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Library card insanity!!! How do you....

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We were going to the library....AN HOUR AGO!!! But we haven't been able to find the library cards and a couple books. I have special place that library books go, but the kids didn't put them there :glare: DD, put her library card inside the missing book.


So, if I am notorious for loseing things myself...how do we keep these things safe?


Gracious ideas welcome and appreciated!!! :D

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We don't have library cards anymore :p Thank goodness, our librarians recognize us and just pull up our accounts without even asking.


As for losing books......... I've started keeping the books. The kids are allowed to remove them one at a time, but MUST return them before bed time. This has cut back on some free reading, but I haven't had to replace a book in a while.

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Library cards stay in my desk drawer....so I have easy access to the # when I want to reserve stuff on the computer.


Library books do not leave the "TV room" in our house. Ever. Or they all go back and the kids don't get library books for a month. I keep them on the mantle, high out of the baby's reach and visible, so I can "see" if some are missing. We don't take out more than 15 at a time, so they all generally stay in that stack.


Except the WRTR that I have with school stuff right now :P But that is mine, and the kids wont' take it anywhere, LOL.

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Our library also offers the option of key fobs for cards. My dc don't have their own cards. They did for awhile but it wasn't worthwhile for us. Then we moved to the next county over and had to start paying for the library (our county library stinks!). So no more extra cards anyway.


As to books, can't help you there. I usually have to search all over for dd's books. Ds1 borrows so few I can always find them in the schoolroom. Ds2 usually keeps his under the couch (*sigh*) or in his room. And many books can be found in the car, even under the seats.


Good luck with your library trip. Today's my day, too, and I'm still looking for a dvd. I think it's in the car, but dh has the car right now, so . . . :tongue_smilie:



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Library cards stay in the front zipper pocket of my purse. Books stay in a crate at the front door. They must tell me they are taking one and I see to it that it comes back before they do something else.


I got really tired of paying late fees. I also signed up for Library elf and it lets me know what is due when.

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We have a "library bag". Books go back in the bag when they are done reading them, and the cards stay in the inside pocket of the bag. Never to be removed! :) I tried having the kids keep track of their own bags and cards, but we were going through the same search each week. no one could find their bag or card???

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We keep ONE library card, in my name. The kids all know how to go online and request books on our ONE account. Card stays in MY wallet.


Kids must pay me for any book they lose. They've learned to keep track of them. ;)


It is idyllic to think of each lovely child having his own library card and being a responsible library patron. I'd even call it a skill set to teach them. However, it is immensely impracticle (for me, at least), so I do it my way. I plan to let the kids gain by observation rather than practice on this front.

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I keep mine in my wallet. I have my number memorized so I don't even have to pull it out. We have check-out machines where you can input the number. If I check them out with an actual librarian and don't have my card, I can use my driver's license.


I have a library books basket in the den. They are not allowed to take library books to their room, so that really helps.

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I keep our library cards in my vehicle-DH never takes them to the library and my vehicle is basically my big large 4X4 purse so we're assured we always have our cards.


I also have a huge bag that holds all our books and keep the print out of the books we have checked out in it. The kids have to periodically do a welfare check on the status of the list but we finally have a reliable system down.


We have cards in all their names so that we can juggle them as needed when we have outstanding fines! :lol:

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I made a pocket from a 3x5 card folded in half & stapled the edges, and stuck it to each dc's bedroom wall. Their library card goes in there as soon as we get home. It fits perfectly with just a bit sticking over the top so you can see that it's in there. The "as soon as we get home" part is what really makes it work, though.


Library books checked out on my card live in a bin in the living room. Books checked out on dc's cards live in a bin each has in her bedroom. I have their cards linked to my email, so I get a message the day one is overdue and we can get it there before fines build too much. They pay their own fines (only has to happen a couple of times before they are MUCH more careful). When we're getting ready to go to the library, I remind them to check their books for what's due soon.

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We put everything on one card...mine and I keep it in my purse. :) There is no chance to lose it that way. The kids have their own, but they are only used for rare instances...and I keep them in my purse too.


Each kid has their own book bag for the library, but once home they go into a laundry basket by the book case. The check out slip goes there too, so I have a list of what is out at any one time. If I am keeping books from one check out to another, I just wait a day and print out a list from the library website (once everything has a chance to be checked back in at the library).


One idea may be to use hot pink post it notes and stick them to the inside front cover of each book. Make sure they hang out..generously. Make it a rule that they must remain sticking out at all times. That may help to act like a 'flag' to find them in the rooms.

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Our library also uses key fobs but we usually only put the books on my card though just because it's easier to put all the books on one card and we can check out an unlimited number of books per card. Videos however have a limit per card. If we happen to checkout more than what we can have on my card, we will put the extra videos on the kids' cards (all the key fob cards are on my car keys, the kids had their actual cards and I occasionally find them in the laundry or under the couch :lol: ).


For organization, we have a shelf in the living room for library books. I've also had to put a limit on how many books the kids can check out at one time. They tend to want to check out every book on a subject so I've had to limit them to 5 books per kid per trip. Five has been a good number for us, enough to pick out a variety without having to search for books they don't remember checking out. *sigh* When I let them pick as many as they wanted, they each got 15 - 20 books and half the time at least 5 of their books went back to the library unread. Five seems to be a manageable number that they can comfortably read in a week in addition to their school reading and books from our personal library.

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I have no idea where our library cards are. I have the numbers of all four cards memorized. And then each person has their own number memorized. So we don't take cards but enter in our number when we check out books.


We have a suitcase under the piano bench. All finished library books go into the suitcase. We wheel the suitcase to the library to unload and then load it up with our next suitcase full to bring home!

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Our library system issues keychain fobs along with the cards, so those go on my keyring an we never carry our cards.




If you have multiple library fobs, use a sharpie to write the card holder's name on the appropriate fob.


I stack the children's current reading selection on an end table next to the sofa. Missing books are usually found under or behind the sofa. My library sends an email notice a few days before books are due. Since we nearly always return books before the due date, I know to start hunting when I get the notice. So far we've managed avoid late fees on children's books. Adult books are another matter.

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First, Library Elf is wonderful and well worth the very small annual subscription fee. All of your cards at a glance, plus email reminders. I cannot begin to tell you how useful this is.


I keep a small change purse with our library cards in it in my handbag. Mostly, we all use my card, unless we are checking our more than the library's limit (99 per card) or there are fine issues with a particular card.


I have notes taped to my computer monitor listing the library card numbers for each member of the family, plus passwords, for the three library systems we use. That way, I can renew and request without removing my library card from my purse. Which means it's more likely to get done, and I'm less likely to think the card is in my purse when I've accidentally left it at the computer.


Books are kept in a large basket when not in use. My kids can check out as many books as they want.


Books can go out for 3 weeks and we can renew twice, so if a book isn't found the first time around I renew it and it usually shows up in time for the next.


Library elf has significantly cut down on lost/late books. Even a few fees, though, are significantly less than *one* trip to Borders, so with our systems in place I can be fairly relaxed and still come out OK financially.

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I keep the cards in my wallet since I doubt DH even knows where the library is:tongue_smilie:. All of our cards are linked and I go online and place holds on the stuff i need. Any card from our family can check them out then. As for the books, well, they don't leave the classroom or living room area.

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We were going to the library....AN HOUR AGO!!! But we haven't been able to find the library cards and a couple books. I have special place that library books go, but the kids didn't put them there :glare: DD, put her library card inside the missing book.


So, if I am notorious for loseing things myself...how do we keep these things safe?


Gracious ideas welcome and appreciated!!! :D


We also have the key chain cards. If yours doesn't have that option, then just punch a hole in your card - avoiding the bar code of course.


I agree with the others. My kids have their own cards, but we just don't use them anymore. It was too much to keep track of, so now everything goes on one account. Then on library day I can just pull up the one account and see the list of what we have out so I know what I need to be searching for.

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Library cards stay in my wallet. Everyone can check out their own books but have to give the cards back to me immediately. I prefer though to have everyone check as many books out on my card that we can because it is easier to look online at one account for due dates.


Keeping track of the books is a bit harder. We do have a big crate but they often don't always get put back in there. We do have a rule that all library books stay downstairs so at least if they go missing there is a smaller area to search.

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Another KISS poster. :001_smile: I only keep track of my own card & account. All children 10 and under use my card, and can only check out as many books as they have years. ;) I pay all fines on my card. At 11, each child is allowed/required (so far all have been eager) to obtain their own card. They are then allowed to use the library's computers, and check out as many books and DVDs as they want. They're also required to pay any fines, and keep track of their cards. :D

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My children are still little, so all the cards (including DH's) are with me, too. There is a limit of 10 holds on any one card, and books on hold can only be checked out on the specific card that was used to put them on hold. Which is so very irritating, but I guess a 'family card' system would be too much of an administrative challenge.


Books are all over the apartment, but cannot be shelved with books we own (there is a designated shelf for library books not in use). I keep track of all library books and due dates in a log book. Even so, we run up some fines, although nowhere near what would happen if I didn't have the log.

Edited by JennyD
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We finally made it to the library. I went to give her my card, which is on my keychain...AND IT WAS GONE!!!! This was the most comically frustrating library adventure we have had :tongue_smilie:My kids found it very humorous, that mommy lost her card :glare:


All, my other little ket card thingys were there, but that one was gone!!!

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Our library system issues keychain fobs along with the cards, so those go on my keyring an we never carry our cards.



I keep all of my store and library cards on one ring without any keys. It stays in my purse except when I need it and then it goes right back in. My kids' cards stay on there too, until they're old enough to carry wallets or purses to keep track of them.

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Does your library have an email notification system? I signed up for ours and it sends me an email 2 days before an item is due. It also sends me an email when a book I've reserved has come in. I go to the library every Weds so I always have stuff due even though books have a 3-week checkout. (Videos and dvd's have only a 1-week checkout.) But what I do first is go online to check my account and renew everything due that day. Then I spend my time first finding the items that won't renew (either it reached the renewal limit or that title has been reserved). After that the kids and I decide which other items we're done with. By renewing everything due that day, I reduce any fines I might incur if I can't find a title. And I get more time to track it down.


I do have a book basket in our school room, but as I said earlier the books do tend to get around.


I'm not very organized, but this works for me.



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Library cards stay in my desk drawer....so I have easy access to the # when I want to reserve stuff on the computer.


Library books do not leave the "TV room" in our house. Ever. Or they all go back and the kids don't get library books for a month. I keep them on the mantle, high out of the baby's reach and visible, so I can "see" if some are missing. We don't take out more than 15 at a time, so they all generally stay in that stack.


Except the WRTR that I have with school stuff right now :P But that is mine, and the kids wont' take it anywhere, LOL.


how old are your kids? are they still littles?


my teens love to read in bed...

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All library cards are either on my key fob (my cards) or in my wallet (DD's card - yes, she has her own, but I keep it).


Library books for DD either stay in a crate next to her bed or in a pile next to my living room chair - these are the main places we read. My library books are also next to my bed or my chair.


I have a library bag for transporting to and from, but keeping them in there wasn't working for us. DD wasn't reading them as she was forgetting them.

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This board is probably the only place I would publicly admit this, but . . .



I have my library card number memorized.


We can put holds on books online here, which I do all the time. Every time you put a book on hold, you have to put in your library card number and password. Because I have typed out that number so many times, I have it memorized.


It's nice, though, because when I forget to bring my card with me, I can just type it in at the self-checkout stations.


As far as keeping track of books, we have a spot on a family room shelf where the library books must stay if they're not being used at that moment.

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I got used to the little keychain things at our last home. So here I punched holes in the cards, and put them on a keychain. That lives in the book basket, which is big and has a big handle. The basket goes with us, gets emptied, filled, and travels back home again.

I write the library code on the wall calendar for when books are due, as a reminder. 3 days before books are due I get an email specific for each card.

We do use one card per person, PLUS I have a separate teacher card. I use their library card log as part of their legally required book log for the year, so I like being able to have each person's books broken up for me, and then use my teacher card for the group books.

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We also have keychain library cards, so they always stay in my purse. When we get home, I put all the books into 3 bins- one for family and one for each kid. The books stay in the living room, unless they have special permission to take one upstairs to read in bed. They must bring it back to the bin to take another one up there.

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We each have a library card (4 total). I keep all but hubbies in my wallet.


We have upwards of 100 books out at any given time from the library. We have a bookshelf that is dedicated just to library books. New ones get put on the shelf. Ones read and ready to go back to the library go into the wheeled library card (right next to the bookshelf).

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I have all of ours memorized. I have 3 my personal and my educator's card, and I have one from a different county library, as well.


I also have all our bank account numbers, cc and s s #s and various telephone numbers memorized, because I just do that. Not on purpose.


I try to keep all the library books in one box, but I have one box per floor.

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i never misplace the cards because they're in my wallet ~ but i pay overdue fines all the time.


we've tried the 'special bin' for library books and everyone just forgets to get them back in there... including me. they get away...under beds, in drawers, in backpacks, etc. then there's the 'get them back on time'..we won't even go there. so now, i just consider it my contribution to the library upkeep. :tongue_smilie:

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We just have one library card, and it stays in my wallet. We have a library book basket, but the books tend to wind up all over the house anyway. When we're going to the library, we just grab all the ones we can find, and I ask the librarian to renew any that are still out. They almost always turn up by the time we hit the limit on renewals. Also, we have fines pretty frequently.

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My library card is one of those keychain ones so it's always attached to my keys.


As for the books, we have a special place to keep our library books, which is the only thing I can recommend- but you're already doing that lol.


ETA: I have my library card number memorized, too! I input it often enough to reserve books online or through ILL!

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