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I'm wondering if I'm the only woman in the world who

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doesn't like taking baths?


I'm just not a bath person. I hate sitting there with nothing to do, and don't like to read because I'm anal about not having books in the humidity or chancing getting them wet. I'm not comfortable in a bathtub, and don't get the allure....other than it being the only time you might possibly be alone. But I'd get bored too quickly LOL

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doesn't like taking baths?


I'm just not a bath person. I hate sitting there with nothing to do, and don't like to read because I'm anal about not having books in the humidity or chancing getting them wet. I'm not comfortable in a bathtub, and don't get the allure....other than it being the only time you might possibly be alone. But I'd get bored too quickly LOL

I only take them if I am really sore. Like after having babies sometimes. I have joint issues, so it sometimes helps my body. I don't LOVE them though.

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I love a good long bubble bath with a book....usually by the time I get out, the book is done, the bubbles are long gone, and the water is ice cold. :laugh:


:iagree: Being in a bath is heaven for me. I love the bubbles. I love to read. I love buying and using lots of luxurious soaps, scrubs, etc. that my kids can't get near!! It's MINE!! ALL MINE!!! :D

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I rarely take baths. I think I've taken 2 or 3 in the 8 years we've lived in our house. We have a big garden tub, too. In our old house we had a separate bathtub/jacuzzi and it used to get dusty because it was never used! LOL


I'd love to have a huge walk-in shower with all the different nozzles.

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Ugh, I would loathe taking a bath. I can't even remember the last time I did. I'm sure it's been DECADES!


ETA: We had a huge garden tub in our last house. We lived there for three years, and we did not even turn on the water. (Who wants to clean that thing??!) It was a nice place to store wrapping paper at Christmas though...)

Edited by Kristine out of lurking
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I got suckered into buying this house because there is a huge cast-iron clawfoot tub in the upstairs bathroom! I seriously considered how to conduct all daily activities from that tub. I think I was a fish in a previous life because I feel so comfortable in water. My mind goes a million miles a minute unless I am sitting in my tub. That seems to be the only way I can relax, well, without wine.

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doesn't like taking baths?


I'm just not a bath person. I hate sitting there with nothing to do, and don't like to read because I'm anal about not having books in the humidity or chancing getting them wet. I'm not comfortable in a bathtub, and don't get the allure....other than it being the only time you might possibly be alone. But I'd get bored too quickly LOL



I feel the same way.


I used to have to take baths growing up, that was the only way to get clean. Technically we had a shower, but it didn't work, and it wasn't even in the bathroom. So, bathing was the only option. Since I moved away from home, it's been showers all the way, except for a couple times when I really needed the warm water from a bath to soothe sore muscles.

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I'm the same way. I never really feel clean after taking a bath. It just feels to me like I'm soaking in dirty water. Plus, I get bored. My husband used to suggest that I go and take a hot bath after a long day, and he never understood why that wasn't appealing to me. But I love a long, hot shower!

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I hate taking baths. It's uncomfortable, boring, and too hard to wash your hair. Give me a long, hot shower any day. As far as relaxing reading goes, I'd rather take my shower, get in my pj's and curl up in bed with the book.



EXACTLY! Loathe baths - never feel clean afterwards and detest cleaning tubs too. Steamy showers are so great!

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Nope. When I was 12, I had a friend and their whole family took showers because the mom thought baths were disgusting. She berated me for being a bath taker. :001_huh:


editing to add: it's funny how we see things differently. I hated taking showers in the shower stall in my last house because it was a nightmare to clean. And I hate taking showers because the hot water is only hitting part of my body at one time, leaving all my other bits cold! :P

Edited by Night Elf
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I hate baths. I hate soaking baths, I hate jacuzzi baths.


Now a hot tub outside, a nice cocktail....... now your talking!!!;) We hope to finally get ours this year. Kitchen remodel first.


I keep trying to convince dh that a hot tub would fit perfectly in our basement, along with a wine cooler.

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I used to like baths, but I think kids and an endless To Do list have cured me of that. On the other hand, I adore a long shower. And if I'm in a hotel, and it's extra large, with a fancy showerhead, and a white towel and bathrobe waitingfor me afterwards, I'm in heaven...


Here there's a water shortage, and it's a quick 4 minute shower for me, most days. I still love it, though!

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I LOVE baths. Ever since when I was a kid my mother used to have deep baths with Avon's Skin So Soft bath oil in it. And then she would call me and my brother to come and have a bath after she got out. Just LOVED that smell and the deep bath and have loved baths ever since! Something about immersing myself in water (and maybe mummy energy? :) ) .


This house the bath is marble and rectangular- I cant get comfortable. But I still have one now and then. But we have a therapeutic spa out in the garden that we have on a timer to get heated up morning and evening, so dh and I have a hot spa twice a day most days. That satisfies my love of baths mostly (although I love to add essential oils to my baths and I cant do that with a spa).


Baths also really warm me through thoroughly when I get cold to the bone in winter.

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I don't get to take them as often as I'd like. When I do take a bath, I always shower first so I can wash my hair. Our tub is a garden jacuzzi tub so I love the soothing sound of the jets. I have been meaning to buy one of those bath pillows for my head to rest on. Also, I do usually read while in the tub, but I always worry I will drop the book!

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My DH insists my kids shower off after a bath. He wants them to rinse the residue off their skin. They're not rewashing, but they are rinsing.


I'm just the opposite. When 10 y/o dd asks if she can take a bath, I tell her to take a shower first, to wash her hair and get all clean, and then she can fill the tub and soak and play in the bathwater as long as she wants.

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Hate baths here too....the whole sitting in dirty water,...ick. Plus I have an over-the-top ICK of wet hair, single pieces of hair, floating. It's almost always my hair. I seem to shed alot, always have, but to see a piece of hair floating in the water.....just makes me shudder and ICK. Weird, I know. I also hate wet hair in the drain of the shower, DH had to get that out for me.....creeps me to just think about it now.

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doesn't like taking baths?


I'm just not a bath person. I hate sitting there with nothing to do, and don't like to read because I'm anal about not having books in the humidity or chancing getting them wet. I'm not comfortable in a bathtub, and don't get the allure....other than it being the only time you might possibly be alone. But I'd get bored too quickly LOL


You are *not* alone. I haven't taken a bath in years. I have no desire to take a bath. Our master bath has no tub, and I don't want one!


I just don't get the "women love baths" thing, b/c I sure don't. ;-)

Edited by Lisa in Jax
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My DH insists my kids shower off after a bath. He wants them to rinse the residue off their skin. They're not rewashing, but they are rinsing.


I'm just the opposite. When 10 y/o dd asks if she can take a bath, I tell her to take a shower first, to wash her hair and get all clean, and then she can fill the tub and soak and play in the bathwater as long as she wants.


We do both, sometimes. I wash DD standing up in the tub, kinda like a shower but with a cup instead of the overhead spray. Then we rinse the bubbles out,fill the tub, and she "swims". Afterwards we drain the tub and DH wants her to rinse off again. I usually forget the after-bath rinse. :D

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