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Have you ever noticed that there is always one wierd person in each married couple?

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It seems in every married couple we know, we really like one of them and the other is well, a little strange. Very rarely do we meet a couple where both of them are really normal and likeable. We often wonder which of us is the weird one. Does anyone else notice that usually one person in a married couple is strange/obnoxious/intense/weird:bigear:?


Just to clarify my clarification----never mind. Many of our friends are like this when I think honestly about it -- we are too I am sure (we are both convinced we are the weird one). I like my weird friends and my normal ones alike.

Edited by Momma H
clarify, yet again
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Ha, were both normal here! It is hard to find a couple where you both get along, we have luckily found some couples we both like, but it isn't easy! I have found that in couples it seems to me that they are often similar, especially the longer they are married.

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"One fool at least in every married couple"




always makes me wonder which one am I.






It probably depends. My friends probably think dh is weird. His friends probably think I am weird.


I am passionate, intense, talkative and I like nerdy things. Dh is more quiet, laid-back, a little antisocial and he likes sports (no team sports except soccer though). We both have loads of acquaintances and only a handful of friends. We are both sarcastic and funny. We both have high standards of behavior. We can both be silly or serious.

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Well, we already know that we are both the weird ones, so we generally seek out other weird people to be friends with.


We require a certain level of weirdness in our friends. It is really hard to find another couple with a high enough level of weirdness to match our own.


OP, all kidding aside, I know exactly what you are saying. We've met couples where we really liked the dh, but the dw was off her rocker, and vice versa. It is funny to observe couples, to wonder how they ended up together.

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It seems in every married couple we know, we really like one of them and the other is well, a little strange. Very rarely do we meet a couple where both of them are really normal and likeable. We often wonder which of us is the weird one. Does anyone else notice that usually one person in a married couple is strange/obnoxious/intense/weird:bigear:?


Just to clarify! I am NOT talking about couples we are necessarily friends with. We are choosy about who we spend time with--I am talking about in general.



Which one in your marriage is the weird one? :lol:

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It probably depends. My friends probably think dh is weird. His friends probably think I am weird.




One of the reasons I like the quote is how people take it! Sometimes you could read it as "a fool to have married the other person", as in the little conversation between GB Shaw and his wife, when he told her that men were more intelligent than women, and she agreed.


"After all," she went on, "look at who you married and look at who I married."

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It seems in every married couple we know, we really like one of them and the other is well, a little strange. Very rarely do we meet a couple where both of them are really normal and likeable. We often wonder which of us is the weird one. Does anyone else notice that usually one person in a married couple is strange/obnoxious/intense/weird:bigear:?


Just to clarify! I am NOT talking about couples we are necessarily friends with. We are choosy about who we spend time with--I am talking about in general.



So, which one are you??? :lol:


It would definitely be James Bond in my marriage. Even he would agree (because he's weird like that).

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I'd say DH and I are both weird, but we're weird in our own way, so I guess that makes us normal to each other. LOL! We're not the same, but we do have some of the same tendencies, and I think generally we're a pretty good complement to each other. Like, we're both fairly introverted and private, not particularly big social creatures. We have friends but don't do a lot of hanging out. I think it's been four years since we had non-family here for dinner, and really, neither of us is bothered by that at all.


I think most of the couples we know are pretty normal, or at least they're on our wavelength of weird. But I have met a few couples where I've wondered how they got together, what drew them to each other -- it's an interesting idea!

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Just to clarify! I am NOT talking about couples we are necessarily friends with. We are choosy about who we spend time with--I am talking about in general.


How do you know they're weird if you don't spend time with them?:confused:



Dh and I are both weird, but we find normal to be weird so we get along fine with each other. In defense we do appear and act normal in general, it's only when you get to know us that you can see that we are not normal, which I wouldn't define as "weird", but you might. :tongue_smilie::lol:

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It probably depends. My friends probably think dh is weird. His friends probably think I am weird.


I am passionate, intense, talkative and I like nerdy things. Dh is more quiet, laid-back, a little antisocial and he likes sports (no team sports except soccer though). We both have loads of acquaintances and only a handful of friends. We are both sarcastic and funny. We both have high standards of behavior. We can both be silly or serious.



This describes us very well. Except for I could never call dh silly. He's just too serious.


But you (momma H) haven't answered the question, so which are you? The normal or the weird one?:lol: I am finding this thread very funny!

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My dh and I are both weird. I would say that I am probably weirder :lol:


We are both pretty nerdy. One of my dh's work collegues asked him one day, "Is your wife as big of a dork as you are?"


He laughed, "My wife is a MUCH bigger dork than I am." :tongue_smilie:


As evidenced by your signature. :lol:


~Paula (who no longer lives near the armadillo, armadillorum...whatever the plural form is)

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DH and I are both weird (couldn't have guessed that, huh? :tongue_smilie:)


In terms of couples, we tend to be friends with both the husband and the wife if they've been together a long time. But we know several couples who met more recently where the husband is super-nice and down-to-earth while the wife comes off as superficial and materialistic. I always have to wonder if she would've been interested in him if he had a smaller bank account.

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In terms of couples, we tend to be friends with both the husband and the wife if they've been together a long time. But we know several couples who met more recently where the husband is super-nice and down-to-earth while the wife comes off as superficial and materialistic. I always have to wonder if she would've been interested in him if he had a smaller bank account.


I agree, especially when it comes to guys for whom it is a first marriage. When it's his second marriage after a while we hear about the "crazy" ex and the new bride doesn't know the age of his kids, and I eventually decide that they deserve each other. :P

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How do you know they're weird if you don't spend time with them?:confused:



Dh and I are both weird, but we find normal to be weird so we get along fine with each other. In defense we do appear and act normal in general, it's only when you get to know us that you can see that we are not normal, which I wouldn't define as "weird", but you might. :tongue_smilie::lol:


Just if they are intense or are really judgemental of things or talk about themselves constantly--it can be something that is weird and sweet too like a funny laugh or something or they say something alot. You can pick up on this stuff quickly. The people who I am thinking of are generally aquaintences so they are people we are around but not necessarily people we seek out to have over a lot. They are fine people, everyone is weird to some extent. Really our thing is we wondered which of us is weird. I think we qualify as one of the couples where we are both weird.


I was just thinking--I certainly don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. We are not trying to be judgemental!!! It isn't like we don't like the weird people!! You just notice sometimes that you know of quite a few couples where one of them is a bit.....eccentric or something. I will say, I made it sound like we intentionally avoid people like that and that is not the case. I just got defensive and a little paranoid when people were saying, "No, everyone we know is pretty normal." (yes, I am defiatley the weird one!!) It is really hard sometimes for people to get the intent of what you are trying to say on a board. If you knew me you would know 1. I am the weird one and 2. I love people. I am not a judgemental person, I am just being honest that sometimes my husband and I will notice that one of the people in the couple are really easy to get along with and the other is a bit different.

I hope you understand what I mean! I don't want to sound catty--I am really not!

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Its all relative, isnt it? It depends who is doing the judging. Birds of a feather tend to flock together. In the community and environment where we live- we are both weird to the more conservative element (the policeman next door is convinced we are way out whackos) but generally speaking we are among like minded people (I guess a bit like living in southern California if you are crunchy- something like that). In our more inner circle of friends, dh is way out there but my level of eccentricity is considered quite normal. Its all relative.

To my family, dh is definitely the weird one though, although I am sure they also think I am pretty out there- its just that *my* type of out there they are proud of, wheras *his* out there is just plain weird :).

But I cant say its a generalisation I would make about all the couples I know.

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What do you mean by weird? Like odd hobby or collection, anti social, bad conversationalist, rude or weird like, "So glad you came over, here's your tinfoil hat so the aliens who work for the feds can't hear your thought?"


I needed to laugh!! This made the cut for funniest post, so far!! :) Well, to me, but I may be weird :)

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My dh and I have been talking about this a lot lately! We recently became friends with a man who moved to this area for his job. His family is in another state waiting for their house to sell before they can move to be with him. Dh and I are getting along great with this guy, but nervous about when the wife arrives. Will she like us? Will we like her? We're not really hopeful, because the OP is right. It's so hard to find a couple where everyone clicks--usually something is "weird" about one of of the people in the couple.



For example, here are some of our friends and the trouble we have with maintaining the friendships:


Couple #1: She's great. I love talking to her. DH can talk to her. But her dh gets offended easily with jokes. He seems to be ok, but then suddenly, he's offended! Somewhere along the line, we cross a line and our joking goes too far, but we have a hard time reading where his line is. DH and I like to joke around, so this is a problem. We can't completely relax around him, for fear of him taking us seriously when we're just being silly and playful.


Couple #2: He's great. We have spirited conversations and lots of laughter with him. But his dw isn't very smart (well, she's not! we can't all be smart) and has trouble following the conversation and is a bit spacey. Hard to be friends with this couple because she just can't keep up (and we're not talking about rocket science or anything...she is just spacey. Sweet as can be, but spacey.)


Couple #3: She's great. We can talk,talk, talk endlessly about anything, but her DH doesn't talk much at all, and he treats women as if they are subordinate. That doesn't go over well with me or DH. We both find that attitude obnoxious.


Couple #4: He's great. He is fair-minded, has a nice sense of humor and is gentle. But his dw is overly-judgmental. She sees the world in black and white and doesn't extend a lot of grace to people who do things differently from her. So, we either just bite our tongues, or have to engage and challenge her judgmental comments and it gets tiresome after awhile.



My dh and I have only one couple that we know where all four adults get along with each other very easily. It's a rare thing. (And our kids get along, too! Amazing!)

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