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How tall is the average WTM mom?

How tall are you?  

  1. 1. How tall are you?

    • 4.5 - 4.9
    • 5.0 - 5.1
    • 5.2 - 5.3
    • 5.4 - 5.5
    • 5.6 - 5.7
    • 5.8 - 5.9
    • 6.0
    • 6.1
    • 6.2
    • other

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Ummmmmm either thenpoll is a bit skewed or else I answered incorrectly! I am 5'9", so I chose the 5.8-5.9 options but then reized the next option was 6.0--as in 6'?? There are no options for 5'10-5'11".... Unless we're going by percentages & then I have no idea how to calculate that! :p


OOPS! :blush::tongue_smilie: I forgot about those. Really I did! LOL

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Ummmmmm either thenpoll is a bit skewed or else I answered incorrectly! I am 5'9", so I chose the 5.8-5.9 options but then reized the next option was 6.0--as in 6'?? There are no options for 5'10-5'11".... Unless we're going by percentages & then I have no idea how to calculate that! :p


9" is three quarters of a foot so you would be 5.75'. Or you can take your height in inches and divide by 12.


I'm 5'2", so 5.167' :P

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I answered "other" because I am 5"9.5". My 14 year old daughter is now 5'10" so I have to claim every 1/8" I can. I think I will be the shortest in my immediate family but I'll have to wait for a couple of years until my 5'4" 12 yo sprouts.


I've almost always been the tallest of my friends. It hasn't been since I started hsing that I have gathered taller friends IRL and on the board :D.

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For years I would say I was 5'10" because I always thought I was freakish, but I'm really 6' tall. I love it now.


And, I wear heels... a lot. :D


That's funny, the freakish part. I always said I was 5'9" because as a teen that was how tall I was the last time I was measured. Then when my kids were little, they wanted to put a mark on the wall for Mommy, and I was shocked that I was actually 5'10". All those years I thought I was shorter, and wanted to be closer to 6'. Now, of course, I'm shrinking, and have shorter days and taller days.


I think 510" must be the "acceptable" height, for both women and men. I've known many men, quite a bit shorter than I am, who have claimed they were 5'10". (In your dreams, buddy.) I thought it curious the first time I heard it, silly the next times.

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I'm 5'4". I like my height just fine (though I always thought I'd be taller), but I've got short legs. I joke that I'm built like a Hobbit (I've got wide feet, too), and longer legs would come in handy in Judo and with running.


This, except I don't do Judo or running. Built like a hobbit with short legs. I used to be 5'5", but I've shrunk an inch.

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That's funny, the freakish part. I always said I was 5'9" because as a teen that was how tall I was the last time I was measured. Then when my kids were little, they wanted to put a mark on the wall for Mommy, and I was shocked that I was actually 5'10". All those years I thought I was shorter, and wanted to be closer to 6'. Now, of course, I'm shrinking, and have shorter days and taller days.


I think 510" must be the "acceptable" height, for both women and men. I've known many men, quite a bit shorter than I am, who have claimed they were 5'10". (In your dreams, buddy.) I thought it curious the first time I heard it, silly the next times.


LOL This happened to me! I always thought I was 5'9" and then after college, I was measured for a wedding I was going to be in and I was 5'10"! And, I also LOVE to wear heels. Dh doesn't like it so much though!!!! He's shorter than I am when I wear heels!

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I'm 5'4". I like my height just fine (though I always thought I'd be taller), but I've got short legs. I joke that I'm built like a Hobbit (I've got wide feet, too), and longer legs would come in handy in Judo and with running.


:thumbup: Love it. I'm a slightly shorter hobbit at 5'3".

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LOL This happened to me! I always thought I was 5'9" and then after college, I was measured for a wedding I was going to be in and I was 5'10"! And, I also LOVE to wear heels. Dh doesn't like it so much though!!!! He's shorter than I am when I wear heels!


I don't care much for heels, but I have some fake Danskos and wowie! The first time I put them on, I felt like I had a whole new perspective on the world from way up there! Honestly, I did feel super powerful. I like it.

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Dh doesn't like it so much though!!!! He's shorter than I am when I wear heels!


My husband and I are the same height and he loves it when I wear heels. It took me a few years of marriage to understand that he really meant it. :)

Edited by Crissy
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WOW! I will have to show dd this poll. She at times feels like a giant at 5'9.


I'm 5'2.5 --I have to include the 1/2:001_smile: I always told my kids I was 5'3 --you know rounding and all - then they measured me once while waiting in the Dr's office and found the truth. With the exception of my 7 yo I'm the shortest in our family --dh is 6'5; oldest ds is 5'11; middle ds is 5'6 and still growing. My parents, brother, etc. are all tall too.

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