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How wrong is it to sneak snacks into movie theaters?

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It depends on the theater I go to. If I go to Chunky's it's kind of a give-in that we'll eat there. It's sort of the point of going to a movie theater that serves meals. Their movie screens aren't the best so I don't go there *just* to watch the movie. If we go to Cinemagic I'll sometimes sneak in candy for myself. Usually I just steal from my kids. I'll buy them the kids snack pack ($5/each) that comes with popcorn, m&ms or gummies, and a small drink. I consider that a reasonable price for what's included so I don't mind paying it. Anywhere else I'll sneak candy in. The candy prices are totally ridiculous.

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FIL still does it! He says if he gets caught he'll act "old and confused" :tongue_smilie:




If I went to movies (and I might go see the new Taymore movie!! I loved Titus. I haven't been to a movie theater in a decade) I would not be depriving the theater of any revenue, because I wouldn't buy their overpriced, stale food anyway.

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I'd rather they were more honest in the ticket sales. I'd rather pay more for a movie, then have them "rape" me (for lack of a better word) on the concessions. I will buy popcorn from them. I bring my own drinks mainly because after 2 hours there's get watered down, AND I don't want to have to worry about losing my $6 drink if one of the kids knocks it over. I do bring each person 1 thing of candy though. I have not before, but they didn't have what we wanted and part of the treat in going (as we don't that much) IS the snacks. It's not stuff we regularly get to do, so we treat the kids when we can... which is rare.

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I only go to theaters that do not have signs stating this policy. Some don't care if you do and you can walk in with your full meal if you were so inclined.


I do not go to theaters that advertise the policy of 'no outside food/drinks'.


I so very rarely go to the theater anyways; we either buy or do Netflix.

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I would say that I feel it is unethical because it is against their policy and the theater makes its money off the concessions but the truth is we haven't been to a movie in over a year. If we do go to the movie I do like an absolutely ridiculously huge tub of popcorn. I will not eat all day and just eat popcorn to save me some calories. I love popcorn. I really don't care about the other snacks.


If I cannot have popcorn I don't even feel like going. :lol:


If you do bring your own and your theater closes then you can't complain about not having a nearby theater.

Edited by Sis
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WHEN we go to the movies we don't sneak and we don't buy food, either. Growing up, we never bought popcorn . . . and I never noticed. My husband always had snacks at the theatre -- now he can't enjoy a movie without it. I don't want my children to think they always have to have snacks in order to enjoy a movie.

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The position that it's wrong to sneak food in because it hurts their business is a pretty silly one. If the rule is in place because the theater survives mainly on concession sales, and it's wrong to sneak food it because it hurts their bottom line, then it's just as wrong to abstain from buying any snacks as it is to sneak in your own.


I think not sneaking food in because you agreed not to when you bought the ticket is a better reason.

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Yes and no.


If we're going an actual theater then I will happily(or at least not grumbly) buy their popcorn, sodas, nachos or whatever. If DH and I go to a movie alone, we treat the movie as a dinner date as well. However...the theaters out here don't seem to sell Hot Tamales candy, so I might bring in a box if I'm willing to buy to their food. It's probably something I need to reconsider though.


We used to go a drive-in when we lived closer to it and, we'll probably make the trek when DS gets older, and they are OK with bringing in your own food. They are also upfront that they make most of their money off of concessions, so we make it a point to buy things, but we might bring our own drinks.

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WHEN we go to the movies we don't sneak and we don't buy food, either. Growing up, we never bought popcorn . . . and I never noticed. My husband always had snacks at the theatre -- now he can't enjoy a movie without it. I don't want my children to think they always have to have snacks in order to enjoy a movie.



What?! Now see, I was going to say that I don't want my children to think that you have to be watching a movie to enjoy a good bag of popcorn. :D

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We only buy popcorn in the theater. I do bring in bottled water (or an empty water bottle to fill) and if I've got toddlers I might also bring some crackers or raisins (which they don't even sell). I bring empty paper cups that I fill with popcorn for each kid. Our liability against spills drops because of this. :)

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We go to the movies all the time. We don't sneak food in, we walk in with it. What are they going to say? You can't bring that outside food in, you have to purchase it here. Okay, my husband will have some truffels and I'll have the aztec chocolate coco and chilie dusted almonds. Oh and a Gingerbread Latte.


Do I think the food is overpriced? Sure, especially for the quality. But I don't have a problem paying what they charge, I just have problem with their selection. I don't drink soda, their popcorn is lousy, and I don't like much candy, and the movie candy is especially nasty!


But even with the overpriced snacks and tickets, the movies is still a fun and cheap night out. But I do wish they'd sell better snacks. Or have more places that do offer dinner service in the theater.

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I don't know how long it's been since I've gone to a movie theater. I believe that the last movie I saw in theaters was Winged Migration -- when was that? 2003?


Anyway, this thread is making me miss my grandmother. When I was a child we neither bought concession food nor brought our own to the theater, but I vividly remember going to the movies with my maternal grandparents and my grandma hiding a bag of salt-free potato chips in her purse. I was HORRIFIED! I mean, there was a sign right there, saying "No Outside Food or Drink Allowed"! And I remember that when I pointed to the sign and said 'But Bubbie, it says no outside food!" she said, "Oh, they don't mind."


It had simply never occurred to me before that grownups broke rules. It was an eye-opener, let me tell you.


My mom still laughs when she remembers this story.

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Haven't read all the replies, forgive if I repeat.


It's not wrong unless there are obvious statements (signage) that outside food and beverage are prohibited.


JMO, of course. But unless it's expressly forbidden, I don't see it as any more criminal than them marking up popcorn about 4000%.

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What really steams me is that their popcorn is so unhealthy. It smells wonderful and it's so hard to resist, but it's loaded with sodium and bad fats. Couldn't they have a low sodium, low fat option? I mean it IS popcorn, this shouldn't be that hard! I'll be glad when the 3D TVs become affordable and we can ditch going to the theater again.

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You can get free water at the concession stand. Just ask for a cup of water. That's what we do. We will sometime buy a large popcorn and ask for a drink carrier for each person. We dump the popcorn in and it fits nicely on their laps.


I once when to the movies with my dad when I was in elementary school. He put a beer into his sock under his pants and pretended he had a limp.:001_huh:

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Wouldn't it be illegal to bring beer into most movie theaters? I'm fairly certain the ones around here do not sell beer, and may or may not have signs stating that it is a misdemeanor to drink alcohol on the premises. Just wondering, since a couple of posters have mentioned people bringing in beers.

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Well, we mostly see movies at the drive-in, and you can bring food in there. In fact, their prices on concessions are so low that it makes it a good value to just eat dinner there! We also go to a dollar theater with outrageous food prices, and I usually pop some string cheese, whole grain crackers, and bottled water in my purse before we go. It's basically stuff they don't sell anyway, and I don't feel guilty. We went to see HP 7 on opening day, my first time at a full price theater since dd was born. We ate before we went, and did without snacks. No way could I afford those ticket prices plus food!

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Thre are no signs saying not to bring your own food in at our cinemas, so I no longer even bother hiding what I bring. That way it's not sneaky :) Ive never been asked not to. I used to hide it, sneak it, but it doesnt seem to be even a rule. A few months back dd16 was starving and we bought her a mini pizza next door and took that through. I just feel sorry for the people sitting near us who had to smell it- yum. Actually, there are rarely many people in our cinemas- its common to only have half a dozen people on a weekday matinee, which is when we try and go- when we go, which is rarely.

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I have a belief that we should treat others the way we would like to be treated, this includes the businesses I choose to frequent. If that business has a no outside food or drink policy I would respect that. I have a made a choice to go there, I should respect the rules or choose to go some where else. I also want my daughter to know that sneaking is not an option, in our dealings with all people we will be respectful and honest.


:iagree: When we do (rarely) go to the movies, we often just don't snack in the theater.

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Wouldn't it be illegal to bring beer into most movie theaters? I'm fairly certain the ones around here do not sell beer, and may or may not have signs stating that it is a misdemeanor to drink alcohol on the premises. Just wondering, since a couple of posters have mentioned people bringing in beers.


DH and I went to the 9:30PM show for HP7, and they were serving bottled beer at the concession stand. The poor kid at the concession counter kept having to run for a manager to ring out beer buying customers because he was under 21 and not allowed to open the bottles. The theater does not allow very young children after 8pm, and all kids must be with parents after that time as well, so the beer may just be a late-show thing.

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ETA: I'm not deleting this since it's already been quoted, but I just wanted to state my regrets at the beginning here: I'm sorry for my tone throughout this whole thread. Bad week. (No excuse though).


For example, the last time we went to a movie (How to train your dragon), we brought dd's empty Easter bucket and 2 empty drink cups. We did not hide it in any way, and the attendants saw that the drink cups were empty. Our theater does free refills on large drinks and large popcorns. So I bought a large of each. I dumped the popcorn into the bucket and had it refilled. I did this at the counter. I did the same with the drink. Tacky? Absolutely! But we operated within their rules and I was frugal :D.


We do not often attend - too costly - but if I do take SillyAutismBoy and/or the others to the latest Harry Potter or Pixar flick, I take gallon sized plastic bags. I order the large, refillable popcorn and a small soda (one only, for SAB). SAB will much his way halfway through he popcorn before the movie even starts. I pour the rest of the popcorn into the plastic bags (one per kid) and get it refilled at least once before the film starts. If I have all four kids with me I may refill it twice. Hey, if they did not want it refilled they would not sell the bucket to me for $5 in the first place! I know we are not eating nearly $5 worth of popcorn!!!





This kind of stuff completely baffles me. Do you bring plastic bags and buckets to the buffet too, or just order one plate for two people? Pay for one newspaper but take the whole stack? Take all the change out of the leave-a-penny take-a-penny containers?


Yes, everyone realizes that the popcorn itself is not worth $5, but neither is a burger cooked at a restaurant. You're paying extra for the convenience of having it being prepared ahead of time, and buying it right there. If you don't like the price of the popcorn, then don't buy it. But don't steal it and call it "being frugal." Just because an employee lets it happen, doesn't mean that it's not theft.

Edited by funschooler5
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there is no theft. You are basically purchasing the ability to have unlimited popcorn and drink during your movie. What you do with it is up to you.


I disagree that is theft. If there is a NO share policy then I would agree. If there is a limit to refills and you are sending different people out to disguise the fact that it is the same bag - it is theft.


I would definitely agree that it is frugal. As would my husband who is both a lawyer and whom I met working concessions at a movie theater! When I read him the posts, he considered himself an expert in this area lol! :lol:

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there is no theft. You are basically purchasing the ability to have unlimited popcorn and drink during your movie. What you do with it is up to you.


I disagree that is theft. If there is a NO share policy then I would agree. If there is a limit to refills and you are sending different people out to disguise the fact that it is the same bag - it is theft.


I would definitely agree that it is frugal. As would my husband who is both a lawyer and whom I met working concessions at a movie theater! When I read him the posts, he considered himself an expert in this area lol! :lol:


I had no idea this was legal! I just assumed that there is a no-share policy everwhere. Otherwise, couldn't you bring in 15 people with their own containers and just keep refilling? Or buy everyone in the theater popcorn, for that matter? What would be the incentive for the theater owners to not have a no-share policy?

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I had no idea this was legal! I just assumed that there is a no-share policy everwhere. Otherwise, couldn't you bring in 15 people with their own containers and just keep refilling? Or buy everyone in the theater popcorn, for that matter? What would be the incentive for the theater owners to not have a no-share policy?


Theft? It is their policy not mine! Our theater gives one refill on all large drinks and popcorns. And one refill is all we get and that is plenty. Now a large popcorn is $7 and is meant to be shared by multiple people. The #1 combo is 1 large popcorn and 2 large drinks.


Your comparison in the previous post is insulting! I have never stolen anything in my life, for your information. What is to stop someone from splitting their big mac and sharing with someone, nothing. Once I bought it, it's mine! I also buy one large fry and split it between my kids, and if I want to bring my own paper plate to do it on, that's my prerogative!


What is to stop 20 people from sharing one popcorn? Nothing, except I don't want that many hands in my popcorn! But if I did then fine.

Edited by jewellsmommy
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This kind of stuff completely baffles me. Do you bring plastic bags and buckets to the buffet too, or just order one plate for two people? Pay for one newspaper but take the whole stack? Take all the change out of the leave-a-penny take-a-penny containers?


Yes, everyone realizes that the popcorn itself is not worth $5, but neither is a burger cooked at a restaurant. You're paying extra for the convenience of having it being prepared ahead of time, and buying it right there. If you don't like the price of the popcorn, then don't buy it. But don't steal it and call it "being frugal." Just because an employee lets it happen, doesn't mean that it's not theft.



This comparison is faulty! A movie theater is not a serve yourself, all you can eat buffet. You are not permitted to share at these type of places. Though, it is perfectly acceptable to go to any fast food or sit down restaurant and split an entree. In fact it is recommended by most nutritionist because the meals are so large.


And let me just add, all the people bringing in their own food (which is up to them and whatever floats their boat, kwim, to each their own) but you are going to pick on me and JFS when we are purchasing the popcorn and in complete compliance with the theater policy is ridiculous? :confused:



ETA: I do not mean to sound so snarky. I am feeling quite defensive, though. And I mean no issue with anyone else. The insinuation in the first 2 lines really got me riled up!!!!

Edited by jewellsmommy
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We have been to several homeschool field trips to theaters. They pay a ridiculous amount of money to rent the films to play there. They do not make any money on this end of the deal. They make all of their money off concessions. I don't know if I would say it is morally wrong but I would feel bad about sneaking in things that I can buy there. I don't drink soda. I drink iced tea. Even here in the south, theaters do not have iced tea. I also drink water but I really like it over ice. If I buy the water from them they will not give me a free cup of ice. I would have to pay for that as well. So sometimes I bring in a cup of ice with me and if they question me about it I tell them I am bringing it to put the bottled water I am buying in. They are usually ok with this. We always buy popcorn when we go and I usually let the kids get a candy. When all of the kids were still at home, this could be pretty expensive. So we traditionally only go about three times a year. Usually one summer movie and then one at Thanksgiving and one a Christmas. Since I am already spending quite a bit on concessions, I don't feel bad about sneaking something in for hubby and I if it is something they don't carry. I have a large book bag that I carry with me everywhere anyhow. It holds my small purse, my glasses, usually a notepad and the book I am currently reading, a hanky, sometimes some meds and this time of year my glove and a sweater but there is still room for a few snacks.

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Theft? It is their policy not mine! Our theater gives one refill on all large drinks and popcorns. And one refill is all we get and that is plenty. Now a large popcorn is $7 and is meant to be shared by multiple people. The #1 combo is 1 large popcorn and 2 large drinks.


Your comparison in the previous post is insulting! I have never stolen anything in my life, for your information. What is to stop someone from splitting their big mac and sharing with someone, nothing. Once I bought it, it's mine! I also buy one large fry and split it between my kids, and if I want to bring my own paper plate to do it on, that's my prerogative!


What is to stop 20 people from sharing one popcorn? Nothing, except I don't want that many hands in my popcorn! But if I did then fine.


You are right, I should not have said that...I had no idea that it was legal to do that. I am sorry.

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IMO, it's like bringing your own drinks to a bar.


Now, I know I'm not the only person who has done that as well, right? When you're young and poor and don't have the money for bar drinks, because you spent it all on the fake ID?


You don't *have to* eat while watching a movie anyway, and drinking will just make you have to go pee and miss part of the movie.


You totally need to eat while watching a movie, and finishing a large coke whilst only halfway through the latest epic is great for bladder control.


We sneak in water and candy, but buy popcorn and coke there. It satisfies our dubious sense of theatre morality.

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I am also sorry that I came across so strong. People on mucinex, with colds, who are sleep deprived should not be allowed to post. :001_smile: Someone should take away my keyboard before I hurt myself.


Totally off subject, but related to my cold medicine... I went to the chick-fil-a to get some tea (they are the only fast food who make a decent unsweet tea) and I was waiting for the person to say "can I take your order" and I noticed it was taking a minute and I was fiddling in my purse. Well, I looked up again and realized that I was at one of those trash cans with the extended tops, not the ordering sign (which was about 6 ft up). :blush: I don't know why that trash can would not take my order? I totally blame it on the mucinex!

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I am also sorry that I came across so strong. People on mucinex, with colds, who are sleep deprived should not be allowed to post. :001_smile: Someone should take away my keyboard before I hurt myself.


Ugh...I feel like a heel. I posted without thinking things through. (This is why I don't post very often.:tongue_smilie:)


These issues tend to hit home for me because I'm a small business owner. We've had a couple of customers take advantage of us, and I guess I've just been projecting it onto you. :(

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DH and I went to the 9:30PM show for HP7, and they were serving bottled beer at the concession stand. The poor kid at the concession counter kept having to run for a manager to ring out beer buying customers because he was under 21 and not allowed to open the bottles. The theater does not allow very young children after 8pm, and all kids must be with parents after that time as well, so the beer may just be a late-show thing.


A lot of theaters have liquor licences now. It is a newer fad around her for the more upscale theaters.

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Ugh...I feel like a heel. I posted without thinking things through. (This is why I don't post very often.:tongue_smilie:)


These issues tend to hit home for me because I'm a small business owner. We've had a couple of customers take advantage of us, and I guess I've just been projecting it onto you. :(


I am sorry to hear that you have had that experience. We all respond differently when something hits closer to home like that. I can understand that.

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A lot of theaters have liquor licences now. It is a newer fad around her for the more upscale theaters.



I hope that does not come to our theaters. I don't have issue with people who drink. But, I don't like to be in close proximity to people who are drunk; it makes me very nervous. I don't like to sit near the bar at restaurants. That is an easy fix. I just wait on a table out of audio or visual range. At a theater it could be difficult if someone sat too near me and began partaking of a greater quantity of alcohol. Perhaps it will be limited to late showings only.


Once again, I am off topic! I will now limit myself, I promise :001_smile:.

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I replied earlier in the thread that yes, I sometimes take stuff - but our theatre doesn't have any signs against it.


I'm curious about something though - for those who are adamant about following that sort of policy when it's in place, where is the line drawn with respect to 'sneaking in food'? For instance - I always have junk in my purse.. suckers, mini packs of gummi bears, mints, tootsie rolls, stuff like that. Sometimes there's little boxes of raisins, airline size bags of pretzels, baggy with goldfish crackers, now and then even a juice box. I'm a grazer with a sweet tooth. ;) Anyway - if you're at the theatre and you decide to have a sucker.. does that count? Mints? A stick of gum? Tic Tacs? Would my juice box be pushing it? :p

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I don't like to have to get up to use or take anyone to the facilities during a movie, so I usually say no to drinks at the theater. When the kids were pretty young (3 and 4) and taken to their first movies, I would tuck nuts or cheesesticks in my bag as a healthy snack because we don't eat a lot of junk food. Now we make it a point to eat before the film. We go the theather so rarely, that the trip itself is a big deal. Of course, when Grandpa takes them to the movies, he splurges on popcorn and sodas. He says the only reason he would ever consider divorcing my mother is if she let their popcorn supply at home run low! I don't think it sends the right message to kids to sneak in the types of items they actually sell there - if you care about what messages your kids get from your behavior.

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ETA: I'm not deleting this since it's already been quoted, but I just wanted to state my regrets at the beginning here: I'm sorry for my tone throughout this whole thread. Bad week. (No excuse though).








This kind of stuff completely baffles me. Do you bring plastic bags and buckets to the buffet too, or just order one plate for two people? Pay for one newspaper but take the whole stack? Take all the change out of the leave-a-penny take-a-penny containers?


Yes, everyone realizes that the popcorn itself is not worth $5, but neither is a burger cooked at a restaurant. You're paying extra for the convenience of having it being prepared ahead of time, and buying it right there. If you don't like the price of the popcorn, then don't buy it. But don't steal it and call it "being frugal." Just because an employee lets it happen, doesn't mean that it's not theft.


I would say that you are at a movie theater to watch a movie. You go to a restaurant with the intent to eat. A better comparison would be to go to a restaurant and order water and take all the sugar packets home with you. In a movie theater, you've already bought the ticket for the main event (at a substantial costs around here, btw), purchasing food is optional.


I'm not sure what your beef is with sharing the popcorn. My hubby and I frequently order soup and split entrees at the local Chinese restaurant - they never seem to mind. I can't eat a whole entree on my own!

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We bring snacks in, but buy drinks there. If we want popcorn, we get it there too. I don't feel bringing snacks from outside is wrong because there is no sign on the door saying no outside food or drinks allowed. If there was then I would not do it. Just because they sell snacks doesn't mean you cannot bring your own unless stated otherwise. We bring snacks from home when we go to a theme park or zoo even though they sell snacks there.

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