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Funny or disrespectful?

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I usually find t-shirts with sayings on them more annoying than funny and do not let my dc wear them (especially ones about selling little sisters and such). A friend gave us a bag of clothes and one shirt I pulled out made me laugh so hard (I'm big on personal space)! My ds really wants it yet as the evening went on I wasn't sure if what the shirt says is really that funny or more disrespectful/rude. It's printed in the form of a chart at the optometrist's office:










Seriously, I'm gonna need you to move over a little.



Edited by LuvnMySvn
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The simple fact is that SOME people will find it disrespectful.
This is the way I'm leaning as well. I pictured my reaction if I saw a youth at church wearing it or the reaction of the adults if they saw one of my dc wearing it, and the reaction wasn't good. Oh well, it gave me a laugh.


and I think he should wear it to his next optometrist appointment
lol! Maybe we'll keep it just for that time.
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Funny. I would let my kids wear it. I wouldn't allow shirts with swear words, sexual innuendo, inappropriate pictures/drawings, but sarcasm and general humor is OK with me. I'd say anyone offended by the one you posted might need to lighten up a bit.

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I think it's funny, but I could see where some would not. I think most sarcastic people would like it. ;)


When I got my tattoo last night, they gave me a bumper sticker with the shop name on it and the words, "If you're not a tattoo, get off my @ss!" While I find that to be hilarious, I won't be putting it on my minivan. :lol:

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One of the joys of homeschooling, we don't have to sit and ponder over every tee or scrap of clothing they wear. We set our standards, and if it passes, it's in like Flynn :) If anyone else has a problem with it, then the way I see it is it's *their* problem. I can't worry about being PC with everybody or pleasing everyone, and neither can they. There is nothing vulgar about it, it's not immodest... yeah, maybe a little sarcastic, but so what? Life without *some* sarcasm wouldn't be any fun, now would it?? If your worried about church group, then just don't let him wear it there :)

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I think it's funny.

It's casual, weekend wear.

:iagree: I offend some people with my dresses (or at least make them contentious). One woman has asked me 3 times if they are "a religion thing". I have to bite my tongue from saying "you don't hear the word NO often enough, do you."


So, you can't please everyone. You can die trying, though. :)

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I'd say anyone offended by the one you posted might need to lighten up a bit.


Well we all have, or should have, standards, but they obviously vary.


Children who demonstrate sarcasm towards adults are, in my view, disrespectful. Such behavior is innapropriate.


We have all seen the snotty tee-shirts that some children wear these days (not that this particular one necessarily falls into that category) and that speak volumes about the child and his family.


This is not particularily funny, especially on a child, It has minor shock value and demonstrates a certain arrogance and level of sarcasm that is distasteful.


No one is arguing that such a child is bad or even poorly raised simply that this is unnecessary.


The line "Seriously, I'm gonna need you to move over a little" from a child to an adult certainly does not demonstrate manners.....but as I said we all have standards.

Edited by pqr
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Dh and I think it is funny but wouldn't let our kids (especially daughters) wear it because it encourages people to get into your personal space/stare at your chest to read it.


This is why we haven't allowed shirts with sayings and such on them, especially on our girls.


Children who demonstrate sarcasm towards adults are, in my view, disrespectful. Such behavior is innapropriate.


We have all seen the snotty tee-shirts that some children wear these days (not that this particular one necessarily falls into that category) and that speak volumes about the child and his family.


This is not particularily funny, especially on a child, It has minor shock value and demonstrates a certain arrogance and level of sarcasm that is distasteful.


No one is arguing that such a child is bad or even poorly raised simply that this is unnecessary.


The line "Seriously, I'm gonna need you to move over a little" from a child to an adult certainly does not demonstrate manners.....

Thank you for putting into words what I was struggling to. There was something about this shirt that continued to bug me hours after seeing it for the first time but I couldn't figure out what. I would never want anyone to think of my dc (especially my teens) as anything but respectful to others and I'm not sure this shirt sends that message. Maybe it's just too close to other shirts I've seen that are funny but in a worldly, disrespectful, arrogant way.


One thing I keep coming back to is the fact that we have taught our dc to move aside for people, adults especially. The message of this shirt is completely the opposite. Maybe I'm taking it too far yet if I thought for a moment that there was even one adult who found this shirt to be offensive while being worn by my dc I would be mortified. I guess I'd rather play it safe than be sorry.


Thanks for the input, ladies.


So...who wants the shirt?? :D

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My son has that shirt. He is 10. (It was on sale at Old Navy during Christmas '09)


Honestly, no one reads it. I mean, WE did, and WE think it's funny. But it's not really printed in such a way that random people read it. You have to make a pretty conscious effort. As in, "Here - hold still while I stand directly in front of you and sound out the words on your shirt."


And even when people do read the shirt (and that's been when ds points it out: "Hey, Joe, look at my shirt!", etc.) 99% of the people miss the bottom line because it's so small.



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That's disrespectful? How about the "My sister is for sale!" shirts I see on 8 yo's? And don't get me started on Juicy "couture" at 5 or 6 yo. What girl or woman needs that on their rear?:glare:


This shirt is funny. It's clean but maybe not for everyone humor. Personally, I like how it links to the optometrist chart just to be silly. There's some way worse things out there.

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