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That Christmas Shoes song -- love or hate???

When that Christmas Shoes song comes on the radio, I want to  

  1. 1. When that Christmas Shoes song comes on the radio, I want to

    • Sing along as well as I can through my racking sobs because it is just SO moving!
    • Change the station as fast as I can because if I don't, my head will explode.
    • Other, of course!

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This is a totally silly poll. I have learned that most people have really strong feelings about this song. I HATE HATE HATE it. I think it is emotionally manipulative. :lol: Pretty strong feelings, huh???


What do you think???


PS Please don't make this a mean thread, I'm just curious, and it is just for fun!

Edited by BikeBookBread
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i.am.SO.sick.of.it! the song itself is kind of a sweet story imho...but so is butterfly kisses. i don't want to hear it more than once though. once is enough.


ugh...then they made a movie out of it (with rob lowe). which i've not brought myself to watch yet...not sure if i will ever watch it. my mom owns it of course, and she wants to watch it with me, lol.

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I put other. I've never heard it. I've only heard *of* it because of this board.




Me, too.

I assume it is played on the radio, which would be the reason I haven't heard it. I usually listen to local talk radio.

Our Christmas music comes from our favorite CDs or my son's playlist.

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i.am.SO.sick.of.it! the song itself is kind of a sweet story imho...but so is butterfly kisses. i don't want to hear it more than once though. once is enough.


ugh...then they made a movie out of it (with rob lowe). which i've not brought myself to watch yet...not sure if i will ever watch it. my mom owns it of course, and she wants to watch it with me, lol.


The movie's actually not that bad, I thought. I despise the song and so had no interest in watching the movie, but yesterday at our little co-op, some of the 2-6th graders watched it. I watched it too, and I was surprised to find that I enjoyed it! I don't know that it would be a holiday tradition or anything, LOL, but at least I can say I've watched it, and it was pretty good.

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I also hate the one about the abused child hiding behind the couch while Jesus keeps her company. :blink:


ETA: It is called "The Little Girl": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvISU1xPazg


The Little Girl.........John Micheal Montgomery


Her parents never took the young girl to church...

Never spoke of His name...

Never read her his word...

Two non-believers walking lost in this world...

Took their baby with them, what a sad little girl...


Her daddy drank all day and mommy did drugs...

Never wanted to play or give kisses and hugs...

She'd watch the tv and sit there on the couch...

While her mom fell asleep and her daddy went out...


And the drinking and the fighting...

Just got worse every night...

Behind their couch she'd be hiding...

Oh what a sad little life...


And like it always does, the bad just got worse...

With every slap and every curse...

Until her daddy in a drunk rage one night...

Used a gun on her mom and then took his life...


And some people from the city took the girl far away...

To a new mom and a new dad, kisses and hugs everyday...


Her first day of Sunday School...

Her teacher walked in...

And a small little girl starred at a picture of Him...

She said I know that man up there on that cross...

I don’t know His name but I know he got off...

Cause he was there in my old house...

And held me close to his side...

As I hid there behind our couch...

The night that my parents died.

Edited by KidsHappen
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I put I would change the channel. I really have no idea if I have ever heard the song before because it is so boring melodically. I don't listen to music that is bad (in my view) musically. So I would have just changed the channel without listening to the lyrics. I did watch the youtube and decided I don't like the lyrics either.

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Loathe. The first time I hear it it made me want to smack that kid...and I am NOT a smacking type of person.


It also reminds me of that quote about red shoes... I have no idea who said it or if I just knew someone who did. "The only people who wear red shoes are little girls and whores." Not that I believe that of course. I have had several pair... I just think of that mother, going to meet Jesus, thinking she is dressed like a whore.

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but will you dance with cinderella?? LOL


I never really liked the dance with Cinderella song until they lost their daughter. Now it makes me cry every time I hear it.


I liked the Butterfly Kisses song, but couldn't stand the Christmas Shoes song the first time I heard it. Really? Shoes? Good grief.

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Absolutely hate it! I am so thankful I haven't heard it on the radio yet this year. I also agree with other pp's about Butterfly Kisses, too....terrible song. I really hate songs that try to manipulate me into feeling a certain way.


While we're on the subject, I also hate that Carrie Underwood song (I don't know what it's called) where she vandalizes her boyfriend's car after he cheats on her. It seems to glorify violent behavior, imo.


Okay, so I don't sound like a total downer :tongue_smilie:: One Christmas song I absolutely love The Gift by Aselin Debison. Very moving (without being manipulative), and beautifully sung:

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