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Do you get babysitters/home cleaned or extra help while homeschooling?

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I am curious to find out whether anyone gets help while homeschooling. Do you have a babysitter or mother's helper? Do you have someone who comes to clean your home? I am just wanting to count the cost before I decide to homeschool. Was getting help essential for your sanity? Any tips for mainting balance in the home? :lurk5:

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I am curious to find out whether anyone gets help while homeschooling. Do you have a babysitter or mother's helper? Do you have someone who comes to clean your home? I am just wanting to count the cost before I decide to homeschool. Was getting help essential for your sanity? Any tips for mainting balance in the home? :lurk5:




I have kids. They help with chores. Some rooms get ignored and then taken care of later. I keep my sanity by going to the store by myself when I can, taking a date night with hubby, and escaping to knitting group once in a blue moon.

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I have a housecleaner every 2 weeks. We do some daily cleaning and straightening (sweeping, wiping down counters, wiping up bathrooms, swiffering our wood floors and "company is coming" run throughs), but I have some chronic back problems that make the heaving cleaning painful and exhausting. This way, I know when my tub was scrubbed and my floors washed and surfaces dusted.


I occasionally hire a professional organizer because I am terrible with paperwork and do find myself drowning in clutter after a while. Between my home business, school and all the other paper that comes into the house, I get overwhelmed. I have tried to hire someone to come in and help file on a regular basis, but it has been tough to find someone to commit to a small job like that.


I pay for some outside classes for my older kids because I don't have the time to keep ahead of them on every subject. Even though I have a BS in Math, my kids are doing harder chemistry and physics than I ever had to do. Dh helps with these subjects when he can, but does not have time to take over teaching them. I think I had a lobotomy when I had my children because I used to be so much smarter before I had them;).

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My kids have been attending childcare several hours per week for the past year because I have gone back to school, but that's not really what you are talking about.


We've never hired a housekeeper or mother's helper or anything like that, or had consistent childcare built into our schedule for homeschool-related reasons.

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HA! I wish....



I've been amazed at what gets done when everyone pitches in and works hard for 30 minutes.


My oldest does her own laundry, my second folds and puts away her laundry, my third puts away her laundry while I wash and fold for her, and I do my laundry, dh's and my youngest son's.


But with all of us here at home, it is essential that my kids pitch in too. It also makes them more considerate since they know that they will have to help clean up a mess;

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I have kids. They help with chores. Some rooms get ignored and then taken care of later. I keep my sanity by going to the store by myself when I can, taking a date night with hubby, and escaping to knitting group once in a blue moon.


Make that one kid and this is us, except I don't knit. We do treat homeschooling as my job and in that sense I'm not doing much housework during the day. Then again I never did that much when ds was in private school either.


If you have the budget and keeping a spotless home is important I see nothing wrong with hiring someone to help, but it's certainly not a necessary expense to homeschool.


Getting breaks by yourself or out with friends is important. Having a supportive spouse is helpful. My dh knows that some days are hard and when I ask for pizza for dinner I'm ready for a night off. My dh is also not adverse to doing his own laundry from time to time. For me that is a perk, not everyone gets that support.

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Before I learned to knit, I would just go to Borders, Barnes & Noble, or Panera/St Louis Bread Company by myself to recharge. It was my two hours alone to clear my head.


BTW, I'm also one that would not want a housekeeper as it would make me a nervous wreck and I'd feel like I need to clean before they did. If I had a big newish house and all the money in the world, that might make a difference.

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I have kids. They help with chores. Some rooms get ignored and then taken care of later. I keep my sanity by going to the store by myself when I can, taking a date night with hubby, and escaping to knitting group once in a blue moon.


Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, and instead of knitting it's drawing class every week.


In my dreams I have a housekeeper that comes every night at midnight, cleans the whole house until it sparkles, makes breakfast and is gone by the time we get up. Ahhhhhhh.... :)


Definitely, train those kids! It's time well spent, even if it takes a little (or, um, a LOT) of extra time in the beginning. So worth it!

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If we are all in the house every day, then we all are responsible for keeping it cleaned. That is the theory, anyway. I know my kids are better for having chores.

If I had the money to have someone come to help with cleaning, I would, regardless of whether or not I was homeschooling. (But we'd still have chores.)


Maintaining balance in the home... I can't be in "teacher" mode all the time. I need downtime, as do my kids. I also need time to focus on something other than my kids. I enjoy a routine - not set by the clock, but it helps all of us know what to expect, as well as what is expected of us.

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I have a lady that comes every week. I need to cut that down though, hopefully to every 2 weeks soon. But she's here for 3 hours and does bathrooms, changes sheets, floors, and general straightening up. Our house has been under construction for 2 years, plus last year we were out for some reason EVERY. STINKING. DAY. Once the construction is done, and my furniture is back in the house (We have a 2 car garage that you can't even walk through right now!) I should be able to keep things straight.


I also have some back problems that prevents me from changing the sheets, and if I'm having a bad day, mopping is out, and Tubs are impossible for me, period.

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I do. I have a housecleaning service that comes every other week and does deep cleaning. This is a love/hate situation for me, because it is a bit of a disruption to our day to have them here. But it is SO nice when they are done! I generally try to make their cleaning day our library day, so we don't have to hear the vacuum or move about the house to get out of their way.


I also send my 3 year old to preschool two days per week. This has been very helpful this year, and I just reenrolled her for next year. However, I'm not sure she'll go as we've gotten past the point of her being jealous of my attention be elsewhere, and she's much easier to keep entertained with various activities during our school time. So I would say that preschool this year was pretty key, but as I see her maturing a bit, not as big of a deal next year when she is 4.


These things are not necessary and I wouldn't be totally crazy without them. But the floors would surely not be as clean!

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I wish I had someone to clean but that has nothing to do with homeschooling. :D You get used to a different way of living. I think the afternoon quiet time is the key for everyone to regroup. And about being crazy well that would happen with kids in school or home schooled. When the dc were younger we were outside a lot.

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I have the kids give me a hand with some basic straightening up and putting away type chores right after breakfast. Then, during school time I will usually swap laundry, do whatever dishes get dirty from snacks (no dishwasher) or any other small, light task I can do and still be focused on the kids.


I don't have a helper or a sitter, instead I AM the sitter for a few of my grandchildren on a regular basis so I usually have at least one two year old and one baby here with us for me to watch. The baby is almost five months old now and loves to just sit and talk and talk and talk, so she is pretty easy. I have a couple more grandbabies due this year and I hope they are good as well. The two year old and my three year old entertain each other, and sometimes I do get one or two more two year olds (my girls all seem to have babies in sets) and they all just run around playing while I do school. I have to step in if there is screaming or hitting, but they play pretty well together most of the time.


Later, around three pm or so, I have the kids all pitch in to do another straightening and picking up thing, along with putting away clean dishes or laundry thing. Then I run the vacuum (a shop vac, picks up everything) and do a quick mop on the floor so when DH gets home it looks fairly presentable and I try to have at least a pot on the stove so he knows that his dinner is underway. I do most heavy cleaning on weekends or nonschool days, and the kids help me out then, too.


We don't live in a house that would ever be a candidate for a spread in House Beautiful, and it gets really noisy here at times but I don't feel I have to stress if I get unexpected company. If my company is snooty and can't step over a couple toy dinosaurs on the way to the couch, well then at least they won't stay long.

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I have a cleaning person who comes every two weeks and does deep cleaning. I have to pick up before he comes though (that's right, it's a guy) which dh doesn't understand, but he can't clean around the clutter. I'm actually looking for a new person because he's good, but he takes FOREVER and it gets on my nerves that he's here sooooooo long. I find it very helpful though to have someone do all that heavy cleaning.

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Since I only have one kiddo left no housekeeper for me. I have a cleaning schedule for each day of the week and the house is completely done by the end of school on Friday, so we all have the weekend off. The only thing I have to do Saturday is grocery shop which is no big deal. :001_smile:

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We can't afford any help like that. I think if we could, I would probably do it. Right now the two older kids have some small chores and I do the rest.


The bigger kids fold their own laundry along with towels, washcloths, and socks. They also put those items away. The sweep the kitchen and bathroom floors. The change the garbage. They clean their room, and help their 3 year old brother clean up his toys. They help with dusting. They wash some dishes.


We've tried to make Saturday morning our big cleaning day. We run around and dust the living room, sweep floors, vacuum, and clean the bathroom. The bigger kids also help by watching or playing with the little ones while I was floors, clean the bathroom, etc. Sometimes just keeping the little ones entertained is a HUGE help.

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I have a lady who does some ironing for me - this has been fantastic. The past few weeks I have started having a babysitter for a few hours one afternoon. This has its good sides (children enjoy the change, I geta break or time to run errands without 'helpers'), but does have downsides (I feel like I need to clean up before she comes!). I am considering getting a cleaner, but not sure if I want the disruption!


I manage to get to a riding lesson one evening a week when I leave hubby in charge - I have wanted to learn to ride all my life. I'm LOVING this time.


I have 4 children age 6 and under.

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I have an awesome weekly housecleaner, which in terms of happiness units per dollar spent is probably the best thing I spend money on.


In the future, I'd like to hire some babysitting help so I can take my oldest son -- and later, my middle son -- to some activities or one some field trips without always being constrained by naptime.

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I have nothing. No housekeeper or babysitter, no mom or MIL close by, and my husband is gone 55-60 hours during the week. I've got three children (one of whom loves to get stuff out and leave messes around), and I am pregnant with a fourth. I also have a pretty large house and too much stuff. So I either spend a lot of time picking up and cleaning, or it's a mess. However, when I'm on top of things, it doesn't take long to maintain a decently tidy house, just a few minutes here or there. I do what I can. :)

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I can't imagine why a person would need a housekeeper more as a homeschooler than they would as a stay at home mom with young kids? If they needed one then (say for health issues or balancing work and home) they would likely need one homeschooling and if not, not I'd think? It's the same or has been for me. I could see a mother's helper being neat if you had young kids and needed one on one time with an older child or similar. I really thought about doing something like that when my boys were young so that I could concentrate on therapy with one while the other played with someone. I still do that therapy with the one though and as his twin has gotten older it's much, much easier to balance their individual needs than when they were young. At any rate, we manage just fine without either here and I do have health issues and some special circumstances with my son as well.

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My best friend comes over in the morning once a week. Things are hard for her so I pay her $50 a week. She does cleaning while she is here( whole house every other week and kitchen weekly), and my son stays home with her and works on his independent work while I take my younger daughter to gymnastics and swimming. IT is win win for both of us. I don't have to do the big choirs that I don't like, and she has some extra money.

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I would have a wkly housekeeper if we could swing it financially but it isn't an option. My kids are old enough now that they help me go through once a week and put things aright.

When I have something that the kids can't come with me I leave them with my dh or oldest ds or like today we went to the library and while I went and got my drivers license they picked out their books. I always do that with the librarians knowledge and at times in the day that I know they don't have a lot of other 'unattended' children there such as never after ps hrs. For the most part where I go they go but that is the way I like it.

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I am curious to find out whether anyone gets help while homeschooling. Do you have a babysitter or mother's helper? Do you have someone who comes to clean your home? I am just wanting to count the cost before I decide to homeschool. Was getting help essential for your sanity? Any tips for mainting balance in the home? :lurk5:



Heck, no! :D My husband works 7 days a week and is leaving on Sunday for a business trip. My nearest relative is 800 miles away. I'm The Lone Ranger. :glare:

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I remember talking to a mom of twins (homeschooling twins) and 2 other children. I asked her how she did it. She said "I just hired a nanny." I had an "aha" moment where I realize sometimes there are tricks or hacks that help moms take to save their sanity. I am very impressed with all of the lone rangers. Thanks for your honesty.

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I am curious to find out whether anyone gets help while homeschooling. Do you have a babysitter or mother's helper? Do you have someone who comes to clean your home? I am just wanting to count the cost before I decide to homeschool. Was getting help essential for your sanity? Any tips for mainting balance in the home? :lurk5:

No, I can't afford that. I am starting to do Fly Lady, though, plus getting the house ready to sell, so that's motivating me to keep up with housework.

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Yes, I have help. Yes it is essential to my sanity.


I did not have or need help until I was schooling two at a time, with a baby in tow, and dh went from working 4 1/2 day cushy 35-40 hr job to 6-7 day/70-90 hr/wk around the same time. My olders were K & 2nd grade when I got serious household help.


(I did have a few months of everyotherweek cleaning service when my babies were each born, but other than that, I did fine solo until our world changed, as above.)


Honestly, if $$ makes it feasible, I think hiring cleaning help is a GREAT use of resources for a hs'ing family. It buys you *time* which allows you to put more time into schooling, husband, cooking, *yourself*, etc. Every minute counts in my life. The fact that I have someone to come sanitize my house a couple times a week is a *lifesaver* and I won't give her up until I die. I'm addicted. :)


(FWIW, I now have a 2x/wk 6 hour housekeeper, who will and does do any/all household chores as well as supervise the kids when I go out. She does cleaning, laundry (dirty pile to drawers!), dishes, everything. I LOOOOVVVEEE her.)


ETA: costs vary with region, of course, but. . . I look at the finances like this: 11/hr * 12 hrs * 50 wks = about $6000/yr. That is SOOOO much cheaper than any kind of private school tuition for more than one child. If it allows you to do what you want to do, and do it happily and well, then it is a BARGAIN! Also, I hired my helper(s) via a newspaper wanted ad for a housekeeper/mother's helper. A cleaning SERVICE here would be much more hourly, do much less, be much less flexible and devoted. By offering an individual a reliable, somewhat flexible, pleasant job to be a "Alice" of sorts, you can find someone wonderful for a bargain cost. (The cleaners working for a service typically earn MUCH less than you pay!)

Edited by StephanieZ
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Guest Dulcimeramy
I can't imagine why a person would need a housekeeper more as a homeschooler than they would as a stay at home mom with young kids? If they needed one then (say for health issues or balancing work and home) they would likely need one homeschooling and if not, not I'd think? It's the same or has been for me. I could see a mother's helper being neat if you had young kids and needed one on one time with an older child or similar. I really thought about doing something like that when my boys were young so that I could concentrate on therapy with one while the other played with someone. I still do that therapy with the one though and as his twin has gotten older it's much, much easier to balance their individual needs than when they were young. At any rate, we manage just fine without either here and I do have health issues and some special circumstances with my son as well.


When my children were younger (and fewer) I agreed with this perspective. I managed the job easily then, but I had no idea what was in store.


Next year I will be teaching four levels (lower grammar, upper grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric) and my day will include teaching these subjects:



Music (4 students, 8 instruments and singing)

Latin (2 levels)


Logic I and Material Logic


Grammar (3 levels)

Math (4 levels including Algebra II)

Science (including HS Biology)

History (including TOG rhetoric)


Computer Science


That workload spells T-I-M-E. We also have taekwondo, Civil Air Patrol, church responsibilities, friends, and a very real need for down time as all of us are introverts.


DH and I often do the heavy cleaning while the kids sleep. They all have daily chores, but sometimes you want the big jobs done *right* and a family of boys don't often excel at consistent housework.


I need a housekeeper but I will never be able to afford one.

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Guest Dulcimeramy


Honestly, if $$ makes it feasible, I think hiring cleaning help is a GREAT use of resources for a hs'ing family. It buys you *time* which allows you to put more time into schooling, husband, cooking, *yourself*, etc. Every minute counts in my life.



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I had no help. The kids and I tackled the house at least once a week in a cleaning frenzy. There was always a load of laundry running. Every child had an area that they were responsible for cleaning. (I was supervisor/trainer.)


We had to move in with fil (to take care of him/we would have gone insane the way we were trying it). He has a cleaning lady come 3 days a week. It isn't clean if someone hasn't been paid to do it. I absolutely despise it. I had much rather do it myself. She is always in the way. We are always in her way. To be quite honest, things are usually not as clean as if the kids were doing it. I can never seem to catch up on laundry because she is always using it, and I mustn't get in her way. :glare:

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No help... and my kids dont help me out either.

I need to get them to do chores. It would be such a load off my shoulders. I just dont know how to go about "teaching" them how to clean... weird huh?! I tried to get them to fold towels and they did such a terrible job I had to refold them... I just do it myself now. It's faster and easier. When they clean their rooms they just shove stuff here and there. I find half eaten apples under my 5 yr olds bed. *GAG*

I just need to take a step back, put on a happy face and let them try to help me out. I can clean it properly after they finish lol.

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No, No, No :lol:


Every once in a while, my husband will pitch in and wash the dishes. I'm trying to get my kids involved in doing the chores - some days that works better than others.

My husband also tries to help with school once in a while, but that tends to create more stress for me. :glare:

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No help... and my kids dont help me out either.

I need to get them to do chores. It would be such a load off my shoulders. I just dont know how to go about "teaching" them how to clean... weird huh?! I tried to get them to fold towels and they did such a terrible job I had to refold them... I just do it myself now. It's faster and easier. When they clean their rooms they just shove stuff here and there. I find half eaten apples under my 5 yr olds bed. *GAG*

I just need to take a step back, put on a happy face and let them try to help me out. I can clean it properly after they finish lol.


I think you have to look at it as a 'learning experience'. You are equipping them with the life skills they are going to need for cleaning and organizing. (Whenever I tell my son that something is a 'life skill', he looks at me with wonder and awe).


When I fold laundry, my 3 & 4 year old girls always want to help me. It drives me crazy, but they both know how to fold towels now. Someday they will figure out the other stuff too.


I don't always have them help me as much as they should either, but I'm trying harder to change that. There's no reason why I should have to do all of the housework myself when I have able bodied children!


*One of my new, favorite chores for my 8 year old is to have him empty laundry from the dryer in the basement, carry it upstairs, dump it on my bed, get the dirty laundry from the bathroom, and bring it down to the basement. It really is helpful - especially on days when I'm trying to get a lot of laundry done!

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DH tried to do DS' phonics with him today. Awful experience all around. DH lost patience, DS lost interest, I almost lost my mind.


Yes! Thank you for sharing this. My husband will say: "I'm just not doing it the way you do it, I'm doing it my way." And in my mind I'm thinking: "Dude, you are just doing it wrong!" :glare:

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We just hired a weekly housekeeper two weeks ago. It's been great (both times, lol). I have 4 kids. I homeschool two of them, another has special needs, and another is a baby. I have some health-related fatigue and Dh works 60-100 hours a week. I have found myself in over my head. It's worth every penny (if you can afford it).

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I've enjoyed reading this thread. I've had someone come clean twice a month and have always felt embarrassed about it, and probably always will. I didn't realize so many homeschoolers have cleaning help; I kinda thought I was the only one.


I still have it in my head that only the very wealthy and/or very lazy pay other people to clean their houses.


Anyway, for those of you who always hire people to clean -- do you mind sharing what you pay? We pay $60 every other week. This is for a little more than three hours of cleaning.

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I have someone come every other week to do the deeper housecleaning--scrubbing bathrooms, vacuuming/mopping, dusting (including things like baseboards, ceiling fans, picture frames, mini-blinds), etc. I try to stay on top of it in between visits, and I go through and do a big pick-up/straighten/declutter before she comes (which I have found really helps my overall organization). I pay $75 and she's usually here 2-3 hours.


I've been a little embarrassed about it too, but more because I have a lot of friends and family who are struggling financially right now and couldn't afford to do it. Logically I know it's nobody's business what we choose to do with our money, but at the same time I don't want to 'flaunt' it either, KWIM?


I agree with the person who said it buys them TIME. I could do it all myself, but I'd have to do a lot of it when DH is home. For one, most of the main living area is hardwood/tile and it's impossible to mop with all the kids running around. For another, I have a 2 yo that has no shortage of ways to get herself into trouble, and disappearing into a bathroom, let alone pulling chemicals out of a cupboard is basically asking for it. So that would cut into my time with DH. Paying for someone to help with the cleaning means I have more time to home school, stay on top of the day-to-day stuff like laundry and cooking and dishes, and just spend more time with my family in general.

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DH tried to do DS' phonics with him today. Awful experience all around. DH lost patience, DS lost interest, I almost lost my mind.


Oh, no. My husband can't work with our kids on ANY schoolwork whatsoever. The kids end up crying and running to their rooms. :glare:

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I'm afraid that on our income, it is nothing short of a miracle that we can homeschool. Maids, babysitters and the like are like a million dollars, a hypothetical reality. :D


The kids help with the housework daily and it always looks nice in here.

I have a Friday morning Bible study with some dear friends that helps keep me sane and sometimes I finish school with the younger and zone out on a video game for the night.


If I could have any luxury at all, it would be a personal chef. Oh how I hate the end of the day when now I have to be creative and make dinner.

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