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Superbowl - do you observe?

Do you observe SuperBowl?  

  1. 1. Do you observe SuperBowl?

    • Superbowl Rules
    • We're watching because our team is in it
    • I watch for commercials
    • I'm in it only for the food
    • I'm a conscientious observer from the SuperBowl (meaning you don't watch)

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We've been joking at our house how this has turned into a national holiday of sorts. We're not American Football fans, and realized a few years ago that we can't even watch it just for the commercials anymore. So we've declared that we no longer observe SuperBowl to be silly about it.


Are you looking forward to the game tomorrow?

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My older son and husband both enjoy football but we don't get broadcast TV anymore so they haven't seen a single game this season. We jumped at the chance to go to a Superbowl party the moment we got the invite. I'll enjoy the food and commercials while chatting with the women and chasing the littles. If the game is good (meaning plenty of action and scoring), I'll probably watch some of it, too.

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I'm not even sure there's going to be school (PS, that is ;)) on Monday, lol! Seriously - I think there is only 1/2 day or something like that. But maybe it's different because we "own" our team? I really don't know.


The poll threw me off a bit, though. I voted "only in it for the food", but really, I like the commercials, too. So, I would have voted for both. Shame on me.


ETA - And possibly I would have voted for being a "conscientious observer" because, honestly, it's a ghost town here and I would be able to go shopping with absolutely no interruption whatsoever - I feel so special even regular game days.

Edited by LauraGB
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We watch! We don't even care who wins. We get a ton of fun party foods like meatballs, baked cheese sticks, veggie tray, chip and dip, juice, and spread a *super table* for a snack supper. I try to teach the girls what is going on in the game while Dad is staring at the TV. :D

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I voted our team is in it, but let me clarify. There are few fans like the Packer fans. My dh was born/raised in WI (Milw) and forever a Packer fan, eventhough we've lived in beautiful NC for over 20 years. :D S <><


Amen ;).


My dh is was also born/raised in WI, and is a lifelong Packer fan. I was raised a Chiefs fan. Dh wore a Packer tie to our rehearsal dinner; my Dad wore a Chiefs tie. We joke that the day my Dad handed me over in marriage, it also included my football team allegiance. I've been a faithful Packer fan since May 24, 2007 :lol:.


Needless to say, we're excited about the game.

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We like football in our house, we like snacking, and we like funny commercials so most years the Superbowl is a fun distraction. It's not always a big event, but we enjoy it.


My DH was born and raised in Wisconsin, so this year it has taken extra significance.


Had the Pack lost to the Bears it would still be a big game, because I am a Bears fan- despite being raised in Chiefs country.

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I voted that I watched for the commercials, but it's really a combo of commercials and food! Neither dh nor I care about football, but we always end up at my parents' house since my dad enjoys it. My dad always does something good to eat, and it's a chance for us to hang out with my parents and my brother and his family.

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I used to be a huge football fan. College and Pro. The tv stayed tuned to games every Saturday and Sunday during the season (never got into the weeknight games unless my team was playing). My husband was a football widower. If asked, I'd say I'm a Dolphins fan and a Seminoles fan (my alma mater). But are you really a fan when you don't even know what kind of season your team is having? :confused:


For some reason, I lost interest. So much so that I wasn't watching football (and dh never did) by the time ds was born. Ds never showed an interest in team sports -- neither to play nor to watch. I don't know if that's because they were not important in our house or if he wouldn't care even if I still watched games. He is only now learning more about football because his friend across the street is a big fan. He still doesn't care enough to watch though.


The last Super Bowl I watched was in 2002, and that's only because a Florida team was playing. I'll probably watch some of the commercials online after I hear which ones people are talking about. I don't care enough to watch even for the commercials now that they can be seen online.

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I voted that I watch for commercials, but the Super Bowl is an event at my house. We have about 20 people coming over and I basically provide the food, ignore all the teenagers and kids, and talk to the other wives!


Are you doing vegan snacks for M&S?

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I wish there was an "other" option. :) Normally, I'm pretty into the Super Bowl. This year, I don't care much about it. I dislike both teams, and I'm still feeling the let down from last year's commercials. And, I have company coming this week and will spend all of tomorrow cleaning and trying to de-animal fur my house. So I'm not really feeling the Super Bowl fever this year. My official vote pertained to the commercials, though, because once upon a time, you could count on them to be pretty rockin'.

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I voted our team is in it, but let me clarify. There are few fans like the Packer fans. My dh was born/raised in WI (Milw) and forever a Packer fan, eventhough we've lived in beautiful NC for over 20 years. :D S <><


I do believe my dh and the thousands of Steeler fans worldwide would beg to differ. :tongue_smilie:

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I do believe my dh and the thousands of Steeler fans worldwide would beg to differ. :tongue_smilie:


As a born-and-raised Packer fan (WI native) married to a born-and-raised Steeler fan (Pittsburgh native), I can honestly say that the level of fan commitment is strikingly similar. Very few teams are lucky enough to have such dedicated fans.


And Paula, I had to laugh about you being your DH's lucky charm. A few years ago I was banned from the house during Steeler games because apparently I had some sort of bad mojo going on.

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Couldn't vote. There's not an option that conveys the unimportance of the Superbowl in my life.


I might watch part of it. I might not. I don't even care enough about it to purposefully avoid watching it.


If we were invited to a Superbowl party, I'd go for the food and the friends.


:iagree: If it's on, I'll watch it and enjoy it sometimes. But I don't miss it the years I don't see it. We don't have tv now, so the only way I'll see it is if we go to someone's house to watch it. I might, but even then it's mostly for the food and friends.

Edited by Kirch
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DH used to be a big football fan, but has lapsed in the last decade. I encouraged him to watch the Steelers, and he will enjoy the Super Bowl immensely. I will read my book and watch it with him in my own way. This means I know where the ball is supposed to end up, but whatever happens in the middle I will never have a clue about, so I read between touchdowns.

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I want to add I'm so glad that my husband isn't into sports and doesn't watch any televised sports at all (other than UFC fights!)


I can remember when I was married to my ex and my oldest daughter was young, her birthday parties (in January) consisted of my ex and his father and so on watching football on TV. It used to make me nuts.


Now I never have to suffer televised sports lol. (Although I do enjoy attending live baseball games occasionally).

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We usually get together with some friends and eat and hang out. This year I have no interest in who wins. My team blew it big time, but that is far to painful to discuss.:crying: New England fan here.


All that said....I did not know how to answer because it depends on who is playing.

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Couldn't vote. There's not an option that conveys the unimportance of the Superbowl in my life.


Super What? I couldn't care less.


It truly is not possible for me to care less about the Superbowl.


Loathe it. :tongue_smilie:


We don't watch football at all. I only know the SB is approaching because Wal-Mart has moved their chips and dips into the aisles :D


I couldn't vote either.


I was going to say that I don't care about the Super Bowl, or football or even sports in general, but I realized that's not strictly true.


I dislike it all. I have never understood why watching people inflict pain on others is considered fun. And I actually resent that our whole country seems to go crazy because these competitions are televised.


When I was in college, my school was big with sports fans. (I attended because it was close and I paid in-state tuition.) On game days, the whole stupid city would shut down. Stores closed. Busses stopped running their regular routes so that every vehicle could be used to shuttle drunken fans to and from the field.




Before that, I was pretty much indifferent. But seeing it so up close and personal left me with a truly bad taste in my mouth.


Fortunately, my husband isn't into sports. If he were, he probably wouldn't be my husband.


We don't watch. If we were invited to a party, we wouldn't go.


I'll be glad when it's over.

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We aren't able to watch it at home. I enjoy watching football, so it is something that I would enjoy watching, if we could. We were invited to dh's parents' house, but dh has to work (and I'm not driving that far for just this).

If we are invited somewhere local, I'd jump! Otherwise I have a day of games and some fun snacks for here at home planned.

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Big fans, but not necessarily because of the game itself.

We host a party for the youth group in our parish, so we usually have about 40 kids over here with several adults. It's a really fun get-together, and not really because every one of them is a football fan--it's more of a social thing, kinda like kids go to the high school football game even if they don't like football, just to have fun with friends.


We use the projector from church, and shoot the game up on our living room wall--so our screen is 13.5 ft, diag. We also open the basement, which has a pool table and another TV (only for the Superbowl--we just have one tv usually), and the den, which houses our regular TV and provides a slightly less intense space--only seats 8 or so, so the die hard fans or sometimes older teens and more introverted kids go there. We make some good snacks, have pizza, and generally just thoroughly enjoy the energy and fun that comes from having a houseful of teens!


This year my son came home from college to be with us--that's nice, too. :001_smile: We connect over football (Cowboys fans here) and movies.

Edited by Chris in VA
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Watching, but only because DH's team (Packers) is in the game and we have friends who have traveled here to attend the game in person. Feels wrong to be hosting attendees and not watching to see if we can see them on the TV!


And also for the commercials. I love the commercials.

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I love football. Football season is the happiest part of my year. I love the intricacies of the College Football ranking system. I love pro football. I love watching close games. Love it.


Now, the Saints are my team. I have always been a die-hard Saints fan. I am a little dissappointed in certain events (which shall not be mentioned) that transpired this season. However, if one must be a Saints fan and still love football, one must have a decent back-up team. The Packers are my back-up team. So yes, I will be watching the game tonight. Now, if the Saints or my back-up team do not reach the Super Bowl, I have a very scientific way of choosing who to root for. The team with the cuter QB wins my support. So, even if I didn't like the Packers, I would still root for them since their QB is much hotter than Pittsburg's QB.

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