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What is on you kitchen countertops right now????

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I feel like we have too much stuff on our countertops, but honestly, if I take things down, I tend not to use them as they are too much work to drag out and use!


I decided to make bread Sunday and have used the bread maker every day since! When it was not on the countertop, I didn't use it.


So, here is my list:



espresso machine


bread maker

bowl of fruit


knife block

WW food scale

Edited by DawnM
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From left to right, toaster, coffee maker, breadbox, vacuum coffee bean container, coffee grinder (DH is the coffee nut, btw), kitchen scale, two knife blocks (one also holds my can opener), breakfast food and snacks, a bowl of my most-used kitchen utensils, and potholders. Attached to the underside of my cabinets are a mechanical can opener that *I* never use but which DH will not allow me to throw way and the toaster oven (and no, I'm not allowed to throw away the regular toaster, either, because OMG FOUR SLICES AT ONCE).


Hm. Seems to me DH has too much stuff on my counters... this realization is probably bad for him... :glare:

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Coffee maker

Decorative ceramic holder for the coffee

toaster oven which is also a regular toaster

microwave (we are getting one to go over the stove soon)

decorative bowl that holds bread

mug with one pen in it

mable utensil holder

as soon as I can find it, my knife block


Once the microwave gets relocated I'll pull out my new blender. I plan it use it a lot.

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Betta and frog in a crystal vase

Coffee pot


Fruit bowl


Things I haven't put away yet tonight:

A laundry basket that I am collecting things to go the second hand store tomorrow


Bottle of Hefeweizen

And probably some mail that dh left for me to sort

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On mine:



coffee maker

knife block

fruit bowl

Kitchenaide mixer


Those are always on the counter. Putting them away is pointless because most are used every day (the mixer is too big and heavy to move around).


On the counter right now, I have a Ronco rotisserie I got for Christmas. I agree with the OP - it's mostly sitting there because if I put it away, it will go to the basement and then my motivation to use it will be lower. At least until I get in the habit of using it weekly, I'm keeping it there to remind me to use it.

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No kidding!


Honestly, if I were designing a kitchen, I would have deeper counters....that way, you could pull forward the appliance you need at the moment, but still have ample counter space for the other 90% of the time!




Really? That many of you really keep your kitchen counters that clean? I mean, are you just talking about your appliances and mail, or ... I guess I'd better go clean the kitchen.:lol:







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Oh my... a microwave, fruit basket, coffee maker, nose tissue, two water bottles, and since it is breakfast time cereal, three bowls and spoons, vitamins, two sippy cups, and two glasses of juice.


It doesnt matter how many times I clean off my counters. They seem to be the catch-all for everyone including my 20 month old who throws her stuff to the top! :lol:


eta: backpack full of girl scout cookie stuff and packages for the post office.

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I just cleaned mine off a bit actually. I have:




Often the crockpot is out being used but up currently. I use the blender a fair amt but it is up, same w/ juicer, I go in spurts with it. I need a home for the dehydrator but don't have one currently.

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Oh, and misc on my counters to be put up today- were up too late last night to take care of it:


hammer, screwdriver, tape measure and a few other odd and end tools


cookie sheet full of chickpea crunchies and a few things that need to be hung (I am in the midst of redecorating thus the tools and things to be hung)



On the dinette table I keep a bowl of fruit


I have a butcher block island for cutting and such and there is a separate block for chopping meat.


On either side of the stove I have some wooden knooks built connecting the cabinets and they have drawers for my most used spices and shelves for my most used condiments- cooking wines, vinegars, salt, pepper, honey etc.

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One word:




Mail, dish drainer, blender, some dishes, a couple of clean pots (no space in cupboard), cookbooks, toaster, knife block, cutting boards, bowl of onions, sack of potatoes, cereal, goldfish crackers, pots of sprouting herbs, organizers with little bits, keys, and my husbands medications sorted for the week, stand mixer, towels and mitts.....



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Really? That many of you really keep your kitchen counters that clean? I mean, are you just talking about your appliances and mail, or


When we remodeled we planned for closed cupboard space for a lot of things because I hate stuff on the counter tops.

The toaster has it's own drawer, the coffee grinder and creamers are in a cupboard, etc.

Also, I don't own many appliances. I have a mixer and a coffee maker (both on the counter), a toaster and a Magic Bullet (both put away). No crockpot, toaster oven, rice maker...


As for mail and such, I don't care to have that stuff in the kitchen. There's a basket in the entryway for mail, one for keys and credentials.


And so on...

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Really? That many of you really keep your kitchen counters that clean? I mean, are you just talking about your appliances and mail, or ... I guess I'd better go clean the kitchen.:lol:









I posted right after I had finished cleaning up after supper or my list would have been longer. ;)

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Way more stuff than I want!




Food processor


2 knife blocks

2 stands of cooking utensils

Butter dish


Bowl of fruit plus overflow

Dish drying rack

Bread box

Cookie jar


And miscellaneous items that people have left there. :glare:


Luckily I have a lot of counter. If I had more cupboard space or storage ANYWHERE, a lot of this stuff wouldn't be out all the time.

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wine rack

3 tea light holders

paper napkin holder

bottle of vinegar that won't fit in my tiny German cabinets

assorted dirty dishes (not too many!)

dish rack


bottle of Benefiber (see bottle of vinegar explanation!)

coffee pot

Brita water pitcher that won't fit in my tiny German fridge (see a theme???)

knife block


P.S. Ask me about the stockpot that I just had to wash out in the bathtub because - you guessed it - it won't fit in my tiny sink. I still love living here, though!

Edited by FindingLaurie
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I don't like cluttered counters. So when we remodeled our kitchen we added extra cabinet space and installed a very large pantry area. We also built in a narrow shelf - the designer who helped us called it a pony shelf - that runs along the wall on one side of our kitchen, behind the stove. It is only 6 inches deep and it is halfway between counter height and the bottom of the cabinets, but it is extremely useful. It holds our whole coffee beans, salt cellar, pepper grinder, garlic keeper, and oil and vinegar bottles. We also have a show cubby just inside the front door and keys, mail, etc get put there instead of the kitchen counters. Usually. This thread started just after my weekly housecleaning, so it may not be reflective of the normal state of my kitchen. :tongue_smilie:

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Microwave, coffee maker, coffee grinder, electric kettle, toaster, bread board, jars of cooking utensils..... When we remodel, I hope to increase the counter space and put a lot of those out of sight. Things that I use frequently but also put away after use are two crockpots, blender/mixer and rice cooker.



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