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What age were you when you and dh (or your partner) started dating?


What age were you when you and dh (or your partner) started dating?  

  1. 1. What age were you when you and dh (or your partner) started dating?

    • 16 or younger
    • 17-18
    • 19-20
    • 21-22
    • 23-24
    • 25-28
    • 29-31
    • 32-35
    • 35+
    • Other.....well because at least one person will need it LOL

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What age were you when you and dh (or your partner) started dating? If you started/stopped/started again....put the youngest age.


Dh and I were both 18 when we started dating, we were married at 22. We have been together 20 years.


It seems crazy sometimes when I think back to the early days of 'dating' and just hanging out.

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My dh and I had known each other as children (me 4, and him 9) and then lost touch when he moved away. We accidently re-found each other when I was 15 and he was 20 (about to be 21). We didn't start out dating. He reconnected with my family. Somewhere along the way we knew we were meant to be with each other. He (with daddy's consent) proposed when I was 17. We have been married 13.5 yrs.

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We met at a church camp when I was 15, he was 16. He asked if he could take me on my first date when I turned 16 later that year and made the 5 hour trip and stayed with my family for a few days. So, I guess we started dating (the first time around) when I was 16 and he was 17, although he asked me out when I was 15.


We got married when I was 20, he was 21.

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Let's see..

I think he was 25 and I was 28 when we started dating. We moved in together the following september and that means I was 30 and he was 27.


I do know we got married in 1998 2 weeks before I turned 31.


DS1 was born in 2000


Good thing I have my wedding date engraved inside my ring. I don't remember the years of any of this. It's just a blur.

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My boyfriend saw a movie with his family that I was wanting to see. I was not allowed to drive so I stood up in Trig class (when teacher left the room--we were a VERY social class!) and asked if anyone was planning on going to that movie--and if they could give me a ride. The boy sitting to my right said he would.


That evening he pulled up in the driveway--raced his engine (65 mustang convertible) and honked the horn! My dad was blocking the door before I could catch my breath... what saved the poor boy was the fact he called my dad 'Sir'!


We re-met the following year (his freshman year in college)... I was still with the same boyfriend--but that did not matter-- anytime my boyfriend went out of town (bf was a college student) he would come over and visit... we were 'just friends'...


BF and I broke up when he graduated from college-- DH and I were engaged 2 WEEKS later! Even though I had been dating bf for several years I realized I KNEW DH better--and that he was 'the one'...


We were babies--practically in diapers-- when we married the following year. I was 19 (a Jr in College thanks to dual enrollment) and he was 20--2 weeks from 21.


We will celebrate our 26th wedding anniversary in January.


Contrast this to my 20yr dd who is a college student living at home-- she has NEVER even held hands with a boy--- but granted since we live out in the middle of nowhere the pickin's are few.


Middle dd just turned 18-- she has lots of friends that are boys--but has never had a 'boyfriend'. This is just fine with me and dh!


Now youngest dd is 8 and she is glued to the phone with some boy named 'Ben'.... they even arranged a 'date' next week to see a trail of lights together (as families).

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We were at the same high school but weren't in the same classes. I was 16 and a junior (almost 17); he was 18 and a senior. It was April and we went to a math competition at Cal Poly (staying in a hotel) through school.


We walked on the beach together at night.

The first time he told me he loved me was about a month later. I told him he couldn't - we were too young and he was confused. :lol:

Went to the same college (with concern from my folks).

Married after college.


Met in 1989. Time flies.

I hope our son is as lucky in finding a person who's completely there for him and willing to work on any issues. We both feel incredibly blessed.

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I was 15 1/2 and he was 18 when we started courting/going steady. We were in a town where you were well chaperoned wherever you went, we went to church together, school together, he ate over at our house, etc. Official first "date" was when I turned 16. We were engaged when I was 17, married when I was 19, and first baby at 21. We've been married for 16yr.

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We were both 27. We got married at age 29.


We were friends first so didn't start dating until 12 months or more after we met. We got married within 6 months of dating because we decided we were either going to stay best friends and not ruin our friendship, or go all the way (not intimate all the way, I mean relationship all the way.)



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