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RoughCollie Had a Heart Attack

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This is one of her other sons - DS2. The one who made this thread was DS1; I tried to tell him what to say over the phone, but it doesn't seem like he did it very well, hehe.


What happened was, my mom thought she was having a heart attack, and called an ambulance. She took two ... Nitroglycerin pills? I don't know how to spell it, but Firefox says that's correct, so eh. Apparently this didn't help, and she started having pain in her left arm and immediately called an ambulance.


My mom is usually very god with emergencies - she had a lot of foresight. She grabbed her Kindle so she would have something to do, and told me to get her purse, so I did. I was the only one downstairs at the time. We got her to lie down on the couch until the ambulance got here, which it did in about twenty minutes (It's supposed to take forty minutes to get here, because we live in a rural area, so this was surprisingly fast --- thankfully so!).


When the ambulance got here, I ran down the driveway (our house is ... kind of on a hill, it's hard to explain) and told the EMTs where to go. They got a stretcher up the hill from the driveway to where our house is (the driveway's entrance is in the basement, but my mom was on the 'ground floor', and we didn't think she should be moved under these circumstances).


They figured out what was going on, and got a medical history (DS1 and DD were very helpful here, with things like her date of birth and everything - I didn't really know any of that, so it was really good that they were there), took her blood pressure, etc., before getting her onto the stretcher.


I made sure to ask one of the EMTs if I could ride with them, and he said that I could ride in the front if that wasn't a deal-breaker, so of course I said it wasn't and that I would go with them.


It was a fifteen minute or so ride to the hospital, and I had my Kindle with me and my lighted cover, so I was fine there. The ambulance was kind of interesting, although the dashboard for the thing was huge, and for some odd reason there was a fire extinguisher next to me. Anyway.


When we got to the hospital, I got out of the ambulance and went straight to the ER, which was right next to the ambulance entrance. Thankfully, my dad was already in the waiting room (I'd called him soon after my mom called 911, telling him what we knew was going on), and we only had to wait fifteen minutes until my dad was called in to sign paperwork, and then it was another fifteen before we got in to see my mom.


She looked kind of horrible, and was really freaking out (she just had a heart attack, so of course, this makes perfect sense). My dad was kind of useless, and I was the one who ended up holding her hand and insisting that she would be fine and that everything was going to be okay.


A few seconds after this, she wrote down her forum login information and asked me to call up my brother and ask him to make this thread. She was really insistent, too, on asking for prayer requests, and keeping you guys up to date on what's happening; she really likes this forum, which I guess is good for all of you. xD.


I also told DS1 to contact our relatives, and told him which ones to contact. He did it, which is good. My grandma apparently gave him a long speech about treating my mom right or something, haha.


After that, they took my mom into the cardiology department or something like that, and... Well, I forget the name for it, and my dad forgot it, too, when I asked him, but basically, they put a tube into one of her arteries, or something, and used this tube to check for blockages.


She has (or, had, I'm unsure) two almost completely blocked valves: One 90%, and one 100%. They say they're going to remove the blockage with 'stints' (metal things in place that open up the valves again), and that she won't need major surgery, and I hope they're right, although I'm not completely sure that something won't go wrong, or the stints won't work, or whatever, it's absolutely worth a try -- especially since we don't have health insurance.


We waited about two hours, maybe three (we spent from 6:00pm to 10:30pm at the hospital with my mom, in total), and then we got to see her again. I did the same things I did before she had to get her heart scanned or whatever (I love you, everything will be okay, you'll be fine, etc.), and just talked to her for a couple of minutes before she was moved to the intensive care unit (ICU).


After that, me and my dad waited outside of the hallways for about twenty to thirty minutes, and we went back in to see her. She wouldn't be allowed to sit up again for another few hours, and I really didn't think we should have left here there until that point, but my dad is in his early sixties and usually goes to bed at 8:30 at night, so it would have been dangerous for him to drive if he stayed up past midnight or whatever, so we had to leave.


I've organized everything for what needs to happen with my mom; I'm getting all of the stuff she'll need together (Kindle charger, cell phone charger, a laptop, charger for that, clothing, etc.), and I'm having my dad take me to school tomorrow so I can tell him specifically what to do, what she needs, and all that.


My sister is staying home from school tomorrow (she does half real-life school, half cyberschool, because she can now stay in her extracurriculars - notably JROTC - and meet her friends and everything, but she won't come home wiped at the end of the day because of the anemia she has), because my dad doesn't have the time to pick her up. He has a meeting with one of my teachers tomorrow because of something related to my IEP, so we're going to head over to the hospital after that, although I think that he'll go there before the meeting, too.


Anyway, that's pretty much what's going on. Thanks for your prayers and support, everyone - I'll be sure to tell my mom everything in here, or at the very least "OMG LIKE TWO HUNDRED PEOPLE ARE PRAYING FOR YOU". ^^;


I'm giving her a laptop so she can go online (we can't be with her in the hospital 24/7, and she'll need something to do), so she'll probably be back on here by tomorrow - the next day, at the latest.


Again, thank you all so much for your support!




Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention, the doctor said that no permanent damage has been done to her heart. She'll have to 'make a few lifestyle adjustments' (he never referred to anything specific while I was in earshot), but otherwise, she seems to be in relatively good health.


When I got home, I filled in my siblings about what was going on while my dad went to bed -- he's totally wiped. I had like six bottles of Pepsi while I was there, so I'm still awake, and I have a pretty good grasp of what's going on, so.


It's kind of odd how I've pretty much decided on what to do about my mom while everyone else has gone "Duhhh, okay", but eh, I guess that just proves that I'm the best person for the job (...and probably the only one willing, haha).

Edited by RoughCollie
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Anyway, that's pretty much what's going on. Thanks for your prayers and support, everyone - I'll be sure to tell my mom everything in here, or at the very least "OMG LIKE TWO HUNDRED PEOPLE ARE PRAYING FOR YOU". ^^;




How lucky she was to have you guys home to help direct the EMTs and get your mom what she needed.


I am praying...so now you can tell her like 201 people are praying!

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"Anyway, that's pretty much what's going on. Thanks for your prayers and support, everyone - I'll be sure to tell my mom everything in here, or at the very least "OMG LIKE TWO HUNDRED PEOPLE ARE PRAYING FOR YOU". ^^;"


:lol: That's the power of the hive! :D


Thank you for the update. You've all had quite the day. I'm praying that all goes well with her procedure and that no further treatment is needed. She's blessed to have such a wonderful family. :)

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Good job!!! People always forget to bring you things to do in the hospital, it is great you are thinking of it! If she has a favorite lotion that is a good thing to bring too, and socks. Don't worry about it now, but if she ends up staying for more than 2 days I'd try to find some "waterless shampoo", they sell it in drugstores. They usually won't let her shower while hooked up to the monitors and it feels really good to clean your hair, even if it is with the waterless stuff.


You are an amazing son, you should be proud of yourself and your mom should be proud of you.

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Good job, DS2!


From what you describe, it sounds like she had a heart catheter. A very tiny tube is run into the heart from either the artery in the thigh or arm and a dye is injected so they can see the blockages. They do the stents that way, too. And, a stent is much easier to recover from than open heart surgery, so that's good. Sounds like everyone did everything right!



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....It's kind of odd how I've pretty much decided on what to do about my mom while everyone else has gone "Duhhh, okay", but eh, I guess that just proves that I'm the best person for the job (...and probably the only one willing, haha).


Good for you DS2! And, I've learned that in any given crisis, there's always one person to rise up & take care of what needs to be done. Sometimes it surprises you who that one is, but I'm really glad you were there for your mom & your family. Still praying... and God bless you all!

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About the insurance, get the care you need. Then there is this thing called "intent to pay." As long as you send any amount by the bill's due date, and put "intend to pay" on the check, you can't be sent to collection, etc. I know others who do this who are without insurance. I also had the patient representative of a hospital tell me you can do this. Yes, you will be paying for a long time, but again, as long as you send by the due date, no one can do anything to you.

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