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School or chores first?

School or chores first?  

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In my house, first we clean up. They get their rooms straightened up, get dressed and brush their teeth and hair. They eat breakfast, and then we clean up the kitchen, because that's where we do school at. (We have an eat-in kitchen.) It may take about 30 minutes to get breakfast done, and cleaned up.


We start school at 9. There's no rush. We just follow along. I can't stand to try to teach and do paperwork with clutter and dishes all over the table and counters.

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Before school, it's only the individual stuff-getting up, getting dressed, brushing hair, teeth and so on.


Picking up the playroom, taking out trash, unloading the dishwasher, and so on happens later in the day.


Having said that, the only chore I typically do before school, besides getting breakfast ready, is starting a load of laundry.

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I picked other...


Mostly they whine and complain about having to do either.

Their preference would be to play ALL day long with breaks for food and movies.


On my priority list - school comes before chores (mostly because I HATE cleaning as much as the kids do:tongue_smilie:)

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bh aha

I work them all day!!


am before chores, after lunch chores, after school chores, before dinner and after dinner chores!

and then make them do school in between


mwha ha ha ha


:iagree: :D


They have chores to do before breakfast, then breakfast clean up chores. School, lunch, lunch clean up chores. School, after school clean up chores. Quick tidy before dinner, after dinner clean up chores.


Sounds like a lot when in print like that, but nothing really takes more than 15 minutes.

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We don't really do chores. :blush:


At least I don't call them that.


In the morning before academics the kids are expected to eat breakfast, get ready, make their beds, etc. Normal stuff people do before they start their day.


After academics, the kids....do what they are told.


Which means at some point during the day I say something like, "Hey, guys help me out. Here's a list of things that need to get done. Pick a few and do them. Thanks."


Again, before bed they are expected to have their rooms tidy, toys picked up in the house, teeth brushed, baths taken, etc. but I don't give them a list or anything.


On weekends, the kids usually pair up with a parent and help do whatever needs doing like cleaning out the garage, car, yard work, kitchen prep, etc.

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We start school after breakfast, then take a chore break/snack break after about an hour (1st grader).


Dd used to hate doing chores, but I made a jar with chores written on folded paper. On the papers I list my chore and her chore. Eg. Mom: Mop kitchen floor. Daughter: Clean baseboards in kitchen and living room.


Dd gets to reach in the jar and grab the paper, read it, and check it off a weekly list when we're done. We do our chores together, then take a snack break, then do the "fun" school subjects (history, science, projects).

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In your house, do your kids do their chores or their school work first in the morning?


Other. There are chores in the morning and there are chores late afternoon. So, chores get done before and after school.

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bh aha

I work them all day!!


am before chores, after lunch chores, after school chores, before dinner and after dinner chores!

and then make them do school in between


mwha ha ha ha


There's got to be a little devil smilie, 'cause that would be me.

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They have their morning chores (which will change to what I have listed, when we move into the new house)


Make bed, brush teeth, wash face, etc. (with rotating responsibility for making sure the sink/toilet get wiped down), drop off dirty clothes in the laundry room before heading downstairs to breakfast.


Breakfast, listen to Bible reading, clean up to memory song(s) of the morning, head to basement for school.


School schedule (varies by child/age)


Lunch. Listen to book audio, clean up to memory song(s) of the afternoon.


Finish up school (mostly the oldest, the younger 3 should pretty much be done by lunch-time); 3pm is clean-up time in the basement (put things away) then we clean up the room of the day (dust, dust-mop, etc.), laundry gets sorted, load popped into the washer, dinner gets eaten...off to swimming we go!


Home from swimming, load in washer gets popped into the dryer, kids eat after-swim snack, brush teeth, wipe down bathroom, in jammies, family time with dad in the master bedroom... bedtime.


Chores are interspersed between other things throughout the day, to keep things minimal. As long as we follow the routine, the house should remain tidy.

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There are some chores that have to be done every morning before any people eat- animals taken care of (especially this time of year when their water is all solid, and wood carried in.


And we also do chores all day long, but our biggest house cleaning is right before bed. Dh works nights so the big clean works best when he isn't trying to sleep and that way it is clean in the morning when we start school.

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Morning chores: one does dishes, the other does the chickens and dog poo.

One does bins, the other takes care of the swimming pool.

Always before school, otherwise it woudnt get done.

Afternoon/evening- person on dishes has to do more dishes.

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I like a clean house first because I cannot think if there is a mess looming.


BUT... if it means our school day is going to run late then we do school first then clean after we are done with school.


My husbands reminds me about the difference between urgent and important. A dirty house won't change their SAT scores. Right?!? LOL.

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bh aha

I work them all day!!


am before chores, after lunch chores, after school chores, before dinner and after dinner chores!

and then make them do school in between


mwha ha ha ha

:lol::001_huh:You're hilarious.


I have a question. Do you (anyone) have your older (or taller) kids unload the dishwasher only because the shorter/younger ones are too short to reach the cabinet? Or do you keep dishes and glasses in the lower cabinets so the shorters can get it done?:bigear:

To answer the poll, yeah, we do a little bit to get us going, instead of leaving a mess.

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Well, I picked school because we do start school before doing any chores. However, after breakfast, they unload the dishwasher and take care of hygiene things like brushing their teeth. Their rooms and the playroom have to be clean before they are allowed to have any screen time, but there is no specific time they have to do that. That's up to them. I ask them to take their laundry up and put it away when I've finished a load and they help me unload the car after I've done the grocery shopping, but again, both those things are random.


As my kids have gotten older, I've actually given them less in the way of chores because they have so much more to do with school and other activities and I have more time to do housework because they have a lot more independent work.



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We don't necessarily have individual chores, other than the self-care tasks for themselves. So we are just taking care of things all day, before, during, and after schoolwork. They do have things they do get done in the morning before school (feed animals, etc.,) but then we do things all day. So someone might take a break from their work to go fold a load of towels, for example. We also have the jobs associated wtih meals that take place at breakfast, lunch, and dinner (cook, dishes in dishwasher, wipe table, etc.)

Edited by angela in ohio
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I chose school however I must qualify.


We have "expectations" that are required before school time starts. To name a few:


wash and all bathroom stuff

make bed

feed cat

and a few more


Now, in terms of chores, if it's a quick unload the dishwasher I might have my dd do that during lunch time. It takes 5 min or empty the trash takes 3. "Usually" chores are performed after school, however.


S <><

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Do you (anyone) have your older (or taller) kids unload the dishwasher only because the shorter/younger ones are too short to reach the cabinet? Or do you keep dishes and glasses in the lower cabinets so the shorters can get it done?:bigear:

To answer the poll, yeah, we do a little bit to get us going, instead of leaving a mess.


Mine just climb on counters or chairs ;), but my aunt always had her kids do part of the dishwasher, so the littlest was responsible for the silverware, because it was the shortest to put up.

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I have a question. Do you (anyone) have your older (or taller) kids unload the dishwasher only because the shorter/younger ones are too short to reach the cabinet? Or do you keep dishes and glasses in the lower cabinets so the shorters can get it done?:bigear:

To answer the poll, yeah, we do a little bit to get us going, instead of leaving a mess.

When ds was younger we had a free-standing cabinet we used to store dishes. It was perfect. Anything he couldn't put away he could put on the counter.

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:lol::001_huh:You're hilarious.


I have a question. Do you (anyone) have your older (or taller) kids unload the dishwasher only because the shorter/younger ones are too short to reach the cabinet? Or do you keep dishes and glasses in the lower cabinets so the shorters can get it done?:bigear:

To answer the poll, yeah, we do a little bit to get us going, instead of leaving a mess.



:w00t: we don't have a dishwasher! For some reason, just never made it in our homes thru the years. My kids do all the dishes! I only will do the ones that must soak and I do that before I go to bed.?


The wash, dry and put away each meal! We have a schedule that we worked out together! They all work together, loud thumping music, and laughter...I used to be part of it, teaching them how, and now and again, I get in the mix, but they really are a well tuned machine!!


Every now and again, I go after dinner, no chores, mom's night! The cheers and kisses are worth it...but I don't do it often...ha ha

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:lol::001_huh:You're hilarious.


I have a question. Do you (anyone) have your older (or taller) kids unload the dishwasher only because the shorter/younger ones are too short to reach the cabinet? Or do you keep dishes and glasses in the lower cabinets so the shorters can get it done?:bigear:

To answer the poll, yeah, we do a little bit to get us going, instead of leaving a mess.

If they can't reach the cabinet they are to neatly stack them on the counter for me to put away later.


Yes, I must stress neatly, because I'm so used to having to stress neatly.




Take a wild guess how often the dishes that are left for me are stacked neatly.

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