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Hi! It's February. Say something nice.

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This is my first year of homeschooling. I've heard about the perils of February for years, but I can't believe how many threads there are right now about people having a horrible time.


Sooo, since so many people out there are feeling beaten down, put upon, and disrespected, how about a compliment thread? Say something nice about another board member here. It may be the only positive thing she or he hears all week. ;)


Bonus points if it's someone you're not already good board-friends with. Double bonus points if it's someone you've argued with on the board. Quadruple bonus points if SpyCar says something nice about pqr, or vice versa.


I'll go first:


LibraryLover seems like such a kind, laid-back, fun person. She always has good advice. I bet she'd be an awesome next-door neighbor.


I am always impressed by what KarenAnne and Corraleno have to say about the way they've designed and tailored their kids' educational programs. I have a lot to learn from them.


I really respect how open Simka2 is about her difficult spiritual journey, and how she's going about the process of finding her way.

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I think I'd love to live next door to Parrothead, though I'd probably drive her nuts. :tongue_smilie:


One of these days I want to meet Aubrey in real life. She always makes me smile.


Jean in Newcastle, Rosie, and Ellie are always such comforting "voices" on this board.

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Remudamom often says what I wish I had the guts to say.:D


ElizabethB is amazingly generous with her knowledge and expertise on teaching reading.:hurray:


Jean in Newcastle is amazingly level-headed. I think she and Rosie would be great friends to have IRL.;)


Catwoman always makes me laugh.:lol:

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Remudamom often says what I wish I had the guts to say.:D


ElizabethB is amazingly generous with her knowledge and expertise on teaching reading.:hurray:


Jean in Newcastle is amazingly level-headed. I think she and Rosie would be great friends to have IRL.;)


Catwoman always makes me laugh.:lol:



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Mariannova is my mentor!


So many make me happy, Imp and Rosie, and Jenn in Mi, and Parrothead, and MelanieM, and AuntieM, and, and, and, and.......


To all of the homeschool fathers out there, I'd like to say I love having you around the board. Even on the rare occasion that I disagree with one you, and it's fairly rare, I ALWAYS gain insight!


Hats off to the hive today! You've kept me going on a day in which I'd like to throw in the towel!



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HarmonyArtMom has blogs that I never tire of reading, making plans to emulate or recommending to others.


Jumpedinthedeepend is a true friend who always knows how to encourage me or make me laugh.


Battlemaiden is an astounding woman who is tough willed and lovely. She will eventually kick her neighborhood management company into shape.


SWB rocks.


Nestof3 and Aubrey always make me think and often give me rockin good ideas.


Margaret in CO is a wise woman who has started launching her kids out of the nest.


SpyCar occasionally makes me want to chuck my computer in a lake, but I'm glad he's here. He is a good reminder that even people who don't always agree with me are trying the best they can and want to make wise choices. (Even if our definitions differ.)


Jamee is a dependable person who will amaze you with her creativity and ability to pull hard stuff together. Give her an idea and then get out of the way.


Oh, and my almost 13 yo son gave me a spontaneous thank you for something this afternoon. That felt tremendous.

Edited by Sebastian (a lady)
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Danestress is a voice of reason and has great advice on relationships. I'm always thinking WWDD?


Ester Maria always has such well thought out and philosophical statements. I love to read her thought provoking posts.


Rosie just cracks me up. I :001_wub: Rosie.


I miss Hornblower.

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Well I vote Nestof3 as the Board Cutie with Nakia as deputy.


Not sure whether to crown Aubrey, Swimmermom3, jld or Remudamom as Board Philosopher. I think they each have their own valuable style ;)


I'm planning to be the Logic Board mammas when I grow up :D and I'm very glad Ester Maria has been here. She's widened my academic imagination considerably.


Ibbygirl is my best board buddy. That girl is tougher than she looks.



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Good idea. :D I don't know what to say about compliments, except that we have to learn to become our own source of them.... I think that many times we look to others to say the "word in season," and that's not always problematic... except when it doesn't arrive on time!


I remember when my girls were really little, all babies at the same time. I remember getting them fed, washed, dressed, and carted to church on a Sunday morning, and thinking, "They are so cute, all these babies are just so cute." Some part of me was waiting for someone else to say so. ;)


An acquaintance came up to me and, instead of saying, "It's so nice to see you" or "I'm so glad you're here" or "The girls are so adorable" or even "I missed you last week," she bluntly said, "How come you're never here? Why do you only come on Sunday? Why don't you come to mid-week?" And I was thinking, "I'm half-dead by mid-week. Wow." And then, because my baby was crying, this woman turned to my little infant and said, "Your mommy needs to get you out more often, because you don't know how to be with people." :001_huh:


So, my encouraging thought is to produce and create your own encouragement, to the extent that this is possible. Don't wait for other people to notice or care about what matters to you, or what you do to go forward in life. Keep a "Positive Progress List" right on top of your "To Do List." The PPL tracks the things you have DONE. You can keep yourself going with what needs to be done ("to do") by motivating yourself with what you have done already (PPL). Notice when you do something right, and forgive yourself for the mistakes of daily living. I hope this helps someone. Peace.

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Hey, look! It's February and I can still put together a coherent thought. :hurray: for me!:tongue_smilie:



Seriously, it is so uplifting to sign on the this forum after a long morning of phonics and math. Just to know you all are going through this...and many have been through this and survived is my encouragement.

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As long as I don't have to say anything nice about February! Ooh, February, my arch nemesis...:glare:


Um... some of our resident experts, like SpyCar with math and ElizabethB with phonics make me feel like we're ever so informed.


I appreciate the way that Satori reviews stuff on her blog and around here in such a way that makes you feel like you held the item in your hands and really looked it over.


Rivka just generally rocks.

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It's in the 60's here today and ALL the snow has melted! The sunshine is glorious and people are out working in their yards.


I'm beginning to think of seeds and growing things and looking forward to spring.


was just thinking today that all it takes to get us through is one bright day every week or two and we will finally make it to the end of what has been a long winter here (and lots of places this year).....


This the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it....

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I appreciate that KarenAnne always has time to help and respond in a creative way.


I love OhElizabeth's encouragement and feeling that she is walking the journey with you.


Siloam always has such a well-thought out response that seems so realistic and patient. I'm pretty sure she could teach almost any child well.


I don't know if I could survive on this board without SpyCar, Tara the Liberator, Priscilla, & typically JustaMouse to back up my liberal West coast opinions :).


I want to teach exactly like 8FillstheHeart (even though I know she says she doesn't read the General Board), and I can't wait to ask KathyinRichmond some questions when my kids get older (so please stick around for those of us with youngers!).

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I'll play. I've been around for several years but rarely feel qualified to comment on stuff so I'm not known well. (Sometimes I comment anyway, unfortunately!)


Jean in Newcastle showed such compassion for an unknown soul when she came to my rescue one Saturday night about preparing fish - everyone who ate Sunday lunch was indebted to her!


I see Peela as the flexible, low-key person I wish I was.


Rosie comes from a totally different perspective than I do - it's good to see through other's eyes.


Remudamom has the tag line that makes dh laugh! And she reminds me so much of the great-aunt I had who was still riding her horse after losing one leg below the knee. I want her guarding my back next time I'm in a tense social situation!


I so appreciate the vulnerability of Aubrey and Simka2 - they bring up stuff that I really relate to but would never dare to share.


That doesn't even start mentioning everyone else whose screen-names I can't remember right now!


Mama Anna

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Mrs. Mungo makes me think and rethink.


Rosie makes me laugh and nod in agreement.


Mariann cheers me up.


Aubrey is so sweet and dear - I think I'm old enough to be her mother.


AuntieM inspires and encourages me.


Peela always has something worthwhile to offer to the conversation.


Nakia is precious - I think I could be her mom, too.


Nestof3 is extremely creative and I appreciate her transparency.


Nan in Mass gives awesome academic advice.


Sophia is sweet and dear as well.


NanceXtoo has a great blog.


Parrothead and RoughCollie are huge encouragements to me.


Mergath is another dear and sweet one. (There are a lot of those here.:))


There are so many others! I appreciate all the various opinions and worldviews on this board. Y'all make me think and your advice on the K-8, Logic Stage and HS boards has encouraged me countless times.

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You guys don't know how much I've wanted a thread like this!


Let's see...


Kathleen in VA reminds me...to love others, live in peace w/ people, remember Christ


Remudamom makes me laugh & remember the value of rum & the better value of good people & the even better value of children, despite their stickiness.


Rosie makes me laugh, think, & laugh at how American I am.


Audrey makes me cringe at the thought of cream of crap & frozen pizza.


Peela makes me question the nutrition information I have received from, in retrospect, questionable sources.


Mama Anna makes me feel like a grown up. In a good way. Why? Because she comes across so wise, but when you look at her signature, she's not old at all! :lol:


Mrs. Mungo...has a political pov that's very different from mine, but she expresses her ideas in ways that I respect, & so she makes me think, & that's one of the highest compliments you can give a person.


Same as above for Spycar, but this applies to more than just politics.


Same as above for Peek-a-boo, except that I tend to agree more w/ her politics. She's just a little right of me & brave about it, lol.


Melissel is like a sister. I just love her.


Jean in Newcastle reminds me of Jane Austen. I think she must always know what's polite & proper.


I like Cadam. I like reading her opinions about curriculum & other things.


Elegantlion is someone you can laugh w/ & be yourself w/. Those people are few & far between for me, but she makes me comfortable.


Chris in VA rocks. She's SO nice. It feels wrong to leave it at that, but really. She's great.


Parrothead is the only person who joined my social group. That was brave. :D


Nestof3 is sweet & reminds me of a dear friend from highschool. She doesn't know how special she is.


Kidshappen is completely real & someone who will tell you the truth. She's a great friend.


Laura Corin offers a very different perspective from my own in a way that sticks with me. Her words are some of those that stay with me for years & I find myself laying awake at night mulling. Like Alphabet Pam, almost.


Judomom is someone I could imagine scrapbooking with or organizing with. The perfect person to hang out with when you're in a good mood!


Colleen isn't around much any more--that I've seen--but she's such a sensitive person. And I think of her every time I leave the house to go on a walk, because I dread the outdoors & sunshine THAT much. I don't understand why she likes it, but then I remember she's not in TX. ;)


OhElizabeth was the first person whose name I learned on these boards. Seeing her name now reminds me of being a newbie & having a K'er.


MariannNOVA is who I'd stalk if I were a stalker, but I mean that in a nice way. She's SO nice, funny, & has the *best* taste in curric. Plus, she's got the hummer.


Radio Brain (2 words or 1--I can't remember) is one of my favorite posters to read. She's funny & insightful in a way that's rare.


Carol in Cal pointed me to BW, & since then, I've noticed that her other curric suggestions & advice on the general boards are really good, too. She's an opinion I trust.


Strider is almost up there w/ Alphabet Pam, imo. I think her advice is crazy good, full of grace, common sense, all the things that our parents accuse us of lacking. ;)


Rough Collie delivered 16yo triplets. She must always be remembered for that.


Doran. 'Nuff said. (Because I don't go there!) :lol:


Nakia, when I think of the term "freak flag," I think of you. Hmmm...in a good way. Your courage & transparency...well, I figure you can get away w/ it because you're so beautiful. Breath-taking. But I think of your struggles & triumphs a lot.


Sue G in PA--you're a queen. In a wonderful, wonderful way. I hope you have peace.


Colleen in NS makes me feel like I'm not alone.


Tina makes me wish I were a TOG'er & a PR'er. I'm at least a Tina-groupie!


I miss Mom2LegoManiacs.


I think of BikeBookBread's SCARY bug...well, too often. But it makes me laugh. And I'm going to be SO disappointed if you (& Judomom) don't look like your avatars! :svengo:


Karen in CO, you have one of my favorite avatars. You gave me advice about something once--I don't remember the problem or your solution any more, but I do remember it was like your avatar--full of wisdom & peace. Since then, when I encounter a post by you, I pay attention.


Corraleno, I like your avatar, & I like you. Your posts are friendly, & you seem like you'd be SO much fun to laugh w/ over coffee.


Perry, if we ever end up in the plot of an apocalyptic movie, I want to be w/ you. You have the right combination of education, wisdom, & conspiracy theory for my taste.


Gardening Momma--you're so nice! Your posts are almost ethereal they're so free of human angst.


I love the rest of you, too. I've learned so much here that I was probably supposed to learn irl, but I'm smarter, braver, kinder, etc because of all of you. :001_wub:

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So many of you have helped me tremendously with my education and that is something I'll never be able to repay.


Whenever I tell my mom about some kind of new curriculum or home school philosophy I read about, she says "Oh, from the nice ladies on the board?" :lol:


Maybe I'm just not a normal teenager, but I'm on here more than Facebook or other teen-like sites because I LOVE this forum. I learn so much and just love reading everyone's different perspectives and ideas.


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OMGness! Y'all are so sweet!


Okay I'll play


Mommaduck is the person here I've known the longest. Though we've never actually met I think she is one of my best friends.


Remudamom just about as totally opposite from me as a person can be, yet I love her straightforward no nonsense manner.


Rosie is my hero.


Audrey is just super cool.


Peela inspires me to be the best I can be.


Mrs. Mungo is da bomb.


I am thankful to know Hopscotch67 and Oregon Native. Hopscotch, I'd love to live next door to you.


Nestof3 is a lovely person.


Kidshappen knows exactly how I feel almost daily because she goes through many of the same trials I do. We can commiserate and encourage each other.


Judomom I love your avatar.


Rough Collie reminds me to laugh.


MariannNOVA reminds me to laugh at myself.


Aubrey reminds me not to be so cynical.


Nakia takes the most beautiful photos


I admire the way Sue G in PA perseveres.


BikeBookBread I love your screen name.


LaughingLioness makes me smile every time I see her avatar.


Simka is like a breath of fresh air.


I'm sure I'll think of more. I'll be back.

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I want to have a weekend retreat with Swimmermom, Correllano, KarenAnne, 8FilltheHeart, and Janice in NJ. I always learn so much from their posts and appreciate their generosity in sharing their lives with me!


Oh gosh, if that ever happens could you please send up a flag and let me know? Because I would have named that same list, including you! I love reading all of your creative, thoughtful posts. :D

I would also love to join the "Rosie makes me laugh" club.


Audrey and Mrs Mungo have my favourite sig lines ever! It always makes me smile to see them, plus I generally love their posts.


Peela has a spirit that absolutely shines.


Jenn in Mo and GretaLynne were especially wonderful and kind to me during a sticky discussion once upon a time, and showed me what true grace and Christian spirit looks like. I will always appreciate them for that.


SmrtMama, Saille, nmoira, Mejane, Mergath, Satori, Secular Mom, Spy Car, Elizabeth, dragons in the flower bed, FaithManor, Martha ... so many people whose posts have made me smile or think or stretched me in some way. I know I'm missing people because I simply can't name them all! There are so many here that have posted things that made a positive impact in my life. I feel blessed to have access to such wisdom.

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I would love to have a drink (or five) with Remudamom, Rosie, Mrs. Mungo, Martha, Parrothead, Audrey, and RoughCollie. Can you just imagine?:lol:


Seriously, you guys are all such a blessing to me right now. I appreciate all the laughs, silliness, life advice, school advice, and just everything!


ETA: I would love for Aubrey to be my neighbor, though I don't know if the world could survive that combo.


I think everyone should have a pocket-sized Remudamom. The world would be a much better place.

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and just because your name might not have been mentioned here yet, don't think you aren't a part of the forum!

Connecting with people who lived where I did, live near where I am, the advice that's asked for and kindly given, those who ask for prayers and you know who are, you respond so graciously. I write in sentence fragments and don't get kicked off the board, YAY!

I have a really nice thing to say: February is more than half over.:lol:

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I don't think I can single out anyone, but I just have to say I have felt more welcomed here than on any other homeschool forum, and I so appreciate the atmosphere here. I love that it's friendly, but still ok to say what we really think. Thank you to everyone for that. And the mods, especially.

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I can't even possibly begin to name all of the people who make me laugh, make me think, make me cry, make me type in a manner that makes my dh ask "what are you typing so feverishly" when we're on the couch together, make me defend my position, make me think of jokes to lighten up threads gone bad and maybe get them back on track, to give me advice on phonics or doctors or teenagers day or night (and if not advice, at least offer me a mike's). Frankly, I just don't know what I would do without you all! This is my tenth year of homeschooling and this board has moved with me from Germany to NC to Hawaii and back to NC. I love you guys! :D :grouphug:

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LibraryLover seems like such a kind, laid-back, fun person. She always has good advice. I bet she'd be an awesome next-door neighbor.




Well! This is a surprise. :D Thank you so much! I can be laid back, and I can be intense. It's all about the topic. ;) lol


You are sweet and made my night. :)


I am always floored by how much I am drawn to this board. It's an amazing diversity of folks -- and I find it quite amazing and wonderful.

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I can't even possibly begin to name all of the people who make me laugh, make me think, make me cry, make me type in a manner that makes my dh ask "what are you typing so feverishly" when we're on the couch together, make me defend my position, make me think of jokes to lighten up threads gone bad and maybe get them back on track, to give me advice on phonics or doctors or teenagers day or night (and if not advice, at least offer me a mike's). Frankly, I just don't know what I would do without you all! This is my tenth year of homeschooling and this board has moved with me from Germany to NC to Hawaii and back to NC. I love you guys! :D :grouphug:


For the record, you just made me LOL... and then steal the apostrophe line from your siggy to use as a FB status.:lol::lol::lol:

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I just want to say I love you all and I don't want to leave anyone out so consider yourselves all :grouphug:




Frankly, I just don't know what I would do without you all! This is my tenth year of homeschooling and this board has moved with me from Germany to NC to Hawaii and back to NC. I love you guys! :D :grouphug:




But, 4th year homeschooling and Virginia to Little Rock to Los Angeles to Illinois.


I enjoy having a place to talk about language and learning and cabbages and kings. I am hopeful that my 8 year old will eventually be able to discuss languages and learning with me, she shows inclinations that way, but in the meantime, it's great to have this place.


I also occasionally enjoy a soap opera type thread.

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That's one of the coolest books I own! Cabbages and Kings.





That's funny!


It looks like a really interesting book, too!


Have you read "Seeds of Change: Six Plants That Transformed Mankind?" I found it fascinating. His Seeds of Wealth was also interesting, but not as much as Seeds of Change, although still worth reading.

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Have you read "Seeds of Change: Six Plants That Transformed Mankind?" I found it fascinating. His Seeds of Wealth was also interesting, but not as much as Seeds of Change, although still worth reading.


No, but I want it! I wrote an essay at uni on the social effects of cash cropping and it was probably the most interesting thing ever in my whole life.


Hm. Thread hijacking. Except we are supposed to be saying nice things and I really do think books about food are very nice things, in February or any other month.




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