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How many library books are in your house?

How many books do you have checked out from the library, right now?  

  1. 1. How many books do you have checked out from the library, right now?

    • 0-25
    • 26-50
    • 51-75
    • 76-100
    • 101-200
    • 200+
    • Ubiquitous Other

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Just for fun - how many library books do you have checked out right now. You can answer just for your personal card or for your whole family. I'm just curious.


I have 40 books checked out as of this afternoon - a personal record. I'm on a bit of a sustainable living/gardening/cooking bender, and DD went bonkers today in the children's section.


So how many are checked out, right now, in your house? :001_smile:

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On my educator card, I have 96 items checked out. A couple are CDs and audiobooks. On each of the kids cards there are 5-10 things checked out, so over 100 all together. Each kid and I can have a maximum of 50 items on our personal cards, and I can have 150 items on my educator card, so we have the potential of having 300 items at one time.

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I currently have about 90 or so with about 22 on reserve. We have an excellent library system and fortunately for me, they no longer charge overdue fines on children's books.


That sounds amazing. Mine charges $2 for *each book* that is requested and not picked up within a week. When you have 40-50 books on request spread out over 8 cards and they are trickling in by the handful, it's easy to lose track and easier to rack up a ridiculous number of fines. Our library system is pretty much the opposite of homeschool friendly.



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Zip, Zero, Nada, Squat!


Our local library is absolutely atrocious and that's being kind. Add to that the fact the librarians are not friendly, and this means we don't use it. But, we were obliged to make a trip last week in order to pay homage to some of mil's artwork on display.


I have homeschoolers that would like to for me to catalog and organize our books so that they can "check" out from my home. This would require a. dh to build massive book shelves so I can have everything out at once and b. leaps of faith regarding my confidence that the materials would be returned. Nope, don't see it happening any time soon.



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Exactly 15 and one was due today. If I had called, they would have taken care of it for me, but I just plain forgot. :tongue_smilie:


Our library may be tiny, and I do still need to buy quite a lot of books, but they are definitely easygoing and homeschool friendly.

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We used to have 100-150 out at a time, returning and checking out 75-100 each week; but as dc have gotten older, we purchase more (as it becomes harder to find the works we need in the library,) we rely more on our personal library of classics, and we have less time to visit the library regularly. I voted 0-25, because I think we have about 10 books out right now.

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47 items at the moment, and I know because I was just there and the librarian gave me the stinkeye over it *sigh* Whatever! The 47 is mostly between DD8 and myself, though there are a few family audiobooks (The Long Winter, Farmer Boy) and a few Little Miss and Mr. Men books for DD5.

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Our library has a 50 book max. I'm not good at paying attention to how many I grab off the shelves, so I'm often over the limit when I try to check out. My husband is usually with me, so I fill his card too. This is a light week for us, so I only have 41 out right now (with about a dozen still sitting on the hold shelf at the library).

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I have absolutely none,

Even though we live about a 3 minute drive to the main branch of our cities library system, we don't go often. It's all because the books in the children's section is reasonably large, but in most of the books are literally falling apart. I understand they are well used, but I hated having to mention that 90% of the books we checked out either had pages so loose they were hanging on by a thread, missing pages or pages that had been scribbled on so badly you couldn't read all of it.


We used to love going to the library when we lived in FL, but the one here just turns us off, most of the other smaller branches are so limited that their children's section would fit in walk in closet.

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51-75. LOL


They are children's books, though, so we go through at least ten a day. I think once we start reading time period specific history and literature, the number will decrease. Maybe. Possibly. Or not. I guess that isn't realistic since I plan always to have wee ones running about the house. Oh dear.

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Currently we have 267 books checked out. Six of us have library cards. We go as a family and check out the max (50 each). Dh returns my books as I finish them. The childrens books are returned after they can't be renewed anymore. We have a separate bookcase just for library books.




Wow! That is awesome!

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Above 100 here. We have six library cards, but for the children and myself I use mine until it is full (100) then move over to my oldest son's. That way it's easier to keep track of what's due when using our awesome library's online system. DH has his own card and tracks his own books. We have two library book baskets (one up and one down) and a library bag where all "done" books go. The cards are in the bag.


Right now we have a batch of funny picture books, some poetry (we've been on a little tear), the three older kids' series books of the moment and three novels I'm either reading or about to get into. I also have some guides to teaching writing, and DS2 has a big batch of books on Ponce De Leon. AS it happens we are hitting the library in the AM.


For four years we lived abroad and did not have access to an English-language library. I'm still traumatized.

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Over 150 currently, with enough on hold to put us over the 200 mark. We can renew indefinitely if there's no hold, so that's what I do, and periodically, I take back several bags' worth when I think we've had them long enough. I will probably do that this week before we pick up the ones on hold (which are for school, for me, for DH, DD's requests, and some books I thought DD might like).

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Aww, 0-25 aren't the same category!! Zero library books is different than one! It's a completely different mental feeling wherein you do NOT have the thought hanging over your head that a book needs to be returned or you'll owe money!:)


I went to the library two weeks ago and brought home a bag full of 21 books, which is totally different than having just 1! lol:)


I prefer to not have much more than 30 books at a time. Far too much to keep up with and FAR to much for me to feel guilty about not reading!!

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I voted over 200. We almost always have between 200 and 230. Our library system is amazing - I order everything online to be delivered to the library just a couple blocks from our house, and then I can renew as many times as needed unless someone else requests. I have had some things for months. I LOVE it. We are seriously library geeks. I would be devastated to move to a place without a good library system.

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I voted over 200. We almost always have between 200 and 230. Our library system is amazing - I order everything online to be delivered to the library just a couple blocks from our house, and then I can renew as many times as needed unless someone else requests. I have had some things for months. I LOVE it. We are seriously library geeks. I would be devastated to move to a place without a good library system.


Ditto. We have 222 books out right now. I have shelves dedicated just to library books and separated into the subject. Right now, we have a lot of readers, and picture books, I keep several chapter books from my list so we have a choice whenever we finish the book we're working on, history, geography, science, poetry, audio books, videos...


We have 3 cards and can have up to 100 on each card, and can have up to 15 on hold on each card at a time. We go to the library once a week on the same day each week. I renew all from each account, make a list of what needs to go back (either they have reached the limit of 50 renewals or someone else has it on hold) and pick up the new books waiting for us. Throughout the week, I usually manage to mostly fill up the hold slots so there is always a wonderful pile of new books waiting for us to pick up, and the pile of books to go back grows as we read and read. :) Some books we really like and keep longer of course.


I could never afford to keep such a growing and varied selection of books without using the library.

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