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When are you starting Christmas break?

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We are going to stop most stuff on Wednesday but I am planning on continuing with some read alouds/reading of Christmas stuff until the Wednesday or Thursday prior to Christmas but then we will be off completely until after the New Year. My dh is on vacation for the week between Christmas and New Years and we do have a few field trip type things scheduled for that week - weather permitting.

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We will go up until the 22nd. MIL flies in on the 23rd.


We'll be back the first Monday after New Years.


We moved mid-November and have yet to get our groove back...been working pretty much half-schedule anyway since then.


Our first winter (first snow ever for my DS's today!!!!), so I am anticipating not alot of leaving the house for most of Jan and Feb, so being able to really buckle down those months.

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We will finish up on Friday (17th) and take the next week off. We'll be baking cookies, wrapping gifts, and celebrating Elle's birthday (23rd). We'll start up again on the 27th. We want to be finished in early May - our oldest will be graduating from Boot Camp and my husband will be graduating college and we want to be able to travel, visit and celebrate without worrying about school.

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I'm thinking it started pretty much the week of Thanksgiving. We typically do our heaviest school Sept.-Thanksgiving, and it's downhill from there. :001_unsure: One of these years, I need to fix that.


Otoh, if I wait five more years, it really won't matter anymore, right?


This would be us too. Well... we usually do a really good in January to early February too. Some how it all works out.

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Our last day was the 3rd. We always take most of the month of December off, although we do "school" stuff here and there; you know the things they don't know are school things. This week we did lots of reading, volunteered for an organization that partners with churches to provide Christmas for underpriviledged children, did some baking, and played games.

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Our last day is Dec 17th and we are going to see the Nutcracker. Looking forward for our 2 wk break. We are planning to do some baking, watch some family movies, continue to read Christmas books and just enjoy our time together. By the way Last year this time I needed to break earlier because I was just so tired and I end up taking a 3wk break. It all worked out.

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Schooling through Dec 23rd, and then we'll start up again the following Monday.


DH works at a college and has off those weeks and needs to prepare for a class he'll be teaching in January. Doing homeschool gives him time to work on his stuff and us time to catch up a little. Due to the bedbugs earlier this year, we lost about 2 weeks of school. (Had to do a huge amount of prep and then put the house back together after Ninja Bug Guy did his stuff.)

Edited by Garga
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idk - We aren't doing anything for Christmas...just a small celebration with the 5 of us. I'm thinking of not really taking a break and saving the time off for when I really need it. We took off a week at Thanksgiving b/c I *needed* it. I'm really in the mood to focus on school at this point...

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I originally scheduled through the end of this week, but this week is pretty light. We're far enough along in many subjects to take off this week. We're going to finish the first semester math books this week and get to a good stopping point in history--that will be our main emphasis this week. We might finish by Wednesday. We'll start up again after New Year's. I really could have used last week off--I'm far busier in early December than closer to Christmas (have to mail packages early, etc.).

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Starting on the 22nd until the 27th while our relatives are here from out of town. We have short breaks for one reason only: without at least morning school to ground them, BOTH of my kids' behavior goes downhill, and that makes my life more difficult LOL. We do tend to lighten up a bit this time of year, but they'll still be doing school.

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I had it planned out where we were going to have break from Dec. 20th-Jan 3rd. But after talking to dh and knowing how terrible the kids do with school breaks that long...we changed the plans for break. They will have Christmas break from Dec. 23rd and we'll return to normal things Dec. 27th. Then we'll have Dec. 31st off. But back to things Jan. 3rd.

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I haven't decided if this Friday (17th) will be our last day, or if we will go til the 21st. I know we won't have school past then, because with 2 birthdays and Christmas at the end of the week, we will be busy.


So when is your last day of school before Christmas?



Youngest two have break from Dec 18 through I think Jan 4th. They attend ps.


Oldest two who are homeschooling... Dd will likely get a break for a week and very light load the other week. Ds will need to work hard all the way through since he is very far behind in his school work.

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We are finished on the 16th, then ds11 goes to his dad's for Christmas and dh is off that week. We will start back to school on the 27th. we are in our groove with school and I don't want to get out of the routine for too long. Besides, I'd rather take my breaks when the sun is shining and the weather is warm and pretty than when there is a foot of snow on the ground (like tonight!)

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