reality....:glare: Usually in the late afternoon I can be heard calling them both back upstairs to do what should have been done in the morning. That said, I only make them make their beds as an exercise in discipline. *whispers* I hate making my bed and only started after my dh insisted b/c we had to teach the kids not to be slobs. An unmade bed doesn't personally bother me but I figure it's my duty to make my kids better than me and all that. :tongue_smilie:

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We have our beds made up in the German style which is basically just a bottom sheet and a comforter with a comforter cover- no top sheets, blankets, bedspreads, etc. It takes about 3 seconds to "make" the bed so, yes, we do get this done every day. Now....if all the other chores they are required to do would be so fast and easy....sigh...

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I make our bed every morning when I get up or dh makes it while I'm in the shower.

I don't care whether the kids make their beds. Generally, they don't make theirs.

Both kids spend time on my bed every day- watching tv, reading, or talking to me. I use my bed for folding clothes, etc. I just don't feel like my day has started until the bed is made.

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Do you insist all beds are made in the morning?


At what age do you expect a dc to make their own bed?


Do you make your bed every morning regardless of your expectations of bed-making from your dc?


We have a family bed. None of us make it, ever.


That wouldn't have flown in my childhood home; the bed was expected to be made (and kids dressed) before leaving the room each morning. Pretty sure that's why I'm as lax as I am today LOL.

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I think making beds is a part of general housekeeping. I make my bed as soon as I get up in the morning. I taught dds to make their beds first thing in the morning, too.


Besides, I spent a great deal of time thinking about how I wanted to decorate my bedroom, what with paint and curtains and bedspread and whatnot. Why would I leave the bed unmade??


And furthermore, getting into a bed that has crumpled sheets, that have been crumpled all day long, just feels nasty. :ack2:

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We all make our beds, it's part of our morning routines when getting ready for school. (We're a little more lax on the weekends) We started having them make their beds when they were in preschool. They didn't need to be perfect just the best that they could do at their age in hopes that the practice would improve their abilities.


3 reasons why I make the bed:


1. They are on the main floor, so if someone comes over, they'll see it.


2. I don't like to get into a messy bed at night.


3. I put folded laundry on the bed sometimes before it is put away.

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I do not expect my dc to make their beds daily, and I do not make our bed daily, either. They can all make their own beds reasonably well, but we don't even use top sheets, so all that they have to do is stretch the comforter neatly over the bed and stick the pillow at the top. Even our 2yo can do this in his crib. Again, it's not something that we do daily...more like weekly, when we change the sheets.

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This is one area that I fall short. I do make my bed every morning, but I don't make the kids. It's just something that doesn't get done. I feel bad about it, because their beds look so sloppy, but there's only so much I can do.:(


I can think of many things to feel badly about, but bed-making habits is not one of them. Maybe you are just joking? I hope you really do not feel badly about having unmade beds in your home. :grouphug:

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We make our beds MOST mornings (give or take :D) Ds 6 started making his bed with me at 3 and could do it on his own at 4. He had a full size bed that he could make himself. I didn't get bent out of shape for how neat, but I did a lot of coaching. Dd 3 makes it with help, but I haven't been as diligent teaching her.

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I leave them unmade and airing for a hour. Then I shakes the sheets, straighten them out, and make the bed up. To me, if the bed is unmade, my whole life feels unmade. I'm not a perfect housekeeper either - I just like a made bed. Getting into bed at night is so pleasant when the bed had been made nicely!


I do make my kids make their beds. I don't always check on it, and sometimes it goes undone. But typically in the morning at some point during a break from school I send them up to make them.


:iagree: This is us, except we usually air the beds for about 2 hours and make them during a mid-morning lesson break. I also leave the windows open over the beds, even if just a crack, to air out the linens and room.


Bed-making is not negotiable here. I think it makes the bedrooms look MUCH tidier, and we all think it's much more pleasant to get into nicely made beds. For me, it's kind of like the perk of being at a nice hotel, only we get it every evening!


DS started making his own bed (top sheet, blanket or two, plus a quilt) on his own at age 7. Before that, it seemed like it took way more work for him to do it because of his size than for us to do it together. He knows to check that the sheet and blankets are hanging straight along the edge to make sure it's neat.

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The beds have to be neatly made. It barely takes a few minutes, yet it adds to the aesthetics of the place and the atmosphere of a working day (just like getting into clothes as opposed to staying in pajamas does). It is a regular part of the morning routine - air it out a little, but when you are done with other parts of the morning routine, make your bed.


DC have been making their beds since they were capable of doing so. When they were really small they "helped" me / dad / maid / whoever basically do it for them, but young school age and above that, they are responsible for their own beds. I bet there are days when they "cheat" (as I long ago stopped checking them on such stuff), but for the most part, yes, the beds are made.


We even make our beds in hotels, even though picking up the room is included in price. :lol: I inherited that from my mother, who always made me do it when I was a kid as she considered it bad manners not to do so. I used to roll my eyes over that, and then some years later I caught myself training my kids to do the same. LOL.

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I make my bed everyday. I like my bed made during the day because I throw loads of laundry on it to fold, so basically it gives me a clean neat space for folding.


:iagree: DS does make his bed every morning. Some days are neater than others. :tongue_smilie:

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I make my bed every day and have my dd make her too. I help her so she can learn how, but it gets done daily. If the beds are not made and there are dirty dishes in the sink, it seems to me that the whole house is a mess. But, my bed gets done before dishes. Military style... bounce a coin in it... yes, I stretch my sheets that much!

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We almost never make our beds.


Once in a very blue moon if we have out of state relatives coming to visit and I think they might go upstairs (sometimes the kids like to bring them up to their rooms or something) we might make the bed. But otherwise it just seems so pointless lol. Like someone else said, a few hours later, you're just going to mess it up again!

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We never used to make beds, as I considered it a waste of time to do and waste of time to make my kids do it. BUT, we changed a few months ago, now all the beds get made daily, and we all enjoy having a made bed. Ds7 and dd 5 do their own, while I help (encourage) dd2. We only use fitted sheets underneath, no sheet on top, so "making" the beds is really just a matter of straightening up the duvet and popping the pillow back where it goes. I wouldn't expect hospital corners or anything fancy (although I am slightly anal about our bed and so I take a few minutes perfecting that!). My pet hate is when people suggest making the bed as soon as you get out of it, because I believe beds need to be aired, unless you're going to change the linen every single day. (Plus I'm usually up first, and it's a bit tricky to get the bed tidy while my husband is still in it lol)

Edited by Hotdrink
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The beds have to be neatly made. It barely takes a few minutes, yet it adds to the aesthetics of the place and the atmosphere of a working day (just like getting into clothes as opposed to staying in pajamas does). It is a regular part of the morning routine - air it out a little, but when you are done with other parts of the morning routine, make your bed.


DC have been making their beds since they were capable of doing so. When they were really small they "helped" me / dad / maid / whoever basically do it for them, but young school age and above that, they are responsible for their own beds. I bet there are days when they "cheat" (as I long ago stopped checking them on such stuff), but for the most part, yes, the beds are made.


We even make our beds in hotels, even though picking up the room is included in price. :lol: I inherited that from my mother, who always made me do it when I was a kid as she considered it bad manners not to do so. I used to roll my eyes over that, and then some years later I caught myself training my kids to do the same. LOL.


:iagree: Even in a hotel room, I can't leave an unmade bed in the morning. We have many layers of blankets in cold weather, but when weather permits, i keep things simple with a fitted sheet and light blanket so "making the bed" takes almost no time. The dc can do it on their own by age 4. I am not a great housekeeper, but the bed thing is a big one for me.

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I make mine every day. It makes the room feel peaceful, and it is my sanctuary.

I dont make the kids make theirs- when they tidy their rooms (whenever that is!), they might make their bed to complete their satisfaction. But not generally.

We all have doonas in summer and winter- its not hard to toss a doona neatly onto the bed to make it- but I am not going to fight that battle with them.

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