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Once a week. We have electric towel rails, so the towels dry quickly and don't smell.





I've never heard of these. Do they warm the towels so there's a nice warm towel waiting when you get out of a shower?


Off to google this great invention......:001_smile:


ETA: Wow! Where have these been all my life?! I must live under a rock.

Edited by Aggie
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I've never heard of these. Do they warm the towels so there's a nice warm towel waiting when you get out of a shower?


Off to google this great invention......:001_smile:


We have a radiator - which is warmed by the central heating boiler in winter - which also has an electrical immersion coil in it. There's a timer on it so that you can set it to warm the towels for an hour around shower time. It's great to use that in summer when the central heating system isn't on. Ours aren't as stylish as this, but the idea is the same.



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Hmm. Never thought about it. When I get out of the shower, grab my towel off the hook and realize it smells, I toss it in the laundry and get a new one. Dh does the same. I assume the kids do as well, but if I notice the same towel has been there for a while, I'll change it myself. Dh stays on top of changing the handtowels, since he uses them much more often than I do (I am inevitably washing my hands in the kitchen!)


As my mom always told me growing up, "Towels are for drying clean, wet things!" If this principle is adhered to, I see no reason to wash them, unless they begin to smell from not drying properly. I can see young children not respecting this rule, though :tongue_smilie:.

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I do use a fresh wash cloth and hand towel every night when I wash my face. I go through about six kitchen hand towels a day, though. LOL


Once a week. I figure, how dirty can they be? I mean, I use them to dry off my just washed body. I do know other people who wash them after each use and that just seems like a huge waste of time, energy, water, money to me. It's not a hill I would die on, though.;)
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We each have our own color towels (Indy's are light blue, James Bond's are dark blue and mine are pink). This keeps us from using each others towel (Dr. Oz even did a show segment about this recently) so the same towel isn't getting used over and over. We each have 3 towels. Two of them get used during the week and washed on the weekend. The 3rd towel is rotated in while the others are in the wash. It's a great system. We have a separate set of towels for guests BTW (beige). We use 2 hand towels a week, unless Indy gets something on them, but bless him, he's a pretty clean kid.

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Apart from specific illnesses (warts, upset stomachs) is this a problem? We are all very healthy.




Any kind of illness or infection (especially athlete's foot or jock itch) can be transferred via towels. I do NOT want that. Neither of my boys have anything like that, but any kind of cut or wound can spread infection too. We're healthy too, but Indy is a very boyish boy and James Bond is well, a guy. I don't know what those two get up to. :D

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Dh and I share 3 bath towels, and the kids each have 2 (color coded). Each week I wash the towels that are hanging up, which usually isn't all of them. We use them to absorb plain water off our clean bodies and they dry between uses so I don't see any need to wash more than that.


DH has different towels he uses when he goes in the sauna. They are only used once before washing - in fact I try to make dh put them directly in the laundry room. The sweat that he makes in the sauna is FOUL!

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Every time a bath towel is used, it goes into the laundry immediately afterward. It is the way DH was raised, and he is convinced it is unsanitary to use a towel more than once. Whether it is a good idea or not is a moot point around here.


I put wash cloths and kitchen towels into the laundry after they are used, and I change hand towels daily.


According to the CDC, sheets, pillowcases, towels, and wash cloths should be washed in hot water and detergent to prevent the spread of diseases from conjunctivitis to MRSA. I do that, and I dry those items thoroughly using the hottest setting on my dryer.


The CDC's website has a wealth of information about what we can do in our homes to help prevent the spread of diseases, from washing towels to disinfecting surfaces after cleaning them. I use their guidelines in hopes that by so doing, our family gets fewer illnesses.

Edited by RoughCollie
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I'm not in any way criticising you, but I'm trying to understand why you would want to.




Honestly, I just grew up doing it that way. They go straight into a laundry basket after being used and the basket of towels gets washed every other day, if not every day.


Bath towels get washed after the first use. Even though they are hung up they don't dry within 24-hours. Or if they do dry they stink, smell moldy.


This is another reason. Since we've been back at my father's house, there are 5 of us sharing one bathroom. It seems like the shower is going all day, and there's no other place to hang a towel except over the shower doors... so they would never get dry.


Before we separated, my husband would use his towel twice before putting it into the laundry basket. We had plenty of bathrooms and showers, so there was no problem with the towels getting dry in between uses. Still, though, I just used mine once because that's what I'm used to. :)


The hand towels get changed at least every day, sometimes more than once a day. Again, it's because there are so many of us sharing a bathroom. They just don't seem to ever get dry and often look dirty.

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We have a radiator - which is warmed by the central heating boiler in winter - which also has an electrical immersion coil in it. There's a timer on it so that you can set it to warm the towels for an hour around shower time. It's great to use that in summer when the central heating system isn't on. Ours aren't as stylish as this, but the idea is the same.




Ha,ha. My dh just spent 8 hours installing one of these. I bet the family fell over when they saw the bill.

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Every 2 to 3 days. We live in a humid environment and they don't dry well hanging in the moist bathroom. Hand towels get changed everyday, because with so many of us washing our hands, it is inevitably soaked by nighttime. Kitchen towels and washcloths daily too.

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We each have our own color towels (Indy's are light blue, James Bond's are dark blue and mine are pink). This keeps us from using each others towel (Dr. Oz even did a show segment about this recently) so the same towel isn't getting used over and over. We each have 3 towels. Two of them get used during the week and washed on the weekend. The 3rd towel is rotated in while the others are in the wash. It's a great system. We have a separate set of towels for guests BTW (beige). We use 2 hand towels a week, unless Indy gets something on them, but bless him, he's a pretty clean kid.



our towels are color coded so I know who to yell at when it is left in a soggy heap in the floor :)

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Once a week for bath towels and hand towels unless obviously dirty or smelly. Kitchen towels the same but I don't use my kitchen towels to wipe up food or wipe dirty hands on - only something that is clean and wet so I don't see how I would need to change them every day.

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I go through about six kitchen hand towels a day, though. LOL


Me too. I can't stand the thought of reusing bacteria laden dishcloths and kitchen towels, since they tend to stay damp, or to be used on food prep surfaces. I do a load of kitchen linens daily.


But bath towels get changed about once a week or when it seems to need freshening. Hand towels two or three times a week, since the kids make a mess of them.

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Our linen closet in built into the hallway. Dd and I share a bathroom, and we each just grab a new towel on the way to the shower. Dh and ds share a bathroom and I'm not sure what they do :001_huh: (but I don't think they grab a new towel on the way to the shower).

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