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How old is too old for jeans?

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So last summer it was a bit cool when my mom was visiting I had put on a hoodie. I was already wearing a pair of jeans. She commented, not in a nasty way, but clearly disturbed, that I looked like a college co-ed. She was insinuating that I should dress my age. I was 43 at the time.


Today I put the same hoodie on with a pair of jeans. I think it was the first time I've worn that clothing combination since that day last summer.


I'm a housewife and homeschooling mom. I'm also a girly-girl. My toenails are pink, my hair is done and I have make-up on. I'm wearing earrings that are different than the ones I wore yesterday. I have on other jewelry.


Some days I'll get the urge to wear a skirt all day and never leave the house. Some days I'll wear yoga or sweat pants, Every once in a great while I'll wear dress pants. About twice a week I wear jeans.


Now I'm wondering if I look ridiculous wearing jeans - Levi's to be specific - at my age. Is there an age when one should stop wearing jeans? I refuse to go to the denim elastic waist pants that some women of a certain age refer to as "jeans." I'm not ready to garden in old dress pants.


What say the Hive?

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Your mother was raised in a different era, remember that. I just recently turned 42 and jeans are a staple for me. I don't mind dressing up now and again, but every day? Especially as a mom who's still in the throes of raising children, I say wear whatever helps you function, with this caveat: don't let yourself look frumpy and please check the mirror (including your backside) before you head out the door! ;)


But to answer your question: no, there is no age that is "too old" to wear jeans.:001_smile:

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My 85 year old Grandmother still wears jeans and looks great. She's the hippest Grandmother around. She can still out-work me, too, which is embarrassing but true.


I hope I can be just like her when I grow up so I think you are never too old to wear jeans if you want too.

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My 85 year old Grandmother still wears jeans and looks great. She's the hippest Grandmother around. She can still out-work me, too, which is embarrassing but true.


I hope I can be just like her when I grow up so I think you are never too old to wear jeans if you want too.


Wow, I wish I could get my gran to wear jeans.

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Thank you.


I don't remember the last time I saw my mom in jeans. She would wear them when we were younger. Of course she wore the ultimate mom jeans - store brand at $5.00 a pair. Never cool jeans. At some point she became more into polyester.


Thanks again.

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My 66 yo mother still wears jeans. And she's old-fashioned and likely to make the same comment as your mom. Except she wears jeans too, so she can't. She would draw the line at jeans and a hoodie though - on herself and me.


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So last summer it was a bit cool when my mom was visiting I had put on a hoodie. I was already wearing a pair of jeans. She commented, not in a nasty way, but clearly disturbed, that I looked like a college co-ed. She was insinuating that I should dress my age. I was 43 at the time.


Today I put the same hoodie on with a pair of jeans. I think it was the first time I've worn that clothing combination since that day last summer.


I'm a housewife and homeschooling mom. I'm also a girly-girl. My toenails are pink, my hair is done and I have make-up on. I'm wearing earrings that are different than the ones I wore yesterday. I have on other jewelry.


Some days I'll get the urge to wear a skirt all day and never leave the house. Some days I'll wear yoga or sweat pants, Every once in a great while I'll wear dress pants. About twice a week I wear jeans.


Now I'm wondering if I look ridiculous wearing jeans - Levi's to be specific - at my age. Is there an age when one should stop wearing jeans? I refuse to go to the denim elastic waist pants that some women of a certain age refer to as "jeans." I'm not ready to garden in old dress pants.


What say the Hive?


I wear Levi 524 (super-low rise, juniors) fitted graphic tees and a trucker's jacket w/ converse high-tops. I'm 43 and wonder what you mom would think of me!

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LOL Too funny! My mom insinuated last year that I was too old to wear hoodies. She said I should wear sweaters instead. I live in Michigan- in the winter I LIVE in hoodies/jeans. To make matters even worse.....they're usually dh's hoodies! (hey- he's got LOTS!) She definitely thinks I don't put enough effort into my appearance- at least on a daily basis. I can look good occassionally. The really funny thing- I'm only 32! I was 31 when she said this!

I think you can wear them as long as you want!

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Now I'm wondering if I look ridiculous wearing jeans - Levi's to be specific - at my age. Is there an age when one should stop wearing jeans? I refuse to go to the denim elastic waist pants that some women of a certain age refer to as "jeans." I'm not ready to garden in old dress pants.


I say wear jeans as long as you believe you look good in them. The only thing I see as age-specific are certain fashions of jeans. Ripped-up jeans (though, truthfully, I hate them on everybody, but I digress), extreme fades, super skinnies, etc. look strange on someone older than, oh, say 22. :tongue_smilie:


I wear jeans almost daily in the winter; they are my regular clothing. I also sometimes wear "young" clothes, i.e. Aeropostle or American Eagle tops. As long as they cover all the body parts I expect to be covered and they look good, I wear them.


I hope I never wear "mom" jeans. :D


P.S. I'm almost 40.

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Jeans are a generational thing (my mom didn't wear them either), and I agree you're never too old for them, but I wonder if it was the jeans/hoodie combo she thought looked too young. That's definitely a teen uniform right now. It's the only thing my 18yo and her friends wear. If you had worn dark jeans and a nice shirt, would she have objected? Just a thought... I, too, shall be buried in my boot cut jeans and platforms. :)

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You're never too old for FLATTERING jeans! Here's a great site (from a homeschooled, homeschooling mama!) about finding ones that make your bottom look great and your legs look longer:




NY&Co has very good-looking jeans for a good price if you get them on sale.


Disclaimer: I just bought pajama jeans at the VT Teddy Bear outlet AS AN EXPERIMENT ONLY!!! ;) I also bought two pair at NY&Co and they look awesome and I love them.

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I haven't worn jeans since I was in grade school but only cause I found something I like better. (I also wore a cardboard robot shirt for a few weeks too, so maybe I'm not the best standard).


I do miss my bugle boys now that you mention them though...

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Take what she said as a compliment, and not derogatory as she might have intended.


I wear jeans all the time. I have a nice fitted t on, a comfy cotton cardiganish sweater, and a pretty scarf. My hair is in a twist, and I have on a head elastic.


I love Levis. They are my favorite fit, but I couldn't tell you which cut these are. Slim leg, curvy, boyfriend jeans, I think? I love them. No long butt.


I say you looked fine.

Edited by justamouse
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So last summer it was a bit cool when my mom was visiting I had put on a hoodie. I was already wearing a pair of jeans. She commented, not in a nasty way, but clearly disturbed, that I looked like a college co-ed. She was insinuating that I should dress my age. I was 43 at the time.


Today I put the same hoodie on with a pair of jeans. I think it was the first time I've worn that clothing combination since that day last summer.


I'm a housewife and homeschooling mom. I'm also a girly-girl. My toenails are pink, my hair is done and I have make-up on. I'm wearing earrings that are different than the ones I wore yesterday. I have on other jewelry.


Some days I'll get the urge to wear a skirt all day and never leave the house. Some days I'll wear yoga or sweat pants, Every once in a great while I'll wear dress pants. About twice a week I wear jeans.


Now I'm wondering if I look ridiculous wearing jeans - Levi's to be specific - at my age. Is there an age when one should stop wearing jeans? I refuse to go to the denim elastic waist pants that some women of a certain age refer to as "jeans." I'm not ready to garden in old dress pants.


What say the Hive?


Old people think all kinds of ridiculous things about fashion, like:

No one over 40 can wear jeans

No woman over 35 can have long hair



That was the thinking back in my mom's day. Maybe that was fine for them, but times do change and gods know fashion sure does!


A modern woman can wear what she wants as long as she does it with style. :D

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I do think jeans are perceived differently in different parts of the country. In the southwest, I've seen women in their 70s (and my grandma into her 80s) wear jeans and look downright classy with the right accessories.

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I don't think there is a "too old" for jeans, but maybe :blush: a "too old" for certain STYLES or BRANDS of jeans.


Levis seem pretty classic; timeless. I live in a town with cougars on the prowl, so all these middle-aged women are shopping out of their pre-teen and teen daughters' closets - and they look ridiculous. Not in jeans, just in the style of jeans they're trying (too hard) to carry off.

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I suspect I'll be wearing jeans until my hands no longer are able to pull up the zipper. NEVER heard that one grows too old, or mature, for jeans. Even if it was the trend, I'd ignore it.


My favorite hoodie is a tie dyed one I got in ME. :001_smile: I love tie dye and bought TWO hoodies because I loved the colors so much. I'm 48 and regularly wear my hoodie and jeans. I do prefer not to wear it out all that much because I think I look stupid with my designer purse and expensive jewelry..... and my tie dyed hoodie, but I still do it. Just like I still muck stalls with my jewelry on.


I'm a girlie girl and I will wear jeans until the day I die, or when I can no longer put them on and take them off by myself.

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A modern woman can wear what she wants as long as she does it with style. :D


you mean like wearing a wool suit to go out to the barn? ;):lol:


Now that I think of it, Chuckie, I think you should go to the nearest Salvation Army and try to find a pair of TACKY polyester pants, the tackiest you can find, preferably with a bunch of pulls. Buy THOSE and wear them the next time you see your mom. Wear them with a blouse with a HUGE ruffle.


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